19:05:15 <abadger1999> #startmeeting Ansible Core Meeting
19:05:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 15 19:05:15 2017 UTC.  The chair is abadger1999. Information about MeetBot at
19:05:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:05:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_meeting'
19:05:21 <newswangerd> o/
19:05:35 <abadger1999> #info Agenda:
19:06:18 * mikedlr waves surreptitiously
19:06:23 <abadger1999> #topic Allow implementing stdout/stdin params for command modules:
19:06:54 * nitzmahone glances up from last-minute coding
19:06:56 <abadger1999> #chair mikedlr newswangerd nitzmahone jimi|ansible bcoca jtanner dag
19:06:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca dag jimi|ansible jtanner mikedlr newswangerd nitzmahone
19:07:09 <jtanner> hello
19:07:18 <abadger1999> So this one just needs a decision really, maybe some discussion.
19:07:40 <abadger1999> There's a variety of reasons given i nthe linked PR as to why people want this.
19:07:57 <abadger1999> Howver, bcoca says that the only one that is really relevant is quoting
19:08:03 <abadger1999> The others are false arguments.
19:08:09 <nitzmahone> I don't have a problem with it- have had a couple scenarios where it would've been useful for me too
19:08:33 <jtanner> which pr?
19:08:44 <nitzmahone> Is there a  PR, or just the RFE issue?
19:08:49 <nitzmahone> (
19:08:59 <abadger1999> jtanner: I believe this is the PR which has most of hte arguments on it:
19:09:58 <jtanner> someone is working on a PR
19:10:40 <jtanner> #info
19:11:44 <jtanner> i can't come up with a good reason not to accept
19:12:25 <mikedlr> I understand that the solution would be 100% 8bit clean / unicode ignoring / binary data comes in and goes out to the command as it came in ?
19:12:28 <nitzmahone> So long as nobody starts asking us to implement `expect` behavior on it
19:12:30 <jimi|ansible> so i thought we already had stdout in the result, and the _lines value too which is the value split on \n
19:13:02 <nitzmahone> This is for piping data *in*
19:13:20 <abadger1999> bcoca: Looks like you never wrote down i nthe ticket why the security case was invalid... here's the argument in favour of that:
19:14:05 <abadger1999> jimi|ansible: yeah, this is to allow pseudo piping.
19:14:25 <sdoran> Seems like a collection of edge cases, but there are several strong argument for including it.
19:14:27 <jimi|ansible> oohhhhh, i read the strikethrough bit >_<
19:14:41 <sdoran> Seems like it would break the "purity" of command not being used for piping data.
19:14:50 <sdoran> Which may just be a docs change.
19:15:15 <abadger1999> sdoran: sorta... but that's really so that the syntax specified in the playbook doesn't have to be sanitized for shell.
19:15:25 <nitzmahone> Yeah, probably a simple wording change there, but doesn't change the underlying security benefits of command IMO
19:15:35 <sdoran> Will this result in a bunch of issues with "OMG Ansible displayed the stdout in logs"? We won't be able to intelligently mask what they pass in if it's sensitive.
19:15:37 <abadger1999> sdoran: ie   "- command: echo |;>  "  will just work
19:15:55 <jimi|ansible> ok so yeah, i think the idea overall is fine
19:16:01 <abadger1999> whereas "- shell: echo |;> "  will need the shell reognized characters quoted
19:16:15 <abadger1999> okay cool.  I'm also +1 to the idea.
19:16:36 <abadger1999> I think bcoca was like -0.5... Not 100% opposed but didn't see the point.
19:17:19 <alikins> I lean towards allowing stdin just for practicality. To me main downside is it is kind of unstructured and platform specific, but that goes with the territory for command/shell
19:17:21 <abadger1999> I'll let these people know that we've decided to accept the change but we have to figure out who is actually writing htat PR.  (I'll coordinate.)
19:17:28 <nitzmahone> I think this provides a shell-agnostic way to do it vs needing to mess with levels of escaping and stuff to do via existing shell, so I'm +1
19:17:46 * sdoran agrees
19:17:48 <sdoran> +1
19:17:49 <jimi|ansible> yep
19:18:11 <sdoran> Less crazy shell escaping is always a way to make the world a better place.
