15:01:08 <jtanner> #startmeeting core-team-meeting
15:01:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 23 15:01:08 2017 UTC.  The chair is jtanner. Information about MeetBot at
15:01:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:01:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'core-team-meeting'
15:01:17 <jtanner> #chair jtanner bcoca
15:01:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcoca jtanner
15:01:28 <jtanner> #chair abadger1999
15:01:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca jtanner
15:01:32 <nitzmahone> yo
15:01:36 <jtanner> #chair nitzmahone
15:01:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca jtanner nitzmahone
15:01:58 <jtanner> now i need to find the agenda ...
15:02:02 <abadger1999> Óla
15:02:14 <bcoca>
15:02:37 <bcoca> jtanner: any updates on shipit workflow?
15:02:51 <rcarrillocruz> o/
15:02:57 <jtanner> #chair rcarrillocruz
15:02:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca jtanner nitzmahone rcarrillocruz
15:03:03 <shertel> hi
15:03:04 <jtanner> #topic shipit workflow
15:03:10 <jtanner> #chair shertel
15:03:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca jtanner nitzmahone rcarrillocruz shertel
15:03:16 <jtanner> bcoca: in what context?
15:03:24 <bcoca>
15:03:46 <jtanner> does everything have meta now?
15:03:47 <bcoca> was waiting for 'metadata rework' whatever that means, and that is done, seems like bot woudl be next?
15:04:28 <jtanner> #info plugin metadata is done
15:04:43 <jtanner> #action jtanner to evaluate and write bot workflow for non-module shipits
15:05:33 <jtanner> #info
15:06:14 <jtanner> bcoca: what has meta in it?
15:06:32 <bcoca> nothing that i know of, not sure what that comment means
15:06:56 <bcoca> not sure how to insert 'metadata' in ini/yaml files
15:07:12 <bcoca> ^ i personally think we are better off tracking this with maintainers in external file
15:07:49 <jtanner> why was it dependent on "metadata rework" then?
15:08:19 <bcoca> ^ just said, idk
15:08:58 <jtanner> i don't know
15:09:14 <jtanner> it's too early to talk/argue about metadata though, so i want to move to next topic
15:09:40 <bcoca> k
15:09:50 <bcoca> skiping a few due to missing/no updates
15:10:12 <jtanner> i can't read this agenda ticket
15:10:13 <bcoca>
15:10:19 <bcoca> #topic proposing proposals
15:10:38 <bcoca> allanice001?
15:10:53 <bcoca> ^ everyone read ?
15:11:23 <jtanner> i've read it
15:12:04 <abadger1999> s/committee/team/
15:12:13 <abadger1999> We don't operate by consensus
15:12:18 <bcoca> we try
15:12:55 <abadger1999> But maybe "we attempt to operate by consensus of its members; falling back on a vote of the members if a bottleneck is reached"?
15:12:55 <bcoca> things might end up beind 'decided' by core ansible team or james, but we rarely use that, its mostly tie breaker
15:12:56 <jtanner> i think it's trying to deliver the false promise that a long defined process is somehow going to get PRs merged faster
15:13:12 <abadger1999> s/bottleneck/impasse/
15:13:43 <bcoca> i dont disagree, i was going for something that put onus on submitter to push thorugh  (mirrors more what actually happens now)
15:13:50 <abadger1999> I don't think we're going to have acceptance tests and multiple implementations.
15:14:01 <bcoca> that made me chuckle
15:14:02 <abadger1999> Proposals is really more about getting the specification/design done
15:14:08 <jtanner> community demand should be a major factor in taking a new feature
15:14:18 <bcoca> jtanner++
15:15:20 <mattclay> We aren't likely to see many proposals with formal spec language either.
15:15:26 <jtanner> #chair mattclay
15:15:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca jtanner mattclay nitzmahone rcarrillocruz shertel
15:15:29 <bcoca> also, its not only for new features, 1/2 proposals are for redesigning existing
15:15:45 <jtanner> s/feature/refactor
15:16:39 <bcoca> ok, so post feedback on PR and lets discuss again next meeting if/when ammendmants are done
15:17:41 <abadger1999> Needs to have information about how the champion pushes the proposal through these stages (ie: put it on the meeting agenda, anounce to the mailing list, etc)
15:18:42 <bcoca> agreed, but since author is also not here, moving on, post feedback on ticket, lets pick up next meeting
15:18:52 <bcoca> #topic facts/info module standards
15:19:01 <bcoca> #info related proposal
15:19:08 <bcoca> ^ anything new on this topic?
