19:05:28 <cyberpear> #startmeeting Ansible Lockdown Working Group
19:05:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 18 19:05:28 2020 UTC.
19:05:28 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
19:05:28 <zodbot> The chair is cyberpear. Information about MeetBot at
19:05:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:05:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_lockdown_working_group'
19:05:31 <cyberpear> #topic Roll Call
19:05:34 <cyberpear> .hello2
19:05:35 <zodbot> cyberpear: cyberpear 'James Cassell' <>
19:06:01 <cyberpear> who's here today?
19:06:09 <xgeorgex> I'm here
19:06:18 <cyberpear> hi xgeorgex!
19:06:29 <cyberpear> #topic agenda
19:06:38 <cyberpear> what's to talk about today?
19:07:06 <xgeorgex> I started work on the RHEL8 STIG yesterday
19:07:19 <xgeorgex> I have cat1 completed and almost done with cat3
19:07:26 <cyberpear> nice
19:07:28 <xgeorgex> The meat of it is cat2 though
19:07:31 <xgeorgex> Like 200+ controls there
19:07:52 <xgeorgex> I figured I would tackle the two small sections first
19:07:55 <cyberpear> per usual
19:08:02 <cyberpear> xgeorgex: how'd you handle the encryption one?
19:08:14 <xgeorgex> Which is the encryption one?
19:08:20 <xgeorgex> Fips?
19:09:24 <cyberpear> no, Disk Encryption
19:09:40 <xgeorgex> I didn't
19:09:48 <cyberpear> maybe that wasn't CAT 1
19:09:50 <xgeorgex> There are two in section 1 that I was going to circle back to and that was one
19:10:13 <xgeorgex> Actually that's the only one I skipped in cat 1 that I need to circle back through
19:10:22 <xgeorgex> Once I get cat3 done I'm going to go back to it
19:11:38 <xgeorgex> I only have a few controls left in cat3 so I will probably be back at that one either tonight or tomor
19:11:40 <xgeorgex> Tomorrow morning
19:11:41 <cyberpear> might be kind of like the "partitioning" ones where you can otly tell  the user to fix it themselves
19:12:13 <xgeorgex> Yeah, I poked around for a bit on it but before I gave up and just messaged out a warning I wanted to really look deep
19:12:31 <xgeorgex> Visually it's easier for me to see it's not done if I leave it as /bin/true
19:13:30 <cyberpear> #topic Open Floor
19:13:47 <cyberpear> I didn't have anything new for today.
19:13:55 <xgeorgex> Was dfed able to handle the pr stuff you added last week?
19:14:07 <xgeorgex> I sent it his way and it sounded like he was going to handle it then
19:14:25 <cyberpear> yeah, they got merged. thanks!
19:14:32 <xgeorgex> Sweet!
19:14:50 <xgeorgex> The only other thing on my side is I diverted from my apache cis stuff to work on rhel8 stig
19:14:59 <xgeorgex> So I'm not sure of an eta on that now
19:15:03 <cyberpear> the person who reported the issue followed up and said there's still a typo, and I said "PR's welcome", but it's just a cosmetic typo
19:15:08 <xgeorgex> I'm about 70% done with the apache stuff
19:16:24 <cyberpear> cool
19:16:47 <cyberpear> I guess I should follow up on my Red Hat case asking for python3-passlib in RHEL 8
19:16:50 <xgeorgex> I hate those cosmetic typos when they are mine. If it's mine and there it makes my eye twitch each time I see it
19:16:51 <cyberpear> do you have a similar case open?
19:17:17 <cyberpear> related to
19:17:18 <xgeorgex> I don't but David mght
19:17:58 <cyberpear> some companies seem to have much more pull to get RH to do stuff than others
19:18:29 <xgeorgex> Yeah and I don't know where we fall in that
19:18:46 <xgeorgex> I'm not sure if we have more pull or are just one of the little guys
19:19:00 <cyberpear> (I asked for SSSD certmap support in RHEL 7, and they said "get lost, use RHEL 8", but someone else asks, and it looks like it's going to actually happen)
19:19:18 <xgeorgex> hahaha
19:20:04 <cyberpear> anyway, I think that's all from me today... anything else to discuss?
19:20:42 <xgeorgex> Same here
19:21:08 <cyberpear> thanks. will end the meeting in a minute unless anything comes up
19:37:41 <cyberpear> #endmeeting