19:18:23 <abadger1999> #info jimi|ansible, nitzmahone, alikins, abadger1999, jtanner, sdoran: all basically for it, bcoca mildly opposed.  We've agreed to take a PR
19:18:23 <jimi|ansible> for that one commit, to bikeshed the name i don't want it called stdin
19:18:28 <alikins> nitzmahone: good point
19:18:43 <abadger1999> #action abadger1999 to search for the outtanding PRs on this feature and coordinate until something is merged.
19:18:49 <jimi|ansible> i liked "data" in the original proposal
19:18:56 <jimi|ansible> it matches what we call it internally too
19:19:14 <nitzmahone> `data` WFM
19:19:26 <abadger1999> #info jimi|ansible requests that the parameter be named data rather than stdin.
19:21:06 * sdoran runs away from naming related discussion
19:21:10 <abadger1999> #topic Backwards incompatible policy for status=preview modules:
19:22:01 <abadger1999> So we created status=preview so that modules labeled preview could make backwards incompatible changes to their parameters with less hassle than those labelled stableinterface.
19:22:19 <abadger1999> This issue is basically "what do we define less hassle as?"
19:23:15 <abadger1999> I threw a few ideas onto the ticket in the alternatives section.
19:23:18 <jimi|ansible> less hassle == use at your own risk because params/functionality
19:23:27 <jimi|ansible> * might change
19:23:30 <nitzmahone> For community modules (really everything) I'd vote for "leave up to maintainers"- I don't think we want a  lot of bureaucracy around that
19:23:40 <nitzmahone> +1 to what jimi said
19:24:27 <abadger1999> #info Proposal For community modules marked status=preview, leave it up to the maintainer whether to change params, whether to have deprecation period, etc.
19:24:44 <abadger1999> I don't care so +1 from me
19:24:52 <mikedlr> declaration of interest; I think several aws modules I am involved in may end up changing interface and they are currently declared as preview or will be when committed.
19:25:08 <alikins> backwards compat to what? ever? same minor release (2.4.*) ?
19:25:14 <abadger1999> mikedlr: <nod>  Yeah, they would fall under what we decide here too.
19:25:21 <jimi|ansible> alikins: generally ever
19:25:25 <alikins> but generally, I'd say
19:25:35 <mikedlr> I think that the crucial simplification sis that if someone comments in a PR "but that's a breaking change" I can answer "that's okay - it's a preview module"
19:25:51 <abadger1999> alikins: Good point... I would still like there not to be backwards compatibilities in a minor release.
19:25:57 <nitzmahone> Within same minor release *should* be a non-issue 99+% of the time
19:26:14 <abadger1999> (so 2.4.x you're stuck with the params you have but those could all be changed for 2.5.x)
19:26:27 <nitzmahone> Unless there's like a major security issue or something else that makes it completely useless without UI changes (*cough*docker*cough*)
19:27:20 <abadger1999> #info Proposal For community modules marked status=preview, leave it up to the maintainer whether to change params, whether to have deprecation period, etc. But params must stay compatible within a minor release series (example: all 2.4.x releases).  Incompatible changes must be documented
19:27:45 <alikins> 'preview' == this can change. Might as well say 'at any time for any reason'.  The larger fix is sorting out playbook <-> ansible version and module version compat so that becomes less of a policy question
19:28:25 <abadger1999> idon't think I want us in that second area.
19:28:57 <abadger1999> But regardless, we don't have that now so we need to make a policy for what we have now.
19:29:38 <abadger1999> Anyone else have something they think we should add or subtract from a policy?
19:30:21 <mikedlr> I'm not sure that I'm okay with the "same in minor release" in all cases; perhaps "same in minor release once it's been there for at least two"??
19:31:08 <bcoca> minor releases dont accept feature changes already
19:31:09 <abadger1999> mikedlr: I don't think we should be changing params incompatibly in what should be a bugfix release.
19:31:10 <nitzmahone> I doubt we're going to budge much on that one
19:31:14 <bcoca> abadger1999: -0 on stdin
19:31:15 <misc> I think it would also help if the status of module was more visible. Right now, you have to explicitely verify it
19:31:31 <mikedlr> we have a big interface problem in matching AWS CamelCase to Ansible snake_caseand there might be what is considered a "bug" there.
