December 04, 2013
#gluster-meeting Meeting
Meeting started by hagarth at 15:01:06 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- follow up of action items (hagarth, 15:01:35)
- ACTION: hagarth to
follow up with feature owners on test cases. (hagarth,
- (qstep,
- 3.5 (hagarth, 15:07:40)
- ACTION: johnmark to
send out a reminder about test day (johnmark,
- ACTION: johnmark to
add admin guide to docs project (johnmark,
- ACTION: Technicool to
steal adding admin guide to docs project (Technicool,
- ACTION: hagarth to
add details of documentation hackathon in wiki (hagarth,
- ACTION: johnmark to
make a shortlink of that (johnmark,
- 3.4.2 (hagarth, 15:26:13)
- ACTION: hagarth to
follow up on dht patches for 3.4.2. (hagarth,
- ACTION: semiosis to
look into spinning up .debs for test day - dec 6 (johnmark,
- open discussion (hagarth, 15:37:49)
- ACTION: hagarth to
send out a mail on gluster-devel around libgfapi tests. (hagarth,
Meeting ended at 15:56:53 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- hagarth to follow up with feature owners on test cases.
- johnmark to send out a reminder about test day
- johnmark to add admin guide to docs project
- Technicool to steal adding admin guide to docs project
- hagarth to add details of documentation hackathon in wiki
- johnmark to make a shortlink of that
- hagarth to follow up on dht patches for 3.4.2.
- semiosis to look into spinning up .debs for test day - dec 6
- hagarth to send out a mail on gluster-devel around libgfapi tests.
Action items, by person
- hagarth
- hagarth to follow up with feature owners on test cases.
- hagarth to add details of documentation hackathon in wiki
- hagarth to follow up on dht patches for 3.4.2.
- hagarth to send out a mail on gluster-devel around libgfapi tests.
- johnmark
- johnmark to send out a reminder about test day
- johnmark to add admin guide to docs project
- johnmark to make a shortlink of that
- semiosis
- semiosis to look into spinning up .debs for test day - dec 6
- Technicool
- Technicool to steal adding admin guide to docs project
People present (lines said)
- hagarth (110)
- johnmark (101)
- kkeithley (18)
- avati (16)
- semiosis (16)
- Technicool (7)
- bfoster (4)
- glustermeetbot (2)
- zodbot (2)
- qstep (1)
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