
#ansible-docs: Docs Working Group aka DaWGs

Meeting started by acozine at 14:30:41 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. collections update (acozine, 14:33:34)
    1. details on the freeze at!msg/ansible-devel/6UAfogEDtG8/wMTgxBGWCgAJ (acozine, 14:38:54)
    2. - any .rst docs works should happen on devel and hold off on opening the PR until the devel freeze is over (samccann, 14:43:45)
    3. module docs changes should happen in the migrated collection repo (samccann, 14:44:25)

  2. status updates (acozine, 14:50:38)
    1. worked to get docs PR count down before the freeze (samccann, 14:53:37)
    2. there may be help 'down the road' with identifying and moving PRs/issues that belong in a new collection instead of ansible/ansible. Timeline TBD (samccann, 14:59:14)
    3. working on updating examples in Networking guides to use collections since they are all active already on Galaxy (though in prerelease form) (samccann, 14:59:43)
    4. ansible-galaxy collection install - for the prerelease networking collections, use a version in that command. Currently it won't pick the 'latest' as it's a prerelease number (samccann, 15:00:38)
    5. work progressing on post-migration docs publication pipeline (samccann, 15:03:12)
    6. continued overhaul for the User guide (samccann, 15:03:28)

  3. Docs Issues (acozine, 15:06:36)
    1. no PRs will be merged on ansible/ansible until late March (samccann, 15:06:40)
    2. as of today we have 222 open issues on ansible/ansible with the label `docs` (acozine, 15:07:02)
    3. (acozine, 15:07:05)
    4. AGREED: will we do docs issue triage every day here at 10am ET to work through the docs issues backlog. Community participation would be most welcome! (samccann, 15:11:41)
    5. tomorrow's docs issue triage will happen early - 9:30am ET. We will post start times on a day by day basis (samccann, 15:15:21)

  4. Open Floor (acozine, 15:16:52)

Meeting ended at 15:25:19 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. acozine (87)
  2. samccann (42)
  3. cbudz (8)
  4. zodbot (7)

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