19:56:59 <pcalarco> #startmeeting
19:57:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr  1 19:56:59 2010 UTC.  The chair is pcalarco. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:57:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:57:08 <hiemanshu> pcalarco: you beat me to it
19:57:33 <pcalarco> we should go back through the last meeting log
19:57:46 <pcalarco> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-mktg/2010-04-01/fedora_insight.2010-04-01-18.00.html
19:57:48 <hiemanshu> itbegins: tid=3 = general pubtype right?
19:58:06 <itbegins> hiemanshu: that's correct
19:58:17 <hiemanshu> itbegins: so giving only this as rss will work?
19:58:25 <itbegins> I'm going to go through the minutes and log useful information with #info
19:58:43 <itbegins> hiemanshu: yes, and if people want to they can also subscribe direct to the FWN beats
19:58:45 <itbegins> #info the only configurable AuthFAS file is config/personal_config.php
19:58:47 <stickster> itbegins: Hi!
19:58:56 <stickster> Sorry it took me a few minutes to get back folks.
19:58:58 <itbegins> stickster: hello :)
19:59:23 <stickster> Apparently someone on the users@ list is concerned that I'm being forced out or can't take the heat of being FPL and I wanted to be clear that wasn't the case.
19:59:32 * stickster finishing that email now. :-)
19:59:42 <itbegins> #info personal_config.php contains the location of the FAS to use, and a few other things.  This can be puppetized, as I understand it
19:59:47 <hiemanshu> itbegins: ah that also souns good
20:01:15 <hiemanshu> sounds**
20:01:23 <hiemanshu> pcalarco: anything you need with themeing right now?
20:02:17 * hiemanshu wont be here for long, can crash anytime without warning
20:02:32 <itbegins> hiemanshu: in that case, is therre anything at all you need from me?
20:02:44 <itbegins> I will be here for a while yet, so our time pressure is you
20:03:10 <itbegins> plus, it's not fair to keep you from bed!
20:03:13 <hiemanshu> damn I need to learn windowing well
20:03:19 <hiemanshu> itbegins: not right now that I can think so
20:03:24 <hiemanshu> s/so/of
20:03:30 <itbegins> ok
20:03:33 <pcalarco> we have articulated what needs there are on the last meeting log
20:03:38 <itbegins> hiemanshu: thanks for all your work, you've been instrumental
20:03:47 <itbegins> pcalarco: do you want to prioritise me?  Where should I go first?
20:04:10 <pcalarco> I'd say start at the top of http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-mktg/2010-04-01/fedora_insight.2010-04-01-18.00.html
20:05:02 <hiemanshu> itbegins: wish I was in a better timezone, so I could have more time
20:05:51 <pcalarco> with the RSS feeds, I think these are fine as individual articles but it would be helpful to have the issue in there somewhere to distinguish them
20:06:18 <pcalarco> in the title, that is
20:08:51 <itbegins> pcalarco: ok...
20:10:20 <pcalarco> do we have the option of having RSS feeds either at the individual article or the issue level? (reading up from what you and hiemanshu were saying)
20:11:01 <itbegins> pcalarco: how is it now?
20:11:27 <itbegins> pcalarco: in theory, yes...
20:11:35 <pcalarco> it looks great except that one can't tell which individual beats are with which FWN issue
20:11:35 <itbegins> pcalarco: it's not too bad to do, but it's not simple
20:12:22 <itbegins> pcalarco: the titles should be prefixed with "Issue nnn" now?
20:12:44 <pcalarco> itbegins: they have "FWN" right now
20:13:04 <pcalarco> eg. FWN: Ambassadors for 2010-02-27 22:12:59
20:13:11 <itbegins> pcalarco: which page are you looking at?
20:13:49 <pcalarco> http://publictest6.fedoraproject.org/zikula/index.php?theme=RSS
20:16:53 <itbegins> pcalarco: I see
20:17:35 <pcalarco> what would be ideal is 'FWN 123: Ambassadors 2010-04-01 16:16'
20:18:13 <itbegins> pcalarco: that RSS feed should exactly resemble the homepage content
20:18:54 <itbegins> so maybe changing the article titles will fix it?
