14:00:20 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible PR review day
14:00:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 17 14:00:20 2020 UTC.
14:00:20 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
14:00:20 <zodbot> The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at
14:00:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_pr_review_day'
14:01:14 <gundalow> Who's around?
14:01:34 <BhavyaM> hello everyone.
14:01:40 * felixfontein (partially)
14:02:52 * cybette lurking to observe and learn
14:03:42 <gundalow> resmo: misc you joining today?
14:05:14 <gundalow> #chair felixfontein cybette gregdek BhavyaM
14:05:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: BhavyaM cybette felixfontein gregdek gundalow
14:05:16 <gundalow> Hi all :)
14:05:33 <gundalow> #info What's this all about
14:05:59 <gundalow> Thanks for joining, this is very informal, so please do shout out at any point
14:06:30 <gundalow> #info If you are new to the Ansible Community I invite you to review the Code of Conduct
14:06:51 <gundalow> #info This is the first PR review day since we've had the collections in place
14:07:02 <gundalow> BhavyaM: anything in particular you are hoping to get from today?
14:07:53 <BhavyaM> joining first time - looking forward to learning how this works. interested in contributing to ansible, ansible-runner and awx.
14:08:43 <gundalow> BhavyaM: excellent, please do shout out with questions. I'm sure there are other people lurking (idling in here) wondering the same thing
14:08:44 <BhavyaM> basically what extra is here compared to PR discussions on github. hopefully i get some insights into the codebase - while reviewing PRs and also insight into process of contributing
14:08:56 <gundalow> I hope today will help
14:08:59 <BhavyaM> :thumbs-up:
14:09:03 <gundalow> #topic community.general
14:09:49 <gundalow> #info We will start with (oldest PR first)
14:10:08 <gundalow> Add check_and_failed option to pacemaker_cluster module
14:10:35 <gundalow> BhavyaM: basically I'm going to talk through what I see
14:11:23 <BhavyaM> there is no companion audio discussion anywhere. no discord or anything else, right ?
14:11:41 <felixfontein> yep
14:11:44 <resmo> yep
14:12:00 <felixfontein> that PR definitely needs a rebase
14:12:00 <gundalow> BhavyaM: nop, just here. We've found this allows others to keep half an eye on things even if they are working on their dayjob
14:12:04 <gundalow> So looks like matbu has hit some issues when trying to rebase their PR. That's fairly common
14:12:09 <gundalow> #chair resmo
14:12:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: BhavyaM cybette felixfontein gregdek gundalow resmo
14:14:59 <gundalow> I've added some guidance here
14:15:11 <gundalow> ok, next
14:15:22 <gundalow> Add pacemaker_resource module for managing cluster resources
14:16:29 <gundalow> 53: By the same person as before, looks like it's already been reviewed, though no response in the past two months, I'll ask if they need help
14:16:51 <felixfontein> sounds good
14:17:33 <gundalow> 53: comment added
14:17:50 <gundalow> oh, and just for info I'm adding `pr_day` label to every PR we review today, helps us keep track
14:18:06 <gundalow> [WIP] Refactor github* modules,Added tests for github_deploy_key
14:18:30 <gundalow> 85: the `[WIP]` means "Work In Progress", so we know this isn't complete yet
14:19:45 <gundalow> 85: We can see from the last box there are "Conflicting files", meaning it needs a rebase and merge conflicts need resolving
14:20:36 <felixfontein> shaps: FYI if you do backwards incompatible changes in #85, you should better get them done before 1.0.0 is released - otherwise you have to wait half a year
14:20:56 <gundalow> felixfontein: good point, could you add that to the Pr please?
14:21:36 <felixfontein> done
14:21:46 <BhavyaM> community collections have a half yearly major release cycle ?
