15:59:40 <akasurde> #startmeeting Ansible VMware Working Group Meeting
15:59:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 14 15:59:40 2017 UTC.  The chair is akasurde. Information about MeetBot at
15:59:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:59:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_vmware_working_group_meeting'
16:00:28 <jtanner> hello
16:00:28 <pdellaert> o/
16:00:34 <akasurde> #chair jtanner
16:00:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde jtanner
16:00:39 <akasurde> #chair pdellaert
16:00:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde jtanner pdellaert
16:00:41 <dag> o/
16:00:47 <dericcrago> hi
16:00:48 <akasurde> #chair dag
16:00:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde dag jtanner pdellaert
16:00:53 <akasurde> #chair dericcrago
16:00:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde dag dericcrago jtanner pdellaert
16:00:54 <dag> #action dag will ask for a meeting bot here
16:01:07 <jtanner> you mean in ansible-vmware?
16:01:13 <dag> yes :-)
16:02:14 * dag still needs to add action items to the Plan from previous meetings
16:02:19 <kaneda-f_> Hi
16:02:27 <akasurde> #chair kaneda-f_
16:02:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde dag dericcrago jtanner kaneda-f_ pdellaert
16:02:30 <jtanner> side note: i am no longer the only one in this group with god powers on the github repos
16:02:54 * akasurde wondering who else ?
16:03:15 <akasurde> Hello everyone, let us start meeting
16:03:25 <jtanner> our friendly neighborhood dag
16:03:41 <pdellaert> friendly?
16:03:45 <akasurde> Cool
16:03:46 <pdellaert> ok...
16:03:50 * dag probably complained too much ;-)
16:04:19 <akasurde> #topic What are the problems with govcsim
16:04:21 <dag> pdellaert: :-)
16:04:28 <akasurde> #link
16:04:29 <bcoca> dag: MPD did same to me .. once i complained too much,  ... now i'm 'complained to'
16:04:46 <akasurde> #chair bcoca
16:04:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde bcoca dag dericcrago jtanner kaneda-f_ pdellaert
16:04:51 <dag> bcoca: so it's punishment :)
16:05:06 <pdellaert> Background: I've been looking at doing something useful on the VMworld Hackathon (Barcelona one)
16:05:27 <jtanner> didn't know there was a vmworld barcelona
16:05:43 <pdellaert> and i was wondering what is the most useful: trying to add functionality to govcsim for the vmware modules
16:05:54 <pdellaert> or work on modules themselves (and in that case, i'd suggest a new module)
16:05:57 <dag> pdellaert: I prepared a sprint to tackle open issues
16:06:21 <akasurde> pdellaert, Me and dag listed few here -
16:06:23 <dag> pdellaert: at PyCon there was also a sprint IIRC
16:06:30 <jtanner> contributing to vcsim is a hefty topic ... are we really at a point to train people on that?
16:06:35 <pdellaert> dag: working on open issues (on existing modules), is hardly exiting for others at a hackathon :)
16:06:51 <jtanner> i still don't know jack about golang
16:07:10 <dag> akasurde: Yes, I was going to add references to open tickets for govcsim (and we should open tickets for each one that hasn't)
16:07:21 <akasurde> jtanner, same here
16:07:40 <dag> jtanner: contributing is one thing, we should at least report them...
16:07:43 <akasurde> dag I remember that is action item for me
16:07:45 <jtanner> filing vcsim bugs/features is probably doable
16:07:59 <pdellaert> i agree
16:08:23 <dag> pdellaert: it's all perception, the Windows sprint was very exciting, we almost closed them all (with some delay)
16:09:20 <pdellaert> dag: i get that, but i can't take over the hackathon event as a sprint to fix issues with people who might have never or hardly worked on Ansible modules
16:09:53 <kaneda_> Pretty new here, are you al guys mainly working on vcenter or also on vCloud ?