19:31:40 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: keep stdin name as most cli utilities will refer to it as stdin option, data will confuse when looking to interoperate
19:31:45 <misc> for example, maybe something that do warn on preview module usage ?
19:32:05 <bcoca> abadger1999: security disclosure stil lhappens when data on stdin, that is why quoting is only real thing they 'bypass' there
19:32:06 <nitzmahone> oy, that'd be warnings on like 2/3 of the modules out there now
19:32:11 <misc> (or more visible in doc, like some color code instead of a blurb at the end of the page :/ )
19:32:26 <misc> (end of the doc page)
19:32:39 <abadger1999> misc: ah yeah... that was something I was supposed to work on for 2.4 but it slipped off of my radar... the main problem I have is what should the rules look like to configure that.
19:32:42 <bcoca> more like 80% of modules
19:32:53 <abadger1999> misc: I'll talk to you in #ansible-devel after the meeting about it if you have time.
19:33:16 <misc> abadger1999: sure
19:33:23 <misc> (time to talk, yesà
19:33:40 <misc> nitzmahone, bcoca: but out of those, how many are used by lots of people ?
19:33:40 <nitzmahone> Def +1 to more prominent notification of preview status in docs
19:33:51 <bcoca> misc: most of em
19:34:03 <bcoca> misc: starting by aws as mentioned above, most cloud modules are in preview
19:34:29 <misc> fair enough, I do not use cloud much, except when I want to block my old arch enemy, the sun
19:34:48 <bcoca> misc: or bsd specific ones ..., aslo in preview
19:34:51 <abadger1999> nitzmahone: I'm touching docs for something else... make sure to mention that to me after the meeting and I'll make that change as well (move to the top of the doc and all caps or an explanation or something)
19:35:40 <misc> so then, what percentage of preview would make it acceptable to have some warning option ?
19:35:45 * nitzmahone will try to remember between this meeting an WWG
19:36:04 <bcoca> misc: i prefer to just remove them from repo and people install from 3rd party location , then it is clear
19:36:30 <nitzmahone> +10000
19:36:42 <abadger1999> nitzmahone: between half of your attention and half of mine maybe we'll remember ;-)
19:37:31 <misc> bcoca: I would see that as a bit painful
19:37:55 <abadger1999> Okay, discussion is moving off center a bit... let's vote on the proposal as given and if there's not overwhelming support we can vote on it with the minor releases clause modified.
19:38:01 <bcoca> misc: more than having us as bottleneck for every plugin?
19:38:10 <abadger1999> Here's the proposal again:
19:38:11 <abadger1999> ‎ #info Proposal For community modules marked status=preview, leave it up to the maintainer whether to change params, whether to have deprecation period, etc. But params must stay compatible within a minor release series (example: all 2.4.x releases).  Incompatible changes must be documented
19:38:22 <abadger1999> +1
19:38:37 <bcoca> ^ while the ansible project is held accountable, i say that at least 'clear documentation' is required in module
19:38:50 <bcoca> cause even if community, we are still affected by it
19:38:55 <bcoca> as is the project
19:38:55 <nitzmahone> +1
19:38:56 <abadger1999> bcoca: yep, that's in the proposal.
19:39:06 <abadger1999> " Incompatible changes must be documented"
19:39:34 <nitzmahone> I don't think it hurts to be intentionally vague about what form that might take, though- let's trust our maintainers to Do the Right THing
19:39:54 * bcoca would point nitzmahone and plenty of bad examples ...
19:40:11 <abadger1999> jtanner, jimi|ansible, sdoran, etc.. votes on this incompatible changes proposal?
19:40:19 <bcoca> but afaik ... this is already "current state" .. proposal doesnt change that
19:40:28 <jimi|ansible> +1
19:40:39 <abadger1999> alikins: ^
19:40:49 <mikedlr> +0.7
19:40:51 <bcoca> ^ or is this just to write 'current state' into docs somewhere?
