12:00:51 <hchiramm> #startmeeting
12:00:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep  9 12:00:51 2015 UTC.  The chair is hchiramm. Information about MeetBot at
12:00:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
12:01:14 <justinclift> hchiramm: As a thought, it's a good idea to have the name of the meeting after the # startmeeting
12:01:22 <justinclift> eg "Weekly Gluster Community Meeting"
12:01:35 <justinclift> It helps people who go looking back through the Meetbot logs
12:01:35 <hagarth> justinclift: +1
12:01:36 <lpabon> hi
12:01:39 <hchiramm> yep..
12:01:42 <partner> hey
12:01:43 <hchiramm> #info agenda is available @
12:01:57 <hchiramm> who all are here ? :)
12:02:19 * raghu` is here
12:02:31 * ndevos _o/
12:02:35 * hagarth is around
12:02:41 * jiffin is here
12:02:42 * anoopcs is present
12:02:46 * kkeithley is here
12:02:59 * amye1 is lurking
12:03:19 <hchiramm> ....
12:03:59 * rjoseph is here
12:04:19 * jdarcy is
12:04:49 <hchiramm> #topic roll call
12:05:03 <justinclift> Me notices we have 6 people on the Etherpad, and only two of them have put their names on :(
12:05:06 <hagarth> we just got done with rollcall :)
12:05:17 <hchiramm> #topic Action items from last week:
12:05:53 <hchiramm> #topic msvbhat/rastar to send update mailing list with a DiSTAF how-to and start discussion on enhancements to DiSTAF
12:06:11 <hagarth> hchiramm: I saw a post on gluster-devel on this
12:06:15 <hchiramm> yes,
12:06:35 <hchiramm> any one have the ML link ?
12:06:36 * overclk is here
12:06:42 <hagarth> #chair hchiramm, kshlm
12:06:43 * kshlm is here
12:07:08 <anoopcs>
12:07:15 <hchiramm> thanks anoopcs
12:07:20 <hchiramm> #link
12:07:37 <hchiramm> please pass your feedback on this thread..
12:08:13 <hchiramm> any thing else on this topic to discuss ?
12:08:32 <hagarth> hchiramm: nothing more I guess
12:08:49 <hchiramm> ok, moving to next ..
12:08:54 * kshlm will be AFK for a couple of minutes as he needs to get something to drink.
12:08:57 <hchiramm> #topic  kshlm to check back with misc on the new jenkins slaves.
12:09:49 <hagarth> hchiramm: move on to next AI?
12:09:53 <hchiramm> yep. .
12:10:02 <hchiramm> #topic krishnan_p to update Gluster News about progress
12:10:33 <hchiramm> krishnan are you here to give an update on this ?
12:10:45 <justinclift> Curiosity... where should I be looking for Gluster News?
12:10:58 * kshlm is back
12:11:26 <hagarth> justinclift: mostly on the MLs
12:11:27 <ndevos> justinclift: (bi?)weekly blog posts and
12:11:28 <hchiramm> justinclift, Gluster News of the week  thread in ML ?
12:11:32 <kshlm> I'd volunteered to do the News last week and I forgot about it.
12:11:42 <justinclift> Thx :)
12:11:54 * justinclift was just looking on "Planet Gluster"
12:12:00 <hagarth> what should be the right frequency for this? weekly, bi-weekly, monthly?
12:12:13 <hchiramm> bi-weekly looks good to me
12:12:23 <hchiramm> any other suggestion on the frequency ?
12:12:24 <ndevos> it seems weekly is a little difficult to get done, bi-weekly should be possible
12:12:27 <kshlm> Fortnightly seems good to me as well.
12:12:41 <ndevos> monthly isnt too regular imho
12:13:07 <hchiramm> true..
12:13:12 <hagarth> ok, let us try once in 2 weeks.
12:13:36 <hchiramm> #info bi-weekly update on gluster news
12:13:38 <hchiramm> #action kshlm to update Gluster News about progress
12:14:01 <hchiramm> reverting to previous action item..
