12:08:03 <alick> #startmeeting
12:08:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jan 18 12:08:03 2013 UTC.  The chair is alick. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
12:08:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
12:08:04 <gbraad> he tommy ;-)
12:08:04 <BadGirl> [2010-08-20 22:18:24] Posted by z/odbot@fedora-zh already: MeetBot - Debian Wiki
12:08:08 <epico> cicku, nice to meet you.
12:08:16 <epico> BinLi, yes
12:08:51 <alick> #chair lovenemesis cicku alick CyrusYzGTt kaio gbraad endle
12:08:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: CyrusYzGTt alick cicku endle gbraad kaio lovenemesis
12:09:52 <alick> 今天我想到的有两个话题,
12:10:20 <alick> 一是活动的具体program,即各个talk 主题确定,时间等
12:10:40 <alick> 另一个是活动的其他筹备事项的进展和规划
12:10:57 <alick> 还有其他的话题要讨论吗?
12:11:04 <BinLi> 问一下,一共准备有几个题目?
12:11:35 <alick> BinLi: 呃,我们第一个话题里说
12:11:43 <cicku> 现在需要总结一下具体的题目数量
12:11:45 <cicku> 请稍等
12:11:59 <cicku> Alick,还有一个weibo的事情
12:12:04 <BinLi> alick: ok
12:12:09 <cicku> Haowe Lee来了吗?
12:12:15 <alick> cicku: oh yes, thx
12:12:30 <cicku> cnblue貌似没来
12:12:43 <cicku> 先开始i第一个话题吧
12:12:43 <alick> 没有别的的话,我们就开始第一个吧
12:13:04 <alick> #topic release party program
12:13:19 <alick> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F18_Beijing#Topics
12:13:20 <BadGirl> [2013-01-11 21:02:17] Posted by a/lick@fedora-zh already: Release Party F18 Beijing - FedoraProject
12:13:54 <alick> 目前我知道的有4--5--6个主题,
12:14:08 <cicku> 总结一下
12:14:11 <alick> 希望今晚我们把具体数字、内容都确定下来~
12:14:32 <BinLi> tonghuix: nice to meet you here, :)
12:14:35 <tonghuix> IRC meeting 开始了么?
12:14:36 <cicku> hi
12:14:37 <alick> 下面我先一个一个列举已知的吧
12:14:42 <cicku> 已经开始了 tonghuix
12:14:54 <alick> 注意目前的顺序不一定是最后的talk先后顺序
12:14:54 <cicku> alick go ahead
12:15:02 <tonghuix> sorry晚了,刚刚到家
12:15:20 <alick> 1. fedora infra by robin lee
12:15:28 <cicku> 没关系
12:15:35 <alick> robin cheeselee 来了吗?
12:15:59 <cicku> robin?
12:16:04 <cicku> robin??
12:16:19 <alick> .fas cheeselee
12:16:20 <zodbot> alick: cheeselee '' <robinlee.sysu@gmail.com>
12:16:33 <gbraad> ping him on weibo
12:16:43 <cicku> ok
12:17:01 <lovenemesis> ping him now
12:17:08 <cicku> pinged
12:17:09 <lovenemesis> i'm pinging him now
12:17:23 <alick> ok, let's skip this one for now
12:17:47 <alick> 2. talk about fontconfig and/or ibus by Peng Wu (epico)
12:18:13 <alick> epico: 可以确定题目了么?
12:18:49 <epico> 等一分钟
12:18:50 <alick> 我还是先全列出来,再具体说吧
12:19:09 <cicku> en
12:19:10 <alick> 3. openshift intro by tommy he aka lovenemesis
12:19:24 <alick> 4. Seafile intro by freeplant
12:19:51 <epico> 计划是fontconfg 简介和ibus简介的比较短的slides.
12:19:51 <alick> 5. GNOME dev or feature talk by Li Bin
12:20:07 <epico> 两个slides
12:20:12 <cicku> 短到什么程度?
12:20:29 <alick> 6. unknown topic by herdingcat 牧猫居士@weibo
12:20:40 * gbraad wonders if time constraints are set for the presentations
12:20:42 <alick> end of list of topics
12:21:00 <herdingcat> alick, could I comment sth. here?
12:21:05 <cicku> robin来了
12:21:10 <cicku> welcome robin
12:21:18 <alick> 至于时限,我之前想的是 5 个主题,各40min
12:21:20 <Robin_cheese_Lee> 噢,好久好久没来了
12:21:21 <epico> 还没有写完,目前比较短。
12:21:23 <alick> herdingcat: plz go ahead
12:21:29 <herdingcat> alick, cool
12:21:32 <epico> <10 pages
12:21:36 <lovenemesis> FYI i am quite new to openshift, far way from an expert
12:21:49 <epico> Robin_cheese_Lee, hi
12:21:50 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: hi
12:21:58 <Robin_cheese_Lee> hi
12:22:00 <BinLi> 在北京GNOME用户组的列表上有个 Zhou.M 想讲讲如何开发GNOME shell 插件的
12:22:05 <gbraad> lovenemesis: no problem. I can hook you up to someone with deep knowledge and I can also answer a lot
12:22:16 <lovenemesis> If we can find someone more experience on that, i'm totally fine to let someone else to present the openshift part
12:22:19 <mengzhuo> 嗯,但是我也是新手
12:22:39 <alick> 时限方面,我之前的想法是共5个主题,各40分钟,每个30分钟讲+10分钟问答。eof
12:22:41 <gbraad> lovenemesis: you do call it an intro... so, why don't you
12:22:53 <BinLi> 还有Lance wang 也准备讲讲gstreamer,呵
12:23:11 <BinLi> 看看日程安排吧
12:23:19 <alick> BinLi: so it's Zhou's topic, not yours?
12:23:23 <lovenemesis> gbraad: in that case, sure i will do, let you guys handle the Q&A section :)
12:23:26 * gbraad OKs on 30 minutes
12:23:32 <herdingcat> alick, topic I can talk: beowulf cluster/kerberos/Live CD build up/OpenAFS
12:23:37 <epico> alick, 我可以按照这个时间长度讲完两个简介。
12:23:41 <gbraad> lovenemesis: I will be in the Netherlasdn :'-(
12:23:46 <BinLi> mengzhuo: 你可以讲么?
12:23:53 <tonghuix> 注册一个talk或者lightning talk,打算讲一个在fedora上开发开源硬件的
12:24:08 <cicku> herdingcat how long is your time limit?
