
#fedora-meeting: FAmNA

Meeting started by award3535 at 01:59:12 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. === FAmNA Roll Call === (award3535, 01:59:35)
  2. === Announcements === (award3535, 02:00:38)
    1. Fedora "Year in Review" posts are still coming out -- new posts are being added every week. This is a great way to know what's going on in the project from the past year and what's ahead in 2016. Reading and commenting is encouraged! (jflory7, 02:01:46)
    2. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/tag/year-in-review-2015/ (jflory7, 02:01:49)
    3. juggler recently had his SCaLE event report published on the Community Blog. It has important feedback that's useful for many to read and take into consideration. (jflory7, 02:02:26)
    4. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/scale-14x-2016-event-report-pasadena-california/ (jflory7, 02:02:29)
    5. Flock 2016 location and date were announced this week! Flock 2016 will be in Kraków, Poland from August 2nd - 5th. (jflory7, 02:03:07)
    6. https://fedoramagazine.org/flock-2016-krakow-poland/ (jflory7, 02:03:10)

  3. === Tickets === (award3535, 02:06:31)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 (award3535, 02:06:44)
    2. AGREED: masta to lead for OSCON (award3535, 02:11:08)
    3. http://www.uiw.edu/techfair/ (danofsatx, 02:44:21)

  4. == Open Floor === (award3535, 02:44:39)
    1. AGREED: nb order pens that total less than 1K (award3535, 02:50:44)
    2. http://www.unixstickers.com/collections/fedora/fedora-linux-keyboard-stickers-circle-version (danofsatx, 02:52:32)
    3. AGREED: FAMNA proposed award3535 apply for RH Community Credit Card (award3535, 02:58:12)
    4. AGREED: FAmNA requests that Andrew Ward (award3535) get a RH Community Credit Card (nb, 02:58:19)

  5. === Tickets === (award3535, 02:58:48)
    1. AGREED: BrickHack 2016 for $1,000 (award3535, 03:00:38)
    2. ACTION: jflory7 Contact spot about going to BrickHack with community outreach funds (jflory7, 03:03:48)

  6. == Open Floor === (award3535, 03:04:15)
    1. https://www.unixstickers.com/fedora (jflory7, 03:05:11)

Meeting ended at 03:11:00 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jflory7 Contact spot about going to BrickHack with community outreach funds

Action items, by person

  1. jflory7
    1. jflory7 Contact spot about going to BrickHack with community outreach funds

People present (lines said)

  1. jflory7 (104)
  2. award3535 (100)
  3. nb (89)
  4. danofsatx (31)
  5. kk4ewt (27)
  6. cydrobolt (17)
  7. zodbot (17)
  8. wrnash (14)
  9. jsandys (10)
  10. masta_ (8)
  11. danofsatx-n6 (2)
  12. masta (0)

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