
#ansible-docs: Documentation Working Group aka DaWGs

Meeting started by samccann at 15:00:35 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. opening chatter (samccann, 15:00:46)
  2. Documentation updates (samccann, 15:04:19)
    1. PR to set the managed node requirements needs tech review - (samccann, 15:04:33)
    2. User guide is being split into multiple guides. See for current status. More to come. (samccann, 15:07:52)
    3. (acozine, 15:15:23)
    4. - if you need an editor to review docs PRs or do light editing (edit on github) we have a team of community writers willing to help. See and ping us here if you need access to add your PRs/easyfix issues to that board. (samccann, 15:18:08)
    5. always looking for help on the backlog - issues - and PRs - (samccann, 15:18:30)

  3. doctools (samccann, 15:19:02)
    1. Switching boolean yes/no vs true/false based on (samccann, 15:19:10)
    2. need to update docs requirements before end of core freeze (aka by early Sept). (samccann, 15:22:40)

  4. Open Floor (samccann, 15:28:35)

Meeting ended at 15:37:45 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. samccann (59)
  2. acozine (22)
  3. zodbot (8)
  4. DonNaro[m] (5)
  5. briantist (2)
  6. tremble (2)
  7. Don (0)
  8. Naro (0)

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