
#ansible-docs: Documentation Working Group aka DaWGs

Meeting started by samccann at 15:00:52 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Action Item updates (samccann, 15:04:41)
    1. Resolved -samcann to test and request backport to core 2.14 (samccann, 15:04:50)
    2. open - samccann add a link to a separate intro to the agenda for welcome/here's what you need to know/ etc so newcomers can prepare. (samccann, 15:06:14)
    3. open - dnaro to create docs open office hrs for EMEA timezone and add to WG calendar (samccann, 15:06:22)

  2. Documentation updates (samccann, 15:07:17)
    1. ansible-core 2.14 rc2 staged at - (samccann, 15:07:28)
    2. Ansible 7 alpha 2 staged at (samccann, 15:09:02)
    3. (samccann, 15:18:22)
    4. (samccann, 15:19:21)
    5. we have a bug in antsibull-docs where it's mislabeling old stuff as `added in ansible-core 0.1 etc - 5 lookups, 1 connection plugin and 26 modules (samccann, 15:21:48)
    6. AGREED: we will keep `antsibull-docs` at 1.7.1 and fix/enhance how version added info is displayed in an update in `devel` only (samccann, 15:38:18)
    7. felix will create a bugfix (1.7.2) for the `ansible-core 0.7` problem but we won't add to stable-2.14 unless there are complaints about it (samccann, 15:40:19)

  3. Documentation updates (samccann, 15:42:50)
    1. Hactoberfest results - closed 36 issues, including boolean changes! Up from 26 issues last year. (samccann, 15:42:56)
    2. archiving 2.3 docs ready for merging. Redirects (with most module redirects removed for pastebin size limits) at (samccann, 15:44:12)

  4. What's next? (samccann, 15:46:24)
    1. EMEA Office Hours survey. there's still only one response so far. what I'm thinking about doing is trying to ping the room on certain days to see who's around to talk docs, etc. (DonNaro[m], 15:47:40)
    2. our current list of docs priorities - (samccann, 15:54:07)

  5. Open Floor (samccann, 15:58:06)

Meeting ended at 16:03:19 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. samccann (101)
  2. felixfontein (35)
  3. acozine (24)
  4. DonNaro[m] (16)
  5. zodbot (10)
  6. briantist (2)
  7. jklech[m] (2)
  8. Don (0)
  9. Naro (0)

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