20:19:20 <pcalarco> the homepage has an article that aggregates all of the beats into an issue
20:19:41 <pcalarco> #link http://publictest6.fedoraproject.org/zikula/index.php?module=pagemaster&func=viewpub&tid=3&pid=5
20:20:15 <pcalarco> sorry this: #link http://publictest6.fedoraproject.org/zikula/index.php?module=pagemaster&tid=4&filter=issue:eq:217
20:20:27 <hiemanshu> pcalarco: you work with itbegins for now, I am going to bed, we can work out theme at a later time
20:20:28 <itbegins> oh, sorry!  I was looking at the wrong page
20:20:49 <pcalarco> hiemanshu: thanks will do.  Have a good sleep and thank you!
20:21:16 <itbegins> pcalarco: unfortunately, I cant do that because it's based on categories
20:21:21 <itbegins> which are constant between issues.
20:21:40 <itbegins> I would suggest a slightly different layout (but that's a design issue?)
20:21:53 <itbegins> e.g smaller text, box the beats in an issue to give it some definition?
20:22:02 <pcalarco> itbegins: okay, that's good to know, thanks
20:22:06 <itbegins> the rss feed has the issue int he title though: http://publictest6.fedoraproject.org/zikula/index.php?module=pagemaster&tid=4&filter=issue:eq:217&theme=rss
20:22:18 <itbegins> alternatively, we can have FWN: Marketing, Issue nnn
20:22:29 <pcalarco> yes, that would work perfectly
20:23:11 <pcalarco> FWN: Marketing, Issue 219
20:24:31 <ianweller> jadudm: because my criticism is so scathing ;)
20:24:49 <jadudm> ianweller: Well, I had to see if you were paying attention.
20:24:59 <ianweller> i was sleeping at school
20:25:01 <ianweller> (:
20:25:12 <jadudm> Excellent. Nicely done.
20:25:43 <itbegins> pcalarco: done
20:28:40 <pcalarco> itebgins: when I delete the feed and try to subscribe to it again I get error that it is not a valid feed?
20:28:41 <pcalarco> http://publictest6.fedoraproject.org/zikula/index.php?theme=RSS
20:32:15 <itbegins> pcalarco: try again now
20:34:58 <pcalarco> Excellent, looks great, thanks itbegins
20:35:14 <itbegins> Do we know the status of getting pagemaster SVN pushed to the infra repo?
20:35:40 <ke4qqq> itbegins: supposedly hiemanshu did so recently - as in right before you came on
20:35:42 <pcalarco> I think Jds2001 did that last night?
20:35:52 <pcalarco> ah ok
20:35:58 <itbegins> pcalarco: I think that was AuthFAS
20:36:00 <pcalarco> that was with FASAuth
20:36:04 <pcalarco> right
20:36:12 <ke4qqq> no FASAuth was pushed last night
20:36:17 <itbegins> ke4qqq: ok, cool
20:36:19 <ke4qqq> yeah what he said
20:36:20 <ke4qqq> lol
20:36:54 <itbegins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2010
20:36:58 <itbegins> this ticket...
20:37:01 <itbegins> is problematic...
20:37:21 <pcalarco> yes, we discussed a bit when we worked on this last
20:37:35 <pcalarco> if we can't do it, its okay, it would mostly help editors
20:37:55 <pcalarco> not critical though
20:37:56 <itbegins> pcalarco: I'm trying to think of the best solution
20:38:43 <stickster> Oh wow, is that the screen with titles like "100302"?
20:38:51 <itbegins> stickster: yeah...
20:38:55 <stickster> yikes
20:39:06 <itbegins> we can add a field to each article and get the submitters to type in the name of their beat and the issue
20:39:14 <itbegins> and dispaly that in the list
20:39:37 <itbegins> the problem is that the admin interface displays the title defined int he pubtype
20:39:49 <itbegins> currently, we have the beat type defined as the title, so it displays the numerical category value
20:39:56 <itbegins> which needless to say, is incomprehensible
20:40:52 <stickster> Ew, yeah, that's hairy
20:42:46 * stickster still figuring his way around the admin backend for pagemaster here
20:42:56 <pcalarco> we have a field defined for the issue already, so just need to add the beat
20:43:23 <stickster> So there's no way to set up the title as being the combination of two fields?
20:43:38 <stickster> (which might be an unreasonable thing, I understand)
20:45:36 * stickster wondering if itbegins is thinking over this, seems like a pretty hard problem.
