06:00:42 <pravins> #startmeeting i18n 06:00:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 29 06:00:42 2014 UTC. The chair is pravins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:00:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:00:50 <pravins> #meetingname i18n 06:00:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:01:11 <pravins> hi all 06:01:30 <juhp> hi 06:01:35 <pravins> #topic agenda and roll call 06:01:37 <mfabian> Hi! 06:01:40 <epico> hi 06:01:42 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2014-10-29 06:01:43 <shilpa> hi 06:01:59 <paragan> hi 06:02:51 <pravins> hi juhp, mfabian epico shilpa paragan :) 06:03:02 <pravins> i see in other meeting most of the people does 06:03:06 <pravins> .fasinfo pravins 06:03:09 <zodbot> pravins: User: pravins, Name: Pravin Satpute, email: psatpute@redhat.com, Creation: 2007-11-14, IRC Nick: pravins, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: 3EDF779F, Status: active 06:03:12 <zodbot> pravins: Approved Groups: ambassadors marketing fedorabugs cla_fedora cla_done @cvsredhat-config-language packager @svnsystem-config-language gitenglish-typing-booster @svnitranslit svnlohit @gitibus-rawcode @gitibus-sayura +gitliberation-fonts @gitindic-typing-booster cla_fpca @gitibus-indic-table 06:03:47 <paragan> .fasinfo pnemade 06:03:48 <zodbot> paragan: User: pnemade, Name: Parag Nemade, email: pnemade@redhat.com, Creation: 2006-11-22, IRC Nick: paragan, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 06:03:51 <zodbot> paragan: Approved Groups: provenpackager +packager @gitwordxtr @svniok svnsystem-config-language gityum-langpacks fedorabugs cla_fedora cla_done @gitinscript2 cvslohit-fonts cla_redhat @gitiok2 svnlohit +gitutrrs-web @gitredhatlsb 06:04:14 <anish_> Hi 06:04:26 <pravins> hi anish_ 06:05:11 <pravins> looks like fujiwara and tagoh_ not around 06:05:15 <pravins> lets start the meeting 06:05:25 <pravins> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:05:32 <pravins> #info 2014-11-04 Beta Release 06:05:32 <pravins> #info 2014-11-25 Final Freeze (Former Final Change Deadline) 06:05:32 <pravins> #info 2014-12-09 Fedora 21 Final Release 06:05:46 <pravins> Decided to slip one week on 24th Oct 2014 06:06:02 <pravins> Hoping we will get Fedora 21 before 2015 :) 06:08:06 <pravins> hi fujiwarat 06:08:08 <fujiwarat> hi 06:08:14 <juhp> pravins, :) 06:08:36 <pravins> .fasinfo tfujiwara 06:08:37 <zodbot> pravins: User "tfujiwara" doesn't exist 06:09:01 <fujiwarat> I'm fujiwara 06:09:01 <mfabian> .fasinfo mfabian 06:09:02 <zodbot> mfabian: User: mfabian, Name: Mike FABIAN, email: mfabian@redhat.com, Creation: 2012-08-01, IRC Nick: mfabian, Timezone: Europe/Berlin, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 06:09:05 <zodbot> mfabian: Approved Groups: +gitibus-typing-booster fedorabugs packager cla_done cla_fpca 06:09:29 <anish_> .fasinfo anishpatil 06:09:30 <zodbot> anish_: User: anishpatil, Name: anish, email: apatil@redhat.com, Creation: 2011-08-18, IRC Nick: an|sh, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: mr, GPG key ID: , Status: active 06:09:33 <zodbot> anish_: Unapproved Groups: gitwevisor 06:09:36 <zodbot> anish_: Approved Groups: @gityokan @gitibus-typing-booster @gitenglish-typing-booster @gitibus-hunspell-table @gitibus-european-table cla_fpca cla_done packager fedorabugs @gitibus-indic-table @gitgnome-transliteration 06:09:43 <pravins> .fasinfo fujiwara 06:09:46 <zodbot> pravins: User: fujiwara, Name: Takao Fujiwara, email: tfujiwar@redhat.com, Creation: 2008-12-11, IRC Nick: fujiwarat, Timezone: UTC, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 06:09:49 <zodbot> pravins: Approved Groups: cla_fedora cla_done cla_redhat packager fedorabugs 06:09:51 <pravins> thanks fujiwarat :) 06:09:51 <shilpa> .fasinfo shilpagite 06:09:54 <zodbot> shilpa: User: shilpagite, Name: shilpa gite, email: sgite@redhat.com, Creation: 2014-08-18, IRC Nick: shilpa, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 06:09:58 <zodbot> shilpa: Unapproved Groups: svnlohit 06:10:01 <zodbot> shilpa: Approved Groups: gitindic-typing-booster cla_done cla_fpca 06:10:15 <pravins> lets move to next topic 06:10:22 <pravins> #topic Outstanding topics 06:10:28 <pravins> #info #34: need Fedora i18n Mission Statement (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) 06:10:32 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/34 06:10:36 <pravins> We have presently 06:10:40 <pravins> 1. "Enabling Fedora to speak well your language". 