06:00:09 <pravins> #startmeeting i18n 06:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 24 06:00:09 2015 UTC. The chair is pravins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:00:13 <pravins> #meetingname i18n 06:00:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:00:16 <pravins> #topic agenda and roll call 06:00:20 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2015-06-24 06:00:23 <pravins> hi all 06:00:26 <tagoh_> hi 06:00:29 <ueno__> hi 06:00:33 <epico> hi 06:00:39 <pravins> hi tagoh_ ueno__ epico :) 06:00:54 <paragan> hi 06:01:01 <pravins> juhp is travelling to Pune today for FUDCon in, will meet him tomorrow :) 06:01:07 <pravins> hi paragan 06:01:52 <pravins> FUDCon APAC 2015 fever already started at Pune. Most of the speakers are arriving today. 06:02:53 <pravins> i am going to talk on "Nuts and Bolts of Fedora Internationalization, Globalization" http://fudconin15.shdlr.com/conferences/talk/14733 06:03:13 <pravins> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:03:23 <pravins> #info 2015-06-23 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (System Wide Changes) 06:03:23 <pravins> #info info not scheduled yet Side Tag Builds Deadline 06:03:23 <pravins> #info 2015-06-16 Mass Rebuild 06:03:24 <pravins> #info 2015-07-14 Branch Fedora 23 from Rawhide (Rawhide becomes future F24) 06:03:24 <pravins> #info 2015-07-28 Alpha Freeze (*), Software String Freeze, Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable), Bodhi activation point 06:03:51 <mfabian> Hi! 06:03:55 <pravins> #chair tagoh_ ueno__ epico paragan mfabian 06:03:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico mfabian paragan pravins tagoh_ ueno__ 06:04:00 <pravins> hi mfabian :) 06:04:23 <pravins> Change proposal deadline was yesterday. Glad our most of the planned changes are in already. 06:04:28 <pravins> #topic New topics 06:04:41 <pravins> #info #43: G11N FAD in 2015 (pravins) 06:04:41 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/43 06:05:03 <pravins> We have budget ready now. We are already bit over budget. 06:05:36 <pravins> I was thinking to drop an email yesterday but RHSummit already started and less chance to get response quickly. 06:05:58 <pravins> will drop email early next week. We will have an update July first week. 06:06:12 <pravins> #action pravins to drop email to Fedora council for G11N fad approval. 06:06:17 <pravins> #info #49: Internationalization talking points for Fedora 22 (pravins) 06:06:29 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/49 06:06:58 <pravins> I have provided initial draft to Fedora Magazine. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2015-June/017699.html 06:07:02 <pravins> its still in review. :( 06:07:30 <pravins> Ryan Lerch coming to FUDCon pune, will coordinate with him and try to publish it soon. 06:08:33 <pravins> if you want to see draft please visit http://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=9259 (need to login first through http://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/) 06:08:41 <pravins> feel free to add if anything missing. 06:09:34 <pravins> Lets move to most important topic of the day :) 06:09:35 <pravins> #info #50: Feature/Change planning for Fedora 23 (pravins) 06:09:39 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/50 06:11:40 <pravins> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Unicode_8.0 06:11:48 <pravins> I have to add other packages related to Unicode. libunistring and unicode-ucd. 06:12:04 <pravins> do you think there is any other packages needed Unicode 8.0 update. 06:12:13 <mfabian> Emacs. 06:12:19 <pravins> mfabian: aha 06:12:49 <mfabian> “M-x ucs-insert” doesn’t yet know the names of new characters like “NERD FACE” ☺ 06:12:50 <pravins> Emacs does not use any other library like libicu and glibc? 06:14:03 <mfabian> It does not use libicu and does not use glibc for Unicode stuff. glibc does not have the names anyway. 06:14:49 <pravins> does Emacs support Unicode 7> 06:14:50 <pravins> ? 06:15:40 <pravins> fujiwarat: thanks for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/IBus1.6 06:16:36 <pravins> may be good to add some screenshots, even pointing to blog will be nice for IBus 1.6. 06:16:59 <pravins> epico: thanks for reporting https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ibus-libzhuyin 06:17:09 <epico> welcome 06:17:25 <pravins> i am still confuse should it be systemwide or self contained. 06:17:49 <ueno__> mfabian, might be supported in the git master of Emacs https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-diffs/2015-06/msg00223.html 06:18:10 <mfabian> ueno__: Thank you, just checking ... 06:18:41 <pravins> ueno__: excellent. Thanks :) 06:18:47 <anish_> Hi just realised meeting 06:18:48 <paragan> file a bug to update emacs in rawhide 06:19:05 <pravins> anish_: hi :) 06:19:10 <pravins> #chair anish_ 06:19:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: anish_ epico mfabian paragan pravins tagoh_ ueno__ 06:19:46 <pravins> epico: i am doubtful whether Ibus-Lbzhuyin is systemwide or self contained. Since we are changing systems default i think it should be systemwide. 