20:46:00 <itbegins> stickster: no, sadly not
20:46:09 <itbegins> you can only have one field as the title
20:46:25 <stickster> Yeah, I figured -- it seems like a weird thing to be able to do from an object standpoint
20:46:35 <itbegins> so there's a new field now which beat writers will have to populate manually
20:46:45 * threethirty sneeks in and lurks around the hard work being done
20:47:09 <itbegins> the list is sorted by issue desc, so the order should be right
20:47:21 <stickster> Oops, I just stopped being able to see the publications list
20:47:26 <itbegins> and using a different title field should make it intelligible
20:47:43 <itbegins> stickster: I broke it, fixing now
20:47:48 <stickster> No problem
20:48:03 <stickster> I'll be less worried about it, I thought I did something accidentally
20:48:30 <itbegins> stickster: fixed
20:48:42 <itbegins> ok, so unfortunatlely the title is blank for all the existing articles
20:48:54 <itbegins> but from now on you'll see something useful in there
20:49:35 <pcalarco> itbegins: is it possible to also sneak in the issue number in there?
20:49:59 <pcalarco> I know it expands the table width
20:54:25 <itbegins> pcalarco: beat writers can put what they like in the new field
20:54:30 <itbegins> it'll be free form text
20:54:38 * stickster thinks he's getting the hang of understanding this
20:54:56 <pcalarco> itbegins: okay sounds great, so I will ask them to do issue:beat
20:55:09 <itbegins> pcalarco: that should work
20:55:12 <stickster> itbegins: So if I'm right... after you added the field to the publication for "describe," you also are going to add that to the "publication form" where it gets entered
20:55:12 <pcalarco> eg 123: Ambassadors
20:55:28 <itbegins> stickster: yep, that's right
20:55:34 <itbegins> stickster: working on that now
20:55:54 * stickster will limit the amount of bother he causes -- just seeing if he's learning here
20:56:12 <pcalarco> stickster: this will be at http://publictest6.fedoraproject.org/zikula/index.php?module=pagemaster&func=pubedit&tid=4
20:57:15 <stickster> pcalarco: right!
20:57:49 <stickster> It would be interesting to have a form element that could populate itself, based on other entries
20:58:23 <stickster> Like "equal to (integer field)*100" ... or "equal to (string1) + (string2)" ;-)
20:58:53 <pcalarco> stickster: I have to leave right on the hour unfortunately today; Easter and such
20:59:01 <stickster> pcalarco: I understand
20:59:30 <stickster> itbegins: I'll be here for a bit and would like to help however I can. I am behind in knowledge, but I *think* I can catch up quickly
20:59:42 <pcalarco> the only other critical item for me is debugging the weighting https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2057
21:00:05 <itbegins> stickster: you could do that with a bit of javascript magic
21:00:18 <itbegins> just edit config/templates/pagemaster/input/pubedit_Fedora Weekly News.htm
21:01:27 <itbegins> stickster: You seem to be picking it up pretty quick
21:02:11 <stickster> Oh that's a neat idea
21:02:20 * stickster doesn't know JS but imagines there are only about a billion people who do
21:02:39 <itbegins> pcalarco: weighting fixed
21:02:42 <stickster> What the
21:02:46 <stickster> itbegins: seriously?
21:03:03 <itbegins> stickster: the weighting?
21:03:06 <stickster> yeah!
21:03:16 <pcalarco> stickster, itbegins: thanks much for the help, and have a good Easter weekend; thanks so much for the help, itbegins!
21:03:27 <itbegins> stickster: easier than you think - pagesetter admiin > edit pubtype> change sort order
21:03:36 <stickster> itbegins: Question for you then.
21:03:40 <itbegins> pcalarco: no problem, have a good easter
21:03:55 <stickster> Is it OK for me to create a new dummy pubtype, and use *that* to play and discover here?
21:03:59 <stickster> I don't mind deleting it when done.
