
#ansible-meeting: ansible meeting

Meeting started by thaumos at 15:00:01 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Open Topic (thaumos, 15:09:32)
    1. (bcoca, 15:10:19)
    2. <= where 'vars plugins' run (bcoca, 15:53:02)
    3. ACTION: core team to discuss with jmckerr how to fit renaming namespaced facts into the 2.4 release (abadger1999, 16:03:27)
    4. ACTION: core team to discuss with jimi|ansible as well (thaumos, 16:03:43)

Meeting ended at 16:23:33 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. core team to discuss with jmckerr how to fit renaming namespaced facts into the 2.4 release
  2. core team to discuss with jimi|ansible as well

Action items, by person

  1. jimi|ansible
    1. core team to discuss with jimi|ansible as well

People present (lines said)

  1. bcoca (87)
  2. thaumos (57)
  3. abadger1999 (26)
  4. alikins (21)
  5. samdoran (18)
  6. jtanner (18)
  7. zodbot (12)
  8. chillysurfer (7)
  9. jimi|ansible (5)
  10. ryansb (1)
  11. akasurde (1)
  12. shertel (1)
  13. resmo (1)

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