18:00:05 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2015-08-20)
18:00:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 20 18:00:05 2015 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
18:00:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:05 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure
18:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
18:00:05 <nirik> #topic aloha
18:00:06 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk pbrobinson
18:00:06 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions / Apprentice feedback
18:00:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean
18:00:12 <nirik> morning everyone
18:00:14 <smooge> gekko
18:00:16 <puiterwijk> hi
18:00:20 <janeznemanic> hi
18:00:22 * threebean waves
18:00:23 <nyazdani> hello
18:00:23 * lmacken 
18:00:34 <AnuradhaW> hi
18:00:34 <nirik> any apprentices with questions or new folks who would like to introduce themselves?
18:00:38 <prth> hi
18:00:49 <lberk> I can
18:01:01 <rahulrrixe_> nirik: Hi :)
18:01:33 <lberk> hey all, I'm interested in looing into how fedora-infa monitors performance metrics, been looking into that, and how they're displayed, work for the RH perftools team
18:02:15 <nirik> welcome lberk. ;)
18:02:33 <lberk> ty
18:02:45 * nirik is interested to see how pcp can help us out with stats gathering. ;)
18:03:12 <sayan> hello
18:03:15 <nirik> any other new folks like to give a short introduction? or apprentices with questions?
18:04:41 * decause waves
18:05:23 <nirik> ok, lets move on then.
18:05:37 <nirik> #topic GSoC student update - kushal
18:05:44 <nirik> kushal isn't around...
18:05:59 <nirik> if GSoC done yet? finals were near I thought... any GSoC folks like to check in?
18:06:36 <AnuradhaW> Hi, I have almost finished styling the website according to the redesign plan we had and have fixed bugs regard to styles and cross browser compatibility this week.
18:06:39 <prth> I have almost finished implementing the redesign to show only the wallpapers that can fit the multimonitors. I've completed the multimonitor setup input page, alembic migration script, changed the candidate schema & updated related code.
18:06:46 <AnuradhaW> You will be able to see the testing instance hosted in Openshift through this link:
18:07:01 <rahulrrixe_> This week I have worked on writing unit tests for fresque. I have written a blog about the work I have done. here is the link
18:07:02 <AnuradhaW> And I have also written a blog update about that which you can access here:
18:07:15 * roshi is here
18:07:22 <nirik> cool.
18:07:28 <sonalkr132> Our hard pencil down deadline is tomorrow
18:07:30 <nirik> when is GSoC done?
18:07:31 <sonalkr132> I have completed my work on git-diff for images. Now, user can compare different version of image files using side by side, toggle, opacity and mask view. I am working on getting host updated.
18:07:33 <nirik> ah, ok...
18:07:41 <prth> my blog report
18:08:44 <nirik> excellent.
18:08:54 <nirik> hope everyone had a fun time with it and learned things. :)
18:09:20 <nirik> and of course we will still need to merge your work back into our apps...
18:09:53 <prth> had loads of fun while exploring new tools
18:10:15 <nirik> ok, on to the info dump. :)
18:10:18 <nirik> #topic announcements and information
18:10:18 <nirik> #info Lots of discussion and such from flock, see list for items - kevin
18:10:19 <nirik> #info Collapsed 16 lines in all our playbooks down to 1 include - kevin
18:10:19 <nirik> #info Builders all updated and rebooted - kevin/dennis
18:10:19 <nirik> #info new batcave01 instance setup, will take the place of lockbox01 sometime - kevin
18:10:21 <nirik> #info migration now friday - kevin/abompard
18:10:23 <nirik> #info new apprentice 'quests' for new folks to get started easier - kevin
18:10:25 <nirik> #info taskotron and blockerbugs were adjusted to mostly work with bodhi2, some fixes still pending but expectin g them soon - tflink
18:10:28 <nirik> #info trying to figure out ipv6 drops at sites. May be due to fuzzy routes and 'timeouts' of them. Trying to determine fix. - smooge
18:10:31 <nirik> #info Bodhi2 deployed yesterday(!)  Lots of bugs in the queue to fix.  - lmacken and threebean
18:10:33 <nirik> #link
18:10:35 <nirik> any items in there folks want to discuss more, or add to before we move on.
18:11:05 <decause> not me
18:11:06 <rahulrrixe_> nirik: I am facing problem in flask unit test. Can I ask here?
18:11:38 <nirik> rahulrrixe_: I'd say ask in #fedora-apps...
18:11:46 <nirik> folks there may have a good idea or pointers. ;)
18:12:06 <nirik> #topic new apprentice quests list - kevin
18:12:15 <rahulrrixe_> nirik: ok, np.
18:12:28 <nirik> So, we had some discussions at flock around helping onboard new folks and get apprentices more involved...
