
#ansible-meeting: Ansible Networking

Meeting started by gundalow at 16:00:33 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Core Update (gundalow, 16:02:55)
    1. work on updating the modules continues (gundalow, 16:03:08)
    2. we will be doing a blog post on the improvements to the networking modules shortly (thanks to andriusb for putting that together) it will get announced on (gundalow, 16:04:09)
    3. Partner submission deadline for Ansible 2.3 for Networking changes is 14th Feb (gundalow, 16:04:34)

  2. Open Floor (gundalow, 16:06:04)
  3. Apstra aos_* modules (gundalow, 16:07:32)
    1. (gundalow, 16:16:04)
    2. (dgarros, 16:16:06)

  4. Open Floor (gundalow, 16:33:34)
  5. CyberArk modules (gundalow, 16:34:54)
    1. will ask in #ansible-devel (gundalow, 16:38:26)

  6. Open Floor (gundalow, 16:38:29)
    1. (dkasberg, 16:40:38)
    2. AnsibleFest London is 22nd June Hope to see you there (gundalow, 16:46:46)
    3. Subscribe to to follow what's going on (gundalow, 16:46:49)

Meeting ended at 16:48:44 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. gundalow (81)
  2. dgarros (23)
  3. allanice001_ (9)
  4. enunez-cyberark (9)
  5. dkasberg (7)
  6. zodbot (4)
  7. privateip (3)
  8. andriusb (2)
  9. bcoca (2)
  10. agaffney (1)
  11. rcarrillocruz (1)
  12. Qalthos (0)

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