18:00:16 <gotmax> #startmeeting Ansible Community Meeting
18:00:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug  9 18:00:16 2023 UTC.
18:00:16 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
18:00:16 <zodbot> The chair is gotmax. Information about MeetBot at
18:00:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_community_meeting'
18:00:20 <gotmax> #topic Hello world
18:00:22 <ansible_relay>> .hello2
18:00:34 <ansible_relay>> hrmmm... I'm guessing that's not going to work anymore
18:01:12 <gotmax> #info Agenda: / Topics:
18:01:22 <gotmax> Landrash[m], acozine, andersson007_, anwesha, ascherbaum, baptistemm, bcoca, briantist, cidrblock, cyberpear, cybette, dericcrago, dmsimard, felixfontein, geerlingguy, gotmax, gundalow, gwmngilfen, ikhan_, jillr, jtanner, lmodemal, mariolenz[m], markuman, maxamillion, misc, nitzmahone, ompragash, oranod, resmo, russoz, samccann, thaumos,
18:01:22 <gotmax> wbentley15[m], zbr: The Ansible community meeting is starting now!
18:01:22 <gotmax> The ping list is stored at Feel free to add or remove yourself.
18:01:41 <ansible_relay> 02acozine> o/
18:01:46 <gotmax> .hello2
18:01:47 <zodbot> gotmax: Something blew up, please try again
18:01:50 <zodbot> gotmax: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
18:01:52 <cybette> o/
18:02:17 <gotmax> Y'all may have a better experience if you join from IRC rather than Matrix
18:02:23 <ansible_relay> 02Don Naro> o/
18:02:26 <ansible_relay> 02Don Naro> hello
18:02:33 <gotmax> #chair ansible_relay cybette
18:02:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: ansible_relay cybette gotmax
18:02:42 <gotmax> Hi everyone!
18:02:59 <ansible_relay>> zodbot: hello2
18:03:00 <ansible_relay>> well ... nevermind
18:03:21 <gotmax> .hello maxamillion
18:03:22 <zodbot> gotmax: Something blew up, please try again
18:03:25 <zodbot> gotmax: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
18:03:29 <gotmax> Well, it's broken anyways
18:03:51 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> bummer. it worked from the docs channel on Tues
18:03:55 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> and o/
18:04:06 <gotmax> meetbot works. the .hello command is just broken.
18:04:44 <ansible_relay> 04Leo> Hi all. relay working or we should jump to irc? :D
18:04:54 <gotmax> relay works, but I'd suggest jumping to IRC
18:05:12 <gotmax> I don't think you can use zodbot commands such as #info over the relay
18:05:13 <ansible_relay> 02acozine> I'll have to dig up my IRC client
18:05:17 <ansible_relay> 08Landrash> Yikes the relay bot is horrible for Matrix
18:05:42 <gotmax> Some core RCs were released; I guess I'll #info those
18:06:30 <gotmax> #info ansible-core 2.14.9rc1 was released this week:
18:06:33 <ansible_relay> 08Landrash> Setting up a secondary IRC client and all that stuff is not something folks on Mobile is going to do. 😔
18:07:00 <gotmax> #info ansible-core 2.15.3rc1 was released this week:
18:07:01 <cybette> #info We are having an Ansible Community Day in Berlin next month, on September 20. Registration will be available shortly, however the CFP is now running:
18:07:30 <cybette> please take a look and submit a talk if you're interested! ^
18:08:55 <ansible_relay> 04Leo> same here. it's been a while. hexchat here we go
18:09:05 <leogallego> hi all from irc :)
18:09:11 <cybette> hi leogallego!
18:09:37 <gotmax> I won't be able to come, but good luck with it!
18:10:10 <gotmax> Does anybody have a topic they'd like to discuss?
18:10:27 <gotmax> There's about Python versions, but felixfontein isn't here
18:11:13 <gotmax> #info Please vote on whether to remove from Ansible 10:
18:12:19 <akcozine_> acozine is here on IRC, not sure why my username has changed
18:12:25 <akcozine_> but it's me
18:12:43 <gotmax> #chair akcozine_ leogallego oranod
18:12:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: akcozine_ ansible_relay cybette gotmax leogallego oranod
18:12:51 <gotmax> #topic Open Floor
18:13:40 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> Leo: are you here?
18:13:52 <ansible_relay> 08Landrash> @gotmax the use of # makes the text Heading size one. If the use of the relay bot is the future the # should probably be avoided to make the chat slightly easier to read
18:13:53 <leogallego> yes, in both :D
18:13:54 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> I'm not sure if he had more namespace questions or not
18:14:15 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> haha ok. did you have a question about using the `ansible` namespace for both up and downstream? or is that old news?
18:14:27 <ansible_relay> 13cybette> Landrash: it's a temporary measure while the bridge is down
18:14:38 <ansible_relay>> voted in the issue ticket
18:15:01 <ansible_relay> 10remindbot> cyb-clock chimes every 15 minutes during the community meeting
18:15:18 <gotmax> Landrash: We need to use `#` for zodbot. The relaybot is applying markdown formatting when it shouldn't.
