
#ansible-community: Ansible Community Meeting

Meeting started by gotmax at 19:00:16 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Intros and Info (gotmax, 19:00:39)
    1. Agenda: / Topics: (gotmax, 19:00:55)
    2. Ansible 7.0.0rc1 was released this week: (gotmax, 19:02:26)
    3. Ansible 7.0.0rc1 has been released! If there are no huge blunders reported until Friday, 7.0.0 will be released next week. (felixfontein, 19:04:42)

  2. Follow Up (gotmax[m], 19:06:42)
    1. Update on private plugins in collections: core prefers metadata instead of filename semantics, I created a new PR for that (ref:, (felixfontein, 19:07:35)

  3. Open Floor (gotmax[m], 19:23:11)
  4. Future of c.g and c.n and Process for orphaning/deprecating modules in community.general and (gotmax[m], 19:31:07)
    1. (gotmax[m], 19:31:08)
    2. There is some agreement about identifying and removing dead/unmaintained/unsed plugins in community.general and (gotmax[m], 20:02:21)
    3. Ideas include: adding metadata about the maintenance state of plugins, announcing orphaned plugins in the changelog/bullhorn, maybe some sort of optional survey/script/callback plugin to collect data, warnings after time has at once, engaging the devtools team about data from ansible-lint or the vscode plugin (gotmax[m], 20:03:02)

Meeting ended at 20:04:24 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. felixfontein (70)
  2. gotmax[m] (47)
  3. bcoca (16)
  4. mariolenz[m] (15)
  5. gotmax (14)
  6. zodbot (11)
  7. samccann1 (5)
  8. maxamillion (4)
  9. remindbot[m] (3)
  10. oranod (2)
  11. anwesha (1)
  12. cyberpear (1)
  13. russoz[m] (1)
  14. russoz (0)

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