14:32:08 <dustymabe> #startmeeting Atomic App Nulecule Status/Blocker
14:32:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 18 14:32:08 2016 UTC.  The chair is dustymabe. Information about MeetBot at
14:32:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:32:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'atomic_app_nulecule_status/blocker'
14:32:12 <dustymabe> #topic roll call
14:32:18 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe
14:32:19 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <>
14:32:38 <tkral> .hellomynameis tkral
14:32:39 <zodbot> tkral: tkral 'Tomas Kral' <>
14:32:43 <cdrage> .hellomynameis cdrage
14:32:44 <zodbot> cdrage: cdrage 'Charlie Drage' <>
14:33:58 <dustymabe> no rtnpro ??
14:34:24 <dustymabe> rtnpro: :)
14:34:25 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro
14:34:25 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <>
14:34:42 <SurajD> Myself Suraj Deshmukh
14:34:52 <dustymabe> Hi Suraj
14:34:57 <bamachrn> .fas bamachrn
14:34:57 <zodbot> bamachrn: bamachrn '' <> - bamacharankundu 'Bamacharan Kundu' <>
14:35:05 <SurajD> Hi dustymabe
14:35:17 <dustymabe> Hi bamachrn
14:35:24 <bamachrn> Hi dustymabe
14:35:37 <dustymabe> any vpavlin here today?
14:35:42 <rtnpro> hehe
14:35:57 <vpavlin> dustymabe: on a meeting
14:35:58 <dustymabe> ok. tkral want to go first
14:36:09 <tkral> ok
14:36:10 <dustymabe> ok vpavlin
14:36:31 <tkral> Last week I have been working PoC for tool that creates Nulecule from running Openshift application ( and some stuff around openshift provider.
14:36:51 <tkral> This week I would like to focus mainly on preparing my workshop for
14:36:58 <tkral> No blockers.
14:37:16 <mzee1000> hey guys
14:37:26 <dustymabe> mzee1000: hi
14:37:34 <dustymabe> tkral: cool
14:37:40 <dustymabe> up next, cdrage
14:38:35 <cdrage> One blocker, which is tkral's work on scaling. If possible, would like to get this PR in before Wednesday so I can implement scaling properly for OpenShift with the new verbs
14:39:28 <dustymabe> cdrage: ok
14:39:33 <dustymabe> that should be in today
14:40:00 <cdrage> awesome, other than that, new verbs for kubernetes and docker complete, just openshift and mesos left
14:40:15 <cdrage> will most likely need help with mesos closer to wednesday
14:40:36 <dustymabe> ok
14:40:40 <dustymabe> up next rtnpro
14:40:42 <tkral> cdrage, I'm happy to help with that ;-)
14:40:47 <rtnpro> ok
14:41:33 <rtnpro> so, I have been brainstorming on POCs for Nulecule params hierarchy and semantics of inheritance
14:41:52 <rtnpro> I came up with a POC, which I need to refine
14:42:29 <rtnpro> also, I worked on pushing fixes to the openshift provider to support nested apps using oc new-app
14:42:54 <rtnpro> and I have been looking into puppet, reluctantly
14:43:09 <rtnpro> to automate CentOS container pipeline setup
14:43:36 <rtnpro> and today, I was helping with on boarding the new folks in Bangalore :D
14:43:45 <dustymabe> nice. thanks for that :)
14:44:04 <dustymabe> vpavlin: I know you are in another meeting.. do you want to give status/blocker?
14:45:23 <dustymabe> ok i'm up
14:45:28 <dustymabe> Mostly code reviews last week. Did push through several changes that should make it easier to execute atomic apps via `oc new-app`. No blockers
14:45:52 <dustymabe> SurajD: bamachrn mzee1000, I hope the onboarding is going well
14:46:19 <mzee1000> dustymabe, yea it went good :)
14:46:19 <SurajD> dustymabe, yes it went very well, with rtnpro to help
14:46:22 <bamachrn> yes everything went very nice
14:46:54 <dustymabe> good good
14:47:04 <dustymabe> ok does anyone have anything else for the meeting?
14:47:15 <dustymabe> otherwise let's disperse :)
14:47:30 <dustymabe> 3...
14:47:39 <dustymabe> 2...
14:47:49 <dustymabe> 1...
14:47:53 <dustymabe> #endmeeting