18:15:40 <ansible_relay> 08Landrash> Ahh thanks for the info
18:16:17 <leogallego> samccann I do, but I will create a namespaces topic before bringing it up here I think. From what I found out, ansible namespace is reserved by RH. I do wonder how we can promote the community namespace for RH upstream.
18:17:26 <leogallego> about the azure collection, is there a process to onboard the replacement to the community package? or unless the mantainer resubmits for inclusion, it's not done?
18:17:27 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> do we know how many certified collections (other than some RH ones) actually change their names upstream vs downstream/certified?
18:18:07 <gotmax> The awx collection obviously. The linux-system-roles collection does.
18:18:14 <gotmax> I don't know how many others
18:18:28 <leogallego> samccann I was trying to find out a few of those details. We got a governance doc, if we could work on the community guidelines, we could ask them to refer to that for upstream
18:19:26 <leogallego> @gotmax those and there was satellite/foreman, kubernetes/openshift and a couple others
18:20:10 <leogallego> but I will write down and bring to a WG meeting as soon as I have
18:20:21 <gotmax> Sounds good
18:20:34 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> cool thanks
18:20:43 <leogallego> the urgency with galaxy has passed, they are going with galaxy.galaxy apparently even though we suggested otherwise
18:21:09 <felixfontein> o/
18:21:20 <gotmax> #chair felixfontein
18:21:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: akcozine_ ansible_relay cybette felixfontein gotmax leogallego oranod
18:21:31 <felixfontein> sorry for being late!
18:21:39 <gotmax> Thanks for coming at all!
18:21:59 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> :headdesk:
18:22:12 <gotmax> #action leogallego to open a community-topic about ansible collection namespace
18:22:20 <gotmax> felixfontein: do you want to discuss
18:23:04 <felixfontein> gotmax: sounds good to me!
18:23:21 <gotmax> #topic Update Python requirements for collections included in Ansible
18:23:28 <gotmax> #topic
18:23:32 <gotmax> Oops
18:23:33 <gotmax> #undo
18:23:33 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7fd12e171eb8>
18:23:43 <gotmax> #link
18:24:05 <felixfontein> I tried to write up a proposal which sounds reasonable to me:
18:24:08 <felixfontein> what do others think about it?
18:24:15 <gotmax> I like it
18:24:23 <gotmax> It's a reasonable compromise
18:24:40 <felixfontein> the basic idea is that collections have to support Python versions that ansible-core supports controller side (except if the libraries they need don't support these), and should support target Python versions as well (but don't have to)
18:25:10 <felixfontein> and there's the possibility for further exceptions approved by the S
18:25:11 <felixfontein> C
18:25:27 <felixfontein> (which is obviously always possible, but saying it explicitly doesn't hurt IMO)
18:25:38 <akcozine_> proposal seems reasonable to me
18:25:50 <akcozine_> when we document it, we should add an example for ease of use
18:26:04 <gotmax> Yeah, I think we're open to flexibility on this one so fine to say it explicitly
18:27:05 <felixfontein> should I convert this into a PR?
18:27:10 <gotmax> +1
18:27:16 <akcozine_> +1
18:27:47 <felixfontein> ok! I won't manage that today, but I should be able to finish it before the weekend
18:27:51 <gotmax> Sounds good
18:27:56 <gotmax> Does anyone else have something to add?
18:28:10 <felixfontein> then we can word-smith it for some days, and start a vote somewhen next week when everyone is happy
18:29:30 <gotmax> #topic Open Floor
18:30:01 <ansible_relay> 10remindbot> cyb-clock chimes every 15 minutes during the community meeting
18:30:11 <gotmax> While ugly, the relaybot is much more reliable than the actual bridge...
18:30:42 <cybette> hehe that's true
18:31:04 <gotmax> No dropped or out of order or delayed messages
18:31:26 <gotmax> I guess I'll close this out in a couple minutes
18:33:52 <ansible_relay> 12samccann> oh interesting... there were out of order/dropped messages on the bridge? (I mean back when the bridge was still fully working, not the most recent week or so of chaos)
18:33:53 <felixfontein> the good thing about the bridge disaster is that I had to spend some more time with the matrix client, and can handle it a bit better by now ;)
18:34:21 <felixfontein> samccan: yes, sometimes messages went missing, or took a long time../
18:34:25 <gotmax> samccann: yes, quite frequently
18:34:35 <ansible_relay>> TIL
18:34:37 <leogallego> felixfontein, which matrix client are you using
18:35:00 <gotmax> I often noticed, because I switched between IRC and Matrix, but to others it wasn't always visible unless it was especially bad
18:35:14 <felixfontein> leogallego: gomuks, it's a text based client
18:35:32 <felixfontein>
18:36:15 <gotmax> I use The Lounge hooked up to the bouncer for IRC and Element web/android for Matrix
18:36:47 <gotmax> #endmeeting