16:02:59 <gundalow> #startmeeting Network Working Group
16:02:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 14 16:02:59 2017 UTC.  The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at
16:02:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:02:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'network_working_group'
16:03:13 <gundalow> #cahir funzo trishnag caphrim007 Qalthos rcarrillocruz
16:03:20 <gundalow> #chair funzo trishnag caphrim007 Qalthos rcarrillocruz
16:03:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos caphrim007 funzo gundalow rcarrillocruz trishnag
16:03:23 * Qalthos waves
16:03:50 <gundalow> #info Agenda:
16:04:10 <gundalow> #topic bigip_* PRs
16:04:14 <caphrim007> i believe i have a number of open prs :-P
16:04:24 <gundalow> #info
16:04:32 <gundalow> caphrim007: Just a few, you've been busy
16:04:59 <caphrim007> i panicked when i saw your timeline announcement
16:05:16 <gundalow> Excellent, so it worked :)
16:05:23 <caphrim007> -.-
16:05:54 <gundalow> In previous years we get a mass rush of new modules the week before the deadline
16:05:58 <itdependsnetwork> for those not as familiar, can you provide timeline again?
16:06:04 <gundalow> not just networkin that's across the board
16:06:12 <gundalow> #chair itdependsnetwork
16:06:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos caphrim007 funzo gundalow itdependsnetwork rcarrillocruz trishnag
16:06:14 <caphrim007> gundalow: understood
16:06:33 <gundalow> #info 2.4 deadlines
16:06:37 <gundalow> itdependsnetwork:
16:06:57 <gundalow> mwiebe: Hi :)
16:07:05 <mwiebe> Hi
16:07:50 <akasurde> o/
16:08:26 <gundalow> #chair mwiebe akasurde
16:08:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos akasurde caphrim007 funzo gundalow itdependsnetwork mwiebe rcarrillocruz trishnag
16:08:36 <gundalow> caphrim007: From a few quick look the new modules look OK
16:08:44 <caphrim007> k
16:09:08 <gundalow> in F5: Adds a reconnect method
16:09:15 <gundalow> where does reconnect get called from?
16:09:30 <gundalow> oh, that's in module_utils
16:09:34 <caphrim007> from inside the sdk's management root
16:09:38 <gundalow> cool
16:09:53 <gundalow> merged reconnect
16:09:58 <caphrim007> thx
16:11:32 <gundalow> #action Networking Team to review and merge the remaining bigip_* new module PRs
16:12:10 <gundalow> #topic asa_config #25319 #25680
16:12:24 <gundalow> #link
16:12:39 <gundalow> From ogenstad:
16:12:45 <gundalow> > I've submitted PR #25680 which would solve parts of this. However I think it would be best to have some discussion and a plan for the shared module_utils and perhaps a coordinated effort to try to avoid these types of things in the future.
16:12:51 <gundalow> > The PR won't solve all of the config issues but will make sure the base feature work. It should be cleaned up after the discussion and perhaps changed altogether (so that the module var doesn't have to be passed around everywhere)
16:13:07 <gundalow> trishnag: Qalthos What do you think?
16:14:51 <gundalow> #chair bdlamprecht
16:14:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos akasurde bdlamprecht caphrim007 funzo gundalow itdependsnetwork mwiebe rcarrillocruz trishnag
16:15:54 <gundalow> #chair dkasberg
16:15:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos akasurde bdlamprecht caphrim007 dkasberg funzo gundalow itdependsnetwork mwiebe rcarrillocruz trishnag
16:16:15 <Yasser> join
16:16:22 <trishnag> gundalow: checking. can we have ogenstad here?
16:17:00 <akasurde> Does anyother module uses ?
16:17:06 <akasurde> Just asking ...
16:17:07 <gundalow> trishnag: I've pinged him, though I don't think he's online at the moment
16:18:23 <Qalthos> akasurde: cloudengine, f5_cli, openswitch
16:18:45 <trishnag> gundalow: If this solves the issue for now without affecting other modules, then we can have it for now. But I am +1 to have specific things for asa in module_utils/asa perhaps.
16:19:09 <trishnag> I can coordinate with ogenstad tomorrow.
16:19:33 <itdependsnetwork> I think there are some overall concerns about the shared utils, without knowing the full impact
16:19:43 * akasurde thinking about side-effects of
16:19:53 <Qalthos> It looks like those should be broken anyway...