12:14:03 <hchiramm> #topic  kshlm to check back with misc on the new jenkins slaves.
12:14:03 <ndevos> kshlm: you're going to have a retry on posting the news this week?
12:14:12 <hchiramm> kshlm, do u have an update on this AI
12:14:16 <kshlm> Could someone link to the etherpad that was collecting the information for the newsletter?
12:14:28 <justinclift> This one?
12:14:28 <hchiramm> kshlm
12:14:29 <kshlm> hchiramm, Nope.
12:14:45 <kshlm> #url
12:15:15 <kshlm> I've not been following it up with misc, but I should.
12:15:20 <hchiramm> kshlm, ok.. deferring to next week then
12:15:31 <kshlm> I'll definetly do it before the next meeting though.
12:15:36 <hchiramm> #action kshlm to check back with misc on the new jenkins slaves.
12:15:38 <hchiramm> kshlm, nw . .
12:15:46 <hchiramm> moving to next topic
12:16:02 <hchiramm> #topic hagarth to post a note on gluster-devel asking for volunteers for the role of release maintainer for 3.7.5
12:16:20 <hchiramm> hagarth, do u have a volunteer for 3.7.5 ?
12:16:37 <ndevos> pranith volunteerd
12:16:46 <hchiramm> pranith++ :)
12:17:33 <hchiramm> moving to next topic then
12:17:42 <hchiramm> #topic  poornimag to send a mail on gluster-devel asking for volunteers to backport glfs_fini patches to release-3.5
12:17:55 <hchiramm> I havent seen this mail, anyone else ?
12:18:07 * ndevos didnt either
12:18:08 <hchiramm> poornimag, do u have any  update on this
12:18:09 <hchiramm> ?
12:18:09 <atalur> I do not recall seeing this mail either.
12:18:22 <kkeithley> I saw it
12:18:34 <kkeithley> I think I saw it
12:18:50 <hchiramm> kkeithley, hmmmm ..  do u have the thread link ?
12:19:06 <atalur> confirmed from poornimag that the mail was not sent
12:19:23 <hchiramm> :(
12:19:33 <kkeithley> I guess I imagined it.
12:19:45 <hchiramm> kkeithley, :(
12:19:54 <hchiramm> #action poornimag to send a mail on gluster-devel asking for volunteers to backport glfs_fini patches to release-3.5
12:20:15 <hchiramm> moving to next topic then  ..
12:20:21 <hchiramm> #topic rastar to initiate discussion on exploring the different approaches towards doing GlusterFS release management and announcements
12:20:34 <hchiramm> rastar, here to give an update on above ?
12:21:02 <hchiramm> or any one have update on this ?
12:21:59 * atinm arrives late
12:22:07 * hchiramm not sure on "approach towards GlusterFS release management "
12:22:58 <kshlm> What was this actually about?
12:22:59 <amye1> what does that mean in this context?
12:23:25 * krishnan_p is awfully late :(
12:23:35 <hchiramm> I am not sure about this AI..
12:23:38 <ndevos> its not something I remember being discussed before, I wonder what the "different approaches" would be
12:23:58 <hchiramm> indeed..
12:23:58 <kshlm> Let's defer this to the next meeting.
12:24:09 <hchiramm> sure..
12:24:19 <kshlm> Doesn't seem like rastar is around, and no one has any idea about this.
12:24:19 <hchiramm> #action  rastar to initiate discussion on exploring the different approaches towards doing GlusterFS release management and announcements
12:24:33 <hchiramm> ok.. lets discuss this again in next meeting
12:25:06 <hchiramm> kshlm,  stage is yours :)
12:25:36 <kshlm> What's the topic?
12:25:53 <kshlm> Oh, I'm supposed to continue the meeting.
12:26:02 <hchiramm> yep :)
12:26:21 <kshlm> Okay.