06:19:59 <epico> it is self-contained. 06:20:02 <anish_> hi pravins 06:20:17 <epico> only comps.xml for zh_TW will be affected. 06:20:24 <tagoh_> pravins: should be self contained 06:21:19 <pravins> tagoh_: epico sure. 06:22:08 <pravins> mfabian: thanks for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Glibc_locale_subpackaging 06:22:37 <paragan> epico, let it be self-contained 06:22:52 <epico> okay 06:23:28 <pravins> paragan: so in next Fesco meeting these changes will get accepted? 06:24:05 <paragan> yeah once they come on Agenda there will be discussions and if everything looks fine, fesco will accept it :) 06:24:57 <pravins> paragan: great, hope you can bat for our changes there :) 06:25:08 <pravins> from ideas we draft only two are missing 06:25:49 <pravins> ueno__: i did not saw Wayland change proposal from Desktop for F23. did i missed it. 06:26:03 <pravins> presently accepted changes are At https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:ChangeAcceptedF23 06:26:15 <pravins> and announced changes are At https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:ChangeAnnounced 06:26:45 <pravins> i dropped audit of default fonts from F23. I was thinking to propose idea first and then if it get approved we can go ahead with it. 06:28:09 <pravins> meanwhile lets move to next topic. 06:28:10 <pravins> #info #51: Fedora 23 Workstation Tasks (petersen) 06:28:13 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/51 06:28:58 <pravins> juhp is again away today. We have gone through the list once. 06:29:05 <pravins> may be we can close this ticket? 06:29:40 <pravins> In next meeting we are anyway going to discuss all the proposed changes for F23 and do we need to track any change. As we did for F22. 06:31:21 <pravins> may be will ask to juhp. 06:31:33 <pravins> We done with all the topics for day. 06:31:35 <pravins> #topic Open Floor 06:31:48 <pravins> anish_: i moved Gnome redesign plan from agenda list today. 06:32:04 <pravins> If you have anything to discuss please add it to agenda. 06:32:18 <pravins> do we have any other topic for open floor? 06:32:20 <mfabian> Rajasthani is written in Devanagari, not in Latin script, right? 06:32:48 <pravins> mfabian: yes. 06:33:12 <mfabian> Then this looks wrong: http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/browser/trunk/common/supplemental/supplementalData.xml#L2026 06:33:23 <mfabian> <language type="raj" scripts="Latn"/> 06:33:47 <mfabian> There seem to be quite a few mistakes in that file ... 06:34:23 <pravins> We have added Rajasthani locale recently https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=16857 06:35:02 <mfabian> I saw that our Rajasthani locale uses devanagari script, so I reported this as a bug in the CLDR tracker. 06:35:04 <pravins> i think that is why lot of people says Unicode CLDR is not trusted one :( 06:35:34 <mfabian> For the other mistakes I am less sure then in the Rajasthani case and therefore didn’t yet report them, but quite a few seem a bit strange. 06:36:33 <pravins> mfabian: can you provide bug report link here? 06:37:03 <mfabian> http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/8683 06:37:15 <pravins> thanks mfabian 06:37:25 <pravins> any other topic for day? 06:38:12 <pravins> lets close meeting in few minutes then. 06:38:19 <fujiwarat> pravins: https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Changes/IBus1.6&diff=416112&oldid=416109 06:38:36 <fujiwarat> self-contained is ok? 06:39:29 <pravins> fujiwarat: does any other packages need to update due to this change? 06:40:17 <fujiwarat> pravins: No, I think other packages are not updated. 06:40:17 <paragan> I think if we look at other submitted proposals, many package version upgrades are self-contained changes 06:40:36 <fujiwarat> ok, i see. 06:40:38 <paragan> so yes IBus change is okay to be self-contained 06:40:43 <pravins> fujiwarat: in that case self-contained is fine. :) 06:42:23 <tagoh_> isn't ibus a critical path component? 06:42:39 <epico> I think so. 06:43:09 <fujiwarat> yes, it's a critical path component. 06:43:11 <tagoh_> critical path component should be system-wide changes 06:43:39 <paragan> yes that is also right 06:44:22 <fujiwarat> ok, so I will enable system-wide and disable self-contained. 06:44:39 <paragan> yes please 06:45:40 <pravins> tagoh_: thanks :) 06:46:16 <paragan> so basically changes related to these packages https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/api/critpath should be marked as system-wide change 06:47:37 <fujiwarat> done 06:47:44 <paragan> cool 06:49:05 <pravins> great. i think we done with most of the topic. 06:49:46 <pravins> if nothing more, lets close meeting in couple of minutes. 06:50:43 <pravins> #info From i18n group 3 system wide and 1 self contained change proposed for Fedora 23. 06:51:24 <paragan> great!! 06:52:25 <pravins> #endmeeting