18:12:43 <nirik> we wanted to keep reviewing the easyfix tickets and cleaning them up and adding more
18:12:58 <nirik> but we also thought of some other tasks we could point apprentices at:
18:13:39 <nirik> 1. We have some variables in ansible that set things for each host based on CSI standard.
18:13:49 <nirik> but we only have those set for a small number of hosts.
18:14:06 <nirik> so it would be nice to get folks looking at and proposing patches for adding those to hosts that don't have them.
18:14:20 * nirik gets an example
18:15:46 <nirik>
18:16:06 <nirik> this sets things like contacts, security level, what things depend on it, etc.
18:16:26 <nirik> so, this would involve looking at groups and trying to get that info
18:16:32 <nirik> and proposing patches to add it.
18:17:11 <nirik> 2. improving infra-docs. Some of them aren't using the same template as the rest... some of them mention things that don't exist anymore, etc.
18:17:41 <nirik> 3. more stuff to come. we would like to have a list of these tasks so folks could pick them up and they would be easier than easyfixes or more like ongoing easyfixes.
18:17:44 <nirik> thoughts?
18:18:15 <decause> nirik: +1
18:18:35 <nirik> and if anyone has ideas for these sorts of ongoing tasks, please let me know.
18:18:43 <decause> I'm a big fan of easy-fix bugs (I've used them in my HFOSS courses at RIT in the past, and the tracker is still listed on the assignment there)
18:18:45 <nirik> I will write up a bit on this on the apprentice wiki page
18:19:00 <nirik> decause: yeah. we need to be better about filing more...
18:19:15 <decause> nirik: grooming easy-fix bugs is something we discussed at the fedora-join session during FLOCK too
18:19:51 <lmacken> decause: are you aware of ?
18:19:51 <decause> nirik: perhaps whatever you create as far as a writeup on the wiki page, pointing the join/commops lists to it after would be a good way to find peeps
18:19:55 <decause> I can help with that too
18:20:05 <nirik> it's hard when sometimes it would be trivial to just fix when you are there, but it's still good to let it sit unfixed for a while to get people involved.
18:20:18 <nirik> decause: sure, can do.
18:20:25 <decause> lmacken: yes:
18:20:29 <nyazdani> I think easy-fix tickets are also important for offering a wider variety of ways to contribute
18:20:43 <decause> *excuse the css bug that makes the links unreadable I just noticed...*
18:20:45 <lmacken> decause: sweet :)
18:20:46 * decause files a ticket
18:21:41 <nirik> probibly an easyfix. ;)
18:21:44 * nirik runs
18:21:57 <nirik> anyhow, anything more on this? or shall we move on?
18:22:02 <smooge> wokka wokka wokka
18:22:48 <nyazdani> I think smooge pretty much sums it up
18:23:03 <nirik> #topic fas3 plans - kevin/smootherfrogz
18:23:14 <nirik> so I had this on agenda because we didn't get to it at flock...
18:23:24 <nirik> but stickster started a thread on it on list too.
18:23:32 <nirik> so I think perhaps we just punt and revisit next week.
18:25:08 <nirik> so, I don't see p_klos around, we might want to wait for the ticket review until next week too...
18:25:43 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
18:25:49 <nirik> so, that brings us to open floor. ;)
18:25:54 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor?
18:27:30 <nirik> Hopefully we will have more meat to our meeting next week... things are a bit crazy with the bodhi2 rollout. :)
18:27:38 * nirik will close out in a minute if nothing more.
18:28:12 <nyazdani> oh speaking of bodhi, where are all these pending bugs filed? in GitHub issues?
18:28:39 <lmacken> nyazdani: yeah
18:28:41 <nirik> nyazdani: yeah, most of them.
18:28:52 * lmacken hoping to migrate to pagure at some point
18:28:58 <nirik> yeah, +1
18:29:00 <lmacken> but our workflow with github is really optimized right now
18:29:18 <nyazdani> cool, thanks. I'll see if there's anything at my level
18:29:26 <decause> #link
18:30:03 <threebean> wild ride :p
18:30:29 <lmacken> it's far from over
18:30:40 <decause> lmacken++
18:30:42 <decause> threebean++
18:30:45 <decause> fedora-infra++
18:31:05 <threebean> nirik: on FAS3, one of the next steps is to have Xavier introduce others on the team to how his less/css workflow works
18:31:20 <threebean> we talked about doing a video chat about it in ~2weeks after pingou gets back from vacation.
18:31:21 <nirik> threebean: cool. can try and invite him to the meeting next week?
18:31:27 <nirik> or we might have to yeah... that
18:31:40 <threebean> we'll make sure to record it and link to it from the FAS docs.
18:33:04 <nirik> excellent.
18:33:17 <nirik> ok, please everyone continue in #fedora-admin, #fedora-apps, #fedora-noc.
18:33:19 <nirik> thanks for coming.
18:33:22 <nirik> #endmeeting