16:09:54 <pdellaert> doing a sprint on VMware modules issues, is great, just not something for during a public hackathon event
16:09:55 <dag> pdellaert: true, govcsim is more attractive, and doesn't have to be Ansible-related as such
16:09:57 <jtanner> i suspect you might have to cater your sprint topics based on the attendees general ability levels
16:10:27 <jtanner> who's going?
16:10:40 <pdellaert> kaneda_: i think most here are involved with vCenter only... however, if there is something you want to discuss on vCloud, we can add it at the end of the meeting?
16:10:41 <akasurde> pdellaert, are you targeting golang or Python (ansible) in Hackthon
16:10:50 * dag is trying to get his flight rescheduled to go to the second contributors meeting day
16:10:51 <pdellaert> akasurde: i'm open to both
16:11:01 <dag> out of the blue there was a second day announced :-(
16:11:13 <kanedafr> pdellaert: sure
16:12:17 <dag> #action akasurde + dag will document / report the various vcsim issues on the Wiki
16:12:21 <pdellaert> akasurde: i haven't added a topic yet, first thing i wanted to discuss: There might be some interest in Ansible functionality during the hackathon (i saw some tweets on that for VMworld US)
16:13:00 <akasurde> pdellaert, ok
16:13:14 <dag> #action pdellaert will do something exciting at VMWorld related to govcsim/ansible (TBA)
16:13:58 <pdellaert> and either we see a chance for a simple module that a team might be able to work on, or we propose expanding govcsim with something useful for Ansible testing
16:14:15 <akasurde> pdellaert, I can tell you two features in govcsim that we can have for Ansible - Snapshot and Maintenance mode
16:14:17 <pdellaert> personally, getting a simple module going, seems more interesting
16:14:27 <jtanner> if you go with a module, make sure it's something vcsim supports
16:14:42 <dag> creating integrations tests is something doable too
16:15:15 <dag> but you may have to select which modules can be supported
16:15:18 <pdellaert> dag: far less exciting ;), the team has to present it to try and win the competition ;)
16:15:25 <dag> ah
16:15:55 <jtanner> speaking of which ...
16:16:02 <jtanner> does that imply vcsim handles licensing now?
16:16:15 <akasurde> maybe we can use experts available in hackthon for Ansible
16:16:48 <akasurde> jtanner, last time I tried it didn't work for me
16:16:54 <jtanner> doh
16:16:55 <pdellaert> jtanner: on the hackathon, you get a full vCenter 6.5 + NSX environment, so it might be more interesting of something that is useful in Ansible, but not necessarily supported by vcsim (tho it would be nice, of course)
16:17:10 <jtanner> who's providing that?
16:17:10 <pdellaert> Anyway, there's two things here we are discussing at once:
16:17:33 <pdellaert> 1) Get govcsim limitations as issues on govcsim so they can be resolved
16:18:21 <akasurde> jtanner, VMware :)
16:18:39 <pdellaert> 2) Proposals for the VMworld Hackathon activities: is there a module we could use that is exciting (if no-one can think of something, i'll do an analysis on current functionality and see if i can come up with something :))
16:18:51 <jtanner> ok
16:19:10 <pdellaert> on (1) Let's start with getting the limitations in issues
16:20:07 <jtanner> a suggestion: every example in the modules should ultimately have a tested path
16:21:41 <pdellaert> on (2): i'm willing to lead a team, just trying to find the most exciting thing to do... And that might be different from what is crucial to do at this stage. I want to use the hackathon to get people excited to work on VMware Ansible stuff, once they work on something fun, they might be more eager to also work on the integration tests, other module issues, etc
16:22:10 <jtanner> i have no advice on that front
16:25:05 <pdellaert> ok, anyway, we don't need to talk to long on this, i just wanted to inform of the opportunity
16:25:33 <akasurde> OK Let us discuss PR review then
16:25:50 <akasurde> #topic Code review
16:26:17 <akasurde> pdellaert, you have a PR to discuss right ?