12:26:26 <ndevos> hchiramm: you'll have to #chair him too, otherwise the bot doesnt like it :)
12:26:34 <kshlm> #topic GlusterFS 3.7
12:26:54 <kshlm> ndevos, hagarth did it already.
12:26:54 <kkeithley> is there a 3.7.5 tracker BZ yet?
12:27:02 <kshlm> kkeithley, Not yet.
12:27:06 <hchiramm> ndevos, hagarth added I believe :)
12:27:11 <hchiramm> yeah..
12:27:14 <ndevos> kshlm: hagarth can not do that, because he isnt a chair :)
12:27:19 <kshlm> 3.7.4 was released last week.
12:27:42 <kshlm> I spent some time today morning moving/closing bugs.
12:27:43 <hchiramm> yep.. the packages are available @
12:27:46 <atinm> IIRC I saw a 3.7.5 tracker, not 100% sure though
12:27:58 <kshlm> I'll be setting up a 3.7.5 tracker after the meeting.
12:28:14 <kshlm> Or should the 3.7.5 maintainer be doing this?
12:28:24 <atinm> or I might have seen a tracker for next 3.6
12:28:27 <kshlm> I think I'll do it.
12:28:32 <hagarth> kshlm: sounds good to me
12:28:51 <ndevos> kshlm: yeah, its part of doing the release, it should even be noted in the docs for it :)
12:28:52 <kshlm> #action kshlm or pkarampu need to setup 3.7.5 tracker.
12:29:35 <ndevos> #link
12:29:35 <kshlm> Anyone have anything else to say on 3.7?
12:30:02 <kshlm> ndevos, thanks for the link.
12:30:15 <kshlm> Okay, onto the 3.6
12:30:20 <kshlm> #topic GlusterFS 3.6
12:30:38 <raghu`> kshlm: I am planning to make 3.6.6 on 21st September (20th being Sunday).
12:30:47 <raghu`> I have raised the tracker bug for 3.6.6
12:30:48 <raghu`>
12:31:03 <kshlm> #link
12:31:24 <raghu`> I have merged couple of patches. But I am expecting more backports for 3.6
12:31:25 <kshlm> #info 3.6.6 targetted for 21-09-2015
12:31:30 <kkeithley> did our process checklist get updated to include adding the new version to bugzilla?
12:31:31 <hagarth> I think we should announce this on the MLs as well for the benefit of those who do not attend this meeting
12:31:50 <raghu`> as of now there are only 3 pending patches for release-3.6 that can be merged if regression passes and gets an ack
12:31:54 <hchiramm> kkeithley, 3.6.6 and 3.7.5 are already there..
12:31:55 <kkeithley> the checklist of things to do for a release
12:32:11 <kkeithley> yes, they're there because I had them added. ;-)
12:32:14 <kshlm> hagarth, the meeting minutes would capture this, but I think a seperate announcement is needed.
12:32:17 <hchiramm> ah..yes :)
12:32:30 <kshlm> raghu`, Could you do to an announcement?
12:32:32 <ndevos> kshlm: and also include it in the next news ;-)
12:32:37 <hchiramm> :)
12:32:38 <kkeithley> but that's something the release manager should do
12:32:50 <raghu`> kshlm: sure. Will send out a mail
12:33:13 <kshlm> #action raghu to announce target for 3.6.6 release
12:33:24 <ndevos> kkeithley: if you know how to request new version, send a pull request agains the doc
12:34:03 <kshlm> Could we please discuss this during Open Floor?
12:34:11 <kshlm> kkeithley, ndevos ^
12:34:30 * ndevos does not think there is any (more?) discussion needed
12:34:44 <kshlm> Onto the next topic.
12:34:58 <kshlm> #topic GlusterFS 3.5
12:35:16 <ndevos> tomorrow would be the scheduled time for a release
12:35:32 <ndevos> there are 2 patches merged in release-3.5 that would address one actual bug
12:35:43 <ndevos> (one patch is just internal dev cleanup_
12:36:06 <kshlm> Just 2 changes, 3.5 seems to be really stable then!