12:24:08 <herdingcat> alick, session duration?
12:24:25 <herdingcat> cicku, don't know, what's the limit?
12:24:32 <cicku> no limit..
12:24:34 <mengzhuo> 主要我也只是开发过几个小插件,谈不上专家,最多只能和大家分享一下
12:24:41 <lovenemesis> gbraad: oops, will you let someone with expertise to give me a hand? I mean, help me on the trick questions
12:24:44 * gbraad wonders why <10 slides was mentioned. always have backup slides for discussion or further talk
12:24:47 <cicku> But I just want to know how long your spech will last..
12:24:51 <alick> 现在看来我们的talk数目比较多诶
12:24:58 <Robin_cheese_Lee> 我在一年半前的 http://linuxtoy.org/archives/lovelock-event-canton.html 讲过 systemd,以后有机会也可以在北京再讲一次,不过这次还是想讲 infrastructure,觉得会对新接触Fedora的很有帮助
12:24:59 <BadGirl> Lovelock Event @ Canton (6月9日再更新) — LinuxTOY
12:25:00 <BinLi> alick: 我也可以介绍 一下gnome shell的 feature
12:25:27 <tonghuix> 我觉得至少安排一个讲fedora 18新特性的
12:25:34 * gbraad thinks 30 minutes talks would be OK. always expect a 5 or even 10 minute overrun
12:25:37 <tonghuix> 毕竟这次更新改动比较大
12:25:40 <BinLi> tonghuix: 是的,这个是必须的
12:25:48 <cicku> tonghuix 新特性怎么讲呢...
12:25:58 <epico> gbraad, the slides is not finished yet...
12:25:59 <Robin_cheese_Lee> tonghuix: 要讲什么?
12:26:00 <herdingcat> cicku, I don't which topic is more interesting, for myself they are equal. :)
12:26:05 <BinLi> systemd  也不错, Robin_cheese_Lee
12:26:06 <tonghuix> 演示+体验
12:26:13 <cicku> 演示...不错
12:26:14 <gbraad> allow time for Q&A
12:26:27 <cicku> 不过,有些新特性不怎么常用....
12:26:43 <BinLi> 如果时间充裕也可以现场安装,呵
12:26:57 <gbraad> epico: expect you need 1 to 2 minutes per slide. so have 20 slides. 2 backup slides. do not write TOO much on each
12:26:59 <lovenemesis> actually, SSM is a pretty new feature in F18
12:27:01 <herdingcat> cicku, I'm working on RPi + Fedora
12:27:05 <Robin_cheese_Lee> 是啊,现场安装,演示新安装界面
12:27:13 <tonghuix> 安装挺快的,20分钟搞定
12:27:21 <cicku> herdingcat ....well
12:27:22 <Robin_cheese_Lee> 是啊
12:27:32 <cicku> herdingcat ....I just let kaio mail my rpi
12:27:36 <lovenemesis> Dunno someone who has experience on SSM yet
12:27:50 <Robin_cheese_Lee> 新安装界面可能就是 Fedora 18 最大的新特性
12:27:53 <alick> 关于时长和主题数,大家觉得怎样最好?
12:27:55 <epico> gbraad, I see.
12:28:03 <herdingcat> cicku, as I mentioned, I don't know which topic would be more interesting. That's the point.
12:28:10 <alick> 5*40min or 6*30min or else?
12:28:25 <cicku> herdingcat ....me too,let's talk in private simultaneously
12:28:28 <gbraad> herdingcat: shows RPi running Fedora and some of the stuff you experiment with
12:28:35 <BinLi> alick: 40分钟以内吧,包括QA
12:28:38 <herdingcat> gbraad, good idea
12:28:43 <alick> #info 我们的活动总时长是 4hour = 240min
12:28:48 <herdingcat> gbraad, I have ported some software to Fedora already.
12:28:53 <cicku> gbraad
12:28:54 <gbraad> alick: keep 30 minutes
12:29:05 <gbraad> alick: but allow overrun
12:29:24 <alick> gbraad: 30 min for both talk and QA?
12:29:25 <gbraad> alick: especially when someone does not show up you need the speaker
12:29:29 <lovenemesis> for the length, 30 min is enough for a section
12:29:36 <tonghuix> 4个小时是不是太长了,而且都是演讲,会很枯燥
12:29:42 <herdingcat> gbraad, but I'm working on Fedora 17 now so I don't know if it's okay.
12:29:48 <cicku> gdg 能讲一天.......
12:29:48 <gbraad> QA separate
12:29:50 <alick> gbraad: what about the number of talks?
12:30:08 <BinLi> 到可以有个lighting talk,1hour
12:30:10 <gbraad> herdingcat: it would not matter IMHO
12:30:17 <herdingcat> gbraad, okay
12:30:28 <gbraad> alick: how long is the event?
12:30:30 <tonghuix> 最好把总时长控制在两小时左右,加入演示和互动
12:30:53 <Robin_cheese_Lee> cicku: what is gdg?
12:30:57 <lovenemesis> We may show the Tears of Steel during break :)
12:30:58 <alick> #info the event is at 14:00--18:00, four hours in total
12:31:05 <cicku> google developer group
12:31:21 <gbraad> alick: 6 talks
12:31:22 <cicku> 我觉得,speech算一部分
12:31:32 <cicku> 演示和互动算一部分
12:31:37 <cicku> okay?
12:31:51 <BinLi> cicku: sounds good
12:31:53 <gbraad> and you might not even have enough time, but if someone does not show up, you can have longer QA or demo session
12:32:18 <alick> gbraad: so 6 talks and each talk lasts at most 35minutes?
12:32:27 <gbraad> yes
12:32:35 <alick> I think it's fine.
12:33:00 <alick> 不过会不会有点多,一直是讲,会无聊?
12:33:02 <gbraad> you can always allow longer, but you will notice from teh audience...
12:33:29 <gbraad> if more people want to speak, but can't... collect the info for the next time
12:34:06 <alick> So guys, do you agree with gbraad's suggestion (6 talks, each 35min)?
12:34:10 <gbraad> I hope we can work on a next time at the event to think of a monthly (or bimonthly) meeting.
12:34:31 <Robin_cheese_Lee> alick: OK
12:34:33 <gbraad> +1 ?
