12:04:02 <hagarth> #startmeeting
12:04:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 20 12:04:02 2015 UTC.  The chair is hagarth. Information about MeetBot at
12:04:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
12:04:09 <hagarth> #topic Roll Call
12:04:13 <hagarth> who do we have here today?
12:04:17 * overclk is here
12:04:17 <ndevos> Hello hagarth!
12:04:19 * raghu is here
12:04:24 * RaSTar is here
12:04:31 * msvbhat is present
12:04:43 <hagarth> agenda -
12:04:53 <hagarth> let us get started
12:05:04 <hagarth> #topic Action items from last meeting
12:05:21 <hagarth> AI - raghu to create new 3.6.4 tracker bug today
12:05:42 <hagarth> raghu - any updates on this one?
12:05:48 <ndevos> today? wasnt that last week?
12:05:57 <hagarth> that was on 6th May :)
12:06:00 <ndevos> uh, 2 weeks ago
12:06:15 <hagarth> raghu is re-joining, let us give him a minute or so
12:06:25 <ndevos> there was a bug already, and I set the alias to "glusterfs-3.6.4" yesterday
12:06:35 <hagarth> ndevos: great, so we have this covered
12:06:44 <hagarth> raghu`: we are discussing your AIs :)
12:06:47 <ndevos> should work
12:06:57 <hagarth> ndevos: thanks!
12:07:06 <hagarth> #link 3.6.4 tracker -
12:07:10 * ndevos tests that now
12:07:20 <hagarth> next AI - raghu to release 3.6.4beta1 by the end of next week
12:07:21 <raghu`> hagarth: ohh. Yeah. I have created a bugid for tracking 3.6.4 and in fact have made 3.6.4beta1 as well
12:07:26 <ndevos> and it works :)
12:07:36 <hagarth> raghu`: cool, have we announced beta1 on MLs?
12:07:40 <raghu`>
12:07:52 <raghu`> hagarth: nope. I will do it once the packages are ready
12:07:58 <hagarth> raghu`: ok
12:08:05 <ndevos> raghu`: please set the fixed_in field for the bugs to glusterfs-3.6.4beta1 :)
12:08:16 <hagarth> #action raghu to announce 3.6.4beta1 once packages are available for testing
12:08:19 <raghu`> ndevos: sure.
12:08:30 <hagarth> next AI - ndevos to do release announcement for 3.5.4beta1 when the packages are ready
12:08:33 * jimjag waves to hagarth
12:08:39 <hagarth> ndevos: I believe this is done
12:08:46 <ndevos> uh, did I?
12:08:48 * jimjag is here
12:08:58 <ndevos> oh, yes, I did!
12:08:58 * hagarth waves back
12:09:05 * ndevos _o/ jimjag
12:09:05 <hagarth> ndevos: selective amnesia? ;)
12:09:35 <ndevos> hagarth: I have troubles remembering what I did this morning, dont ask about 2 weeks ago ;-)
12:09:54 <ndevos> and its only 14:10 here...
12:09:55 <hagarth> ndevos: glad you remember what to answer to questions asked here ;)
12:10:14 <hagarth> next AI - JustinClift to have basic forge v2 operational by Gluster Summit
12:10:16 <ndevos> wait, what?
12:10:27 <hagarth> JustinCl1ft: around?
12:11:00 <hagarth> guess not, skipping Justin's AIs for now
12:11:10 <hagarth> next AI - tigert to announce new Gluster website layout demo to the mailing lists
12:11:21 <tigert> argh
12:11:30 <tigert> Just in time!
12:11:49 <tigert> I think I did
12:12:17 <hagarth> tigert: cool, are we expected to go live with this website soon?
12:12:21 <tigert> yeah
12:12:30 <hagarth> tigert: fantastic!
12:12:30 * JustinCl1ft arrives late
12:12:33 <ndevos> how soon is soon?
12:12:35 <tigert> there were some things that needed to be resolved still
12:12:40 <tigert> like the redirect from old docs
12:12:53 <tigert> but I guess we can take the approac that we try to swap it in tomorrow
12:12:55 <JustinCl1ft> hagarth: Didn't get forge operational in time.  Working on it now. ;)
12:13:00 <tigert> and then fix the fires that might result from it
12:13:06 <tigert> shouldnt be too much really
12:13:26 <ndevos> tomorrow really is soon, great!
12:13:26 <hagarth> JustinCl1ft: ok :)
12:13:41 <hagarth> #info revamped to be operational soon.
12:14:05 <tigert> ndevos: hoping to get that
12:14:20 <ndevos> tigert: cool!