12:36:23 <ndevos> so, the next 3.5 will be done tomorrow, maybe friday or on the weekend
12:36:40 <kshlm> Which 3.5.z is it? I've lost track.
12:36:43 <ndevos> its pretty stable, yeah :)
12:36:50 <ndevos> 3.5.6, I think
12:37:25 <hchiramm> yep,, its 3.5.6
12:37:53 <ndevos> there are still some bigger bugs that would be nice to get fixed, but we need people sending backports for those
12:37:53 <kshlm> #info ndevos to do 3.5.6 release this weekend (~ 11 Sept)
12:38:35 <ndevos> there are currently no patches posted for 3.5 that are candidates for inclusion, so it'll be a very small release :)
12:38:40 <kshlm> ndevos, how do you want to handle those bugs?
12:39:01 <kshlm> Or should we discuss it later?
12:39:01 <ndevos> kshlm: have poornima request assistance for backporting :)
12:39:11 <kshlm> Oh okay.
12:39:19 <kshlm> Anything else to add to 3.5?
12:39:38 <ndevos> maybe a reminder that 3.5 goes end-of-life when 3.8 is released?
12:40:01 <kshlm> That would be with 3.8's release though.
12:40:09 <ndevos> thats one of the reasons to not put too much work in complex backports
12:40:32 <ndevos> with 3.8 release, but also warn users in advance, and keep reminding them :)
12:40:45 <kshlm> Onto the next topic (we don't have enough time)
12:40:55 <kshlm> #topic Gluster.Next
12:41:09 * kshlm is clubbing 3.8 and 4.0 into one.
12:41:55 <kshlm> On this front, atinm's update on GlusterD-2.0 started a nice discussion.
12:42:13 <hagarth> right, thanks atinm for that
12:42:28 <hagarth> kshlm: I plan to collate information about 3.8 over the next two weeks or so
12:42:39 <atinm> I am glad that we've gotten a good amount of mail threads on that in ML
12:42:59 <ndevos> I wanted to ask if we should move the glusterd-2.0 (and other) git repo under ?
12:43:13 <kshlm> hagarth, Will you make an announcement regarding the same once you're done?
12:43:22 <hagarth> ndevos: I would ideally like everything to be in gluster/glusterfs
12:43:30 <hagarth> kshlm: yes, intend doing that
12:43:32 <kshlm> ndevos, I'd like to move it under the Gluster organisation.
12:43:50 <ndevos> hagarth: oh, sure, but now its in different developers accounts until they finished playing
12:44:07 <krishnan_p> hagarth, ndevos I think it is too early to move into gluster/glusterfs
12:44:08 <kshlm> hagarth, Yes that would be ideal. But glusterd-2.0 is still not ready to be merged in without breaking things.
12:44:27 <krishnan_p> hagarth, I am not sure if gluster/glusterfs is the right place.
12:44:34 <atinm> prototypes can still go on into other repos, but once we have significant amount of real development we could move it
12:44:37 <hagarth> ndevos, krishnan_p, kshlm: noted. Let us get it there before we move too ahead.
12:44:41 <justinclift> gluster/gluster4?
12:44:47 <jdarcy> I've been working on the etcd and code-generation parts (for NSR client+server).
12:44:47 <justinclift> gluster/glusterfs4?
12:44:51 <hagarth> let us not lose track of the history of development
12:44:52 <krishnan_p> hagarth, the way I imagine gluster/glusterfs repo is meant for the filesystem features (think xlators)
12:45:01 <kshlm> #action hagarth to di announcement about 3.8 once he finishes collating information.
12:45:07 <hagarth> krishnan_p: glusterd is technically a xlator too
12:45:08 * krishnan_p waves at justinclift
12:45:15 * justinclift waves :)
12:45:18 <krishnan_p> hagarth, not with glusterd 2.0
12:45:21 <ndevos> krishnan_p: yeah, if glusterd-2.0 can be a stand-alone project, that would be nice too
12:45:42 <kshlm> hagarth, Yes. But there is no reason for it to remain the same way.