16:22:00 <caphrim007> f5_cli is not used
16:22:05 <caphrim007> i intend to remove it for 2.4
16:22:31 <Anil_> join
16:23:32 <Qalthos> caphrim007: Ah. I just put what I found in devel
16:23:34 <gundalow> trishnag: He can't join the meeting at the moment, we can maybe follow up later in #ansible-devel
16:23:40 <trishnag> +1
16:23:43 <caphrim007> Qalthos: yep, np
16:24:12 <trishnag> maybe we should have a look at module_utils/network_common
16:24:46 <itdependsnetwork> +1
16:27:02 <gundalow> I need to step out for a bit, can someone please continue the meeting and #topic onto the next item as needed, thanks
16:28:33 <itdependsnetwork> was hoping to get a final vote on:
16:29:31 <itdependsnetwork> Seems reasonable to me to follow RFC and fix the issue. Backwards functionality is not followed in many many cases, and it does not work as one would expect to begin with.
16:32:44 <itdependsnetwork> for the record, silence counts as affirmation
16:34:45 * bdlamprecht agrees with itdependsnetwork
16:39:20 <gundalow> back
16:39:59 <gundalow> #info Will follow up with ogenstad in #ansible-devel when he's around
16:40:08 <gundalow> #topic Network support for /32
16:40:18 <gundalow> #link
16:40:35 <gundalow> funzo: ^
16:40:49 <gundalow> So the question seems to be, do we
16:40:55 <gundalow> A) We are ok with proposal - Please proceed
16:41:01 <gundalow> B) We are not ok with proposal - Please use kwargs for backwards compatibility
16:41:39 <gundalow> [17:32] < itdependsnetwork> for the record, silence counts as affirmation
16:41:42 <gundalow> Nice try :)
16:41:56 <itdependsnetwork> haha, I read it on the internet, must be true :)
16:42:17 <gundalow> oh, on Wikipedia?
16:42:41 <gundalow> My only view on this stuff as
16:42:43 <funzo> the feedback from privateip was it's fine to introduce to make the change but it should be backwards compatible
16:42:51 <gundalow> ah, OK
16:43:16 <itdependsnetwork> no good for me :(
16:43:20 <itdependsnetwork> you can close the PR then
16:43:46 <gundalow> *confused* I though funzo comment was a vote for (A)
16:44:25 <itdependsnetwork> nothing else is kept backwards compatible in the name of forward progress/it was not intended that way
16:44:33 <funzo> perhaps my grammar on the PR was incorrect. I intended to communicate privateip's feedback
16:44:55 <itdependsnetwork> no, it's added complexity for the fringe use case that is not as per RFC
16:45:01 <gundalow> funzo: I'm trying to page back into memory the discussions we had
16:45:27 <gundalow> If the current implementation is obviously broken, does that imply that no one is using it and therefore it's OK to change the functionality?
16:46:09 <itdependsnetwork> I get you have other concerns. I just can't see spending time making it non-RFC compliant by default. would not want my name on that code
16:47:09 <gundalow> Personally I'm OK with fixing something so it's RFC compliant, we just need to know how to document that
16:47:31 <gundalow> Which may be a mix of and the new porting_2.4 guide (yet to be written)
16:49:10 <gundalow> #cahir ogenstad
16:49:12 <ogenstad> Hi
16:49:13 <gundalow> ffs
16:49:16 <gundalow> #chair ogenstad
16:49:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos akasurde bdlamprecht caphrim007 dkasberg funzo gundalow itdependsnetwork mwiebe ogenstad rcarrillocruz trishnag
16:49:25 <gundalow> typing is dificult :(
16:50:41 <gundalow> privateip: Hi :)
16:50:46 <privateip> hi all
16:50:50 <gundalow> privateip: We are talking about
16:50:53 * privateip party crasher
16:50:55 <gundalow> #chair privateip
16:50:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos akasurde bdlamprecht caphrim007 dkasberg funzo gundalow itdependsnetwork mwiebe ogenstad privateip rcarrillocruz trishnag
16:51:13 <gundalow> Personally I'm OK with fixing something so it's RFC compliant, we just need to know how to document that
16:51:18 <itdependsnetwork> ain't no party like an ansible-meeting party :)
16:51:19 <gundalow> Which may be a mix of and the new porting_2.4 guide (yet to be written)
16:51:55 * privateip reading
16:52:00 <gundalow> :)
16:52:52 <privateip> so is there a concern about making the requested update?
16:53:02 <privateip> or whats the issue / concern to get this merged?
16:54:21 <itdependsnetwork> from me?
16:54:27 <privateip> is there a concern moving to using kwargs for backwards compat?