15:19:50 <bcoca> seems we are stuck with several directions, going for _info/other suffix  and/or 'autoload' magic seem biggest issues
15:20:55 <bcoca> no comments, so skipping
15:21:05 <bcoca> # module defaults
15:21:15 <bcoca> #topic module defaults
15:21:19 <bcoca> #INFO
15:21:32 <bcoca> ^ seems its at a good spot, any objections at thsi point?
15:21:53 <mattclay> Needs to pass tests.
15:22:15 <bcoca> mattclay: that is PR side, mostly dealing with concept itself here
15:22:40 <bcoca> approval here never means PR can be merged w/o passing normal requirements
15:23:40 <bcoca> ok, so closing that as community issue and letting PR run its corse
15:24:03 <bcoca> #topic expand documenation fields
15:24:09 <bcoca> #info
15:24:20 <bcoca> ^ made some changes based on feedback from last time, thoughts?
15:24:37 <abadger1999> bcoca: just the question about combine hash (for module defaults)
15:25:04 <bcoca> abadger1999: is that on the concept or is that better expressed as part of PR review?
15:25:06 <abadger1999> bcoca: don't close the issue yet... otherwise we'll likely forget that we're supposed to be reviewing the PR.
15:25:34 <bcoca> abadger1999: i doubt it, big enough feature and author is not the quiet type
15:27:42 <abadger1999> I guess that's pointing back at us needing a way to track PRs from the community to make sure they don't fall off the radar.
15:27:46 <jtanner> if we don't have validation on the types, i don't see why this is necessary
15:28:08 <jtanner> are we going to allow module args to assert "list of strings" for example?
15:28:19 <bcoca> jtanner: we can, that is part of subspec
15:28:23 <bcoca> ^ related but diff PR
15:29:00 <bcoca> also, loose example, does not need to be exactly as i printed, so this is good point of discussion
15:29:05 <jtanner> makes me feel like we're turning into java
15:29:06 <bcoca> we can force 'exact types'
15:29:18 <abadger1999> bcoca: Did we decide that hte module defaults should use combine_vars?
15:29:22 <bcoca> jtanner: docs are there to inform user what he can input
15:29:49 <bcoca> abadger1999: not that i know of, but i dont think that is for this meeting, but discussion on PR, its implementation detail
15:30:02 <abadger1999> bcoca: combine_vars is design.
15:30:27 <abadger1999> It could use it or it could not use it... doesn't change the code much but changes how users interact with it.
15:31:58 <bcoca> abadger1999: not sure it makes much sense that users can override merge for overwrite ... the latter just disables the functionality with unrelated config setting
15:32:34 <bcoca> in your view, for module_defaults to work, hash_behaviour = merge must be configured?
15:32:48 <bcoca> instead of = replace, which is the default?
15:32:49 <abadger1999> bcoca: #undo
15:32:53 <abadger1999> #undo
15:32:53 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by bcoca at 15:24:09 :
15:32:59 <abadger1999> bcoca#undo
15:33:04 <bcoca> #undo
15:33:04 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x15327a50>
15:33:05 <abadger1999> #undo
15:33:05 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by bcoca at 15:21:19 :
15:33:15 <abadger1999> #info
15:33:24 <abadger1999> bcoca: I don't know.
15:33:53 <abadger1999> bcoca: I'm throwing it out there because I don't know what the right thing is in this case but think that we should make a conscious decision about it.
15:33:54 <bcoca> i dont think it should
15:34:41 <bcoca> the feature is clearly to 'merge defaults', having hard override is 'disabling defaults' ... seems like the hash_behaviour should NOT control this feature as they are pretty much unrelated
15:34:55 <abadger1999> bcoca: ah.... I mean when we have defaults defined in multiple places.
15:34:58 <bcoca> same way with do with tags/conditional inheritance, they are always merges
15:35:47 <bcoca> abadger1999: keyword merge/override is something we do differently depending on keywords (tags vs name, for example)
15:36:23 <bcoca> ^ i would not make it subject to hash_behaviour, i'm fine with switching between merge and replace, but im not sure which one makes more sense
15:37:47 <abadger1999> bcoca: okay.  How do users get rid of a default (say in inventory I defined a default for yum enablrepo; in a specific play I want to get rid of that default)
15:38:08 <bcoca> default=omit
15:38:51 <bcoca> agaffney: ^ your input?