12:45:50 <krishnan_p> hagarth, it doesn't translate a I/O request like other xlators do. I am not a fan of that abstraction in glusterd (1.0)
12:45:55 <kshlm> jdarcy, thanks for your update.
12:46:17 <kshlm> #info jdarcy is progressing with code-generation and etcd for NSR.
12:46:25 <ndevos> jdarcy: need a repo under for that?
12:46:42 <hagarth> krishnan_p, kshlm: right. Depending on how things shape up we can plan to have it separately. However I would hate developers to contribute patches to multiple repositories for getting management for gluster operations.
12:46:54 <krishnan_p> jdarcy, Is it available in public?
12:47:02 <jdarcy> ndevos: I don't think so.  It all fits pretty well into the xlator subtree.
12:47:13 <ndevos> jdarcy: okay, great!
12:47:15 <kshlm> hagarth, Shall we continue this discussion after the meeting?
12:47:15 <krishnan_p> hagarth, OK, that is an interesting point.
12:47:30 <hagarth> krishnan_p, kshlm: sure
12:47:31 <kshlm> Thank You.
12:47:38 <kshlm> #topic Open Floor
12:47:41 <jdarcy> krishnan_p: I haven't checked in any updates, though there's actually little change from what was done in glusterfs-nsr a year ago.
12:47:57 <kshlm> justinclift's added many topics!
12:48:04 <ndevos> kshlm, hagarth: please keep that discussion in public, it may be similar to how we need to extend fuse on occasion
12:48:07 <krishnan_p> jdarcy, OK.
12:48:14 <kshlm> #topic favicon.ico for the Gluster website seems wrong.  Or do we have a new logo?
12:48:37 <kshlm> Would tigert be the right person to be looking at this?
12:48:40 <jdarcy> Main problem I'm having is that etcd is *slow*.  Trying to figure out tuning to make it faster.
12:49:03 <ndevos> the favicon.ico is a [S] ?
12:49:04 <hagarth> kshlm: seems like that
12:49:21 <justinclift> Yeah
12:49:23 <justinclift> That seems wrong
12:49:31 <atinm> jdarcy, on the etcd front, we would need to decide who will manage etcd, does NSR expect GlusterD to manage etcd? Different features managing their own etcd cluster is a waste to me, thoughts?
12:49:31 <justinclift> Sorry, I'm having a very laggy irc connection
12:49:35 <justinclift> 10sec lag apparently
12:50:06 <kshlm> #action tigert needs to be contacted to fix the favicon.
12:50:07 <krishnan_p> jdarcy, Look forward to hear your findings on tuning etcd to go faster.
12:50:27 <kshlm> atinm, krishnan_p, jdarcy, Please have this discussion after the meeting.
12:50:28 <justinclift> kshlm: No-one seems to be looking at the issues for GlusterWeb: :(
12:50:45 <krishnan_p> kshlm, OK.
12:50:47 <ndevos> pull request for the icon? maybe fix
12:50:48 <kshlm> justinclift, tigert is the owner of the repo.
12:50:50 <atinm> jdarcy, krishnan_p : how about a statistical difference between etcd vs consul?
12:51:22 <kshlm> Does anyone else have commit rights to gluster/glusterweb?
12:51:26 <justinclift> I'd like to address this one next: Should we consider passing Jepsen ( as a gating factor for GlusterFS 4.0?
12:51:35 <justinclift> ndevos: Thanks for that link.  I'll add it to the issue
12:51:44 <kshlm> #topic Should we consider passing Jepsen ( as a gating factor for GlusterFS 4.0
12:51:59 <hagarth> justinclift: maybe drop a note on -infra about glusterweb issues
12:52:24 <kshlm> justinclift, That would be nice. But IIRC, we'd need to be writing custom jepsen module, and it didn't seem simple to me.
