
#ansible-docs: Documentation Working Group aka DaWGs

Meeting started by samccann1 at 16:01:51 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Action Item updates: (samccann1, 16:05:42)
    1. Resolved - add an intro to the agenda for welcome/here's what you need to know/ etc so newcomers can prepare. (samccann1, 16:05:52)
    2. resolved - to discuss antsibull-doc bugfix releases and can we update in stable-2.14 w/o updating CI containers. (samccann1, 16:06:09)
    3. open - samccann shift meeting time in calendar and remindbot to 1 hr later (samccann1, 16:06:42)

  2. Documentation updates (samccann1, 16:13:42)
    1. Ansible 7 rc1 is out today. staging at (samccann1, 16:13:49)
    2. archiving 2.4 next. (samccann1, 16:14:55)

  3. What's Next (samccann1, 16:16:01)
    1. Looking for thoughts on where we should target docs improvements next? (samccann1, 16:16:04)
    2. to add your ideas. (samccann1, 16:16:04)
    3. personas fit into 3 broad categories - content user (mostly awx) content creators (playbooks, roles, etc) and content developers ( writing plugins, contributing code etc) (samccann1, 16:29:36)
    4. < briantist fixing that (bcoca, 16:45:32)
    5. looking for 'lanaguage' for docs for 'required_X' and other rules that now do not make it for docs but are in argspec (bcoca, 16:53:40)

Meeting ended at 17:06:43 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. samccann1 (94)
  2. bcoca (53)
  3. briantist (36)
  4. felixfontein (13)
  5. zodbot (12)
  6. acozine (10)
  7. DonNaro[m] (9)
  8. thedoubl3j (3)
  9. anwesha[m] (2)
  10. Don (0)
  11. Naro (0)
  12. anwesha (0)

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