14:22:17 <felixfontein> not necessarily, but community.general and release major releases once every 6 months, and breaking changes can only go into major releases
14:22:30 <gundalow> felixfontein: what should `removed_in` be set to here
14:22:37 <felixfontein> changes that don't break backwards compatibility can get in earlier
14:23:13 <felixfontein> gundalow: it already has been updated to 2.0.0 in master
14:23:22 <gundalow> ah, thanks
14:23:58 <gundalow> 85: I'm reviewing each of the files now
14:26:39 <gundalow> 85: Mostly looks OK, though there have been a lot of changes made to `master` since that PR was last rebased, so it's difficult to tell exactly what state it's in. Also this means that CI isn't running the right things
14:27:45 <gundalow> Add Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault lookup plugin
14:28:54 <felixfontein> 85 contains a lot of reformatting, which makes reviewing hard and increases the chance of conflicts
14:29:51 <gundalow> yup
14:30:45 <gundalow> 90: I see felixfontein has added lots of good review comments ~2 months ago, though no response. I'll ask if they need help
14:32:28 <gundalow> 90: Do we have a helper method for
14:32:38 <gundalow> hum, maybe the helper method is only for modules
14:35:09 <felixfontein> hmm there is a helper, but I'm not sure anymore whether it's good for plugins too
14:35:33 <felixfontein> the main motivation for the helper is to indicate which Python and which machine it needs to be installed on
14:35:42 <felixfontein> which usually isn't a problem for the controller
14:35:51 <gundalow> yup, agreed
14:39:11 <gundalow> 85: comment added, noticed they were doing work directly on `master` rather than a branch which may cause them future pain, so added some tips
14:39:48 <gundalow> Add the Thycotic Secret Server lookup plugin.
14:44:18 <gundalow> similar to #90, though for a different service
14:44:47 <resmo> sry will be back later,
14:44:58 <gundalow> resmo: thank
14:45:56 <acozine> o/
14:46:04 <gundalow> #chair acozine
14:46:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: BhavyaM acozine cybette felixfontein gregdek gundalow resmo
14:46:09 <gundalow> acozine: mornin'
14:46:29 <acozine> gundalow: afternoon!
14:46:30 <cybette> acozine: o/
14:46:54 <acozine> cybette: hiya!
14:47:19 <gundalow> acozine: FYI we are working through
14:47:49 <gundalow> parted: Allow passing negative numbers to specify partition boundary relative to disk end
14:47:58 <acozine> thx
14:48:17 <gundalow> 129: Oh, I remember seeing this before and it scared me a bit. Though that's partly due to a lack of understanding on my part
14:51:42 <felixfontein> the author of that PR and ColOfAbRiX have been active in other parted PRs
14:52:09 <felixfontein> if both of them want this change, I'm fine with merging it
14:52:22 <BhavyaM> it also makes ext2 it's default formatting mech for negative starting partitions -
14:52:23 <gundalow> ah, I didn't recognise the name
14:52:55 <BhavyaM> maybe i am misunderstanding. apologies if that's the case.
14:53:24 <felixfontein> BhavyaM: it might already be the implicit default by parted, but I really don't know parted very well
14:53:43 <felixfontein> BhavyaM: could you add that as a comment and ask whether this is potentially breaking backwards compatibility?
14:53:44 <BhavyaM> fstype default should be same whether partition starts from beginning or end though, right ?
14:54:30 <BhavyaM> ok. first contribution as comment on someone else's PR, without having any of my own contribution in their. that's going to go down really well. /s
14:54:34 <BhavyaM> doing that now.
14:54:54 <gundalow> BhavyaM: oh, don't worry about that :)
14:56:00 <BhavyaM> done.
14:56:16 <BhavyaM>
14:57:31 <acozine> BhavyaM: congrats on your first comment!
14:57:50 <BhavyaM> hahaha
14:57:57 <gundalow> BhavyaM: woot
14:59:21 <gundalow> 129 I see this is to address an old bug repo (2018) so I've asked the original bug filer if they want to review
15:04:05 <acozine> are we going down the list from most recent to oldest?
