18:02:43 <gotmax> #startmeeting Ansible Community Meeting
18:02:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 23 18:02:43 2023 UTC.
18:02:43 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
18:02:43 <zodbot> The chair is gotmax. Information about MeetBot at
18:02:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:02:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_community_meeting'
18:02:48 <gotmax> #topic Hello world
18:02:55 <gotmax> .hello gotmax23
18:02:56 <zodbot> gotmax: gotmax23 'Maxwell G' <>
18:03:30 <gotmax> Landrash[m], acozine, andersson007_, anwesha, ascherbaum, baptistemm, bcoca, briantist, cidrblock, cyberpear, cybette, dericcrago, dmsimard, felixfontein, geerlingguy, gotmax, gundalow, gwmngilfen, ikhan_, jillr, jtanner, lmodemal, mariolenz[m], markuman, maxamillion, misc, nitzmahone, ompragash, oranod, resmo, russoz, samccann, thaumos,
18:03:30 <gotmax> wbentley15[m], zbr: The Ansible community meeting is starting now!
18:03:30 <gotmax> The ping list is stored at Feel free to add or remove yourself.
18:03:50 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> o/
18:04:00 <gotmax> #topic Agenda: / Topics:
18:04:02 <gotmax> Oops
18:04:03 <gotmax> #undo
18:04:03 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7f2473e8f3c8>
18:04:10 <gotmax> #info Agenda: / Topics:
18:04:56 <gotmax> Does anyone have any announcement or anything in particular they'd like to discuss?
18:05:31 <gotmax> I'll announce some votes
18:05:42 <cybette> o/
18:06:06 <gotmax> #info There's an open vote on whether to ban CLAs for collection included in the Ansible package: Please vote if you haven't already.
18:06:28 <gotmax> #info There's an open vote on whether to remove hpe.nimble from Ansible 10:
18:06:35 <cybette> I'll annouce some events
18:06:45 <gotmax> #info There's an open vote on whether to remove ngine_io.exoscale from Ansible 10
18:06:51 <gotmax> cybette++
18:07:10 <ansible_relay> 02acozine> o/
18:07:41 <cybette> gotmax: do you want to add the voting link for ngine_io.exoscale ?
18:07:59 <gotmax> Yeah
18:08:00 <gotmax> #undo
18:08:01 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by gotmax at 18:06:45 : There's an open vote on whether to remove ngine_io.exoscale from Ansible 10
18:08:08 <gotmax> #info There's an open vote on whether to remove ngine_io.exoscale from Ansible 10:
18:08:20 <cybette> #info We have extended the CFP deadline for Ansible Community Day Berlin by a week! Proposals are now due Sept 4, check out the details:
18:08:27 <cybette> (for those who've already submitted, thanks! We'll provide a response to your proposal by next week.)
18:08:43 <cybette> ^ no need to info that, just a comment
18:08:48 <cybette> #info In 2 months, we will have Ansible Contributor Summit 2023.10 in Durham and online! Check out the details and propose discussion topics here:
18:08:55 <cybette> ok I'm done, thanks!
18:09:18 <gotmax> Who's planning to attend the one in Durham?
18:09:26 <gotmax> I might be able to get to that
18:10:29 <gotmax> (I'll also set the topic to Open Floor)
18:10:32 <gotmax> #topic Open Floor
18:10:39 <gotmax> There's not a ton of new stuff this week
18:10:46 <ansible_relay> 02acozine> ooh, I can make it there, but some of my colleagues are in NC
18:10:49 <ansible_relay> 02acozine> I'll pass the words
18:10:51 <cybette> re: Contributor summit in Durham, last I heard 6 has signed up in-person and 3 online, we'll probably get more registration soon when we announce it (I'll include it in the bullhorn this week)
18:10:51 <ansible_relay> 02acozine> I'll pass the word
18:11:16 <gotmax> Cool!
18:11:18 <cybette> thanks acozine!
18:11:29 <gotmax> Work on getting the forum ready for launch is going smoothly
18:11:43 <gotmax> I was able to create a test vote and it worked reasonably well
18:11:49 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> is there any need/desire to discuss how this meeting might change after the forum opens in a week or so?
18:12:05 <gotmax> We'll keep testing it and at some point we'll consider fully moving over community-topics stuff to the forum
18:12:19 <gotmax> samccann: I don't think the two are super connected
18:12:37 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> well yes and no
18:12:49 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> the community-topics isn't directly this meeting, but it is what feed the meeting
18:13:03 <gotmax> For now, we're still using zodbot and posting agendas to using
18:13:06 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> and then there's where will the meeting logs go? right now if the meeting is run on IRC the logs go to fedora etc
18:13:32 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> yeah guess that was my point. The docs meeting is going full matrix/forum starting next week (assuming forum is open)
18:13:42 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> agenda, meeting minutes, etc
18:14:12 <gotmax> I guess the DAWGs can test drive it and then we can eventually move over the Community meetings
18:15:01 <ansible_relay> 10remindbot> cyb-clock chimes every 15 minutes during the community meeting
18:15:50 <gotmax> There's also a new Release Management WG starting up and work on automating the release process
18:15:57 <gotmax> Thanks to anwesha for starting that up
18:16:13 <gotmax> #link
18:16:36 <ansible_relay> 04gotmax23> We now have a Matrix room in
18:17:07 <gotmax> I guess if there's nothing in particular to discuss, we can close in ~5 minutes
18:17:23 <ansible_relay> 02acozine> is this a record?
18:17:27 <ansible_relay> 02acozine> shortest meeting yet?
18:17:32 <gotmax> I'm the only SC member here today, so there's not too much on the agenda
18:17:35 <gotmax> acozine: maybe :)
18:17:48 <ansible_relay> 02acozine> er, I'm an SC member
18:17:59 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> hehe yeah was gonna mention that.. two of ya
18:18:09 <ansible_relay> 02acozine> but I have no topics to suggest
18:18:40 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> actually if you can stick around after the meeting, there was a detailed question here before the meeting started
18:19:05 <gotmax> Oops, sorry acozine. I didn't see you come in.
18:19:27 <ansible_relay> 02acozine> samccann: not sure who the request to stick around is for . . . if it's me, I can stick around a bit
18:19:57 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> well anyone familar with collection inclusion rules. But let's wait for gotmax23 to end the meeting
18:20:07 <gotmax> #endmeeting