16:54:44 <itdependsnetwork> yea, it's added complexity to do something wrong
16:55:02 <privateip> understood but be cannot break backwards compat
16:55:23 <itdependsnetwork> tell that to ogenstad: :)
16:55:39 <privateip> is he here?
16:55:49 <ogenstad> What did I do? :)
16:55:52 <itdependsnetwork> haha
16:55:54 <privateip> lol
16:56:02 <itdependsnetwork> I'm just stirring the pot :)
16:56:04 <ogenstad> Yes I was summoned :)
16:56:11 <akasurde> hehehe
16:56:24 <privateip> trying to understand what is holding up 23526 changes to get merged
16:56:49 <privateip> the current PR will break playbooks
16:57:08 <privateip> we cant do that so i suggested moving the added feature to a kwarg in the filter
16:57:26 <itdependsnetwork> anyway. Like I said before, ansible is a bigproject, but many things have been not backwards compatiable., use of nested library, and the answer is always, not intended/or in need of forward progress
16:58:05 <privateip> just because it was wrong before isn't a valid reason to repeat the same
16:58:23 <itdependsnetwork> ok, you win, i'll close the PR
16:58:35 <privateip> its not win or lose ... the PR is valid
16:59:02 <privateip> im trying to understand why using a kwarg seems to be the sticking point here
16:59:30 <itdependsnetwork> I feel like I am going to be rude just re-typing what I have said, and it's not my intention
16:59:47 * privateip is easy going
16:59:53 <itdependsnetwork> lol
17:00:00 <itdependsnetwork> I know
17:00:02 <privateip> its not rude, its opinion which is healthy
17:00:45 <itdependsnetwork> so. Just that it add's complexity, and puts my name on something that is knowingly incorrect.
17:00:46 <bcoca> normally we frown at kwargs as it is a bad pattern, makes it easy to misplace/misinterpet paramters
17:01:04 <bcoca> calling the function x2 in try/except for old/new version is also acceptable
17:01:11 <privateip> bcoca: agreed, but this change to the filter will break existing playbooks
17:01:28 <bcoca> hence my use of 'normally'
17:02:35 <itdependsnetwork> I'm good with it. I have just learned to use custom filters. Trying to give back in a logical way, but I understand the needs of such a large project.
17:03:01 <itdependsnetwork> again, I made my case, and am ok with the outcome
17:03:38 <privateip> so, just to be clear here, you dont want to change it to being kwarg based simply because you dont want your named tagged to it?
17:04:02 <privateip> due to you feel its a wrong implementation?
17:04:05 <itdependsnetwork> @bcoca, would be more interested in that PR get put in :)
17:04:28 <itdependsnetwork> yes, it's wrong in implementation
17:06:33 <privateip> ok
17:06:36 <itdependsnetwork> and if you look at original issue:
17:06:47 <itdependsnetwork> going to have this same question 7 times
17:07:21 <bcoca> itdependsnetwork: doesnt look like it will go in anytime soon
17:07:31 <itdependsnetwork> this is not right -> cidr  , how do you make that backwards compatible?
17:07:39 <itdependsnetwork> @bcoca, why?
17:07:50 <bcoca> itdependsnetwork: lack of consensus
17:07:58 <privateip> nobody is questioning the fact that the implementation currently is wrong
17:08:03 <itdependsnetwork> it really causes a lot of headaches for non core modules
17:08:17 <privateip> its about how to move foward without breaking potentially 100s (or more) of existing playbooks
17:08:49 <itdependsnetwork> I would be more interested in leaving them alone and creating new methods that do what they intended to
17:08:50 <bcoca> itdependsnetwork: 'resolution' of that 'bad cidr' can emit a 'warning: this is wrong, doing this instead'
17:08:54 <bcoca> ^ for backwards compat
17:09:04 <bcoca> and havea  strict_cidr=no|yes option
17:11:02 <itdependsnetwork> actually that is a bad example :)
17:11:12 <itdependsnetwork> I literally don't know what some of these were intended to do
17:11:44 <itdependsnetwork> well anyway, enough yammering on from me
17:12:28 <itdependsnetwork> I'll spend my time in -devel trying to understand why was not made backwards compat,
17:14:19 <Qalthos> Okay, moving on then?
17:14:34 <itdependsnetwork> yes
17:15:06 <privateip> wait
17:15:11 <privateip> what are we doing with the PR
17:15:34 <itdependsnetwork> I'll close it
17:16:06 <itdependsnetwork> welcome to modify and move on. But I can't justify spending more time talk about it then I did to create tests
17:17:47 <ogenstad> What's left on the agenda?
17:18:08 <ogenstad> I guess you talked about the ASA issues before I showed up?