19:41:04 <bcoca> +1 to that, if not alreayd documented
19:41:36 <sdoran> +1 to documenting clearly
19:41:46 <alikins> +1 up to maintainer
19:41:58 <sdoran> So we don't get blamed for someone breaking the glittercloud module that we've never heard of
19:42:32 <sdoran> (documenting and up to maintainer is what I meant)
19:42:45 <bcoca> i was already operating as this was the case
19:42:47 <abadger1999> Cool.  I see strong support and no objections so I'll record thi proposal as passed.
19:43:02 <bcoca> abadger1999: i believe we already documented this .. i just cannot find it right now
19:43:05 <abadger1999> #action abadger1999 to open a docs PR to get this documented.
19:43:11 <abadger1999> #undo
19:43:11 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by abadger1999 at 19:43:05 : abadger1999 to open a docs PR to get this documented.
19:43:21 <abadger1999> #action abadger1999 to open a docs PR to get this documented in the module guidelines.
19:44:08 <abadger1999> #topic Add more modules for command/shell  warning:
19:44:12 <abadger1999> dag: are you here?
19:44:45 <abadger1999> This one is to add more cli commands that when used in command: and shell: issue a warning pointing at the module.
19:44:50 <bcoca> <= is part, we just dont have it all in 1, we have 'no features in minor releases also'
19:45:10 <bcoca> -1 those are annoy people to no end
19:45:12 <abadger1999> I dislike that warning in general so I'm -1 to this.
19:45:29 <bcoca> +1 if the warning was dynamically based on existing modules
19:45:48 <bcoca> but additional hardcoding of lists ... seems wrong apporach, im of a mind of removing teh 'feature'
19:46:24 <abadger1999> Anyone want to defend this PR?
19:46:37 <bcoca> imho this is taking handholding too far, at this point we are using the 3 conches for them
19:46:44 <kustodian> it would probably be better to remove some warnings, for example using `command: sudo ...` is really annoyting that Ansible constantly tells me to use `become: yes` and I know in that case is not possible
19:47:03 <bcoca> ^ case in point
19:47:04 <abadger1999> jimi|ansible: ^ I know you have prevented me from removing this feature in the past so maybe you want to weigh in as to whether to add more to it?  (to provide the counter to bcoca and I)
19:47:36 <jimi|ansible> i did? i don't recall that but i don't hate it, if people don't find it useful though there's no point in expanding it
19:47:44 <bcoca> or at least off by default and have config flag 'nany=No/Yes'
19:48:34 <kustodian> it's a very useful feature for new people
19:48:53 <kustodian> but it should warn you only if it's 100% sure it is correct to use the module
19:49:09 <bcoca> kustodian: really cannot do that
19:49:20 <kustodian> bcoca, why not?
19:49:22 <abadger1999> #info Not in favor of expanding the list of commands that get a warning to use a module instead.
19:49:42 <bcoca> modules would have to have mapping to every possible combination/options of cli and either declare supported or unsupported
19:49:51 <bcoca> the ammount of work needed is ridiculous
19:50:05 <nitzmahone> agreed, starts to feel very "Clippy" at some point... "It looks like you're trying to deploy an ELK stack..."
19:50:11 <kustodian> bcoca, not asking to cover all combinations
19:50:15 <kustodian> just the most used ones
19:50:23 <kustodian> e.g. yum install ...
19:50:27 <kustodian> use yum module
19:50:27 <abadger1999> #info may talk about a config to toggle it or dynamically generating the list of (commands => modules) later.
19:50:30 <bcoca> kustodian: which in the case of sudo alone is a few hundred permutations
19:50:48 <kustodian> sudo just remove, has too many combinations
19:50:53 <kustodian> but e.g. service doesn't
19:51:09 <kustodian> it warns on service nginx configtest, even thought service doesn't support that param
19:51:19 <bcoca> kustodian: it does
19:51:23 <bcoca> arguments
19:51:46 <kustodian> that's whay I'm saying, lower the number of warnings to those which are really good warnings/suggestions
19:52:22 <kustodian> aha, you mean with arguments param it supports it
19:52:30 <bcoca> kustodian: happy to take PR that does that for everyone, just not sure you understand what that entails given our user base
19:53:17 <kustodian> bcoca, I did make a PR which fixes some of them, the list wasn't very big as far as I remember it
19:53:19 <abadger1999> #topic Moving url documentation to doc fragments, removing some params from the url argspec:
19:53:22 <misc> wouldn't it make more sense to have this in ansible-lint ?