15:04:10 <acozine> or the other way around?
15:04:18 <gundalow> acozine: oldest to newest
15:04:19 <acozine> or just picking ones we think might be merge-able?
15:04:43 <gundalow> going one at a time
15:04:47 * acozine actually looks at the sorting of that view
15:04:52 <gundalow> fix xfs growfs
15:04:57 <gundalow> acozine:
15:04:59 <acozine> excellent, I'm with the program now
15:06:03 <gundalow> 137: Not sure what means
15:06:39 <felixfontein> me neither
15:06:48 <gundalow> I'll ask them for a review
15:10:02 <gundalow> 137: I've pinged the creators of the original issue and previous PR to see if they can review
15:10:15 <acozine> the functionality seems good; I can't usefully comment on the code itself
15:11:47 <gundalow> 137: stale CI (CI is from 2020/05/15) so I'll trigger a rerun, which may give them some more things to fix
15:12:20 <gundalow> Add inventory alicloud_ecs
15:12:46 <gundalow> 137: I'm hoping they will create a dedicated collection for these modules
15:13:06 <gundalow> Return correct values when running yarn in check mode
15:16:37 <acozine> for PR153, is the change in line 225 only applicable when check mode is on?
15:19:52 * samccann strolls in late to the party
15:20:10 <gundalow> #chair samccann
15:20:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: BhavyaM acozine cybette felixfontein gregdek gundalow resmo samccann
15:20:26 <gregdek> Hey samccann !
15:20:47 <samccann> aaand gets hit w/ furniture!   Hey gregdek !
15:21:08 <gregdek> I'm not really a furniture thrower...
15:21:28 * gregdek glares angrily at his "rr" key that either repeats or dops letters...
15:21:28 <gundalow> I need to drop off for ~30mins
15:22:00 <gundalow> so people can feel free to take a break or continue
15:24:57 * acozine isn't expert enough at Python to review this PR well
15:29:42 <shertel> acozine: yes, looks like line 225 only happens when check mode is on. Code looks good to me.
15:33:48 <acozine> +1 for supporting check mode, that seems really useful
15:37:12 <felixfontein> then let's get it merged!
15:40:25 <acozine> \o/
15:40:52 <acozine> 154 is failing CI
15:41:06 <acozine> oh, and needs to be rebased
15:42:05 <felixfontein> yes, and it already got a comment about that 9 days ago
15:42:20 <acozine> moving on, then . . .
15:42:31 <acozine> 155 is also failing at the moment
15:43:09 <acozine> it's a `version_added` failure
15:45:13 <acozine> ah, looks like the OP hasn't pushed their latest code
15:45:22 <acozine> so not a candidate to merge yet
15:45:38 <felixfontein> yep
15:45:39 <samccann> did we agree that ANSIBLE_METADATA was no longer required?
15:45:53 <acozine> samccann: yes
15:45:59 <samccann> ...and should we start mentioning that in PRs? (not holding them up but just adding a comment?)
15:46:17 <acozine> sure, a suggestion would make that easy
15:46:18 <samccann> ok I can add a comment then as an fyi
15:46:23 <samccann> ok will do
15:46:35 <acozine> and what should the version_added be for community.general?
15:46:36 <felixfontein> sorry, just added a comment
15:46:51 <felixfontein> acozine: also added a comment for that ;) 0.2.0 until in a couple of days, then 1.0.0
15:47:32 <acozine> ah, yeah, I see the OP is fixing stuff in their local branch and marking the comments as addressed, just hasn't pushed those changes
15:47:48 <acozine> felixfontein: sounds great, thank you!
15:48:12 <acozine> 169 is next
15:49:24 <acozine>
15:49:51 <samccann> hmm  what happens if I'd been using this as a comma separated string now that it's a list?
15:49:57 <samccann> (aka is this a breaking change?)
