
#ansible-docs: Documentation Working Group aka DaWGs

Meeting started by samccann at 15:01:08 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Docs Updates (samccann, 15:05:25)
    1. archiving 2.3 docs hopefully this week. They will be available from (samccann, 15:05:38)
    2. Reminder on new project tracking board for Ansible docs- (samccann, 15:08:02)
    3. Help on issues always welcome :-) (samccann, 15:08:14)
    4. User guide is being split into multiple guides. See for current status. More to come. (samccann, 15:11:23)
    5. - if you need an editor to review docs PRs or do light editing (edit on github) we have a team of community writers willing to help. See and ping us here if you need access to add your PRs/easyfix issues to that board. (samccann, 15:13:41)

  2. doc tools updates (samccann, 15:14:29)
    1. docs warnings down from 1.1K to 174 thanks to antsibull-docs update! (samccann, 15:14:32)
    2. this will not be part of the docs requirements until early September, so you'll have to manually update `antsibull-docs` >= 1.3 to get this locally (samccann, 15:15:43)
    3. ACTION: samccann to open discussion on when we can get CI container updates for 2.14 (esp if it has to happen after branch pull due to late changes in sidecar docs-related feature (samccann, 15:31:49)
    4. Switching boolean yes/no vs true/false based on (samccann, 15:32:06)
    5. - right now there are syntax errors that need to be fixed (felixfontein, 15:33:43)
    6. ACTION: sammcann to nag about status (samccann, 15:34:12)
    7. the remainder of boolean work involves the WIP PR for core, and manually changing collection examples in each collection (samccann, 15:35:18)
    8. ACTION: samccann to open an issue 'somewhere' to track all the collections that need this change (samccann, 15:35:49)
    9. ACTION: samccann to followup with whether boolean examples MUST or SHOULD be true/false in collection inclusion criteria (samccann, 15:42:41)

  3. Open Floow (samccann, 15:45:54)
    1. currently has zero open issues ;) (felixfontein, 15:49:41)

Meeting ended at 15:52:43 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. samccann to open discussion on when we can get CI container updates for 2.14 (esp if it has to happen after branch pull due to late changes in sidecar docs-related feature
  2. sammcann to nag about status
  3. samccann to open an issue 'somewhere' to track all the collections that need this change
  4. samccann to followup with whether boolean examples MUST or SHOULD be true/false in collection inclusion criteria

Action items, by person

  1. samccann
    1. samccann to open discussion on when we can get CI container updates for 2.14 (esp if it has to happen after branch pull due to late changes in sidecar docs-related feature
    2. samccann to open an issue 'somewhere' to track all the collections that need this change
    3. samccann to followup with whether boolean examples MUST or SHOULD be true/false in collection inclusion criteria

People present (lines said)

  1. samccann (87)
  2. felixfontein (34)
  3. zodbot (10)
  4. acozine (9)
  5. briantist (5)
  6. DonNaro[m] (3)
  7. ssbarnea (0)
  8. Don (0)
  9. Naro (0)

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