16:26:29 <pdellaert> we had the issue with CDROM support in vmware_guest
16:26:33 <akasurde> #link
16:26:39 <pdellaert> i've opened a PR for it
16:27:48 <pdellaert> tested on vCenter with adding CDROM on VM creation, CDROM update on existing shutdown VM and CDROM update on running VM
16:27:51 <akasurde> pdellaert, I haven't read whole code but look good to me
16:29:14 <pdellaert> take your time, it's just the requested functionality that was missing from vmware_guest vs vsphere_guest
16:30:14 <jtanner> how do you initiate a kickstart with that? (i'm dumb, educate me)
16:30:44 <jtanner> and then how do you detach the cdrom aftewards?
16:30:57 <pdellaert> you create a VM, attach a kickstart ISO on it, and by default, if the VM has no bootable partition on its HDs, VMware will boot from CDROM
16:31:23 <pdellaert> detach isn't supported on the module yet (wasn't supported on vsphere_guest either), but it is something i want to add
16:31:29 <pdellaert> i just wantted to get the PR started
16:31:36 <jtanner> that implies the ISO is automatically initiating kickstart?
16:31:56 <pdellaert> so that initial functionality is there and can be reviewed
16:32:03 <pdellaert> jtanner: yes
16:32:09 <pdellaert> or you open the console
16:32:45 <jtanner> the old module had no way to provide kernel/kickstart args?
16:32:51 <pdellaert> no
16:33:07 <jtanner> k, that's something i was confused about then
16:33:09 <pdellaert> at least, not that i'm aware of
16:35:52 <akasurde> Next one -
16:35:55 <akasurde> #link
16:35:59 <pdellaert> ok, so vsphere_guest did also support client cdrom, missed that... i'll be adding some more functionality (specifying an extra sub param on the cdrom: type: iso/client/none)
16:37:43 <jtanner> akasurde: merged
16:38:09 <akasurde> Thanks jtanner
16:38:29 <akasurde> #link
16:38:47 <akasurde> pdellaert, dag could you please comment on 25772
16:38:57 <akasurde> jtanner, ^^
16:39:02 <pdellaert> #action pdellaert to add removal of cdrom iso (introducing type, with two values: iso or client)
16:39:04 <jtanner> i have never used VCA before
16:39:30 <dag> akasurde: will do, on phone call
16:39:38 <akasurde> dag ok
16:39:44 <pdellaert> akasurde: LGTM
16:40:05 <pdellaert> (only checked code, not tested)
16:40:12 <jtanner> akasurde: merged
16:40:18 <kanedafr> i can test that
16:40:28 <jtanner> file bug if test fails
16:40:34 <akasurde> kanedafr, thanks
16:40:45 <akasurde> jtanner, thanks for merge
16:40:52 <akasurde> anyone has anything else to discuss
16:41:38 <jtanner> what's the general consensus on how this working group is functioning?
16:41:43 <jtanner> are we happy?
16:42:39 <dag> I don't think the action plan is actively being managed :-)
16:42:45 <dag> but if it works without it, I'm good
16:42:57 <dag> just worried that some of the action-items from the meeting are not being followed up
16:43:35 * dag is happy we have this forum
16:44:17 <akasurde> I am happy with WG (atleast we have someone to talk with :))
16:44:34 <dag> indeed
16:45:07 <pdellaert> same, happy we have a team looking at this and a forum to discuss how to move forward
16:45:08 <dag> a lot of people signed up for the WG, so pdellaert you should probably announce your hackathon to those people
16:45:32 <dag> these are VMware-people with Ansible knowledge and may be present at VMWorls
16:45:43 <dag> we should also get these people more involved
16:45:50 <pdellaert> i will, thanks, what's the best place, wiki or one of the community threads?
