
#ansible-community: Ansible Community Meeting

Meeting started by felixfontein at 18:00:05 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (felixfontein, 18:00:06)
    1. Agenda: / Topics: (felixfontein, 18:00:09)

  2. Updates (felixfontein, 18:00:12)
    1. Thanks to the great work by [KeyboardInterrupt]( we now have [awesome-ansible]( which has a curated list of cool Ansible projects. You may find something new. Suggestions for things to add, raise a PR! (gundalow, 18:02:08)
    2. Ansible 6.0.0a1 and ansible-core 2.13.0b1 have been released. These are the first releases that ship with wheels! (felixfontein, 18:02:25)
    3. yesterday's Contributor Summit was a great success! (felixfontein, 18:04:31)
    4. community member mariolenz joined the Ansible Community Engineering Steering Committee! Welcome, Mario! (felixfontein, 18:06:03)
    5. if anyone else has change requests for (Describe how collections can be removed from the Ansible package) please voice them ASAP, I'll probably start a vote on this tomorrow (felixfontein, 18:08:49)
    6. / that's where this originally came from (felixfontein, 18:25:41)
    7. AWS community meeting in #/amazon-aws, agenda: (jillr, 18:38:05)

Meeting ended at 19:06:08 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. felixfontein (76)
  2. briantist (39)
  3. gotmax (29)
  4. samccann (13)
  5. jillr (11)
  6. acozine (9)
  7. zodbot (8)
  8. cybette (8)
  9. dmsimard (8)
  10. gundalow (5)
  11. andersson007_ (5)
  12. remindbot[m] (3)
  13. agaffney (3)
  14. andersson007_[m] (1)

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