17:19:01 <Qalthos> Yes we did, trishnag was hoping to have a conversation about that
17:19:13 <mwiebe> I would like to discuss a list of open issues impacting NX-OS modules.  I added the list to the meeting agenda
17:20:04 <ogenstad> Did you start the conversation?
17:20:57 <ogenstad> Or where there any questions?
17:22:27 <ogenstad> As I've written elsewhere I think we really should try to avoid changing the module_utils if modules which are using them are impacted without any tests to see potential errors that are introduced.
17:23:11 <ogenstad> While changing the one I just wanted to avoid to impact any of the other modules. But I don't think that PR should be merged as it is now.
17:25:42 <Qalthos> My only contribution is that keeping the version of ComplexDict without module seems unnecessary... any code calling that is already broken by virtue of calling ComplexDict incorrectly as you have found
17:25:47 <gundalow> #topic ASA
17:25:47 * bdlamprecht needs to leave, if there is an opportunity to review my issues which I've put on the agenda that would be great.
17:26:34 <ogenstad> @Qalthos, yes I guess that's true.
17:27:22 <ogenstad> Aside from that I don't like the way the module has to be passed around everywhere between functions just to be there to there to be send to ComplexDict.
17:27:54 <ogenstad> A solution would perhaps instead be to store it in a class property?
17:29:17 <privateip> ogenstad: i'm not sure i follow your concern re: passing around arguments?
17:29:20 <ogenstad> The same code from is also used from cloudengine, f5_cli and openswitch. I don't know how the modules using those work and if there are other modules which fail in the same way as asa_config now does.
17:29:41 <Qalthos> I don't know how useful it is, but is the change to ComplexDict, which shows how it is used elsewhere
17:31:11 <ogenstad> privateip: Not really a concern, more that the code feels more bloated:
17:32:18 <ogenstad> I.e. a "lot" of different places where the module is just passed around. If it was stored as self.module somewhere we could just access it from where it's needed.
17:33:52 <privateip> sure its dev pref, i get it .... no reason certain modules couldn't be refactored in that structure
17:35:14 <ogenstad> But I'm not sure I should decide which changes make it into module_utils/ as it could also impact other modules. So perhaps it should be a coordinated effort?
17:36:10 <ogenstad> So something like what I submitted could perhaps be merged after removing the code as per Qalthos comments if there's a new release of 2.3 coming out soon.
17:36:58 <ogenstad> Or do you have any thoughts about which way to go?
17:40:31 <gundalow> privateip: Qalthos trishnag I think that's a question for you
17:41:07 <privateip> oops
17:41:51 <privateip> is there already a PR for the proposed changes?
17:42:21 <privateip> i would rather see ASA move towards using persistent connections and away from
17:42:32 <Qalthos> privateip:
17:42:37 <privateip> the code base is much more stable
17:42:40 <Qalthos> is what we're talking about
17:42:48 <privateip> ah
17:43:28 * privateip looking
17:43:54 <ogenstad> I can agree that it would make more sense to have it more in line with the other modules and also use persistent connections. I'm also guessing that this is one of the problems now that some parts were changed but then never tested.
17:44:20 <privateip> yeah that could be the case
17:44:37 <ogenstad> And it would really be good if the tests were able to reach a virtual ASA.
17:44:56 <privateip> working on that part ;)
17:45:34 <ogenstad> :)
17:47:00 <privateip> by the time we digest this change we could have the persistent connection work done for asa
17:47:07 <ogenstad> My only comment regarding persistent connections as it relates to the ASA is that the ASA supports multiple contexts and there might be playbooks which use different contexts on different plays.
17:47:17 <privateip> ah
17:47:20 <privateip> good point
17:47:55 <ogenstad> That could be solved with some documentation, but it might also cause some unexpected issues.
17:47:57 <privateip> we could not use persistent and simply use the current connection per task as it is today
17:48:10 <privateip> but drop in favor of in the connection plugin
17:48:34 <privateip> what triggers the context change
17:48:40 <privateip> ogenstad: ^
17:48:54 <privateip> is it an arg in the module?
17:49:09 <ogenstad> Yes an arg.
17:50:06 <privateip> ok im going to propose we table this for the moment ... lets look at moving asa to the connection plugin
17:50:15 <privateip> i think you will be much much happier that way
17:50:30 <ogenstad> So the problem might be if someone targets a context and then on the next task the context arg would be left out. With persistent connections changes could be made to the first context.