12:34:36 <cicku> +1
12:34:37 <epico> alick: okay for me
12:34:41 <alick> Let's vote :)
12:34:44 <lovenemesis> alick: good for me
12:34:50 * mengzhuo think it's good
12:34:53 <tonghuix> I suggest 3 talks, and 5 lightning talk
12:35:15 <BinLi> should have a break after 3 talks?
12:35:37 <BinLi> Anyway, it's ok, +1
12:35:58 <alick> BinLi: I think so.
12:36:00 <gbraad> lightning talks need to be more strictly timed. some other time maybe?
12:36:15 <gbraad> are also more effective when more speakers shwo up
12:36:18 <alick> tonghuix: how long is a lighting talk in your mind?
12:36:28 <gbraad> I guess the meeting would also need to act as a meet-up
12:36:40 <tonghuix> alick: 3 ~5mins
12:37:25 <tonghuix> or, 3 talks, 3 demos, and 5 lightning talk
12:37:44 <alick> tonghuix: 我觉得如果一切都按预订时间走的话,我们最后还可能有时间搞一搞闪电演讲
12:37:55 <mengzhuo> ping
12:37:57 <alick> tonghuix: 在 gbraad 的提议下。
12:38:01 <Robin_cheese_Lee> tonghuix: what kinds of demos
12:38:09 <gbraad> tonghuix: 4 hours is short to deal with this without messing up
12:38:38 <alick> tonghuix: 当然这种可能不总有
12:38:51 <alick> tonghuix: are you ok with gbraad's suggestion?
12:39:03 <gbraad> alick: BTW, the presentations are in zhongwen (Chinese)?
12:39:13 <alick> tonghuix: I think we will have demos inside some talks.
12:39:30 <alick> gbraad: I think so...
12:39:41 <epico> yes, I prepared Chinese slides.
12:39:41 <cicku> gbraad Chinese of course
12:39:42 <lovenemesis> well, i can present in english
12:39:42 <tonghuix> alick: agree with you
12:39:42 <gbraad> set it as a requirement ;-)
12:39:54 <cicku> lovenemesis dont do that
12:40:20 <alick> So we agree with the talk number and the time constraint.
12:40:20 <lovenemesis> I just say I can,  doesn't mean i will :)
12:40:20 <epico> Chinese is good
12:40:27 <gbraad> tonghuix: let's do lightning talks at the next meeting
12:40:44 <tonghuix> gbraad: it is ok
12:40:58 <alick> #agreed We will have 6 talks, and each talk lasts at most 35 minutes (QA included)
12:41:00 <lovenemesis> My slides might be in English
12:41:11 <lovenemesis> it it ok, guys?
12:41:17 <cicku> for me is ok
12:41:18 <gbraad> lovenemesis: better not
12:41:20 <herdingcat> alick, do you pull out the agenda/talk list?
12:41:27 <gbraad> lovenemesis: only for commands
12:41:36 <alick> About the language, I think both En/Chinese should be fine.
12:42:11 <BinLi> some terminology in English is more easy to understand
12:42:13 <alick> herdingcat: 我们下面该讨论具体演讲的内容主题了
12:42:23 * herdingcat is listening.
12:42:51 <alick> herdingcat: 不过我们先快速地统一下在 演讲语言 上的意见。
12:43:11 <tonghuix> writen in english, but speech could chinese
12:43:31 <herdingcat> alick, both are okay to me. epico ?
12:43:36 <gbraad> could=should ;-)
12:43:44 <cicku> i have no idea both are ok
12:43:46 <alick> 我提议:talk 内容以及演讲 中文 prefered,英文也可接收
12:43:50 <lovenemesis> Is the English slide a problem ?
12:44:03 <cicku> maybe a problem for others?
12:44:04 <Robin_cheese_Lee> speak in Chinese
12:44:05 <lovenemesis> I will speak Chinese
12:44:31 <epico> for me, guess both is in Chinese.
12:44:31 <gbraad> lovenemesis: as alick says Chinese preferred. Chinese spoken. ok
12:44:36 <BinLi> of course, speak in Chinese, there are no foreigners, right?
12:44:47 <alick> Chinese is the preferred language in the event, both for slides and oral talk, OK?
12:44:49 <epico> alick, +1
12:44:58 <gbraad> +1
12:45:02 <lovenemesis> +1
12:45:09 <cicku> +1
12:45:24 <alick> And english, although not preferred, is also acceptable :)
12:45:26 <epico> but will have some terminology words in English...
12:45:27 <BinLi> +1
12:45:32 <herdingcat> +1
12:45:45 <alick> epico: I understand the terminology issue.
12:45:58 <Robin_cheese_Lee> But I speak Guangdongqiang Chinese, hoho
12:46:04 <epico> +1
12:46:05 <gbraad> epico: but these will probably be explained with Chinese
12:46:11 <cicku> cantonese?
12:46:14 <gbraad> Robin_cheese_Lee: ;-)
12:46:24 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: oh, I mean Madrain...
12:46:29 <epico> gbraad, np
12:46:59 <epico> cicku, not cantonese.
12:47:20 <cicku> ok
12:47:24 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: 我听粤语歌没问题,但挺粤语讲座恐怕不行~~~
12:47:28 <Robin_cheese_Lee> cicku: cantonese Mandarin
12:47:47 <cicku> confused..
12:47:50 <cicku> never mind
12:48:01 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: that's kind of Putonghua, yes?
12:48:11 <Robin_cheese_Lee> alick: yes
12:48:19 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: fine
12:48:29 <cicku> let's come back to the topic
12:48:47 <alick> #agreed In this event, Chinese (Mandarin) is the preferred language.
12:49:01 <gbraad> Robin_cheese_Lee: people at the event could else assist. be sure your slides explain enough in case of confusion
12:49:17 * alick we need to talk about the specific talk topics, and the order of talks.
12:49:24 <cicku> freeplant? anything to say?
12:49:42 <gbraad> alick: suggestion to ask who is not from Beijing first
12:50:06 <alick> gbraad: good advice
12:50:06 <gbraad> alick: are where in Beijing. this info can ber helpful for planning
12:50:13 * herdingcat is at beijing
12:50:32 <freeplant> Just go on. I have no problem.
12:50:39 <Robin_cheese_Lee> gbraad: Ok, I will try hard to make everybody concentrated
12:50:52 <cicku> :)
12:51:01 <alick> 哪位speaker在 14:00 到场这件事情上有困难?