19:53:36 <bcoca> misc: yes, and out of the main code
19:54:19 <kustodian> not a bad idea :)
19:54:31 <bcoca> ^ it was 'original
19:54:42 <nitzmahone> +1000 to that
19:54:48 <bcoca> placement for it, but back then our main dev wanted 'all linting' to be inline
19:54:50 <nitzmahone> "cute" feature, doesn't scale
19:55:07 <abadger1999> Cool.
19:55:08 <bcoca> and 'cute' is very subjective in this case
19:55:16 <abadger1999> Okay, so this url PR is the next one.
19:55:25 <abadger1999> i don't think we can take it as is
19:55:41 <abadger1999> as it removes things from the common url_argument_spec()
19:55:49 <abadger1999> so it's backwards incompatible module_utils code.
19:56:11 <bcoca> -1 ... if he wants that, needs to create new argspec to migrate to
19:56:26 <abadger1999> dag's arguments for why it's a better argspec may make senes but we have to maintain backwards compat.
19:57:05 <bcoca> aka, new argspec that is the 'reduced version' ... seems just -url and -force
19:57:13 <abadger1999> I'm going to be asking for input on revamping at contributor summit.
19:57:19 <bcoca> can even be used by 'current argspec' to build the backwards compat version
19:57:22 <abadger1999> Perhaps new urls api is also a good idea?
19:57:56 <bcoca> not sure, current one deals with sooooo much crap ... new one will probably miss a few hundred things that will then require bugfixing
19:58:15 <abadger1999> yeah, thats' partially true.
19:58:25 <abadger1999> I'm not at all eager to change the backend.
19:58:49 <abadger1999> But I would like to change the frontend (how to call it and what return values you get)
19:59:01 <bcoca> i would do here same as we've discussed for basic ... migrate/partition code, but still use it from old api to keep backwards compat
19:59:08 <abadger1999> But it's lower on my priorities than
19:59:39 <bcoca> is probably also easier to tackle, larger but less complicated
19:59:54 <abadger1999> agreed
20:00:08 <abadger1999> and more opportunity to do a piece at a time.
20:00:14 <bcoca> so -1 to this in current form, +1 if adapted to what was discussed above
20:00:29 <abadger1999> Same from me
20:00:34 <abadger1999> anyone else?
20:00:41 <bcoca> +5 if we make jimi|ansible do it ...
20:00:53 <jimi|ansible> ;_;
20:00:59 <abadger1999> bcoca: or sivel... he made the last few major changes ;-)
20:01:14 <alikins> no opinion
20:01:24 <bcoca> nah, jimi|ansible needs to get our of core engine a bit ... make him clean up module_utils
20:01:31 <bcoca> ;-p
20:02:20 <abadger1999> #info change can't be made as written due to compatibility.  Propose to dag that we discuss and implement a new urls apis or at the least a new, parallel url_arg_spec.
20:03:03 <bcoca> and we should keep dupe code to min by reusing new from old
20:03:17 <abadger1999> #topic Open floor
20:03:32 <abadger1999> Announcement from gundalow
20:03:36 <abadger1999> Ansible Contributor Summit 5 (Part of AnsibleFest 2017 San Francisco)
20:03:37 <abadger1999> When: 2017-09-06:
20:03:39 <abadger1999> Notes:
20:03:40 <abadger1999> Event will be in person + online (Video + IRC)
20:03:42 <abadger1999> Agenda is open for topics for the next Contributors Summit
20:03:43 <abadger1999> Please add (and vote +1) for any topics.
20:04:05 <abadger1999> This will be a two day event, one day before ansiblefest and one day after it (wed, and friday)
20:04:30 <abadger1999> Add and vote on the agenda and prepare to attend in person or via video if interested.
20:04:33 <abadger1999> Anyone else?
20:04:41 <abadger1999> If not, I'll close in 60 seconds
20:06:03 <abadger1999> #endmeeting