15:50:13 <shertel> it's compatible, normally you can provide a comma separate string for list options
15:50:24 <acozine> oh, cool
15:50:49 <acozine> the change seems useful, brings this module more into line with the rest of the packaging modules
15:50:50 <samccann> TIL  thanks shertel !
15:51:44 <acozine> there's no update to the tests, should there be?
15:51:45 <bcoca> that is one thing ansible has always made 'user friendly', lists can be comma separated strings
15:52:15 <samccann> line 61 still has the comma version in the example... worth leaving there or should it be changed as well?
15:52:33 <felixfontein> this made one of my early ansible attempts fail terribly when I tried to pass some string with a comma in it somewhere, and suddenly it was interpreted as a list :)
15:52:50 <acozine> since both work, I'd vote for leaving the "old" example
15:52:58 <bcoca> felixfontein: the more common case is the inverse
15:53:12 <bcoca> and any programmer can figure out [ 'element, is', ]
15:53:13 <acozine> felixfontein: heh, "surprise!"
15:53:19 <felixfontein> bcoca: yes, and actually that helped me several times before that. it was only then that I really noticed what's going on ;)
15:53:37 <bcoca> its one of the few 'magics' that im happy with
15:53:44 <samccann> fwiw not sure we should equate users with programmers
15:53:48 <acozine> welcome dennis_effa, are you here to join the community PR review?
15:54:04 <bcoca> samccann: we dont, that is the point of having it autoconvert
15:54:57 <maxamillion> mattclay: gundalow: felixfontein: ping - are the RHEL 7 and 8 tests always going to be real AWS instances? I'm realizing how fragile the tests are in docker in shippable for CentOS 7 and 8 because of the DBUS requirement and I kind of would rather just say "only run these tests on virtual machines" .... thoughts?
15:55:11 <dennis_effa> Thanks acozine I'd love to
15:55:21 <acozine> #chair dennis_effa
15:55:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: BhavyaM acozine cybette dennis_effa felixfontein gregdek gundalow resmo samccann
15:55:22 <felixfontein> I added a suggestion for the changelog fragment; can someone check if it's ok? if it is, I'll commit it and merge
15:55:31 <jtanner> maxamillion: i believe we use aws for rhel tests because it saves us from subscription headache
15:55:52 <felixfontein> maxamillion: I think they will; there are other tests (like ufw tests) which already rely on this assumption
15:55:53 <maxamillion> jtanner: I mostly just want to make sure they aren't going to be containers
15:55:59 <maxamillion> felixfontein: +1
15:56:09 <acozine> felixfontein: +1 for fixing the changelog fragment
15:56:12 <gundalow> back
15:56:26 <maxamillion> jtanner: trying to test the firewall in a container seems a bit like the recipe for a bad time
15:56:32 <acozine> gundalow: welcome back!
15:56:33 <felixfontein> maxamillion: you can add `skip/docker` in aliases to avoid all docker-based CI targets
15:56:33 <jtanner> maxamillion: i don't think we can move to containers unless there's a service that can deal with the subscriptions
15:57:13 <felixfontein> acozine: thanks, I'll add that change then
15:57:20 <acozine> we're discussing PR 169
15:57:21 <mattclay> maxamillion: Yes, they're likely to always be VMs, although they may not always be on AWS.
15:57:26 <maxamillion> jtanner: there likely never will be since the subscription manager dealings for RHEL containers injects the host's subscription when RHEL containers run on RHEL and I'd wager that criteria won't ever change because of support reasons
15:57:37 <jtanner> yep, agreed
15:57:40 <maxamillion> mattclay: that's fine, I don't care about AWS so much as the VM aspect
15:57:42 <maxamillion> jtanner: +1
15:57:44 <maxamillion> mattclay: +1
15:57:48 <maxamillion> felixfontein: +1
15:57:52 <acozine> dennis_effa: we're going through a list of open PRs on community.general:
15:58:10 <samccann> +1 on changelog fragment update
15:58:11 <acozine> to see how many we can merge or move forward
15:58:30 <felixfontein> samccann: thanks!
