21:00:08 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2014-11-26
21:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 26 21:00:08 2014 UTC.  The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
21:00:10 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors
21:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors'
21:00:15 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call
21:00:19 <fale> .fasinfof fale
21:00:23 <sesivany> .fas eischmann
21:00:24 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com>
21:00:25 <Levex> .fas Levex
21:00:27 <zodbot> Levex: levex 'Levente Kurusa' <levex@linux.com>
21:01:05 <gnokii> .fas gnokii
21:01:06 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de>
21:01:16 <jonar> .fas jfarcher
21:01:18 <zodbot> jonar: jfarcher 'Jonathan Archer' <jon@rosslug.org.uk>
21:02:32 <sesivany> let's wait 3 more minutes for others to show up.
21:02:49 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k
21:02:50 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com>
21:05:13 <sesivany> #topic Announcements
21:05:32 <sesivany> any announcements, anyone?
21:05:54 <jonar> nothing from me
21:07:11 <sesivany> I finished the F21 media order today, artwork is sorted out, we're just waiting for the final ISO.
21:07:43 <sesivany> #info F21 media for EMEA (and APAC) are ordered, just waiting for the final ISO.
21:08:29 <jonar> good news!
21:08:44 <sesivany> #link https://inkscaper.fedorapeople.org/Fedora21/media-artwork/disk-sleeves/png/Fedora-21-livemedia-workstation-64.png
21:08:49 <kmf> .fasinfo kmf
21:08:50 <zodbot> kmf: User: kmf, Name: Karl Fischer, email: kmf@fischer.org.za, Creation: 2011-05-26, IRC Nick: kmf, Timezone: Africa/Johannesburg, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active
21:08:52 <sesivany> this is how it looks.
21:08:53 <zodbot> kmf: Approved Groups: freemedia ambassadors cla_fpca cla_done
21:09:09 <kmf> sorry I'm late
21:09:22 <jonar> looks good
21:09:24 <Levex> wow, that looks great
21:10:17 <sesivany> good news is that we don't need to produce a special ISO, we will just take the Workstation when it's declared gold.
21:10:45 <sesivany> and if we provide them with the ISO by next Friday, the DVDs will be delivered on the 9th, the release date!
21:11:19 <jonar> excellent
21:12:11 <sesivany> fyi we started the call for release events.
21:12:17 <kmf> that's very pretty
21:12:19 <sesivany> check the ambassadors mailing list.
21:12:29 <sesivany> anyone planning a release party?
21:12:41 <jonar> hoping to yes
21:14:53 <sesivany> so don't forget to file a request for swag early enough.
21:15:39 <sesivany> ok, let's move on to Requests.
21:15:44 <sesivany> #topic Requests
21:15:51 * sesivany is checking the trac...
21:16:35 <gnokii> sesivany: have you sorted out with Tuan how many for APAC?
21:16:50 <sesivany> gnokii: 3000 of Workstation
21:17:23 <gnokii> sesivany: delivery directly to harish, as he covers it
21:17:29 <sesivany> I don't see any new ticket we need to discuss or vote about.
21:17:59 <sesivany> gnokii: I need to check the price first, working on it, if it's several thousands dollars, I don't think he'll be willing to cover it.
21:19:54 <sesivany> gnokii: Red Hat is only using the airmail by DHL or Fedex, so it's expensive, I can't opt for any of the cheaper options.
21:20:45 <sesivany> if there is a ticket you want to discuss, correct me.
21:20:50 <gnokii> ok sesivany lets try to sort that out during next days
21:22:00 <sesivany> it's easy today... no tickets.
21:22:07 <sesivany> let's move then
21:22:35 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's schedule
21:22:50 <sesivany> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-21/f-21-ambassadors-tasks.html
21:23:09 <sesivany> we're very close to the release, so the exciting times are about to start :)
21:24:02 <sesivany> swag is almost ready...
21:24:13 <sesivany> I received stickers last week.
21:24:37 <sesivany> #link https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-MHh9TWPbJn8/VG8sRVZN4GI/AAAAAAAADmk/6viwtn9lzxs/w587-h492-no/14%2B-%2B1
21:24:40 <sesivany> check the picture
21:25:02 <sesivany> I think the product stickers look really pretty.
21:25:09 <jonar> they look great
21:25:34 <Levex> nice and clean :)
21:26:10 <gnokii> :D
21:26:31 <sesivany> thanks to gnokii
21:27:09 <sesivany> the case badges are not that well done, they made them larger than I wanted. But whatever some people prefer them larger.
21:27:51 <gnokii> looks the are 1cm larger
21:28:33 <sesivany> gnokii: yes, they are even larger than the silver ones we got from the USA.
21:30:14 <sesivany> gnokii: btw the vendor will make the polo shirts again.
21:30:42 <gnokii> sesivany: the wrong ones?
21:30:55 <sesivany> for others: our vendor for polo shirts screwed them up, they will produce new ones.
21:31:00 <sesivany> for free
21:31:02 <sesivany> gnokii: yes
21:31:13 <gnokii> good news
21:31:58 <sesivany> ok, events...
21:32:01 <sesivany> #topic Events
21:33:39 <sesivany> ok, any upcoming events.
21:33:58 <sesivany> ?
21:34:02 <gnokii> no event year is over
21:34:09 <jonar> nothing for me
21:34:13 <sesivany> except for EMEA FAD.
21:34:16 <jonar> until new year
21:34:28 <sesivany> is anyone going to attend it virtually?
21:34:35 <sesivany> over the video conference?
21:34:35 <Levex> I am hopefully
21:35:09 <b10n1k> yeah me probably
21:35:22 <Levex> I think I added my name already to the list on the wiki?