17:50:49 <privateip> right we can use network_cli without persistent connections
17:51:01 <privateip> so it will operate same as it works today by creating a connection per task
17:51:17 <ogenstad> Ok
17:51:20 <privateip> but instead of it will use the network_cli connection plugin which is significantly more stable
17:51:43 <privateip> we can then figure out a good long term soluton to the context changes
17:51:56 <privateip> i have some ideas but want to think about them some more and document the thoughts
17:52:10 <ogenstad> Sounds good.
17:52:51 <privateip> Qalthos: go ahead and add an action to me to provide more feedback on this issue
17:52:56 <ogenstad> The context issue should only impact a small portion of the users and could perhaps be avoided if the context arg were to be specified on all tasks.
17:53:33 <Qalthos> #action privateip provide more feedback about moving asa to network_cli
17:53:34 <privateip> yeah with the changes going to into 2.4 we have quite a bit more flexibility to deal with these situations
17:53:45 <Qalthos> #chair privateip
17:53:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos akasurde bdlamprecht caphrim007 dkasberg funzo gundalow itdependsnetwork mwiebe ogenstad privateip rcarrillocruz trishnag
17:53:57 <privateip> any chance you are coming to Fest next week ogenstad?
17:54:40 <ogenstad> Would like to but I'm vacationing in Greece with the family.
17:54:48 <privateip> and that is more fun ???
17:54:49 <privateip> :)
17:55:19 <ogenstad> Well, it will be more fun the week afterwards when I meet the wife again ;)
17:55:25 <privateip> lol
17:56:27 <privateip> ok i think we are good to move on
17:56:27 <ogenstad> I haven't looked at that part of the code though.
17:57:01 <ogenstad> Are there any other modules which use network_cli without persistent connections?
17:57:06 <privateip> no
17:57:14 <privateip> at least not in devel
17:57:52 <gundalow> We good to move on?
17:58:07 <privateip> yep
17:58:13 <gundalow> #topic nxos issues
17:58:24 <gundalow> #link
17:58:35 <gundalow> mwiebe: Thanks for the bug reports
17:58:41 <ogenstad> Yeah I'm good. Have to get some dinner now. Bye!
17:58:48 <privateip> thx ogenstad
17:58:56 <ogenstad> thanks
17:58:56 <gundalow> ogenstad: Thanks :)
17:58:59 <mwiebe> gundlow: Sure thing.
17:59:38 <gundalow> Qalthos: This may be one for you
17:59:50 <mwiebe> Just looking for feasibility of getting them resolved before the July 15th deadline.
18:00:13 <Qalthos> mwiebe: So there's a lot here, are there any in particular you want to bring attention to?
18:01:20 <mwiebe> Qualthos: vxlan issues are the highest priority, followed by pim , then acl
18:02:05 <mwiebe> These are all (with the exception of AAA) in the P1 bucket I sent to Qalthos a while back.
18:03:05 <Qalthos> That's what I thought, just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything P0 for you or something
18:03:22 <Qalthos> And again, thank you so much for all these issues
18:04:45 <Qalthos> We'll get through them as quickly as we can, this is probably going to be on my plate, and I'll try to keep you up to date on all these getting through
18:04:52 <mwiebe> Qualthos: NP.  If you can give me an idea of how many in this list you can get to before the deadline my team can chip in on others.
18:08:07 <Qalthos> Honestly, the more you can turn into PRs on your own, the quicker this is all going to go through
18:10:22 <mwiebe> Qualthos: We are primarily focused on certifying all of the nxos modules against the various targets (nxos platforms/releases) + beefing up the IT tests.
18:11:27 <mwiebe> We plan to contribute the IT tests via PRs once they are ready so we don't have a lot of resources to fix the modules that are erroring out in advance of the deadline but will as much as possible.
18:11:39 <Qalthos> mwiebe: Yeah, I didn't think it'd be that easy d:
18:11:52 <mwiebe> :)
18:12:19 <gundalow> Qalthos: Nice try :)
18:12:30 <gundalow> Yay for tests though :)
18:16:00 <mwiebe> Qualthos and gundalow: We really need to get the issues fixed ahead of the deadline so let us know which of these you can commit to and we will try and fix the others.
18:16:46 <gundalow> mwiebe: We will discuss that internally and get back to you
18:17:04 <gundalow> Thanks again for raising the issues
18:17:11 <mwiebe> Thanks!
18:17:14 <gundalow> :)
18:17:30 <gundalow> hum, well that's 2h10 of meeting
18:18:01 <gundalow> #action Networking team to work out which issues they can fix and report back to mwiebe
18:18:06 <gundalow> #end meeting
18:18:08 <gundalow> #endmeeting