
#ansible-docs: Documentation Working Group aka DaWGs

Meeting started by samccann at 15:59:15 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. opening chatter (samccann, 15:59:23)
  2. Documentation updates (samccann, 16:03:00)
    1. added accessibility guidelines to Ansible docs style guide. (samccann, 16:03:09)
    2. daylight savings time changes coming up soon. We need to decide if we shift this meeting so it stays the same after that or ...not. (samccann, 16:06:02)
    3. always looking for help on the backlog - issues - and PRs - (samccann, 16:06:28)

  3. doctools (samccann, 16:14:21)
    1. Jenkins docs builds are busted again. I updated them all to use centos8-stream - (samccann, 16:14:32)
    2. ACTION: samccann to ping individuals not here about DST time shift for the meeting (samccann, 16:18:43)
    3. ACTION: samccann to ping 'someone in the know' about using centos8-stream for production docs (samccann, 16:19:00)
    4. community-topic to discuss if we want to have unversioned docs (like community/contributor guides) - Please add your comments there. (samccann, 16:22:27)
    5. ACTION: samccann to investigate creating a GitHub Actions workflow that triggers on PR merge of specific paths for keeping porting guide up todate in latest etc (samccann, 16:28:26)
    6. adding extra links to collection and module docs pages - (samccann, 16:33:45)
    7. an example of this in action - (samccann, 16:34:35)

  4. semantic markup (samccann, 16:37:43)
    1. semantic markup will not be on the Red Hat product roadmap this year. (samccann, 16:38:27)
    2. community will need to consider a redesign for 'opt in' or delay this feature until it can be timed with the product roadmap down the road (samccann, 16:39:06)

  5. OpenFloor (samccann, 16:41:34)

Meeting ended at 16:46:00 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. samccann to ping individuals not here about DST time shift for the meeting
  2. samccann to ping 'someone in the know' about using centos8-stream for production docs
  3. samccann to investigate creating a GitHub Actions workflow that triggers on PR merge of specific paths for keeping porting guide up todate in latest etc

Action items, by person

  1. samccann
    1. samccann to ping individuals not here about DST time shift for the meeting
    2. samccann to ping 'someone in the know' about using centos8-stream for production docs
    3. samccann to investigate creating a GitHub Actions workflow that triggers on PR merge of specific paths for keeping porting guide up todate in latest etc

People present (lines said)

  1. samccann (73)
  2. briantist (18)
  3. zodbot (7)
  4. ariordan (5)
  5. remindbot[m] (3)
  6. acozine (1)

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