
#fudcon-planning Meeting

Meeting started by KageSenshi at 14:06:46 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. roll call (KageSenshi, 14:07:28)
    1. Agenda : http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/Meeting:2012-03-22 (KageSenshi, 14:09:26)
    2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/Meeting:2012-03-22 (KageSenshi, 14:09:38)

  2. announcements (KageSenshi, 14:09:52)
    1. FUDCon KL 2012 site is now launched : http://fedora.my/events/fudconkl2012/ (KageSenshi, 14:10:22)
    2. FUDCon KL logo has been selected, designed by bckurera (KageSenshi, 14:10:52)
    3. do spread the news about the site, and register there :) (KageSenshi, 14:11:12)
    4. those who submitted talks, please send KageSenshi your photo and profile for listing as speaker on the site (KageSenshi, 14:11:47)

  3. Review actions from last meeting (KageSenshi, 14:12:24)
    1. KageSenshi have met RaymondTai from RH-APAC last tuesday .. passed the link to the press release for review by RH-APAC (KageSenshi, 14:17:07)
    2. they will get back to us in a few days time (KageSenshi, 14:17:24)
    3. ACTION: KageSenshi to get updates on press release approval by RH-APAC (KageSenshi, 14:17:47)
    4. http://goo.gl/rRVyg budget document is here (KageSenshi, 14:18:15)
    5. Thanks to UCTI/APIIT .. our venue is 100% free of charge :) (KageSenshi, 14:22:11)
    6. ACTION: sniffit to suggest food allocation for vlnt during prep day (KageSenshi, 14:30:08)
    7. ACTION: MavJS and sniffit to figure out how many vlnts will be around during prep-day , and allocate budget for meals (KageSenshi, 14:32:41)
    8. ACTION: KageSenshi to add cost for printing 75 badges (KageSenshi, 14:39:44)

  4. Questions/Decisions (KageSenshi, 14:44:35)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&component=FUDCon+Kuala+Lumpur+2012&type=Funding+request&order=priority (KageSenshi, 14:44:54)
    2. There will be a meeting for funding approval tomorrow, at 14:00 UTC in #fudcon-planning (KageSenshi, 14:51:19)
    3. ACTION: MavJS to send mail to fudcon-planning about tomorrow's funding approval meeting. (MavJS, 14:51:45)
    4. ACTION: KageSenshi to write a blog post reminding about funding approval meeting (KageSenshi, 14:52:02)
    5. ACTION: MavJS to reply to funding request tickets about funding approval meeting tomorrow (KageSenshi, 14:52:45)

  5. (KageSenshi, 14:57:22)
  6. new action items (KageSenshi, 14:57:25)
  7. open floor (KageSenshi, 15:01:57)
    1. harish mentioned that press release have been approved, and rh send the press release over (KageSenshi, 15:03:42)
    2. ACTION: KageSenshi to get ppl to get some flyers design ready (KageSenshi, 15:04:59)
    3. webcampkl is next week (KageSenshi, 15:05:10)
    4. hackweekend is this weekend (KageSenshi, 15:05:19)
    5. ACTION: KageSenshi to buzz the mailing list to see if theres anybody going to hackweekend, we should promote it there .. (KageSenshi, 15:06:18)

Meeting ended at 15:09:38 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. KageSenshi to get updates on press release approval by RH-APAC
  2. sniffit to suggest food allocation for vlnt during prep day
  3. MavJS and sniffit to figure out how many vlnts will be around during prep-day , and allocate budget for meals
  4. KageSenshi to add cost for printing 75 badges
  5. MavJS to send mail to fudcon-planning about tomorrow's funding approval meeting.
  6. KageSenshi to write a blog post reminding about funding approval meeting
  7. MavJS to reply to funding request tickets about funding approval meeting tomorrow
  8. KageSenshi to get ppl to get some flyers design ready
  9. KageSenshi to buzz the mailing list to see if theres anybody going to hackweekend, we should promote it there ..

Action items, by person

  1. KageSenshi
    1. KageSenshi to get updates on press release approval by RH-APAC
    2. KageSenshi to add cost for printing 75 badges
    3. KageSenshi to write a blog post reminding about funding approval meeting
    4. KageSenshi to get ppl to get some flyers design ready
    5. KageSenshi to buzz the mailing list to see if theres anybody going to hackweekend, we should promote it there ..
  2. MavJS
    1. MavJS and sniffit to figure out how many vlnts will be around during prep-day , and allocate budget for meals
    2. MavJS to send mail to fudcon-planning about tomorrow's funding approval meeting.
    3. MavJS to reply to funding request tickets about funding approval meeting tomorrow
  3. sniffit
    1. sniffit to suggest food allocation for vlnt during prep day
    2. MavJS and sniffit to figure out how many vlnts will be around during prep-day , and allocate budget for meals

People present (lines said)

  1. KageSenshi (179)
  2. MavJS (29)
  3. sniffit (27)
  4. sweemeng (27)
  5. rbergeron (21)
  6. zodbot (18)
  7. tuanta (15)
  8. harish (10)
  9. choirboy (5)
  10. FranciscoD (2)
  11. meng (2)
  12. kulll (2)
  13. TYSSeries (1)
  14. Alvisyu (1)

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