16:45:57 <dag> that's why I wanted to do that sprint
16:46:13 <akasurde> maybe a issue like invitation
16:46:19 <dag> pdellaert: you could open an issue on the community repo with these people in cc:
16:46:50 <dag> (it's not that easy to get the github handles from the current page though, would be nice if this was managed from a YAML file)
16:46:55 <akasurde> +1
16:46:57 <dag> (just like kubernetes is doing)
16:48:03 <pdellaert> #action pdellaert to trigger a bit of spam on VMworld EU hackathon
16:48:08 <dag> :-D
16:48:16 <pdellaert> ;)
16:48:27 <dag> We have some work to do on the new VMware modules before v2.4
16:48:33 <dag> the deadline is 29/8
16:48:46 <dag> maybe we may want to schedule some time for working on those ?
16:49:07 <dag> (e.g. one or two hours after next week's meeting ?)
16:49:23 <jtanner> what is special about 2.4?
16:49:58 <jtanner> fyi, the ansible org is having an allhands meeting next week so our response is going to be limited
16:50:34 <pdellaert> I'll be out next week (unless i find a gap in my conference presenting schedule that overlaps with this meeting)
16:50:34 <dag> jtanner: if people submitted modules before the submission deadline, they would be disappointed if (for lack of feedback) these modules won't ship
16:51:27 <pdellaert> i'll do my action points this week (also traveling starting wednesday afternoon, but that should be fine)
16:53:03 <akasurde> #topic open floor
16:53:24 <kanedafr> I have one question regarding API integration
16:53:35 <kanedafr> Today teh vcloud
16:53:35 <akasurde> kanedafr, yes please
16:54:03 <kanedafr> Today the vcloud API integration is based on pyvcloud, which doesn't cover the entire API
16:54:45 <kanedafr> to increase the scope, would the direction be to push pyvcloud to cover more (not much activity there) or add that directly in the vca / vcloud modules ?
16:55:09 <jtanner> is there an alternative to pyvcloud?
16:55:37 <pdellaert> i'd suggest to push pyvcloud development more, especially as it is the official VMware library.
16:55:50 <kanedafr> it's not really official
16:56:01 <kanedafr> only Java, .Net & PHP are official
16:56:08 <pdellaert> It's on their github, it is more official than any 3rd party one ;)
16:56:13 <kanedafr> sure ;)
16:56:47 <pdellaert> the point being: If it is in a library from VMware, there's more confidence in it being the best way of using the API
16:56:52 <kanedafr> alternative would be to add teh API support directly in ansible module. I did one to manage independant disks
16:57:50 <kanedafr> the challenge on I see on pyvcloud is taht there is no active development
16:58:08 <pdellaert> Well, it's certainly not against the rules (i'd say, others will correct me) to do that, and if it is the only way, perhaps it can be accepted? But it should clearly be marked as such, and tracked to be cleaned up if pyvcloud evolves to support something
16:59:19 <kanedafr> ok, I'll check with the current contact on pyvcloud first, then move on developing ansible modules
16:59:30 <pdellaert> The problem on developing the own API integration, is going to be maintenance, support, and testing
16:59:44 <akasurde> also trust
17:00:08 <akasurde> people prefer things if it is from VMware or actual vendor
17:00:08 <pdellaert> yeah (part of support, in my view)
17:00:08 <kanedafr> indeed
17:00:29 <pdellaert> anyway: I'd try and trigger the pyvcloud maintainers to see what their future plans are
17:01:12 <kanedafr> on vcenter integration, you are using a vmware library ?
17:01:15 <dag> kanedafr: If you like to lead any effort related to vcloud, you don't need to ask for permission
17:01:21 <dag> it's been granted here and now :-P
17:01:29 <kanedafr> thanks ;)
17:01:31 <pdellaert> :p
17:01:37 <akasurde> ok
17:01:55 <akasurde> if we don;t have anything then we can close the meeting for today
17:02:00 <pdellaert> what dag basically is saying: Fix the whole vCloud integration!
17:02:01 <pdellaert> ;)
17:02:07 <dag> kanedafr: you can add stuff to the Wiki, track progress there, find people with similar interest etc.
17:02:07 <pdellaert> thanks akasurde !
17:02:20 <akasurde> #endmeeting