15:58:40 <mattclay> maxamillion: You can use `skip/docker` to avoid the docker hosted instances on Shippable for that test.
15:58:51 <dennis_effa> Oo alright acozine
15:59:06 <maxamillion> mattclay: +1 - yeah, I saw felixfontein suggest that and I think that's exactly what I'll do
15:59:14 <gundalow> dennis_effa: This is all fairly informal. So feel free to ask about anything at anypoint.
15:59:18 <felixfontein> hmm, someone cancelled the shippable run>
15:59:19 <felixfontein> ?
15:59:44 <gundalow> We generally do
15:59:44 <gundalow> 169: $some_comments (where 169 is the PR, so people know which of the many PRs we are talking about)
16:00:29 <dennis_effa> I will gundalow
16:00:42 <samccann> oh someone posted recently that shippable is having problems... lemme dig up the message
16:01:13 <felixfontein> sounds like this is the case, since now there are two CI runs for my change, and the one github is showing is cancelled, while the other is running
16:01:22 <samccann> "Shippable is having issues with authentication this morning. As profiles are being re-synced they're losing access to GitHub accounts, effectively limiting access to public projects, and read-only. "
16:01:32 <felixfontein> heh. and now github switched to success...
16:01:33 <samccann> dunno if that's the cause?
16:01:49 <felixfontein> hmm, probably unrelated, but that explains some other issues I'm having with it
16:01:56 <samccann> heh
16:02:02 <mattclay> felixfontein: That sounds like auto-cancel when a PR is updated with additional commits.
16:02:05 <maxamillion> alright, for PR review .... where should I be working/tracking?
16:02:11 <maxamillion> sorry I'm late to the party :)
16:02:21 <gundalow> #chair maxamillion
16:02:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: BhavyaM acozine cybette dennis_effa felixfontein gregdek gundalow maxamillion resmo samccann
16:02:59 <gundalow> maxamillion: we are going through (top to bottom, ie oldest to newest)
16:02:59 <gundalow> Currently on `169`
16:03:05 <felixfontein> mattclay: btw, do you know why shippable says "2018 © Shippable.", and their changelog ( ends in 2018?
16:03:27 <maxamillion> gundalow: do I just shout out if I'm working on one?
16:03:36 <felixfontein> mattclay: just looking at that I would assume it is dead, but it's still there... :)
16:03:39 <maxamillion> gundalow: or tag myself a reviewer or something?
16:03:46 <mattclay> felixfontein: They've stopped updating the service since being acquired by JFrog. They have a new service they're working on, JFrog Pipelines.
16:03:47 <gundalow> maxamillion: I've been doing `169: Reviewing code`
16:04:03 <gundalow> OK, shippable isn't letting me rerun
16:04:05 <maxamillion> gundalow: just throwing that in channel or elsewhere?
16:04:07 <felixfontein> 169: I'll merge
16:04:10 <felixfontein> mattclay: oh ok.
16:04:41 <gundalow> OK, next
16:04:51 <gundalow> add EfficientIP Device Manager dynamic inventory
16:05:00 <gundalow> 175: Brand new inventory script
16:05:22 <gundalow> 175: has `stale_ci`, so can't be merged as is
16:05:40 <samccann> needs a changelog fragment
16:06:00 <gundalow> #action if 175 gets merged update BOTMETA to add to remote_management label & maintainers
16:06:12 <gundalow> 175: Examples use FQCN, which is good
16:06:14 <felixfontein> samccann: nope because it is a new plugin
16:06:29 <felixfontein> 175: definitely needs tests
16:06:50 <samccann> so we don't document new plugins only new modules?
