ACTION: pranithk to
add information about EasyFix to the existing Developer page(JustinClift,
ACTION: JustinClift
to ask Eco when new site is targetted for roll out(JustinClift,
ACTION: hagarth to
work with the team for adding a web page on details of prominent
community members(hagarth,
ACTION: JustinClift
to start the discussion on gluster-infra about updating links on the
main website. re 3.5.x links in template & the new
Prominent Gluster Users page(JustinClift,
ACTION: JustinClift
to report back if Eco will do the Who Wrote GlusterFS 3.5
ACTION: JustinClift
to get the Westford lab mac mini doing nightly GlusterFS build tests
happening (cron). Failure emails to gluster-devel I guess(JustinClift,
hagarth to send an email to professor in
pranithk to add information about EasyFix to the existing Developer page
JustinClift to ask Eco when new site is targetted for roll out
hagarth to work with the team for adding a web page on details of prominent community members
JustinClift to start the discussion on gluster-infra about updating links on the main website. re 3.5.x links in template & the new Prominent Gluster Users page
JustinClift to report back if Eco will do the Who Wrote GlusterFS 3.5 page
JustinClift to get the Westford lab mac mini doing nightly GlusterFS build tests happening (cron). Failure emails to gluster-devel I guess
kkeithley_ to release 3.4.4
ndevos to release 3.5.1 beta2 when the required patches are merged
JustinClift and hagarth to discuss website schedule tomorrow/friday, after progress report from Eco
kshlm to report on forge alternatives
kkeithley_ to give JustinClift the details of where the FreeBSD port code lives
JustinClift to canvas for people to pick up the FreeBSD port code and get it merged/working with master
hagarth to email gluster-users and gluster-devel with the details of the new Port Maintainers
hagarth to email gluster-devel, reminding them that 3.6.1 feature freeze is in 2 weeks
hagarth to email gluster-devel, reminding them that 3.6.0 feature freeze is in 2 weeks
ndevos to check with pranithk and raghug whether the fixes for the gfid memory leaks are ready for 3.5.2
Action items, by person
hagarth to send an email to professor in
hagarth to work with the team for adding a web page on details of prominent community members
JustinClift and hagarth to discuss website schedule tomorrow/friday, after progress report from Eco
hagarth to email gluster-users and gluster-devel with the details of the new Port Maintainers
hagarth to email gluster-devel, reminding them that 3.6.1 feature freeze is in 2 weeks
hagarth to email gluster-devel, reminding them that 3.6.0 feature freeze is in 2 weeks
JustinClift to ask Eco when new site is targetted for roll out
JustinClift to start the discussion on gluster-infra about updating links on the main website. re 3.5.x links in template & the new Prominent Gluster Users page
JustinClift to report back if Eco will do the Who Wrote GlusterFS 3.5 page
JustinClift to get the Westford lab mac mini doing nightly GlusterFS build tests happening (cron). Failure emails to gluster-devel I guess
JustinClift and hagarth to discuss website schedule tomorrow/friday, after progress report from Eco
kkeithley_ to give JustinClift the details of where the FreeBSD port code lives
JustinClift to canvas for people to pick up the FreeBSD port code and get it merged/working with master
kkeithley_ to release 3.4.4
kkeithley_ to give JustinClift the details of where the FreeBSD port code lives
ndevos to release 3.5.1 beta2 when the required patches are merged
ndevos to check with pranithk and raghug whether the fixes for the gfid memory leaks are ready for 3.5.2
pranithk to add information about EasyFix to the existing Developer page
ndevos to check with pranithk and raghug whether the fixes for the gfid memory leaks are ready for 3.5.2
ndevos to check with pranithk and raghug whether the fixes for the gfid memory leaks are ready for 3.5.2