15:39:27 <abadger1999> Is that a sentinel value?
15:39:53 <bcoca> whateverfield={{omit}} <= would merge/override parent def, then on templating be removed
15:40:15 <abadger1999> Okay.
15:40:37 <bcoca> ah, think agaffney is traveling today, so we can reschedule for next week to finish this
15:40:53 <abadger1999> So We're thinking, use merge_hash() (not combine_vars) always.  Document that whateverfield: "{{ omit }}" can be used to remove a default value
15:40:56 <bcoca> abadger1999: add to PR so he is aware of the usability
15:41:18 <abadger1999> If that's correc, I'll add that to the PR
15:41:18 <alikins> I kind of like the idea  in action (ie, it seems useful) but I'm a little hesitant of possibly introducing another inheritance mechanism
15:41:41 <bcoca> alikins: it follows existing ones
15:42:24 <bcoca> abadger1999: just dont think combine_vars is way to go as it changes depending on diff setting, merge vs replace is the 'usability discussion' on how this should be inherited
15:42:32 <alikins> _get_module_defaults() looks like new code to me
15:42:51 <bcoca> ^ i think merge is right way, even if we end up doing replace, it should not be implemented via combine vars
15:43:08 <abadger1999> <nod>  Yeah, I'm fine with that.. just want to make sure we're in agreement about what we want it to look like before I tell agaffney what we want.
15:43:10 <bcoca> alikins: it mirrors what we do already for others
15:43:32 <bcoca> abadger1999:  dont think we need agreement for that, to explore the use cases in ticket
15:43:48 <bcoca> if we phrase as question vs mandate
15:45:03 <bcoca> alikins: in diff discussions, i think we can better streamline how inheritence works to make it more automatic vs forcing explicit like we do here, but htat is outside scope of the ticket and something i was planning on brining up once jimi-c is back
15:46:42 <bcoca> abadger1999: i think we all agree on basic feature now, details like how this should be inhertied can be hashed out outside this meeting, otherwise I think we can take up the time by going too in depth to these topics which can be handled in the ticet/review
15:47:28 <bcoca> if we are all ok with the basic functionality, i would move on and deal with this topic on the PR review from now on
15:49:42 <bcoca> ok, so moving on, back to documentation expansion
15:50:00 <bcoca> #topic expand documenation fields
15:50:02 <abadger1999> We can move on but the problem with only using hte PR for review is that we don't all look at the PR.
15:50:06 <bcoca> ^ i  updated proposal with subspec ref
15:50:22 <jtanner> #chair alikins
15:50:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 alikins bcoca jtanner mattclay nitzmahone rcarrillocruz shertel
15:50:31 <abadger1999> so if there's other things of design improtance, it should come back to the meeting then.
15:50:51 <abadger1999> #info
15:51:21 <bcoca> abadger1999: ok, but we should set a threshold or just discuss adhoc, this meeting gets overloaded easily and I would like to keep stuff at higher level
15:51:31 <bcoca> ^ on open floor lets discuss scope of this meeting
15:52:04 <bcoca> abadger1999: also even if merged, does not mean we keep the feature or it cannot change while in devel
15:53:02 <nitzmahone> Expanded doc options are much clearer now... +1
15:53:31 <nitzmahone> (putting config/env under options makes a lot more sense to me now)
15:53:31 <bcoca> i can see us still modifying them, but i think it now captures most of the utility
15:54:04 <nitzmahone> Thanks for clarifications, bcoca!
15:54:09 <bcoca> nitzmahone: yeah, for those that 'dont have options' i just used _<stuff> to denote 'internal name', must make sure we document that somethwere
15:54:59 <bcoca> we've been 'kindof' using it, but never offiically stated that it is so in docs, though most people seem to infer correctly (i've still seen people do shell: _raw="" ) though
15:55:24 <nitzmahone> Yeah, and "_free_form"...
15:55:39 <bcoca> ^ he, same
15:56:00 <abadger1999> bcoca: When multiple names are given, should all but one be deprecated?
15:56:02 <bcoca> not cause i think someone will read, but we can have something to point at
15:56:16 <bcoca> abadger1999: no, in case of ec2, for example they are all still valid
15:56:26 <nitzmahone> (sigh)
15:56:29 <abadger1999> bcoca: what's the ec2 case?