12:14:30 <tigert> but I mean, the site works, I just need to merge the branch to master and poke michael our sysadmin to swap that into the builder node
12:14:45 <tigert>
12:14:55 <tigert> I still need to push some changes to git
12:16:04 <hagarth> next AI - tigert will announce and include the rss urls too
12:16:06 <JustinCl1ft> tigert: misc is on PTO until June though
12:16:11 <tigert> nope
12:16:13 <tigert> he is back
12:16:18 <tigert> at least now
12:16:23 <tigert> maybe he goes away again
12:16:28 <tigert> but I have talked with him
12:16:43 <JustinCl1ft> tigert: Well he's not "back", he's just logged in and doing stuff when he's not supposed to be.  He's bored.
12:16:45 <tigert> hagarth: argh, I forgot to announce the planet
12:17:00 <tigert> it seems to be working reliably now though
12:17:03 <hagarth> tigert: no worries, let us carry forward this AI
12:17:09 <hagarth> #action tigert will announce and include the rss urls too
12:17:23 * ndevos is happy he's not the only one forgetting things
12:17:26 <tigert> hagarth: users list I guess
12:17:35 <hagarth> tigert: right
12:18:12 <hagarth> #topic GlusterFS 3.7
12:18:20 <hagarth> 3.7.0 was released last week
12:18:35 <hagarth> 3.7.1 should be out soon in the next 2 weeks
12:18:43 <kshlm> one question, how do we get our blogs syndicated to planet?
12:18:45 <tigert> speaking of planet, we should put a note to look into the fb/twitter automation now that the wordpress is no longer
12:19:11 <hagarth> tigert: yes, that's something we can do
12:19:14 <tigert> kshlm:
12:19:25 <tigert> kshlm: submit a merge request, format is pretty self explanatory
12:19:27 <kshlm> tigert, thanks.
12:19:36 <hagarth> tracker for 3.7.1 -
12:19:36 <tigert> you can add an avatar png too
12:19:51 <hagarth> any questions on 3.7.x?
12:20:03 <ndevos> when can we merge patches again?
12:20:52 <hagarth> ndevos: as soon as is_bad_test() in becomes empty :)
12:21:10 <ndevos> hagarth: and that is before the next 2 weeks?
12:21:14 <hagarth> there is good progress. Pranith cleared quite a few ec regression failures today
12:21:21 <ndevos> ok :)
12:21:31 <hagarth> ndevos: certainly, I hope that we will resume normal service much before then.
12:21:47 <ndevos> like tigert's "soon"?
12:21:50 <hagarth> quota and afr issues are close to be done with too.
12:21:54 <hagarth> ndevos: hope so!
12:22:06 <ndevos> ah, tomorrow!
12:22:34 <hagarth> ok, moving on to 3.6
12:22:42 <hagarth> #topic GlusterFS 3.6
12:22:46 <hagarth> raghu`: all yours
12:23:02 * partner seriously late..
12:23:04 <raghu`> Not much from my side. As I said, 3.6.4beta1 is done
12:23:17 <raghu`> there are still some patches in release-3.6 list
12:23:29 <raghu`> which have to either pass the regression test or get an ack.
12:23:47 <raghu`> All the patches which have met the above conditions as of now are part of 3.6.4beta1
12:23:49 <ndevos> link?
12:24:11 <raghu`>
12:24:40 <ndevos> thanks
12:25:08 <raghu`> might have to wait bit longer as the patch has to be merged in master yet (IIRC)
12:25:09 <hagarth> I have one backport for 3.6.4
12:25:24 <hagarth> the CLI log flood prevention problem, I will do that soon
12:25:46 <raghu`> hagarth: sure. I will take it for beta2
12:26:01 <hagarth> raghu`: thanks!
12:26:06 <hagarth> anything more on 3.6?
12:26:11 <raghu`> hagarth: nope.
12:26:23 <hagarth> ok, moving on.
12:26:29 <hagarth> #topic GlusterFS 3.5
12:26:33 <hagarth> ndevos: over to you
12:26:49 <ndevos> I did not get any responses on the beta release I did 2 weeks ago
12:27:14 <ndevos> so, I'll probably make 3.5.4 (?) GA later this week
12:27:26 <hagarth> ndevos: sounds good!
12:27:37 <ndevos> there is a small patch for the libgfapi.pc (pkgconfig) file,  but not much more I think
12:27:45 <hagarth> #info GlusterFS 3.5.4 to be GA later this week
12:28:18 <ndevos> nothing more to add
12:28:52 <hagarth> ndevos: thanks, moving on
12:29:04 <hagarth> #topic GlusterFS 4.0
12:29:15 <hagarth> don't think Jeff is around today
12:29:21 <hagarth> we now have a tracker for 4.0
12:29:32 <hagarth> #link
12:29:59 <hagarth> so we can expect more action on 4.0 shortly :)
12:30:32 <hagarth> any questions on 4.0?