16:07:00 <samccann> (in a changelog/porting guide entry)
16:07:59 <felixfontein> samccann: these are auto-documented, the changelog generator adds a comment on them
16:08:02 <gundalow> samccann: no need. The changelog scripts automagically add new plugins to the changelog file
16:08:05 <felixfontein> like in ansible/ansible
16:08:15 <samccann> ah gotcha... thanks
16:08:47 <gundalow> 175: I don't really know anything about dynamic inventory scripts, so I can't add much
16:09:47 <felixfontein> I added some generic comments
16:11:39 <acozine> does EfficientIP belong in
16:11:43 <acozine> sorry
16:11:51 <acozine> 175: does EfficientIP belong in
16:11:58 <felixfontein> 175: I have no idea what EfficientIP actually is :)
16:12:28 <felixfontein> 175: acozine: could well be though!
16:12:44 <acozine> 175: quick search returns `EfficientIP, a leading provider of network services, `
16:13:10 <acozine>
16:13:28 <felixfontein> can you suggest to move it there?
16:13:31 <samccann> net_tools landed in community.general. seems this belongs there
16:13:32 <gundalow> nop
16:13:53 <gundalow> it's remote management (network serial interface), iLOM, etc
16:14:03 <felixfontein> ok
16:14:13 <gundalow> Good to check though
16:14:32 <acozine> cool
16:16:17 <acozine> so, on to 182? or is there more we can do to get 175 a step farther along?
16:16:58 <gundalow> 182: Skip, NIOS should be moving to it's own collection
16:17:46 <gundalow> cpanm: Honor version operators
16:17:49 <felixfontein> maybe add a comment where this is moved? I have no idea
16:20:21 <felixfontein> 182: added two comments
16:20:41 <gundalow> #action gundalow chase status of NIOS collection. Direct current PRs in c.general to new location
16:20:45 <felixfontein> 182: I really don't like this `curl xxx | sudo yyy` idiom
16:24:33 <gundalow> nop, me neither, though it's inside an integration tests, and I'm glad they've added tests
16:28:38 <gundalow> lxc_container: fix the type of the 'container_config' parameter
16:29:03 <gundalow> I need to drop off to get some food
16:32:34 <felixfontein> 216: added a short review
16:36:12 <acozine> 216: CI failures look bogus - everything failing in the first minute?
16:36:45 <acozine> er, three minutes, but still . . .
16:37:45 <acozine> if they add the docs felixfontein asked for, it should kick off a new CI run
16:38:12 <samccann> yep
16:38:31 <samccann> tho is it worth giving it a kick now in case there are some real errors there?
16:38:57 <acozine> if shippable is feeling better, yeah; if not, then we don't want to pile on
16:39:07 <samccann> v. true
16:40:10 <mattclay> Those errors don't appear to be related to the Shippable issue.
16:40:25 <mattclay> `ERROR! Collection tar at '/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-637NB7iF_/tmpzI0jSL/cisco-intersight-1.0.5.tar290IT7.gz' does not contain the expected file 'releases/cisco-intersight-1.0.4.tar.gz'`
16:42:13 <acozine> mattclay: ah, interesting
16:42:54 <acozine> the collection expects 1.0.5 to contain 1.0.4 . . .
16:43:11 <mattclay> That looks like a collection published that contains previously published versions.
16:43:19 <mattclay> Or at least an attempt to do so.
16:44:02 <acozine> or maybe a failure to update some config file when the new version got published?
16:45:25 <mattclay> cd
16:45:34 <mattclay> Sorry, wrong window. :)
16:45:47 <acozine> heh
16:49:06 <mattclay> acozine: I downloaded that collection and verified it was published wrong, but there's a new version that appears to be fixed.
16:49:40 <acozine> mattclay: thanks
16:50:39 <acozine> 216: I don't fully understand why the tests are downloading the `cisco-intersight` collection for a change to `cloud/lxc` in `community.general`
16:53:01 <acozine> however, it's clear that we won't be merging that PR today
16:55:03 <acozine> how about 218?