15:56:33 <bcoca> i HOPE that internally we do follow that rules
15:56:34 <alikins> doc fields pr looks good to me. I'd go for maybe 'type_description' or 'arg_description' vs 'type' though
15:56:48 <bcoca> " AWS access key. If not set then the value of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_ACCESS_KEY or EC2_ACCESS_KEY environment"
15:57:03 <abadger1999> k
15:57:19 <abadger1999> I think we should say something about precedence then...
15:57:28 <abadger1999> Is there a free-form field?  it could go in there.
15:57:37 <bcoca> abadger1999: i looked at existing stuff, its not everywhere, but happens enough that we need to cover, specially with cloud modules
15:57:39 <nitzmahone> Yeah, it's weird like that for the libcloud-based stuff too IIRC
15:57:46 <abadger1999> I don't need a formal field, just want it to be documented
15:58:02 <bcoca> abadger1999: i thought about 'priority' : <int>
15:58:34 <bcoca> but ssh is maybe bad example, was thinking that ansible_host == all connection plugins, might require diff docs
15:58:52 <bcoca> then document only specific in ssh, but i left it there as example
15:59:22 <abadger1999> (note: precedence of config/env_vars/hostvars should be covered in our general doc, I jsut want a place to put precedence of multiple env_vars, or multiple config values.
15:59:27 <bcoca> ^ still unsure if we should just repeat in every plugin or document the 'base' on one side and teh specifics in each plugin
15:59:52 <bcoca> abadger1999: understood, yes, that was what prioirty was for ( i did put it in last night, but thought it was too confusing so i removed)
16:00:14 <abadger1999> bcoca: something like extends_documentation.... ie: one file but rendered on multiple pages.
16:00:24 <bcoca> ^ we also have 'multple config settings'  case in 2.3 (just removed in 2.4)
16:00:43 <abadger1999> Yeah, priority: <int> could definitely be confusing.
16:01:03 <bcoca> abadger1999: we already have fragments (it works, tested), but i was thinking of 'connection base page' then list plugins, base having common vars
16:01:21 <abadger1999> to people who don't understand that config/env vars/hostvars are already prioritized.
16:01:56 <bcoca> abadger1999: i even thought that implicit 'top less priority, bottom more' in the listing would be enough ... but again, can confuse people
16:02:13 <abadger1999> bcoca: I'd keep it all on the specific pages... people are most often going to hit the page for the plugin they're looking for, not a hierarchical set of pages.
16:02:26 <bcoca> good point
16:02:45 <bcoca> so fragments might need 'better merging' so as not to duplicate too much data
16:03:06 <abadger1999> yeah.  Or we be better about organizing nad splitting the fragments.
16:03:50 <bcoca> so it seems we all mostly agree on adding fields, mostly its a question of details now?
16:04:17 <bcoca> ^ please add those thoughts to ticket and we can carry on detailed discussion there, revisit here once we've gotten to something a bit more flushed out
16:05:04 <abadger1999> Instead of "    lookup: etcd"  I'd do: "type: lookup\nname: etcd"
16:05:36 <bcoca> abadger1999: followed the current 'module: ' pattern
16:05:42 <bcoca> ^ would need to change it there also
16:06:06 <abadger1999> bcoca: probably should with the current way being deprecated backward compat for now
16:06:30 <bcoca> i'll see what i can do, that might get tricky
16:06:52 <abadger1999> since modules was the only thing using the module documentation format, it's going to have a few things that are not right for multiple plugin type.
16:06:59 <bcoca> as the format is same in 'both ways' internally, just the 'location' of the docs is different 'varaibles vs 1st docstring'
16:07:05 <alikins> I don't think we need to solve finding a general way to indicate precendence of env vars just for docs, so I wouldn't worry about that atm
16:07:34 <bcoca> alikins: not just env vars, config settings also (we only had 1 and i removed it, but i expect more in future)
16:07:42 <bcoca> and of course host_vars ...
16:07:56 <bcoca> which we have MANY cases of
16:08:21 <abadger1999> I'd change the algo to be Look for 'type: XXX" and "name: YYY" if both do not exist, look for "module: name" and fill in type/name with values from there.
