
#ansible-meeting: Testing Working Group

Meeting started by gundalow at 17:00:02 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Module DOCUMENTATION validation (gundalow, 17:02:19)
    1. Mass tidy up of module documentation has been completed https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/22297 (gundalow, 17:03:26)
    2. gundalow still working on the tool to enforce this https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/22353 (gundalow, 17:03:55)
    3. Added support for "suboptions" e.g. dict's as options https://gist.githubusercontent.com/gundalow/4bdc3669d696268328ccc18528cc6718/raw/5c7cfabb6e33d6ff127fddb86bccd5d4e5ffedc0/nested-provider.png (gundalow, 17:04:31)

  2. General updates (gundalow, 17:12:35)
  3. Open Floor (mattclay, 17:30:10)

Meeting ended at 17:53:03 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. gundalow (37)
  2. mattclay (31)
  3. sivel (21)
  4. alikins (12)
  5. zodbot (4)
  6. jtanner (1)

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