12:51:08 <lovenemesis> not in Beijing, will be stay at 7days Inn close to the campus
12:51:23 <cicku> got it
12:51:40 <lovenemesis> I will be there at 1330
12:51:59 <herdingcat> alick, I'm okay
12:52:04 <lovenemesis> Smile when I am taking photo of you guys :)
12:52:06 <alick> Who might be far away, and cannot arrive in the beginning of the party?
12:52:25 <Robin_cheese_Lee> I won't be late
12:52:34 <tonghuix> I will be there later than 1500
12:53:28 * cicku I will wait for you from 1320
12:53:30 <alick> tonghuix: ok got it
12:53:57 <alick> let's check the topic of each talk
12:54:01 <cicku> ok
12:54:15 <freeplant> Is the place building FIT, Tsinghua? What's room?
12:54:29 <cicku> 1-315
12:54:56 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: will your talk be titled 'Fedora Infrastructure/Servies'?
12:55:21 <Robin_cheese_Lee> alick: something like that
12:55:21 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: Services, ahh. sorry for the typo
12:55:43 <Robin_cheese_Lee> may be just Infrastructure
12:56:02 <lovenemesis> I preferred to be 2nd or 3rd, thus I can focus on taking photos afterward
12:56:15 <cicku> I will help you take fotos
12:56:19 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: can you give an abstract of the topic?
12:56:23 <BinLi> lovenemesis: cool
12:56:38 <gbraad> lovenemesis: 2nd is suggested
12:56:45 <cicku> lovenemesis I will help you take fotos
12:56:46 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: like what will be mentioned?
12:57:06 <gbraad> lovenemesis: hope you will also act as a senior member to keep an eye and assist ;-)
12:57:13 <Robin_cheese_Lee> alick: a trip of the infrastructure of Fedora, like koji, bodhi, git.
12:57:15 <lovenemesis> cicku: thanks, what camera will you bring?
12:57:38 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: what mighe be showed? Any additional requirement except the projector?
12:57:44 <Robin_cheese_Lee> alick: And show how we can comment on and support an update
12:57:45 <epico> lovenemesis, I am okay to speak after you. :)
12:57:54 <epico> or later.
12:58:04 <herdingcat> alick, list pulled out?
12:58:05 <Robin_cheese_Lee> alick: projector is enough, and necessay
12:58:05 <lovenemesis> gbraad: Sure :p
12:58:08 <cicku> lovenemesis a small camera
12:58:16 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: That's cool.
12:58:23 <cicku> lovenemesis if you take a camera I will take it..
12:58:27 <gbraad> stay on topic. alick and Robin_cheese_Lee only
12:58:39 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: you will be the first speaker, ok?
12:59:18 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: and the time period should be 14:00--14:35.
12:59:19 <BinLi> Do we have new feature introduction for F18 at the first topic?
12:59:36 <alick> BinLi: guess we do not have a speaker talking about that :(
12:59:42 <Robin_cheese_Lee> alick: and I will go through the life time of a package update, and show how anybody can participate the procedure
13:00:03 <BinLi> alick: ok
13:00:13 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: that's great.
13:00:16 <Robin_cheese_Lee> alick: ok
13:00:22 <cicku> BinLi I think we need a new features talk...
13:00:28 <gbraad> ok. next?
13:00:42 <Robin_cheese_Lee> alick: it won't be technique, and friendly to new comer
13:00:42 <BinLi> cicku: yes, that would be the main theme
13:00:49 <lovenemesis> I would like to be 2nd presenter
13:00:55 <Robin_cheese_Lee> alick: it won't be technical, and friendly to new comer
13:00:57 <cicku> BinLi But some new features are not familiar..
13:01:00 <gbraad> after reviewing slots decide about if time allows to talk about specific new features
13:01:14 <lovenemesis> Topic "OpenShift Introduction"
13:01:16 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: understood. Mainly to encourage more to be engaged.
13:01:27 <gbraad> Robin_cheese_Lee: +1 on that
13:01:30 <cicku> BinLi let's talk in private
13:01:32 <Robin_cheese_Lee> alick: yes, you got the point
13:01:38 <lovenemesis> OpenShift is a new feature in Fedora 18, in someway
13:01:40 <BinLi> cicku: fine
13:01:50 <gbraad> lovenemesis: agree at new feature
13:02:12 <alick> lovenemesis: good
13:02:14 <lovenemesis> So can I be the 2nd? :)
13:02:22 <epico> okay for me
13:02:55 <alick> cicku: let's talk about whether to have a separate talk of features overview later,
13:02:55 <gbraad> alick, please confirm
13:03:09 <alick> cicku: since we currently have no speakers on that.
13:03:15 * gbraad suggest to continue in Chinese
13:03:23 <alick> lovenemesis: you want to be the 2nd :)
13:03:28 <alick> lovenemesis: I'm ok with that.
13:03:34 <cicku> alick I'm talking with BinLi now about this...Just go on
13:03:45 <alick> cicku: er, ok.
13:03:57 <lovenemesis> alick: thanks, you got my topic name, right?
13:04:30 <alick> I think I missed to use #agreed for Robin_cheese_Lee's talk...
13:05:06 <alick> #agreed 1st talk(14:00--14:35) Fedora Infra by Robin_cheese_Lee
13:05:14 <alick> lovenemesis: I think so
13:05:46 <alick> #agreed 2nd talk(14:35--15:10) OpenShift Introduction by lovenemesis
13:05:47 <cicku> #agreed
13:06:14 <alick> So who will be the 3rd?
13:06:42 <alick> epico: you are ok with being the third speaker?
13:06:55 <epico> okay
13:07:10 <epico> fontconfig & ibus intro
13:07:17 <alick> epico: I guess your talk will also cover new features of f18, yes?
13:07:49 <alick> 其实我觉得还是中文舒服...
13:07:57 <epico> yes, will reflect the current status of f18.
13:08:05 <epico> 是啊
13:08:08 <alick> s/中文/IRC里说中文/
13:08:30 <alick> epico: that's good. 其他人的意见呢?
13:08:41 <tonghuix> +1
13:08:55 <lovenemesis> epico: will you please remind akira to update fonts-config-tool?
13:09:09 <kaio> hihihi
13:09:19 <Robin_cheese_Lee> kaio: hi
13:09:23 <alick> So we agree epico's talk will be the third one.