16:08:51 <bcoca> i'm going to move on, as these are smaller details we can deal with in the ticket and revisit it for approval next meeting
16:08:52 <abadger1999> *fill in missing value
16:08:55 <abadger1999> <nod>
16:09:35 <bcoca> #topic core/extras ticket migration
16:09:46 <bcoca> <- from last week, @jctanner brought up
16:10:56 <bcoca> jtanner: any updates?
16:11:06 <nitzmahone> Did we only end up with my -1 on #1? I thought jctanner was also -1.
16:11:24 <bcoca> i counted you as +1 ....
16:11:40 <bcoca> would mean it was tie?
16:11:44 <nitzmahone> I was +1 on #2
16:11:54 <jtanner> asking me if there are any updates, implies to me that i'm on the hook for figuring it out
16:12:09 <bcoca> thought all 4 of us were +1 on 1 and 2, except jtanner which was -1 on 1
16:12:11 <mattclay> I didn't vote last time, but I'm leaning towards -1 on #1 currently.
16:12:12 <abadger1999> jctanner abstained.
16:12:18 <abadger1999> nitzmahone was -1
16:12:22 <jtanner> so i've gone off and done some of my own work to look for duplicates and make sure what should be migrated has been done so properly
16:12:30 <bcoca> jtanner: no, sorry, assumed you were doing this via bot
16:12:49 <jtanner> the bot has hooks to begin the process
16:12:55 <jtanner> but it's waiting to be told what the process is
16:13:55 <bcoca> well, #2 seems clear, #1 i though had majority, but it seems i was wrong
16:14:20 <bcoca> nitzmahone, abadger1999, jtanner any position change on #1 since last meeting?
16:14:43 <bcoca> ^ anyone else want to weigh in?
16:14:51 <bcoca> @here
16:15:37 <sivel> Are those proposals mutually exclusive?
16:15:43 <sivel> Seems as though they are not
16:15:43 <nitzmahone> No
16:15:47 <bcoca> no
16:15:56 <bcoca> issues vs prs
16:16:01 <jtanner> i will have to patch the bot to "pretend" the original submitter is the owner of the issue, if the bot is doing the migration
16:16:03 <bcoca> #1 deasl with issues (not prs)
16:16:06 <jtanner> it's doable, but still a headache
16:16:08 <sivel> Ok, I suppose the fact that they were listed like that made them seem as though someone intended them to be exclusive
16:16:11 <bcoca> #2 deals with PRs and not issues
16:16:25 <jtanner> and the bot will need to give the original submitter a bunch of commands to be able to edit their own issue ... more headache
16:16:32 <bcoca> sivel: if you can list them so that is not inferred, go ahead
16:16:45 <nitzmahone> I missed that distinction the first time around too. :)
16:16:47 <sivel> just getting clarification.
16:16:52 <abadger1999> bcoca: I've updated thvote i nthe comment with the actual counts (and names).
16:17:04 <sivel> I am +1 on #2
16:17:10 <alikins> (for modules that consult env vars, it may be useful to be able to indicate that in the arg spec, possibly including precedence. That could eliminate alot of boilerplate (some_arg_value = module.params.get('some_arg_name', None); if not some_arg_value: some_arg_value = os.environ('SOME_ARG_NAME') etc)
16:17:29 <jtanner> alikins: we've moved on
16:17:32 <bcoca> abadger1999:  i did not remember that many votiing .. thankx
16:17:33 <sivel> I feel like I am -1 on #1, but could probably be convinced to change
16:17:58 <bcoca> alikins: we built that in already for network modules, iirc
16:18:30 <jtanner> #chair sivel
16:18:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 alikins bcoca jtanner mattclay nitzmahone rcarrillocruz shertel sivel
16:18:47 <bcoca> ok, so #1 has slight majority ... do we want to wait for jimi-c to tie break?
16:19:01 <bcoca> or fully tie ....
16:19:03 <abadger1999> jtanner: note, it does not need to give them more commands.  for issues... what is important that the owner can do that a commenter cannot?
16:19:23 <bcoca> abadger1999: closing
16:19:42 <sivel> bcoca: I think with my vote we are tied
16:19:52 <jtanner> abadger1999: set ansible version, change title, etc
16:19:54 <bcoca> changing updateing title/original post ,  but that matters less
16:19:55 <abadger1999> bcoca: usually if something is very close, I try to get more people to weigh in so that it becomes more clear that it wasn't decided this way just because only certain people were present.
16:20:10 <abadger1999> jtanner: I don't think ansible version and change title are too important.
