
#ansible-lockdown: Ansible Lockdown Woring Group

Meeting started by cyberpear at 19:58:57 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Steps Towards Capital-S (cyberpear, 20:00:29)
    1. discussed dependencies for ansible-lockdown that aren't part of an ansible-product supported collection (cyberpear, 20:03:14)
    2. currently ansible-lockdown linux needs pamd, selogin, ini_file, json_query, xml, modprobe, firewalld (cyberpear, 20:04:25)
    3. at least firewalld, xml, ini_file, and selogin have integration tests (cyberpear, 20:05:05)
    4. pamd has unit tests, no integration (cyberpear, 20:05:12)
    5. RHEL 8 has no python passlib, but it's "not ansible team's problem" (cyberpear, 20:06:47)
    6. brain dump of my personal ideas to make things *S*upported (gundalow, 20:07:41)
    7. foreach item: (gundalow, 20:07:41)
    8. 1) Integration tests for modules: is check_mode defended; is it idempotent; positive and negative test cases; ensure EXAMPLES have test cases (gundalow, 20:07:41)
    9. 2) Unit or maybe integration tests for the other modules (gundalow, 20:07:41)
    10. for 1+2 review the test coverage; (gundalow, 20:07:41)
    11. 3) Ensure test/sanity/ignore*.txt doesn't have any entries for these modules or plugins (gundalow, 20:07:41)
    12. 4) Review and tidy up DOCUMENTATION, EXAMPLES, RETURNS (gundalow, 20:07:42)
    13. 5) something something code review (difficult to define) (gundalow, 20:07:42)
    14. 6) Review existing issues and PRs (gundalow, 20:07:43)
    15. Collections details: (gundalow, 20:07:43)
    16. IDEA: move depended-upon modules into lockdown collection for curation towards *Supportable*, leaving out question of actual support (cyberpear, 20:09:36)
    17. ACTION: dfed[m] to schedule another meeting to discuss further (cyberpear, 20:10:14)
    18. "pip install ansible" will work as it always has, but downstream RH products will be changing (cyberpear, 20:12:18)
    19. Collection docs (gundalow, 20:12:43)

Meeting ended at 20:13:53 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. dfed[m] to schedule another meeting to discuss further

People present (lines said)

  1. cyberpear (20)
  2. gundalow (15)
  3. zodbot (7)

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