13:09:28 <gbraad> +1
13:09:32 <cicku> hi kaio
13:09:35 <epico> lovenemesis: fonts-tweak-tool?
13:09:36 <lovenemesis> epico: the new zh_CN po is updated, but not built for F18 yet
13:09:42 <lovenemesis> epico: yes
13:09:51 <gbraad> epico: lovenemesis off-topic... please leave for later
13:10:01 <kaio> this house is so full
13:10:04 <lovenemesis> epico: that's the tool you're going to talk, right?
13:10:11 <alick> #agreed 3rd talk(15:10--15:45) fontconfig & ibus intro by epico
13:10:19 <epico> lovenemesis, will intro it.
13:10:46 <alick> We should have a short break after three talks, right?
13:10:52 <gbraad> +1
13:11:02 <alick> 中间休息 15 分钟?
13:11:08 * gbraad 10-15 mins
13:11:09 <epico> 同意
13:11:09 <lovenemesis> after three? I thought one break after two
13:11:12 <herdingcat> alick, free chat
13:11:21 <cicku> 我觉得可以随机应变
13:11:26 <gbraad> lovenemesis: talks are short enough
13:11:55 <lovenemesis> gbraad: right, shorter than last time, then 3 is fine
13:12:32 <alick> so a middle break no longer than 15 min agreed?
13:12:39 * herdingcat nods
13:12:42 <gbraad> agreed on break. allow 10 minutes, no longer than 15
13:12:52 <gbraad> +1
13:12:56 <gbraad> so long for 15
13:13:04 <gbraad> s/long/plan
13:13:17 <lovenemesis> 10min is enough, 15min, someone might got lost
13:13:48 <alick> gbraad: we will call everyone back to the room and be quiet after 10 min
13:14:08 <alick> gbraad: and continue with the following session.
13:14:16 <gbraad> alick: exactly. it takes time to orgabnize and get order again
13:14:57 <alick> #agreed middle break(15:45--16:00) FREE TIME
13:15:03 <cicku> okay
13:15:24 <cicku> 第四个?
13:15:24 <alick> 然后,下半场
13:15:54 <alick> freeplant: ?
13:15:59 <cicku> freeplant的东西是用来压轴?
13:16:13 <alick> cicku: 哦?解释一下
13:16:24 <freeplant> Fine, my topic will be the fourth.
13:16:40 <alick> tonghuix: 你打算讲些什么?
13:16:53 <alick> mengzhou not here?
13:16:59 <tonghuix> alick: 在fedora上开发开源硬件
13:17:05 <cicku> alick 既然是一个国产的项目可以压轴嘛
13:17:17 <tonghuix> alick: 或者是运行在嵌入式设备上的fedora,只不过这个还没准备好
13:17:34 <cicku> 居士不是要rpi吗?
13:17:36 <alick> 我有点乱,先梳理下话题OK?
13:17:46 <cicku> ok
13:17:54 <alick> seafile by freeplant
13:17:54 <cicku> 第四个是什么?
13:17:58 <cicku> ok
13:18:08 <alick> open source hardware dev on fedora by tonghuix
13:18:11 <BinLi> sealife?
13:18:18 <cicku> freeplant 您准备的怎么样?
13:18:22 <freeplant> I hope I can install fedora at the party. I tried to make a live USB according to the official document, but can't get it work.
13:18:22 <alick> BinLi: 我提到了
13:18:37 <alick> 还有?
13:18:46 <freeplant> Seafile -- self-hosting dropbox for teams
13:18:50 <alick> herdingcat: 你的?
13:19:08 <alick> 还有别的speaker吗?
13:19:16 <fairywell28> fedora 18 如何?
13:19:20 <fairywell28> 大家有使用了的吗?
13:19:26 <BinLi> OpenShift是谁介绍啊
13:19:37 <herdingcat> alick, Running Fedora on RPi
13:19:42 <alick> herdingcat: you will talk about some cloud platform or ...?
13:19:53 <herdingcat> alick, I know HPC, not cloud.
13:19:53 <cicku> he just said..
13:19:54 <lovenemesis> BinLi: i will present OpenShift
13:20:14 <BinLi> lovenemesis: :D, sorry
13:20:17 <herdingcat> Cloud is cloudy. AFAIK.
13:20:24 <alick> herdingcat: oh I see
13:20:36 <alick> 还有其他主题了没?
13:20:36 <herdingcat> alick, I am working on it.
13:20:42 <gbraad> guys, no off-topic or discussion until after the meeting please. if it relates to the party, address alick first
13:21:13 <Robin_cheese_Lee> herdingcat: what is HPC?
13:21:22 <alick> 除了刚才我提到的3个尚未确定顺序的?EOF
13:21:26 <gbraad> High Performance Computing
13:21:33 <herdingcat> Robin_cheese_Lee, ^^^
13:21:38 <cicku> ~~~~~~
13:21:38 <BadGirl> cicku: Google may be able to help you, cuz I sure can't!
13:21:43 <BinLi> alick: 如果没有其它topic的话,我可以介绍一下gnome-shell的新特性并介绍一下北京GNOME用户组,不过得准备一下
13:22:11 <herdingcat> HPC is also okay for the topic, alick
13:22:14 <alick> BinLi: 不过看来已经有3+3=6个了
13:22:28 <herdingcat> alick, you can choose one of them.
13:22:50 <alick> 哦,之前mengzhou在,说可以讲 gnome 插件开发相关的东西
13:22:50 <gbraad> alick: agree ion the speaker, but leave the topic open
13:22:50 <BinLi> alick: 那就ignore吧,:D
13:23:12 <BinLi> mengzhou刚走
13:23:28 <BinLi> 回头可以联系一下他
13:23:31 <alick> BinLi: 你可以介绍一下,如果我们最后还有时间的话 ~~
13:23:33 <gbraad> actual topic can follow after thsi meeting and be placed on the wiki. agree on speakers first
13:23:44 <BinLi> 毕竟做过plugin的开发
13:24:04 <BinLi> alick: 你安排吧,呵,没关系
13:24:08 <alick> 我们先给前面的3个排序吧
13:24:43 <tonghuix> 我同意grbaad的意见,先弄到wiki上,让speaker确认一下
13:24:59 <cicku> now?
13:25:23 <alick> IRC会议之后吧,我会放上去的
13:25:40 <BinLi> 如果日程出来的话,我可以在www.bjgug.org做个公告,并在weibo上宣传一下
13:25:47 <alick> 第四个talk,要不由 tonghuix 来?