16:20:15 <sivel> bcoca: do you want me to add my vote to the comment?
16:20:17 <bcoca> sivel: added yoru vote
16:20:19 <abadger1999> nice to have but far from essential.
16:20:22 <sivel> k
16:20:31 <abadger1999> closing is very nice as it offloads work for us.
16:21:19 <nitzmahone> Content is not lost, and can theoretically be migrated at any time
16:21:22 <bcoca> ok, so it seems we have tie on #1, #2 all agree, any new arguments for/against #1?
16:21:38 <nitzmahone> But keeps a bunch of ownerless issues out of the repo
16:21:55 <mattclay> Did my -1 vote for #1 get counted?
16:22:20 <bcoca> now it is, total -1
16:23:07 <bcoca> so alternates to #1 were : a) let them rot or b) include them in weekly backlog
16:23:10 <jtanner> what is the perception of what will happen to the issues once they are migrated?
16:23:22 <bcoca> jtanner: they become part of weekly backlog
16:23:36 <sivel> if we let them rot, that is effectively closing them.  No one will look at them
16:23:36 <abadger1999> (a) is a bad thing.  (b) is also a bad thing.
16:23:37 <bcoca> ^ well daily, but we do every 2 weeks personally
16:23:47 <abadger1999> (c) close them
16:23:49 <sivel> I say, follow something similar to #2 for issues
16:23:57 <bcoca> abadger1999: waiting for 'good thing' .. c) is also bad
16:23:58 <jtanner> community supported modules are part of the backlog for us?
16:24:06 <bcoca> ^ thought most had agreed that c) was not option
16:24:19 <bcoca> jtanner: no, but some might be
16:24:31 <jtanner> ok, some ... and what about all the others?
16:24:35 <mattclay> They should be reviewed as part of a backlog review, or closed. However, I don't see why they can't be reviewed where they are.
16:24:36 <jtanner> what happens with those issues?
16:24:36 <bcoca> not all tickets are for  community  (well extras mostly is)
16:24:49 <sivel> Why should we treat them differenty?  Update all issues saying if they aren't migrated, they'll be closed
16:24:50 <bcoca> jtanner: same as what happens to current community tickets in ansible/ansible
16:24:51 <abadger1999> (a) is bad because people think they are being looked at but htey aren't (b) is bad because, a salikins said, issues should live with the code.  (c) is bad because we've already done this to people once.
16:25:33 <abadger1999> if (d) is off the table now (move issues to ansible/ansible) then I'm a reluctant advocate for (c).
16:25:43 <sivel> I am +1 for c
16:25:48 <abadger1999> it's the least bad choice remaining.
16:25:58 <sivel> but not just blindly close, update them asking people to move them again, then close
16:26:11 <sivel> they should also validate whether they are still issues
16:26:29 <jtanner> and most of them are probably never going to do that
16:26:36 <sivel> that is too much work for us to take on, put the onus on the requester
16:26:41 <sivel> that is a good thing then :)
16:26:46 <jtanner> the ones that have and care about it, have mostly migrated all their issues
16:26:52 <sivel> if they don't they are closed, and we have less issues
16:26:53 <mattclay> Regardless of which repo they're in, someone needs to review them. Moving them when they haven't been reviewed seems like wasted effort.
16:27:18 <sivel> agreed
16:27:27 <sivel> but we don't have the time to do it ourselves
16:27:29 <abadger1999> mattclay: it's inconvenient to have them in another repo... harder for us to spot duplicates by searching, not as easy to associate issues with commits and PRs, etc.
16:27:34 <bcoca> i closed 5 last meeting in quick review, i propose to make next month 'backlog review' to go on core/extras and close as many as we can
16:27:38 <jtanner> mattclay: that's why i'm asking what people believe is going to happen to all those issues after i spend a week or two getting them migrated
16:28:11 <bcoca> jtanner: i dont think a week of your time is worth it for migration
16:28:28 <bcoca> ^ thought we already had automated process
16:28:28 <jtanner> auto-migration is going to require supervision
16:28:36 <jtanner> it will take a week or more to get it right
16:28:46 <bcoca> hmm, -1 then
16:29:02 <sivel> are we collecting votes for this?
16:29:03 <bcoca> actually ... 0
16:29:13 <bcoca> i dont konw which option sucks less
16:29:18 <mattclay> I would be less opposed to review then migrate vs. migrate then review.
