
#olin Meeting

Meeting started by mchua at 18:18:56 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Discussing next-actions for Etherpad FAD planning (mchua, 18:21:16)

  1. Overall preparation for FAD (czwiebel, 18:22:17)
    1. czwiebel is the FAD's point person (mchua, 18:23:59)
    2. mchua is responsible for QA, and can also handle budget requests for travel for remote attendees (wrt looking for funding once we know who's asking for how much money to come). (mchua, 18:25:21)
    3. http://github.com/ether/pad/issues (czwiebel, 18:31:36)
    4. possible action: fly redhog in from Norway (czwiebel, 18:35:07)
    5. possible action: contact Babson Executive Center for lodging (czwiebel, 18:35:25)
    6. ACTION: find a mailing list for EP (czwiebel, 18:38:38)
    7. http://groups.google.com/group/etherpad-open-source-discuss (sdziallas, 18:39:12)
    8. http://groups.google.com/group/etherpad-dev (sdziallas, 18:39:19)
    9. IDEA: Deliverable: packaged and deployable in Fedora (mchua, 18:50:22)
    10. IDEA: Deliverable: user authentication (mchua, 18:50:38)
    11. IDEA: Deliverable: ability to delete pads (mchua, 18:50:48)
    12. IDEA: Deliverable: modularization - let people drop in different front-ends for editing (mchua, 18:51:04)
    13. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Etherpad_FAD (mchua, 18:57:33)

Meeting ended at 22:22:39 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. find a mailing list for EP

People present (lines said)

  1. mchua (95)
  2. czwiebel (89)
  3. sdziallas (12)
  4. zodbot (4)

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