
#ansible-community: Ansible Community Meeting

Meeting started by gotmax at 19:00:17 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Intro and Info (gotmax, 19:00:35)
    1. The weekly community meeting has moved from Wednesdays at 18:00 UTC to Wednesdays at 19:00 UTC so it stays at 2:00 p.m. EST / 8:00 p.m. CET now that DST / summer time is ending. The meeting location – #ansible-community on IRC and on Matrix – remains the same. As always, all interested community members are welcome! (gotmax, 19:02:39)
    2. Ansible 7.0.0b1 was released this week: (gotmax[m], 19:04:14)
    3. Ansible 6.6.0 was released this week: (gotmax[m], 19:04:33)
    4. ansible-core 2.14.0 was released this week: (gotmax[m], 19:05:09)
    5. ansible-core 2.13.6 was relased this week: (gotmax[m], 19:05:22)
    6. Ansible 7.0.0rc1 will happen next week, and depending on the feedback Ansible 7.0.0 will either be released one or two week afterwards, with a potential rc2 inbetween (felixfontein, 19:05:29)
    7. We've merged the removal_from_ansible policy [change]( Collections with unresolved Collection Requirements violations are now subject to removal from the Ansible package. (gotmax[m], 19:08:20)

  2. How to mark private plugins in a collection #154 (gotmax[m], 19:08:46)
    1. (gotmax[m], 19:08:50)
    2. (gotmax[m], 19:33:30)
    3. (gotmax[m], 19:33:41)
    4. (gotmax[m], 19:38:57)
    5. There's some agreement that there should be a standardized way to mark content in a collection as private. If we proceed, the next steps are to decide whether to use the `_` prefix approach or a metadata based approach, discuss this with core, and get the changes into ansible-core and antsibull-docs to hide private plugins from `ansible-doc -l` and the docsite. (gotmax[m], 19:40:22)

  3. Open Floor (gotmax[m], 19:43:08)
    1. (mariolenz[m], 19:46:16)
    2. (mariolenz[m], 19:48:08)
    3. ACTION: gotmax23 to submit an ansible-build-data PR add each collection's repository URL to collection-meta.yaml (gotmax[m], 20:01:14)

Meeting ended at 20:08:34 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. gotmax23 to submit an ansible-build-data PR add each collection's repository URL to collection-meta.yaml

Action items, by person

  1. gotmax
    1. gotmax23 to submit an ansible-build-data PR add each collection's repository URL to collection-meta.yaml

People present (lines said)

  1. felixfontein (79)
  2. gotmax[m] (54)
  3. maxamillion (24)
  4. jtanner (21)
  5. gotmax (15)
  6. briantist (13)
  7. zodbot (12)
  8. andersson007__ (12)
  9. mariolenz[m] (8)
  10. mattclay (7)
  11. acozine (6)
  12. samccann1 (6)
  13. DonNaro[m] (3)
  14. remindbot[m] (3)
  15. anwesha (2)

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