21:35:23 <jonar> yes hopefully I will get a chance to
21:35:52 <sesivany> what tool would you prefer? I'm inclining to use Hangouts even though it's not an open source solution.
21:36:20 <sesivany> appear.in is not open source either in fact.
21:36:36 <Levex> +1 for Hangouts, it's simple and just works
21:36:45 <Levex> never had a problem with it
21:36:47 <gnokii> sesivany: it would be fine if you really use IRC not as last year that I am in it chatting with myself
21:37:57 <sesivany> gnokii: we can use IRC, too, but video conference is definitely better for other to participate. BTW I've talked to mattdm and he's promised he'd do some kind of opening talk over the video conference.
21:38:17 <jonar> +1 hangouts for me too
21:38:34 <gnokii> hangouts has the simple problem to be limited to 10 users
21:38:46 <b10n1k> what about openmeetings
21:38:54 <Levex> that's why we have the list on the wiki, so ppl could sign up and the demand be known
21:38:55 <sesivany> the problem with all the WebRTC solutions is that it's peer-to-peer and very bandwith demanding.
21:39:30 <sesivany> gnokii: most WebRTC solutions are limited to even fewer participants.
21:39:51 <sesivany> currently we have 4 ppl signed up for the video conference.
21:40:16 <gnokii> sesivany: I want to be there online but as I said dont want to talk to myself ;)
21:41:06 <sesivany> gnokii: we should have much better connectivity this year, last year it just sucked, we were barely online ourselves.
21:41:31 <sesivany> We'd better have better connectivity this year because the place is pretty expensive :)
21:42:01 <sesivany> ok, looks like we will use Hangouts.
21:43:12 <sesivany> for those who are going to attend either virtually or physically: prepare country reports.
21:43:28 <sesivany> some kind of state of the community and activities in your country.
21:43:44 <sesivany> we'd like to have an overview how we're doing in various countries.
21:43:57 <sesivany> that's a starter at the FAD.
21:44:15 <sesivany> #link for those who are going to attend either virtually or physically: prepare country reports
21:45:49 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor
21:46:41 <sesivany> we're done early this time, so you can use the opportunity to discuss some special topic if you want.
21:48:30 <sesivany> jonar: LinuxCon Europe 2015 will be held in Dublin, since we don't have any ambassadors in Ireland, the UK community is the next to participate ;-)
21:48:37 <gnokii> I dont know if you noticed, APAC had his first FAD as we have 1 week ago, so they have a budget plan and also the Ambassadors getting with polo shirts as we have (except the one person who got one from our stock)
21:48:43 <jonar> +1 count me in
21:49:49 <sesivany> jonar: ok ;)
21:50:04 <jonar> take it that it's october?
21:50:08 <sesivany> gnokii: great to see that the APAC regions is taking off.
21:50:38 <sesivany> jonar: Oct 5-7th
21:51:11 <jonar> ok October will be busy again then :)
21:51:44 <sesivany> gnokii: it's also great to see so much activity in the community in Cambodia.
21:52:18 <gnokii> yes fetched another ambassador there during my stay and its a person, who will influence a lot
21:52:49 <kmf> btw here is photos of our SFD event in Pretoria :https://www.flickr.com/photos/kmfischer/sets/72157648370321257/
21:53:10 <sesivany> jonar: you know people behind Linux Voice?
21:53:41 <jonar> yes i do
21:53:57 <jonar> or at least some of them
21:54:14 <sesivany> kmf: did you get any of the swag for the event?
21:54:49 <kmf> sesivany, ... just stickers and disks ... the other package hasn't arrived
21:54:50 <sesivany> jonar: we're subscribed to the magazine, it's really good, but it's a bit Ubuntu-centric.
21:55:33 <sesivany> kmf: still? ok, we'll have to check because it's been a while. Maybe it's stuck at customs or local post office.
21:56:25 <kmf> we have had alot of Post Office Strikes ...
21:57:09 <sesivany> kmf: ok, I will check the tracking number.
21:57:15 <jonar> sesivany, agreed I'm planning on writing some more articles for them next year, hopefully be able to get some Fedora in there.
21:57:16 <kmf> sesivany, cool thanks
21:58:19 <sesivany> jonar: I hope they will review Fedora 21.
21:59:35 <sesivany> jonar: desktop in Canonical receives almost no resources, they haven't moved forward for the last two years and I really think the F21 Workstation makes a difference, it's our chance.
21:59:40 <jonar> I could get in early for them.... give them an impartial review ;)
22:00:13 <sesivany> I have been using F21 since alpha and it's really rock solid.
22:00:54 <jonar> yeah me too
22:02:19 <sesivany> ok, are we finished?
22:02:19 <jonar> I don't think there is half the enthusiasm for Ubuntu in the community since they have taken the focus off desktop in favour of mobile
22:02:41 <jonar> hopefully it's drawn some more users into Fedora
22:03:59 <sesivany> jonar: yeah, they're investing all their resources into the mobile and cloud, and Ubuntu Phone is a lost cause IMHO. The market is completely packed and other players have much bigger resources.
22:05:16 <sesivany> jonar: there is also a big change in attidude towards Fedora in some teams in Red Hat, it's not some integration upstream for RHEL, but really a product now.
22:06:32 <jonar> which is great news
22:06:40 <jonar> exciting times for us I think
22:07:11 <sesivany> jonar: yeah, I think so too
22:07:16 <jonar> :-)
22:08:26 <sesivany> ok, let's end the meeting, the woman's part of our family is screaming that we have a mouse in the house, that's a serious business :)
22:08:49 * sesivany has to go :)
22:09:04 <sesivany> see at FAD next week or at the meeting in two weeks!
22:10:05 <sesivany> #endmeeting