16:29:23 <jtanner> there's rate limits to deal with, bad issue bodies to deal with, new code to write for the bot to "pretend" original submitter is still the submitter, etc
16:29:29 <abadger1999> sivel: not yet...someone needs to make a proposal (instead of the three mutually exclusive ones that we have now)
16:29:39 <sivel> abadger1999: ok
16:29:49 <sivel> I liked your a, b, c, d :)
16:29:56 <sivel> well, c personally
16:30:00 <abadger1999> sivel: go ahead and propose, though.. I think we're tapped out on discussion.
16:30:27 <bcoca> updated ticket to reflect subject better
16:30:57 <sivel> a) Leave them as they are, maybe looking at them
16:31:10 <sivel> b) Add time to every meeting to go through some of them
16:31:22 <sivel> c) update them asking people to migrate them, closing after a period
16:31:29 <bcoca> sivel: b) which meeting?
16:31:30 <sivel> d) Just migrate them and deal with it later
16:32:08 <sivel> bcoca: which ever, this one?  Create a new meeting?  That gives us a defined time for a bunch of people to look at them
16:32:15 <bcoca> sivel: migration would 'auto include them' into our current workflow of ansible/asnible, which implies backlog review and others
16:32:30 <mattclay> Perhaps we shouldn't treat all issues in core/extras equally. For example, there are 237 feature ideas in core. Do we really want to keep any of those issues?
16:32:48 <abadger1999> d +1; c +1 (ok with period being 0 too... we've already commented once)  [preference is still d but c is ok]
16:32:50 <bcoca> sivel: added option
16:33:08 <bcoca> mattclay: mostly, even if we don't implement, someone else might
16:33:11 <sivel> I am +1 for c
16:33:14 <jtanner> mattclay: that's a larger question ... why do we keep any feature_requests open?
16:33:22 <bcoca> feature ideas are not something we should close unless we really are against them
16:33:51 <bcoca> jtanner: they are 'wishlists' and shoudl not count agianst us as 'bug tickets'
16:33:53 <abadger1999> (-1 a -1 b)
16:33:55 <nitzmahone> +1 for c
16:34:07 <jtanner> ideally, we would be sourcing those for our roadmap ... but we completely ignore them for the most part
16:34:42 <bcoca> jtanner: as a group, yes, i routinely go over them to see if we already imlemented or can now easily do so
16:34:49 <sivel> honestly in a project as large as ansible, feature requests are largely useless
16:34:51 <mattclay> bcoca: How often do feature request tickets actually get acted on? It's a nice idea in theory, but if it isn't actually getting us anything, it's not useful to keep them around.
16:34:55 <bcoca> ^ closed 3 last week (2 were mine ...)
16:35:00 <jtanner> sivel: i agree
16:35:01 <mattclay> +1 for c
16:35:11 <abadger1999> jtanner, sivel: +1
16:35:21 <sivel> so far we have +4 for c
16:35:48 <sivel> again, I think they should be handled the same was as the PRs
16:36:33 <abadger1999> which is the same way we handled repo split :-(
16:36:44 <sivel> not exactly
16:36:52 <sivel> we just closed immediately
16:37:00 <sivel> and didn't offer advice on moving them
16:37:33 <bcoca> mattclay: the other reason, i keep closing dupes for same feature
16:37:34 <sivel> I'd guess the majority of issues, were submitted by someone who doesn't care any more
16:37:52 <jtanner> drive bys
16:38:01 <sivel> but if we give them a 2nd notification, we can help determine that
16:38:03 <abadger1999> or frustrated
16:38:36 <abadger1999> migrated once from ansible/ansible to ansible-modules-core... refuses to migrate a second time back to ansible/ansible
16:38:38 <sivel> no doubt many people get frustrated, but that is regardless of a repo merge
16:38:51 <bcoca> it doesnt help
16:38:58 <sivel> if they are issue sthat old, we largely don't care about them either
16:39:06 <sivel> as evidenced by their age
16:39:07 <jtanner> many of them thought the issue tracker was a technical support queue
16:39:56 <bcoca> those we close fast in triage, fine with closgin those if there are any in the core/extras, but that requires 'looking'
16:40:01 <abadger1999> sivel: not true really... jctanner's dupe finding brought some old bugs onto my radar yesterday... I put up PRs to fix two of them.