12:52:45 <hagarth> justinclift: interesting, let us keep it as an option
12:52:55 <ndevos> kshlm: debloper, tigert and hagarth are members of the glusterweb-team, I could add you if you want?
12:53:07 <kshlm> Maybe someone else will have better luck investigating jepsen.
12:53:14 <justinclift> hagarth: I'm kind of avoiding subscribing to the lists.  Not something I want to do again. ;)
12:53:35 <hagarth> justinclift: ok, one of us will proxy that for you :)
12:53:39 <justinclift> Thanks :)
12:53:40 <atinm> hagarth, justinclift : when we were exploring consul, I read a blog about jepsen in respect to partition tolerance testing
12:53:41 <kkeithley> going back to xlators,  re: (i.e. exporting only the symbols needed), is there any consensus that this is a) useful, b) reasonable?  If so, some reviews would be nice. Otherwise I'll abandon the patch
12:54:01 <kshlm> #info Jepsen could be used to test Gluster-4.0
12:54:10 <kshlm> #link
12:54:25 <ndevos> kkeithley: I think its reasonable :)
12:54:40 <justinclift> atinm: Yeah, Jepsen seems like a very rigorous set of tests, which should let us ensure Gluster 4 is very rugged.  That would please a *lot* of people. :)
12:54:54 <atinm> justinclift, agreed
12:55:25 <justinclift> k, next question... For the ""Community Reminder" daemon/scheduler useful?" item I added
12:55:39 <jdarcy> I'm not sure the Jepsen model is quite right for file systems, though.
12:55:43 <hagarth> justinclift: what is that?
12:55:44 <justinclift> Does anyone know of simple web based scheduling software we can use to send reminders?
12:56:19 <justinclift> Asking because it's a very common pattern with both us and other open source projects, for people to not get tasks done by the next meeting... purely from forgetting about them
12:56:38 <ndevos> justinclift: thats called a calendar?
12:56:40 <jdarcy> Jepsen seems to treat a read of an unacknowledged write as an error on par with failing to read an acknowledged write, which might be OK for databases but not not file systems.
12:56:41 <kshlm> #info kkeithley requires more reviewers for
12:56:55 <justinclift> If we had something that automatically emails a reminder to a person 1 day before the next gluster-meeting with "Reminder: You're name is on task X for the meeting"
12:57:08 <atinm> jdarcy, not even for the management plane?
12:57:12 <justinclift> ndevos: Sure.  I was thinking of a group one
12:57:44 <jdarcy> atinm: For the management plane I think that's more reasonable.
12:57:49 <ndevos> justinclift: I actually sometimes sent reminders to people that were not attending the meeting but did have an action item
12:58:02 <justinclift> jdarcy: That's probably worth a conversation with the guy behind it.  He might agree, and could make it tweakable.
12:58:11 <hagarth> justinclift: unless we populate our AIs in a tool it might not be easy to send out reminders
12:58:18 <justinclift> ndevos: Yeah.  I think it'd be great if it was just automatic tho. ;)
12:58:18 <atinm> jdarcy, yeah so probably we could consider it for GlusterD 2.0
12:58:29 <csim> he did present during dotscale, and told that the code is open, but likely a big hack requiring some work to be usable
12:58:36 <jdarcy> justinclift: I'd love to have that conversation with @aphyr some day.  Keep hoping to run into him at a conference or something
12:58:48 <justinclift> hagarth: It's probably not hard to get something to read the "action items" section of the weekly html meeting log
12:59:13 <justinclift> jdarcy: Do the email/IRC version instead. ;)
12:59:21 <csim> justinclift: making the mapping between irc and email might cause issue, no ?
12:59:22 <amye1> kshlm: We haven't gotten to this item, but I can ping Technosophos and figure out how that post got to Planet Gluster.