13:26:06 <alick> 讲 open source hardware dev on Fedora
13:26:13 <tonghuix> 可以
13:26:25 <alick> 其他人呢?
13:26:38 <Robin_cheese_Lee> tonghuix: great
13:26:46 <gbraad> alick: did you agree the speaker for the meeting notes?
13:26:50 <BinLi> alick: 我看行 ,tonghuix,加油
13:27:02 <herdingcat> tonghuix, pm
13:27:11 <tonghuix> BinLi: 谢斌哥!
13:27:20 <alick> gbraad: I #agreed the first 3 talks already.
13:28:03 <gbraad> alick: this IRC meeting overruns 1 hour. try to plan the speakers first
13:28:21 <alick> gbraad: hmm, ok.
13:28:29 <BinLi> gbraad: yes, move on, I'm hungry now
13:28:57 <alick> #agreed 4th talk(16:00-16:35) open source hw dev on fedora by tonghuix
13:29:05 <alick> So the fifth?
13:29:05 <herdingcat> my topic could be Beowulf Cluster or RPi, which one do you prefer?
13:29:27 <gbraad> herdingcat: let's confirm you as speaker firsrt
13:29:47 <alick> herdingcat: 第五个speaker。大家意见如何?
13:29:51 <gbraad> herdingcat: decide on topic later.
13:29:57 <herdingcat> gbraad, okay
13:30:03 <herdingcat> alick, I'm okay
13:30:07 <alick> have a vote, guys
13:30:21 <herdingcat> +1
13:30:30 <gbraad> +1
13:30:32 <cicku> +1
13:30:38 <gbraad> ok. agreed
13:30:39 <alick> ok, good
13:30:44 <BinLi> RPi is more popular now, +1
13:31:08 <alick> #agreed 5th talk(16:35-17:10) talk brought by herdingcat
13:31:14 <gbraad> BinLi: but can also be part of a later meeting the month after
13:31:29 <alick> 第六个是 freeplant 的 seafile intro 吧
13:31:32 <cicku> 6th is freeplant's seafile?
13:31:33 <cicku> nice
13:31:35 <cicku> vote?
13:31:38 <alick> freeplant: 压轴 :)
13:31:46 <freeplant> ^_^
13:31:51 <alick> everyone have a vote plz
13:31:51 <tonghuix> +1
13:32:00 <gbraad> +1
13:32:07 <BinLi> +1
13:32:12 <cicku> +1
13:32:13 <liuhongdan> +1
13:32:16 <gbraad> if speaker agrees, and 3 votes... done
13:32:19 <epico> +1
13:32:25 <alick> #agreed 6th talk(17:10-17:45) Seafile Intro by freeplant
13:32:38 <lovenemesis> +1
13:32:40 <Robin_cheese_Lee> freeplant: do you talk with Fedora?
13:32:41 <gbraad> ok, 6 talks, one break...
13:32:56 <freeplant> I will try to install fedora 17
13:33:03 <alick> The last 15 minutes are 机动时间。
13:33:04 <Robin_cheese_Lee> why not 18?
13:33:05 <BinLi> gbraad: cool! LOL
13:33:30 <cicku> no 18 available
13:33:35 <freeplant> Tried 18, failed to make USB install
13:33:37 <gbraad> alick: this allows some flexibility now
13:33:38 <Robin_cheese_Lee> RPi?
13:33:44 <cicku> http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=24675&p=227334
13:33:46 <Robin_cheese_Lee> freeplant: i see
13:33:46 <BinLi> cicku: I've downloaded the 18 yesterday
13:33:46 <BadGirl> Raspberry Pi • View topic - RaspberryPi Fedora Remix 18 Alpha
13:34:00 <alick> #agreed 18:00 end of the release party
13:34:01 <gbraad> if more speakers are willing to talk, direct them to http://openhack.github.com/beijing/
13:34:02 <BadGirl> OpenHack - Beijing, China
13:34:31 <gbraad> alick: any remaining questions?
13:34:59 <alick> gbraad: 演讲主题已经确定完毕。
13:35:01 <BinLi> the github can't visit?
13:35:02 <gbraad> did anyone think of small snacks
13:35:10 <cicku> 正常访问
13:35:35 <alick> 我在想我们是否可以晚饭一块吃?
13:35:39 <BinLi> cicku: I can't visit today, 以前正常
13:35:52 <alick> 各位演讲者,和组织者,
13:36:24 <Robin_cheese_Lee> dinner is necessary
13:36:27 <freeplant> Good
13:36:28 <gbraad> lovenemesis: can you assist with some small snacks and tell alick how to file a ticket?
13:36:29 <epico> +1
13:36:40 <tonghuix> openhack不能访问,貌似把github page屏蔽了
13:36:49 <alick> 可能再抽两个幸运者?
13:36:51 <BinLi> tonghuix: 12306
13:37:15 <tonghuix> 哦,,我不订票,不了解
13:37:17 <cicku> 我刚才挂代理了。。
13:37:23 <cicku> 无法访问
13:37:24 <alick> gbraad: I think we can request budget for supper, right?
13:37:45 <cicku> gbraad budget for dinner is suitable?
13:37:49 <alick> gbraad: for about 10 people?
13:37:52 <lovenemesis> gbraad: sure. i will help him reimbursement
13:37:53 <BinLi> tonghuix: git pull倒是没问题
13:38:01 <gbraad> alick: should be possible. ask lovenemesis how to file a reimburse
13:38:02 <alick> lovenemesis: 可以不?
13:38:28 <alick> 大约十个人的活动后聚餐?
13:38:34 <herdingcat> alick, I'm okay
13:38:37 <lovenemesis> alick: Shouldn't be a big problem
13:38:43 <gbraad> I do not believe this should be an issue.
13:39:25 <alick> #info 活动后演讲者和组织者会有聚餐
13:39:29 <gbraad> alick: lovenemesis just inform a famsco member and ask upfront.
13:39:51 <gbraad> but i am sure you will not exceed a budget approval
13:39:57 * herdingcat says superbe!
13:39:58 <alick> 欢迎参与 :)
13:40:19 <lovenemesis> alick: I got a train to catch, so I will skip the dinner part
13:40:36 <alick> 我想第一个主题到此可以结束了。
13:40:51 <gbraad> any more requests or outstanding questions?