16:40:08 <mattclay> It's really about who is responsible for expending effort on these old issues. Is it the original submitter or us? Although it's an inconvenience to the original submitter, having them migrate the issues scales better than having us do it.
16:40:23 <sivel> mattclay: ++
16:40:28 <abadger1999> mattclay: --
16:40:32 <sivel> :)
16:40:42 <jtanner> mattclay: in the case of community modules, it extends to "who is going to do somethign with it?"
16:40:56 <bcoca> mattclay: no question on efficient, the problem is we already take too long to deal with stuff and have mass closed on one migration
16:41:00 <bcoca> ^ feelings involved
16:41:03 <abadger1999> mattclay: Expending effort is in reviewing the issues.  Migrating is a relatively small amount of effort.
16:41:06 <mattclay> abadger1999: I do understand your point of this being a repeat of what we did with the repo split.
16:41:43 <abadger1999> Anyhow... we have +1:4 and noone against.... shall we call closing the agreed solution?
16:41:58 <bcoca> at this point i'm goign to stop discussion, prposals and some votes are in ticket, think we need jimi-c at least if not community guys also to decide how to go forward
16:42:15 <mattclay> abadger1999: So then it's a comparison of review effort in place vs review effort in ansible/ansible + migration effort?
16:42:24 <bcoca> abadger1999: there is one -1
16:42:44 <sivel> bcoca: is -1 on everything ;)
16:42:51 <bcoca> mattclay: that is one of the options
16:42:54 <bcoca> sivel: im not
16:43:11 <bcoca> 2 options im  not -1 on
16:43:31 <abadger1999> bcoca: who's -1 to (c)?
16:43:48 <bcoca>
16:43:49 <sivel> bcoca is
16:43:54 <bcoca> lost track on what is what
16:43:59 <bcoca> ^ votes there as they were made
16:44:25 <jtanner> all of them have already been notified
16:44:36 <jtanner> the proposal should clarify re-notifiy
16:44:48 <bcoca> "close after automated notice to migrate"
16:45:01 <bcoca> ^ shoudl i add "notices"
16:45:05 <jtanner> which means i can close now ... because they're already notified
16:45:21 <abadger1999> ah, I thought you were -1'ing Proposal 1 from last meeting after jtanner's explanation of the work he thought that involved.
16:45:21 <jtanner> last discussion implied they should be notified again
16:45:41 <bcoca> added 'new' there, jtanner does that disambiguate enough
16:45:42 <sivel> yes, we are saying they should be notified 1 more time after now
16:45:43 <bcoca> ?
16:45:43 <abadger1999> bcoca: You also didn't count me ;-)
16:45:54 <bcoca> abadger1999: on which?
16:46:11 <abadger1999> close after automated notice to migrate
16:46:11 <sivel> bcoca: close after notify
16:46:16 <abadger1999> I +1'd that
16:47:21 <bcoca> missed you did several in one line
16:47:22 <abadger1999> bcoca: Apparently, you're confusing me with jtanner.. I elieve he abstained again.
16:47:26 <mattclay> I'm +1 for notify one more time. I'd also re-word the notification to make it more clear action is required.
16:47:54 <mattclay> The previous notification only really mentioned action required in the last sentence.
16:48:40 <jtanner> wordsmithing isn't going to prompt additional action from an unresponsive person
16:48:41 <bcoca> stil think we need more input, you can all update ticket with your votes, i think we have a clear preference, but would want james and community mgrs to also weigh in
16:49:00 <abadger1999> jtanner: +1 to any period between notificatoin and close as long as we post another notification.
16:49:03 <mattclay> jtanner: No, it won't, but it might help with people who skimmed the notification and only read the first part.
16:49:03 <bcoca> going to close the tocic for now, revisit next meeting, opening nfloor
16:49:09 <bcoca> #topic open floor
16:51:45 <abadger1999> gregdek, rbergeron: <=== input requested on plan of action for issues in module repos (currently, close issues with a notification has garnered the most support).  jimi-c won't be back until next week so you have a few days to mull it over
16:52:47 <abadger1999> Nothing from me this week
16:53:08 <sivel> nothing from me for this meeting
16:54:18 <sivel> testing meeting starts in 6 minutes
16:54:45 <bcoca> abadger1999: didnt you want to discuss scope of what gets discussed here vs in PRs?
16:55:21 <jtanner> we don't have time for that
16:55:45 <bcoca> #endmeeting