12:31:06 <hagarth> figure not, moving on
12:31:22 <hagarth> #topic Other Topics
12:31:36 <hagarth> any specific topics here?
12:31:52 <hagarth> I think we discussed the topic on website before
12:32:08 <hagarth> the one on testing is something that we plan to kickstart in the MLs shortly
12:32:38 <hagarth> videos from the summit are now available - thanks to JustinCl1ft and spot
12:32:54 <JustinCl1ft> Spot did 95% of the work :)
12:33:35 <hagarth> JustinCl1ft: missing the other 5% would have meant that our recorded count would be 0
12:33:39 <hagarth> #link -
12:33:44 <ndevos> 3.4 bugs all got a notification and request for testing, no updates will mean that they get closed by the end of the month
12:33:54 <ndevos> that affects 100+ bugs
12:34:14 <hagarth> ndevos: ok
12:34:23 <hagarth> hchiramm: around?
12:34:29 <JustinCl1ft> ;)
12:34:37 <hagarth> hchiramm__ or tigert: any update on documentation?
12:34:52 <hchiramm__> hagarth, yes.
12:35:03 <hchiramm__> we have moved most of the content to
12:35:13 <hchiramm__> its version specific now
12:35:43 <hchiramm__> I have to define the workflow and reach out  to the gluster MLs soon
12:35:48 <hchiramm__> "soon " :)
12:36:08 <hagarth> hchiramm__: fantastic, let us have an AI so that we don't forget :)
12:36:13 <ndevos> hchiramm__: can the wiki pages be cleared and only have a reference to the current editable docs?
12:36:15 <hchiramm__> the project is hosted in github
12:36:27 <hchiramm__> wiki should move to READONLY mode
12:36:38 <hagarth> #action hchiramm__ to provide an update on new documentation workflow in the mailing lists
12:36:51 <hchiramm__> hagarth, can u fork the repo in gluster organization  in github
12:37:05 <hagarth> hchiramm__: will do
12:37:09 <hchiramm__> thanks
12:37:16 <ndevos> yes, or that, but do it ASAP, otherwise people will update the wiki and their  changes get lost
12:37:35 * ndevos notes that hagarth updated the 3.7 planning page yesterday or today
12:37:45 <hagarth> ndevos: indeed
12:38:03 * hchiramm__ not sure who got the permission in media wiki
12:38:22 * hchiramm__ to put a banner
12:38:47 <hagarth> hchiramm__: let us sync up on that one. I might be able to help if the configuration isn't very involved :).
12:38:55 <hchiramm__> thanks !
12:39:23 <JustinCl1ft> hchiramm__ hagarth: It's possible to transfer a project on GitHub to a new org
12:39:33 <JustinCl1ft> That way everything goes to the new org, including the wiki
12:39:45 <hagarth> JustinCl1ft: new org and not gluster?
12:39:51 <JustinCl1ft> Can be to "gluster
12:39:52 <JustinCl1ft> "
12:40:02 <ndevos> JustinCl1ft: I think we're talking about this wiki?
12:40:05 <JustinCl1ft> By "new org" I meant "existing org"
12:40:09 <JustinCl1ft> Ahhh
12:40:32 <tigert> (planet announcement sent)
12:40:33 <JustinCl1ft> I just saw the GitHub link
12:40:45 <JustinCl1ft> ndevos: That URL is our MediaWiki instance
12:41:20 <ndevos> JustinCl1ft: indeed, and much of the docs have been copied to the new docs project, but the old wiki is still active an accepting edits
12:41:27 <JustinCl1ft> Ahhh
12:41:39 <JustinCl1ft> We can turn off MediaWiki?
12:41:45 <JustinCl1ft> As in, we can remove it
12:42:01 <ndevos> readonly with a banner pointing to the right place is the idea
12:42:06 <JustinCl1ft> Read Only mode... now I understand
12:42:35 <hchiramm__> yep ..
12:42:39 <JustinCl1ft> You guys seem to have stuff organised.  I'll leave you alone. :)
12:43:06 <hagarth> anything else for today?
12:43:14 <hchiramm__> we need to cleanup the feeds ( which dont have "gluster" label/tag .
12:43:36 <hagarth> hchiramm__: +1
12:43:46 <hchiramm__> this pulls lots of unwanted data to gluster blog
12:43:58 * ndevos had an other topic, but remembering things without writing them down isn't easy
12:44:30 <hagarth> ndevos: +1 ;)
12:44:33 <ndevos> I'll put it in the agenda for next week, if I think of it again
12:44:40 <hagarth> ndevos: ok
12:45:06 <hagarth> alright everyone, thanks for being here today. Talk to you all next week.
12:45:23 <hagarth> #endmeeting