21:04:48 <itbegins> stickster: go ahead, you can't break it
21:05:07 <itbegins> stickster: you'll also need to play with the filesystem in config/templates/pagemaster/ to template your pubtype
21:05:30 <stickster> OK
21:05:37 <stickster> Let me look back at our agenda real quick-like, itbegins
21:06:26 <stickster> Ah yes -- ke4qqq (and maybe I) had questions about the location of configuration stuff we should be backing up
21:06:31 <stickster> Sounds like config/ is a definite yes
21:06:35 <stickster> the DB obviously
21:06:39 <stickster> /etc/zikula.conf
21:06:53 <itbegins> stickster: yep
21:07:02 <itbegins> the other place I've edited is themes/rss
21:07:02 <stickster> ke4qqq: Check my head above, please -- making a list for itbegins of config stuff we need to worry about
21:07:12 <stickster> itbegins: Ah, yes
21:07:13 <itbegins> but we were going to package that as a replacement
21:07:19 <stickster> We'll want to capture that for hiemanshu to add to the theme
21:07:24 <itbegins> to install over the base Zikula pacakge
21:07:30 <stickster> Right, I think he has a zikula-theme-fedora or something like that
21:07:34 <ke4qqq> yes + personal.config or something similar
21:07:46 <stickster> ke4qqq: Can you record this on the wiki somewhere appropriate?
21:07:50 <stickster> Or I can
21:07:51 <ke4qqq> hiemanshu said he was going to get us another pt instance just to burn through a freshinstall
21:07:58 * stickster not sure where to put the info
21:08:03 <itbegins> easiest thing is to consider everthing in config as config info basically
21:08:04 <ke4qqq> stickster: I'll take care of it in about 20 minutes
21:08:12 <stickster> ke4qqq: No problem whatsoever
21:08:14 <stickster> Thanks sir
21:08:21 <itbegins> that, plus the backup, config and theme edits should be all that's needed
21:08:51 <stickster> itbegins: Ah, OK. So everything in config/, and then backup, config, and theme edits.
21:09:07 * stickster does an SSH to locate them all
21:09:22 <stickster> Oh my goodness, I just realized I have a LUG meeting tonight in a couple hours.
21:09:26 <itbegins> soryr, should have read "the db backup"
21:09:45 <stickster> itbegins: Thanks. I'm clueless so I'm just parroting for ke4qqq's sake
21:09:45 <itbegins> so, DB, config, rss+fedora themes
21:10:10 <itbegins> #info we should back up config, theme/rss theme/fedora and the database
21:10:42 <stickster> Oh, zodbot is running? I didn't know, else I would have put him to work!
21:15:00 <stickster> itbegins: So I think that's everything we had on our list
21:15:34 <stickster> itbegins: As project leader obviously I can't work full-time on FI, but I do want to learn some internals just to be able to confidently say, "Yes we can do that," or at least "It sounds plausible"
21:15:56 <stickster> itbegins: I really appreciate the time you've put into helping us get to a point where we can actually publish some content
21:16:14 <stickster> I think we have some more polish to add, i.e. our theming pieces, but it's well underway
21:16:17 <itbegins> stickster: you seem to have a reasonable understanding of everything already - once you get your head around the concepts (and especially templating) life becomes simple
21:16:24 <stickster> itbegins: I did have one other question about RSS
21:16:31 <stickster> Do we have the ability to provide multiple RSS feeds from FI?
21:16:41 <itbegins> stickster: Happy to help, sorry it's taken so long.  I would help with theming, but I don't have the talent for it
21:16:48 <itbegins> stickster: yes... there's an infra issue there actually
21:17:01 <stickster> So if I was interested in FI's future podcast feed but not FWN, we could provide those separately?
21:17:17 <itbegins> #action Someone to ensure that Fedora Insight's RSS feeds are cached aggressively by the infra reverse proxies
21:17:31 <itbegins> stickster: yes, using the filters
21:17:41 <stickster> itbegins: Ah, brilliant
21:17:43 <itbegins> you can filter by any field
21:17:48 <itbegins> we use issue for the FWN putype
21:17:55 <itbegins> but you can filter by e.g category ont he main page
21:17:59 <itbegins> so you can get podcasts only
21:18:23 <stickster> And then we can build "pretty" URLs around that stuff like insight.fp.o/podcasts
21:18:46 <itbegins> stickster: yes, with 301s defined in the .conf or similar mod-rewrite tricks
21:18:52 * stickster realizes there's a lot more to this than he's letting on. Take this as the PHB point of view :-)
21:19:13 <itbegins> we have shortURLs already in Zikula, so you get some pretty URLs for free, but the more complex stuff could do with aliasing
21:19:44 <itbegins> #info bugs 2010 and 2057 are resolved
21:20:02 <stickster> Did you by any chance close those tickets? If not, no problem, I'll do it
21:20:23 <itbegins> stickster: was just about to
21:20:36 <stickster> Superb!