12:59:29 <justinclift> csim: It shouldn't
12:59:41 <kshlm> amye1, Thanks!
12:59:44 <justinclift> csim: There's a regular group that turns up to these meetings. ;)
12:59:49 <csim> amye1: yeah, I also did see and wanted to ask you (then figured it was 1h in the nigh )
12:59:53 <amye1> kshlm: He's an old friend, no worries. ;)
13:00:20 <justinclift> amye1: It's probably just a need to add a "Gluster" tag to his gluster related posts, and then we have a filter for it or something
13:00:23 <kshlm> amye1, Although, I figure that it's just that the feed link we're using on planet is incorrect.
13:00:24 <amye1> kshlm: I know him from way back in Drupal days, I'll sort that and take it off the planet.
13:00:57 <kshlm> amye1, Have you been introduced to the community yet?
13:00:59 <justinclift> hagarth: Anyway, I was just hoping there was pre-canned software/plugin for Meetbot we could use
13:01:23 <atinm> I want to ask one last question, we were discussing about coming up with a page which would collaborate all the 4.0 initiative's status, does anyone on top of it?
13:01:23 <hagarth> justinclift: let us explore that
13:01:37 <justinclift> Doesn't sound like it, so it'll probably just mean coding up a scraper or something
13:01:41 <hagarth> atinm: s/4.0/
13:01:46 <amye1> kshlm: Not more than just the RH post, that's going to happen shortly. Needed to get a few more pieces in place first.
13:01:56 <kshlm> amye1, Cool!
13:02:02 <justinclift> k, I'm done.  Sorry to take over the Open Floor
13:02:07 <atinm> hagarth, Ahh!! yes, thanks for correction
13:02:15 <hagarth> justinclift: keep 'em coming. all useful topics :)
13:02:21 <kshlm> We are officially out of time.
13:02:36 <kshlm> Do people still want to continue their discussions here?
13:02:40 <amye1> justinclift: ++
13:02:47 <kshlm> I'd like to end the meeting if not.
13:03:06 <justinclift> Nothing more from me today. ;)
13:03:12 <hagarth> kshlm: guess we can end. we can always chat in #gluster-dev.
13:03:25 <kshlm> atinm, Do you want do discuss you're topic now?
13:03:37 <kshlm> s/you're/your/
13:03:49 <atinm> kshlm, I wanted to know is anyone working on it or not
13:03:53 <kshlm> We could discuss it next week.
13:04:00 <kshlm> Let's continue on -dev
13:04:05 <atinm> kshlm, sure
13:04:08 <atinm> kshlm, thanks
13:04:16 <kshlm> Thanks everyone, for attending today's meeting.
13:04:20 <hagarth> kshlm++ thanks!
13:04:28 <hagarth> hchiramm++ thanks!
13:04:30 <atinm> kshlm++
13:04:36 <atinm> hchiramm++
13:04:38 <kshlm> See you next week same place, same time.
13:04:44 <kshlm> #endmeeting.
13:04:45 <hchiramm> thanks all!
13:04:47 <anoopcs> hchiramm++ kshlm++
13:04:47 <zodbot> anoopcs: Karma for kshlm changed to 1 (for the f22 release cycle):
13:04:47 <kshlm> #endmeeting
13:04:48 <kkeithley> BTW, I asked johnmark to xfer/grant sysop for #gluster-meeting to someone else before he leaves. Hopefully he has done that, or will do that.
13:04:54 <ndevos> thanks kshlm!
13:05:05 <ndevos> kshlm: yeah, you need #chair powers like hchiramm :)
13:05:07 <kshlm> The meeting didn't end!
13:05:09 <amye1> kkeithley: if he doesn't, I will make sure he does. ;)
13:05:15 <hchiramm> ndevos, :)
13:05:28 <kshlm> hchiramm, Please do the honours!
13:05:37 <ndevos> hchiramm: you can #endmeeting or #chair kshlm
13:05:58 <hchiramm> #endmeeting