13:40:54 <alick> lovenemesis: pity for that
13:41:07 <cicku> change topic
13:41:19 <alick> 下面我们讨论些活动的筹备进展
13:41:27 <cicku> livecd?
13:41:28 <cicku> live
13:41:29 <alick> 主要是列出代办事项
13:41:30 <cicku> dvd
13:41:31 <cicku> ?
13:41:37 <alick> 分别去做
13:42:00 <alick> #topic release party preparation
13:42:48 <alick> we might need to revise our budget plan,
13:43:13 <cicku> then?
13:43:45 <alick> issue with my IME...
13:43:52 <alick> 应该好了。
13:44:16 <alick> #action alick to produce Live DVDs, stickers
13:44:56 <alick> 50 DVDs: 40 GNOME, 10 KDE 可乎?
13:45:07 <cicku> ok
13:45:11 <cicku> 你们的意见呢?
13:45:24 <alick> ideas?
13:45:32 <cicku> waiting...
13:45:43 <lovenemesis> Fine with 40 gnome 10 kde
13:46:01 <alick> 有个小问题,
13:46:14 <cicku> 继续
13:46:20 <alick> FP WIKI 上找到的光盘贴上的字样是 Live CD
13:46:34 <Robin_cheese_Lee> and i686 and x86_64?
13:46:34 <alick> 没有 64bit Live DVD 的
13:46:43 <gbraad> 64bits only
13:46:58 <lovenemesis> please, 64bit only
13:46:58 <alick> 虽然事实上肯定要刻到DVD上
13:47:03 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: 64bits only
13:47:13 <Robin_cheese_Lee> ok
13:47:25 <lovenemesis> no reason to distribute 32bit live media any more
13:47:30 <alick> 不是大问题吧?
13:47:35 <cicku> 我很好奇邮件列表那个神人。你的意思是光雕图案现在不合适?
13:47:44 <alick> cicku: ??
13:47:48 <Robin_cheese_Lee> too few KDE?
13:48:09 <cicku> 35 GNOME 15 KDE I prefer
13:48:17 <alick> Robin_cheese_Lee: not few IMO...
13:48:33 <Robin_cheese_Lee> cicku: better
13:48:33 <alick> 大家觉得呢?
13:49:01 <cicku> alick 有光雕图案吗?
13:49:04 <lovenemesis> all right, as long as they're fedora 18, i really don't mind
13:49:07 <cicku> 或者给我一个链接
13:49:09 <alick> let's vote on 1) 40+10 and 2) 35+15
13:49:14 <Robin_cheese_Lee> as I am kde only
13:49:26 <alick> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/MediaArt/F18
13:49:29 <BadGirl> Artwork/MediaArt/F18 - FedoraProject
13:49:40 <alick> let's have a vote plz
13:49:58 <Robin_cheese_Lee> 2
13:50:03 <cicku> 2
13:50:04 <gbraad> alick: inquire abnout cost and let that be the vote
13:50:18 <gbraad> large amounts of a single disc ias cheaper
13:50:24 <cicku> alick, when did you check that page?
13:50:43 <gbraad> although prefer 2
13:50:59 <lovenemesis> 2 is fine
13:51:04 <alick> gbraad: you mean 刻两种ISOs会更贵?
13:51:14 <alick> gbraad: 我倒真没有具体问
13:51:56 <cicku> alick, LIVEDVD or installation dvd?
13:52:00 <lovenemesis> alick: won't be too much difference, if we only wants 50
13:52:03 <alick> 之前了解到的价格是 RMB 4.5 * 50 = 255 CNY
13:52:14 <alick> cicku: live media only
13:52:15 <gbraad> alick: producing 40 might be cheaper than 35. but i sm sure it stay in budget
13:52:16 <Robin_cheese_Lee> livedvd prefered i think
13:52:32 <lovenemesis> alick: livedvd
13:52:33 <cicku> okay
13:52:39 <gbraad> alick: live only
13:52:56 <gbraad> install media is for upgrade and special cases
13:53:09 <alick> #agreed Live DVDs: 35GNOME+15KDE=50 in total
13:53:18 <alick> 然后stickers
13:53:28 <cicku> style?
13:53:31 <gbraad> i might still have
13:53:31 <cicku> which style?
13:53:34 <alick> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Stickers
13:53:35 <BadGirl> Marketing/Stickers - FedoraProject
13:53:50 <alick> 我只找到了这里的一种A4的,可批量做的
13:54:17 <gbraad> case stickers i have lots of
13:54:24 <alick> 价格之前问到的是 RMB 1 * 50 = 50 CNY
13:54:48 <alick> gbraad: we need 50 stickers I think.
13:55:08 <cicku> 60 maybe better?
13:55:13 <alick> gbraad: can I get them from you?
13:55:16 <cicku> You make sure only 50 pal?
13:55:30 <alick> cicku: yeah more is better.
13:55:33 <gbraad> alick: sure, sunday meet up?
13:55:48 <alick> gbraad: ok, fine
13:56:16 <alick> gbraad: can you get 60 stickers?
13:56:42 <gbraad> I have case stickers... wait
13:57:09 <gbraad> the small 'Powered by' about 300
13:57:33 <alick> gbraad: you mean one icon per sticker?
13:57:54 <gbraad> http://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/thumb/b/b1/Marketing_Stickers_poweredby_sticker.png/128px-Marketing_Stickers_poweredby_sticker.png
13:58:24 <cicku> same one?
13:58:53 <cicku> same one as alick's link?
13:58:54 <alick> gbraad: then maybe we need 3*50 = 150 pieces?
13:59:13 <alick> gbraad: or 200 pieces?
13:59:15 <gbraad> as the link I showed, yes
13:59:21 <gbraad> I have 300 pieces
13:59:55 <gbraad> if you want to make some, please make http://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/c/c0/Marketing_Stickers_fedora-stickers.svg but ONLY the top half as as the powered by I have
14:00:57 * gbraad ping
14:01:07 <alick> previously I consider to produce the one in this link:
14:01:24 <alick> http://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/5/53/Marketing_Stickers_fedora_kit_a4.svg
14:01:55 <gbraad> if you can, sure
14:02:22 <gbraad> do we need stickers ?
14:02:54 <Robin_cheese_Lee> yes, i think so
14:02:58 <alick> you mean to make new ones?
14:03:24 <alick> gbraad: to make new ones or distribute the existing ones?
