17:00:11 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2015-05-14)
17:00:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 14 17:00:11 2015 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
17:00:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00:11 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig
17:00:11 <nirik> #topic init process
17:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig'
17:00:35 <nirik> hello. Anyone around for an irc support sig meeting? I didn't have anything much today, but though I would hold one in case folks did have things...
17:00:58 * jsmith is lurking, but has nothing to bring up
17:02:43 <nirik> #topic Weeks in review
17:03:08 <nirik> Nothing much stands out recently aside from f20 updates having some mirrormanager issues, but thats all sorted out.
17:05:00 <nirik> alrighty then...
17:05:13 <nirik> #topic Open floor
17:05:16 * EvilBob 
17:05:29 * nirik will keep the floor open for a few in case anyone has anything.
17:05:32 <nirik> morning EvilBob
17:05:34 <EvilBob> I've something to bring up
17:05:44 <nirik> sure
17:06:01 <EvilBob> The other night there was a person in #fedora-social being a pain I guess
17:06:37 <EvilBob> Other ops in that channel chose to "play with it" rather than quieting or removing the problem
17:06:41 <EvilBob> This is BS
17:06:56 <EvilBob> Do you "job" or quit
17:07:00 * nirik didn't see it. would have to look back to comment
17:07:37 <nirik> do you have a approx time/date?
17:07:46 <EvilBob> <fenrus02> from -social, this guy is a known troll .. he'll return soon.   * [bells1] (~LLKCKfan@ ...
17:07:46 <EvilBob> <fenrus02> bob hushed him once, but i doubt that'll make him quit.
17:07:47 <EvilBob> <Southern_Gentlem> a troll in social like that is a big deal
17:07:47 <EvilBob> <Khaytsus> fenrus02: Yeah, we were playing with him last night, like a cat swatting a dead mouse.
17:08:33 <EvilBob> Monday night
17:08:46 <EvilBob> about 20:00 your time
17:09:00 <nirik> ok.
17:09:19 <EvilBob> I did not see most of it, just heard about it as I joined after work
17:09:38 <EvilBob> and read the comments after the fact
17:10:25 <EvilBob> That is all I have
17:11:01 <nirik> alright. I will have to read back
17:11:13 <nirik> but trolls should be removed, not played with
17:11:27 <vwbusguy> yo
17:12:09 <EvilBob> nirik: likewise with ops that are not going to do their "job"
17:12:30 <nirik> are the people you refer to ops there?
17:12:59 <EvilBob> nirik: khaytsus?
17:13:22 <nirik> yeah. via the bot perhaps, but not in normal access list... and not even sure via the bot
17:14:02 <nirik> anyhow, lets look and talk to people and see if we can improve their behavior.
17:14:08 <nirik> anything else to bring up?
17:14:39 <EvilBob> Not here
17:15:33 <nirik> alrighty.
17:15:42 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone, stay safe out there.
17:15:45 <nirik> #endmeeting