
#fedora-zh: Fedora Chinese Meeting 2013-03-29

Meeting started by alick at 13:04:31 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. 点名 (alick, 13:04:56)
  2. 四月线下活动征集 (alick, 13:11:22)
    1. IDEA: 非一线城市可以考虑和当地 LUG 等组织联合活动 (alick, 13:15:04)
    2. IDEA: 考虑办次以 Linux 安全 为主题的线下活动 (alick, 13:25:45)

  3. FUDCON APAC 2014 举办申请 (alick, 13:26:27)
    1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/chinese/2013-March/012721.html (alick, 13:27:44)
    2. http://www.weibo.com/lsh511744?from=profile&wvr=5&loc=infdomain (alick, 13:29:28)
    3. ACTION: alick to talk about the deadline of bid proposal in ML (alick, 13:39:05)

  4. FPWiki Zh 页面的整理更新 (alick, 13:44:10)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zh/zh-cn (alick, 13:44:44)
    2. HELP: FPWiki Zh/ 页面需更新 (alick, 13:48:42)

  5. 中文翻译 (alick, 13:49:24)
    1. https://fedora.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/r/fedora-main/l/zh_CN/ (alick, 13:55:48)
    2. Fedora 19 软件翻译阶段 2013-03-19 到 2013-04-23 (alick, 13:56:31)

Meeting ended at 14:03:13 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. alick to talk about the deadline of bid proposal in ML

Action items, by person

  1. alick
    1. alick to talk about the deadline of bid proposal in ML

People present (lines said)

  1. alick (77)
  2. zsun (24)
  3. zodbot (7)
  4. BadGirl (6)
  5. Robin_cheese_Lee (5)
  6. tiansworld (5)
  7. microcai (5)
  8. chengshiding (5)
  9. diseng (3)

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