14:03:41 <cicku> i saw japanese..
14:03:43 <gbraad> I have existing ones, but small ones
14:03:55 <cicku> I think maybe we could generate some new ones..
14:03:58 <gbraad> I think we can use new ones, but small amount for now
14:04:01 <cicku> after the party
14:04:33 <alick> So we will use 200 small ones at the party?
14:04:33 <gbraad> the a4 kit, maximum of 50 ?
14:05:20 <alick> gbraad: I meant to produce 13 A4 kits, that will make 52 splitted ones
14:05:46 <gbraad> ok. +1
14:05:51 <alick> gbraad: but I think just to distribute the small ones is ok too
14:06:09 <gbraad> it does not matter to me. I believe the focus should be LiveCD
14:06:26 <gbraad> the stickers are additional, but we can think of it for another meeting
14:06:28 <alick> gbraad: ok, got it
14:06:38 <cicku> alick
14:06:44 <gbraad> might be able to take a lot from FOSDEM which remains
14:07:13 <alick> let's use exsting ones.
14:07:37 <alick> for this time.
14:07:47 <alick> cicku: what?
14:07:54 <gbraad> ok, we talk further offline about handover
14:08:19 <cicku> wait...
14:08:31 <alick> cicku: plz go ahead
14:08:32 <cicku> I just ask Ryan Lerch for some livedvd sleeves..
14:08:50 <cicku> if i get no response later you can go ahead
14:08:58 * alick afk for one minute
14:09:14 <gbraad> ok, but please deal with this after the meeting.
14:09:25 <cicku> I'll finish asap
14:09:56 <cicku> anything else?
14:10:02 <gbraad> #agreed No new stickers are needed; existing ones will be used
14:10:24 <gbraad> Any other remaining issues and topics?
14:10:51 <gbraad> if not, I would suggest to end the meeting and continue after meeting or offline
14:11:01 <alick> One last thing.
14:11:02 <lovenemesis> none from me
14:11:09 <cicku> alick ,haowei lee is offline.I think I will talk to him on weibo.
14:11:26 <alick> Shall I bring two laptops to the event to show F18 to everyone?
14:11:42 <lovenemesis> i will bring one
14:11:53 <alick> cicku suggest that in the last meeting.
14:12:08 <alick> But now I wonder we have the time/schedule?
14:12:10 <gbraad> alick: I suggest you do not take too much. more to worry about
14:12:26 <alick> cicku: what's your opinoin?
14:12:37 <alick> -->opinion
14:13:10 <lovenemesis> the Weibo thing?
14:13:16 <cicku> no
14:13:18 <cicku> laptop
14:13:27 <cicku> one is f18 installed?
14:13:31 <gbraad> take one laptop
14:13:40 <lovenemesis> Right, I may bring one, if nobody else would
14:13:55 <alick> So I will just take my own laptop, which should be equipped with F18.
14:13:58 <gbraad> speakers who do not take their own, need to get in touch with alick about how to present their talk
14:14:03 <cicku> we can use this instance running our keynote(ppt)?
14:14:22 <lovenemesis> No ppt please
14:14:27 <lovenemesis> odp
14:14:33 <Robin_cheese_Lee> 我机不离身
14:14:42 <gbraad> speakers, please provide ODP or PDF before the talk
14:14:53 <cicku> i KNOW..
14:15:07 <alick> 对了,
14:15:17 <gbraad> OSX users, please convert to pdf
14:15:51 <alick> 回头邮件告诉大家,最好提前把slides发我一份,顺便附上简短的个人简介
14:16:13 <cicku> once the odp is finished, send me a copy.
14:16:17 <alick> Is an additional laptop necessary?
14:16:35 <alick> 还是说,大家都会带自己的电脑?
14:16:52 <epico> okay
14:16:57 <cicku> maybe someone will take
14:16:58 <alick> 那边的话筒/插线板应该是挺多的
14:17:18 <kingheaven> 提供无线吗
14:17:24 <cicku> ok
14:17:28 <alick> kingheaven: 应该会有
14:17:30 <cicku>14:17:37 <kingheaven> Great!
14:17:40 <kingheaven> 我替大家问的
14:17:43 <cicku> ......
14:18:26 <gbraad> I have to leave. alick hope I can hand you the stickers this sunday or tomorrow afternoon?
14:18:35 <alick> #info speakers, if you do not plan to take a computer to the event, please do inform me.
14:18:54 <alick> guess we can end the meeting now
14:18:55 <herdingcat> alick, I will take my laptop
14:18:57 <cicku> I WON'T TAKE...Mine is broken..
14:19:14 <alick> gbraad: sunday is better for me
14:19:23 <lovenemesis> I may take my wife's
14:19:51 <alick> cicku: OK I will try to bring an additional one, and you are to take care of it during the party
14:19:54 <kingheaven> 坏了正好买新的
14:20:02 <gbraad> alick: so let's arrange time tomorrow. Sunday is ok for me
14:20:12 <cicku> ok
14:20:23 <alick> Any other issues for discussion?
14:20:32 <alick> gbraad: ok
14:20:32 <cicku> snacks?
14:20:49 <gbraad> guys, have fun on the event. sorry I can attend. hope you all will have great ideas for the next meeting which will be a FAD at OpenHack.
14:20:49 <kingheaven> 现场有纪念品吗?
14:20:55 <alick> #info NO snacks inside the meeting room.
14:21:02 <alick> since it is not allowed.
14:21:05 <herdingcat> alick, water is enough
14:21:10 <cicku> ok
14:21:23 <lovenemesis> cicku: i will talk with alick on beverages
14:21:27 <alick> 我开始倒数了,如果没有别的话题的话。
14:21:35 <alick> herdingcat: 有水的。
14:21:51 <herdingcat> alick, thanks
14:22:00 <cicku> cnblue is not attended,so I'll talk about weibo later maybe next friday or even later...
14:22:14 <alick> herdingcat: should be enough.
14:22:23 <cicku> Thanks everyone so much.
14:22:29 <alick> So begins couting down.
14:22:33 <alick> 15
14:22:38 <alick> 13
14:22:43 <alick> 10
14:22:48 <alick> 5
14:22:50 <alick> 4
14:22:51 <alick> 3
14:22:53 <alick> 2
14:22:55 <alick> 1.1
14:23:00 <alick> 0.2
14:23:02 <alick> ok
14:23:06 <alick> #endmeeting