
#ansible-meeting: ansible community working group meeting

Meeting started by rbergeron at 19:16:36 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. agenda as always (gregdek, 19:18:52)

  1. Travis Performance (gregdek, 19:19:05)
    1. (gregdek, 19:19:12)
    2. gundalow to check in next week with progress -- on vacation right now :) (rbergeron, 19:21:09)
    3. note: appears we are running ansible 51times which takes ~10 minutes. If we can chop that into two 5 minute runes that sounds like a win (rbergeron, 19:21:27)

  2. Document / implement triage process (rbergeron, 19:22:55)
    1. (rbergeron, 19:22:58)

  3. docs proposals process (rbergeron, 19:28:17)
    1. (rbergeron, 19:28:18)
    2. status: spent a bunch of time tryign to preserve history, but now i'm not going to do that. (rbergeron, 19:29:37)
    3. going to just copy over things and hopefully not break the universe. (rbergeron, 19:29:46)
    4. gregdek says JUST DONT GIT PUSH TO ANYPLACE OTHER THAN PROPOSALS (rbergeron, 19:30:04)
    5. ACTION: rbergeron to heed gregdek's advice (rbergeron, 19:30:11)

  4. code of conduct (rbergeron, 19:32:37)
    1. (rbergeron, 19:32:53)
    2. gregdek reached out to a couple of community members, waiting on pings back and a potential PR (gregdek, 19:33:31)

  5. clarify pr labels and process (rbergeron, 19:34:48)
    1. (rbergeron, 19:34:53)
    2. (gregdek, 19:37:06)
    3. now two shipits, just around 'it works' (rbergeron, 19:38:26)
    4. though a needs_revision can be added if it doesn't pass guidelines (rbergeron, 19:38:43)
    5. shipit doesn't automagically mean it will get shippped, it means "goes to final review by core team" (rbergeron, 19:39:56)
    6. (gundalow, 19:46:18)

Meeting ended at 20:02:45 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. rbergeron to heed gregdek's advice

Action items, by person

  1. gregdek
    1. rbergeron to heed gregdek's advice
  2. rbergeron
    1. rbergeron to heed gregdek's advice

People present (lines said)

  1. gregdek (72)
  2. rbergeron (68)
  3. gundalow (20)
  4. bcoca (17)
  5. zodbot (4)
  6. smooge (2)

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