21:21:23 <stickster> I feel like I got myself all ready to be confused and worried about how to get some of this done, and here it is before quitting time EDT and we've got a whole bunch of actions closed thanks to you and the rest of the team
21:21:40 * stickster thinks that's a pretty good way to end out the work week, since it's a holiday for me tomorrow
21:21:54 <itbegins> stickster: it's very helpful for me to turn up and have a list of things to do when time is short
21:22:15 <stickster> itbegins: Someone had mentioned to me that there might be people around the Z community who'd be interested in hanging out with us once in a while and helping.
21:22:28 <itbegins> much as I dislike having you all turn up at 1800 UTC discussion all the stuff that's dependent on me without me being there, when I come along after work a few hours later things are clearly defined
21:22:41 <itbegins> stickster: holiday for me too, looking forward to it
21:22:56 <itbegins> stickster: mchua was talking about posting updates to the Zikula community
21:23:06 <stickster> itbegins: Yeah -- I tried as hard as I could not to get too much into "questions for which we need answers," but rather "what can we ask itbegins to do that's quickly actionable"
21:23:11 <itbegins> I said that if we did that we might get interest and volunteers of help
21:23:24 <stickster> itbegins: Yes, absolutely agree.
21:23:30 <itbegins> I've already recruited some help on a second-party basis for things like pagemaster development
21:23:41 <stickster> itbegins: If the meeting time makes things feel uncomfortable for you, we can certainly look at changing the time
21:23:59 <stickster> itbegins: I didn't have any intention of making you feel we were barreling on without input
21:24:10 <stickster> So please forgive me if it came off that way! :-\
21:24:13 <itbegins> stickster: not all all, that's not what I meant!
21:24:18 <stickster> Oh, *whew*!
21:24:26 * stickster was worried he set off a landmine not meaning to
21:24:59 <itbegins> it was  apositive reaction really, with the amount of travelling and other work I do I don't get much time for the discussions around the edges.  Knowing exactly what needs to be done helps a lot
21:25:23 <itbegins> in an ideal world I'd be more available, but working 12 hour days and travelling a further 2 takes its toll!
21:25:31 <stickster> Oh, superb!
21:25:35 <stickster> Here it was --> 18:38:54 * stickster wants to make sure that when itbegins arrives, we have a clear set of actionable tasks he can help us with
21:25:54 <stickster> itbegins: Don't let me keep you if your work here is done.
21:26:15 <stickster> We appreciate your time very much and I'll try to ensure that as we go along we're using it as frugally as possible :-)
21:26:27 <stickster> and, of course, as conveniently for you
21:26:43 <stickster> Don't hesitate to let me know if there's any way we can improve that, at any time.
21:27:47 <itbegins> stickster: thanks - looking good for the time being though
21:27:56 <stickster> Thanks itbegins -- have a great weekend then
21:28:11 * stickster tries zoddie to see if he's actually on
21:28:13 <stickster> #endmeeting
21:28:16 <itbegins> you too - please let me know if there's more stuff that's actionalble for me
21:28:20 <stickster> itbegins: Will do!
21:28:28 <stickster> Heh
21:28:32 <itbegins> stickster: hmm, I was sure someone started him
21:28:35 <itbegins> oh well!
21:28:43 <stickster> It may just be that I can't stop him now
21:28:49 <itbegins> let me try...
21:28:53 <itbegins> #endmeeting
21:29:02 <itbegins> nope, definitely dead
21:29:04 <itbegins> oh well
21:29:09 <itbegins> have you got the log?
21:29:10 <stickster> Oh no, it was pcalarco!
21:29:12 <stickster> haha
21:29:20 <stickster> I'll find an admin to help
21:29:31 <stickster> He's not dead, he's still running, we're not #chair so we can't turn him off!
21:29:36 <stickster> :-D
21:29:56 <itbegins> He could end up logging a lot more than he bargained for
21:30:11 <itbegins> hope someone started him with extra memory todya
21:31:59 <stickster> #endmeeting