18:00:04 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2015-04-16)
18:00:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 16 18:00:04 2015 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
18:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:04 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure
18:00:04 <nirik> #topic aloha
18:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
18:00:04 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk
18:00:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean
18:00:05 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions / Apprentice feedback
18:00:10 * pingou isn't there
18:00:14 <nirik> heh
18:00:27 * puiterwijk is h ere
18:01:48 <nirik> any new folks like to introduce themselves? or apprentces with questions or comments?
18:02:06 * relrod here
18:03:23 * nirik will wait 2min more for new folks/apprentice questions/ pingou to be here. ;)
18:04:02 * danofsatx is here, kinda
18:04:17 <danofsatx> paying more attention to go/no-go, though
18:04:30 <nirik> :)
18:05:30 <nirik> ok, moving along to info dump. ;)
18:05:33 <nirik> #topic announcements and information
18:05:33 <nirik> #info rebooted db-koji01 to help performance issues - kevin and smooge
18:05:33 <nirik> #info Lots more various things to get performance on db-koji01 happy - kevin
18:05:33 <nirik> #info Inactive apprentices removed for the month - kevin
18:05:34 <nirik> #info Network outage in phx2 tuesday night, brought everything back - kevin and smooge
18:05:35 <nirik> #info Lots of folks out at pycon this week
18:05:38 <nirik> #info Mediawiki maintenance performed in preparation of upcoming upgrade after GA, announcement upcoming - puiterwijk
18:05:41 <nirik> #info Another request for testing of Ipsilon in stg, db issues known and fixed in 0.6.0 - puiterwijk
18:05:57 <nirik> I don't see any discussion topics...
18:06:00 <nirik> so that takes us to:
18:06:09 <nirik> #topic Learn about fpaste - our pastebin application
18:06:29 <nirik> we have a pastebin application. It's at
18:06:43 <nirik> There's a redirect from the owners of to it as well for easier typing.
18:06:56 <nirik> It's the "sticky-notes" app. It's written in php.
18:07:04 <andreasch> hi all
18:07:14 <nirik>
18:07:18 <nirik> hey andreasch. welcome.
18:07:42 <nirik> we are a few versions behind on it. Upstream moved to using some php framework setup and we need to package up those parts.
18:07:58 <nirik> It's pretty simple all in all... mysql db backend.
18:08:37 <nirik> It also gives you a short url for each paste if you like.
18:08:49 <nirik> and you can password protect pastes if desired.
18:09:14 <nirik> we run it with 2 server instances... paste01/paste02. So if one is down the other is up and the service isn't impacted.
18:09:21 <puiterwijk> note that if you want to make a paste completely private, you should not make it generate a short URL (they are sequential) and/or add a password
18:09:33 <nirik> right
18:10:00 <nirik> The 'fpaste' command line client can submit stuff to the server.
18:10:56 <nirik> thats about all I can think of with it. Anyone have any questions about it?
18:11:20 <dotEast2015> how do you make NOT generate a short URL?
18:11:48 <puiterwijk> One small addition about the fpaste(1) command: it can accept stuff both by filename in the argument, and in stdin. So having a command ending with | fpaste will totally work
18:12:33 <nirik> dotEast2015: actually I am not sure you can. ;)
18:12:45 <puiterwijk> dotEast2015: seems you can't anymore (it was in an earlier fpate(1) version)
18:12:52 <nirik> puiterwijk: also it can paste the x selection buffer, etc. and --sysinfo for general info about your system.
18:12:55 <puiterwijk> so if you want a completely private paste, add a password
18:13:09 <nirik> or better: don't use this service for private data. ;)
18:13:20 <puiterwijk> yup, that's the best way I guess :)
18:13:22 <dotEast2015> heh
18:15:00 <nirik> Oh, it's also got some limits on number of pastes at a time (to stop spamming) and a blacklist of words/things it will reject in pastes.
18:15:34 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
18:15:37 <puiterwijk> and a max length
18:15:40 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor?
18:16:28 <danofsatx> command line pipes to fpaste only include stdout, not stderr
18:16:53 <danofsatx> and one of the most used troubleshooting tools for support in #fedora is 'fpaste --sysinfo'
18:17:11 <puiterwijk> danofsatx: right, but that's always the case with pipes, unless you do 2| or 2>&1
18:17:32 <nirik> or |&
18:18:18 <danofsatx> I just wanted to point that out, since I've gotten baffled by it in the past ;)
18:18:37 <nirik> yeah, people do tend to 'yum whatever | fpaste' and are surprised when stderr is missing.
18:19:19 <nirik> ok. Lets give everyone back 40min of their lives. ;)
18:19:23 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone!
18:19:25 <puiterwijk> right. I tend to miss such things when explaining it to people as I use too many pipes in a day :)
18:19:30 <nirik> #endmeeting