16:56:06 <acozine> 218: -1 for ignoring the docs errors:
16:57:37 <acozine> though to be fair, the other NIOS modules also ignore those errors
16:57:44 <samccann> this is another infoblock/nios PR. Should get the same treatment as the other one (going to another collection)
16:58:05 <samccann> (sorry Infoblox)
16:58:31 <acozine> ah, okay, same for 219 then
16:58:54 <samccann> yep
16:59:41 <acozine> 228 should be a `*_info` module
17:00:25 <samccann> was requested to close a bit back. Any reason we shouldn't just close it now?
17:01:41 <acozine> I'd vote to close it
17:02:30 <samccann> +1
17:03:08 <samccann> mind you I have no rights in this repo so can't do it myself.
17:10:14 <felixfontein> re
17:11:22 <felixfontein> the cisco.intersight packaging problem has been reported (no idea whether it was fixed), and we fixed an older version which is known to work, so kicking CI should help
17:11:40 <acozine> looks like I can't close the PR either
17:12:03 <felixfontein> acozine: I think gundalow said above that the nios modules will move somewhere
17:12:20 <acozine> yeah, samccann noted that too
17:12:22 <felixfontein> and new modules should not have new ignore.txt entries if possible
17:12:28 <felixfontein> sorry, reading through backlog :)
17:13:05 <samccann> :-)
17:14:16 <felixfontein> I'll close 228
17:14:30 <felixfontein> kept it open long enough :)
17:17:15 <acozine> heh, okay
17:17:21 <acozine> I put a comment on it as well
17:17:59 <acozine> 229?
17:18:19 * acozine needs some food soon
17:18:51 <felixfontein> needs a changelog fragment
17:18:55 <felixfontein> my food is just warming up :)
17:20:33 <samccann> for #237 - splunk now has a community repo -
17:20:36 <felixfontein> 229: I have no idea whether that change is correct or not, I guess a maintainer has to look
17:20:55 <samccann> is this another scenario where we should request the module be migrated?
17:21:07 <samccann> (for 237...sorry jumped ahead)
17:21:11 <felixfontein> "es" is a not really helpful name :)
17:21:25 <felixfontein> no problem for jumping
17:21:50 <felixfontein> maxamillion: are you planning to migrate the splunk module(s) from community.general to
17:21:59 <felixfontein> (or know of someone who will do that?)
17:22:01 <acozine> heh, I assume `es` for Espana
17:23:13 <maxamillion> felixfontein: yes
17:23:16 <acozine> clearly not the case here
17:23:23 <felixfontein> I'm more thinking of but Spain would be next on list :)
17:23:38 <felixfontein> maxamillion: can you mention that in ? so the PR author knows what to do
17:23:39 <samccann> it matches the Supported collection name fwiw
17:23:54 <felixfontein>
17:23:59 <felixfontein> sounds like a domain name ;)
17:24:06 <maxamillion> and yes, the namespace isn't exactly the best but community.enterprise_security was considered way too verbose for any realistic FQCN usage
17:24:16 <felixfontein> maxamillion: true :)
17:24:37 <acozine> and `ent_sec` sounds like a Tolkien reference
17:25:35 <felixfontein> :) indeed
17:26:21 <maxamillion> heh
17:27:50 <maxamillion> I hope to one day replace them with a `community.splunk` collection but there's a lot of work that would need to be done before that stuff could be considered general purpose splunk, as it stands now it depends on REST API endpoints that only exist if the splunk instance has the Splunk Enterprise Security SIEM add-on installe
17:27:52 <maxamillion> installed*
17:27:56 <maxamillion> which is fun
17:30:53 <gundalow> back
17:32:39 <felixfontein> wb
17:32:44 <gundalow> mattclay: FYI I raised an  issue for cisco-intersight 1.0.4 vs 1.0.5. Also we pinned the version we install during c.general testing to an older version. I'll trigger a rerun on 216
17:33:03 * felixfontein just found some ingredients in the fridge I wanted to put into lunch (I just finished eating dinner)
17:33:25 * acozine is going to go look through the fridge for lunch
17:33:25 <gundalow> #action rerun CI on c.general 216
17:37:27 <felixfontein> btw, are we doing the community meeting at 18:00 UTC (i.e. in 23 mins)?
17:38:08 <felixfontein> I guess the main topic (from my POV) is deciding on when (and how) 1.0.0 is released, which would be nice to fix :)
17:39:05 <gundalow> felixfontein: oh, I'd forgotten about that
17:39:10 <felixfontein> (and then there are some things by cyberpear and abadger1999)
17:39:10 <gundalow> thanks for the reminder
17:40:23 <felixfontein> np
17:41:46 <felixfontein> next is then?
17:42:55 <samccann> I can add the addendum to the changelog fragment to include the PR
17:43:03 <gundalow> Fix the behavior of ipa modules in case IPA_HOST is empty #241
17:43:21 <felixfontein> samccann: would be great!
17:44:00 <gundalow> 241: Never used it, though looks sensible
17:44:22 <gundalow> +1 to merge
17:44:52 <gundalow> samccann: ah, thanks for comment
17:45:09 <gundalow> I can commit that to their branch then hit merge?
17:45:14 <samccann> need to drop and go heads-down for README file updates.
17:45:29 <gundalow> samccann: Thanks as always
17:45:36 <felixfontein> tiggi and Akasurde made chnages to the ipa module recently
17:45:40 <samccann> gundalow: sometimes it works for me to just commit the suggestion in the PR itself and then merge
17:45:46 <felixfontein> if we want more opinions, we should ask them
17:45:51 <felixfontein> but merging is fine for me too
17:45:52 <gundalow> 241 merged
17:46:10 <gundalow> Handle negative integer values in osx_defaults
17:46:46 <felixfontein> looks sensible, but needs a changelog fragment
17:46:55 <gundalow> 250 adding a comment
17:47:45 <felixfontein> ah, andersson007_ already asked for a fragment
17:47:53 <felixfontein> 1.5 months ago
17:48:17 <gundalow> New merge lists plugin from a given key
17:48:42 <felixfontein> this looks like a very specialized plugin to me, and I'm not sure it belongs in c.g
17:49:28 <felixfontein> I don't know where the two users are coming from which added a thumbs-up after I asked the author to find more people who want something like that
17:49:54 <felixfontein> looks a bit suspicious like friends returning a favor, since nobody wrote anything except a thumbs-up
17:50:13 <gundalow> comment added
17:50:27 <gundalow> yup, I've asked them for feedback
17:51:28 <felixfontein> I also asked them to say what they would use it for
17:52:31 <gundalow> Good call
17:54:41 <gundalow> Fixed flatpak module to accept a list of names to install/uninstall
17:57:43 <felixfontein> needs rebase and potentially tests
17:59:19 <felixfontein> I wrote something
18:00:24 <gundalow> Thanks
18:00:34 <gundalow> How are people doing, should we call it a day?
18:00:41 <gundalow> (and swap to Community meeting)
18:01:11 <felixfontein> we can also continue after the community meeting if people are still interested (though I'm not sure I will be - probably not)
18:01:37 <felixfontein> we are missing two interesting PRs though: and
18:02:10 <felixfontein> the first needs more knowledge on action plugins (which I don't have), and the second should better get resolved before we release
18:02:22 <felixfontein> (it was pretty inactive though)
18:02:34 <felixfontein> (and nobody responded to my question 9 days ago)
18:06:07 <felixfontein> ok. should we switch to the community meeting?
18:06:50 <gundalow> yes
18:06:52 <gundalow> #chairs
18:06:55 <gundalow> #chair
18:06:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: BhavyaM acozine cybette dennis_effa felixfontein gregdek gundalow maxamillion resmo samccann
18:06:57 <gundalow> Thank you all
18:06:57 <felixfontein> andersson007_: cyberpear: gundalow: acozine: samccann:
18:06:59 <gundalow> #end meeting
18:07:01 <gundalow> #endmeeting