06:10:43 <pravins> 2. “To boldly fix i18n bugs nobody fixed before.” 06:10:46 <pravins> 3. "Constantly improve i18n user experiences, such as input method and fonts rendering" 06:10:56 <pravins> I think lets have some more from others. 06:11:01 <pravins> I would like to compile it with you all and get final statement. 06:11:17 <mfabian> 2. was just a joke by me ☺ 06:11:32 <pravins> mfabian: :) 06:11:45 <pravins> will make sure to extract only sensible things from there ;) 06:11:50 <juhp> maybe you mean 06:12:19 <juhp> .hellomynameis petersen 06:12:20 <zodbot> juhp: petersen 'Jens Petersen' <petersen@redhat.com> 06:12:39 <pravins> juhp: What should be deadline for this? 06:13:09 <juhp> good question 06:13:38 <pravins> at least for first draft. 06:13:43 <juhp> yeah 06:13:59 <juhp> how about a draft within 2 weeks and then decide by end of Nov? 06:14:13 <pravins> yes 06:14:18 <pravins> We should publish this before Fedora 21 final release. 06:14:38 <juhp> so final draft in meeting after next 06:14:47 <juhp> s/in/by/ 06:15:14 <pravins> sure. 06:16:19 <juhp> then we should have initial draft to consider next week I guess 06:17:08 <pravins> yes 06:17:21 * juhp thought .hellomynameis does something clever ie verifies user is identified etc but seems not 06:18:00 <pravins> aha, at least we get to know real name of person :) 06:18:07 <juhp> yep 06:18:32 <pravins> #info #36: review gnome redesign plans for control-center Region and Languages (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) 06:18:37 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/36 06:19:21 <pravins> #action pravins will work on Fedora mission statement 06:19:56 <pravins> juhp: any update on this? 06:20:12 <pravins> i saw mfabian updated bugs on ticket 06:20:19 <pravins> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=737647 06:20:28 <pravins> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1144742#c2 06:21:41 <juhp> aha 06:22:09 <juhp> I wrote to Rui finally, so waiting to hear from him 06:22:18 <pravins> great !! 06:22:49 <pravins> lets wait for his reply then and discuss in next meeting. 06:23:09 <juhp> mfabian, thanks 06:23:12 <pravins> #info #37: Should we need i18n-sig fas group? (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) 06:23:19 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/37 06:23:56 <pravins> paragan: mentioned on ticket "we got 263 packages there of which 101 fonts packages." under i18n-team 06:24:24 <pravins> i feel there must be much more fonts and IME, which does presently owned by i18n-team group. 06:25:15 <paragan> we need to check if any package has missed group cc 06:25:24 <juhp> true 06:26:03 <paragan> note when we see 101 font packages mean they are source packages 06:26:17 <juhp> I thought so 06:26:18 <paragan> so actual binary font packages can be many more 06:26:35 <paragan> I picked that data from pkgdb 06:26:56 <pravins> might be we should do audit sometime? 06:26:57 <paragan> which shows srpm per user 06:27:21 <pravins> paragan: how many total source packages in Fedora? 06:28:25 <paragan> guess more that 11000 06:28:42 <juhp> it might be more I think? 06:28:47 <pravins> huge 06:29:11 <pravins> might be we should tag package with i18n tag in tagger 06:29:21 <juhp> sure 06:30:05 <pravins> I think if i18n-sig happens we can add even missing fonts and IME. 06:30:06 <paragan> roughly I see dnf search showing more than 900 font rpms 06:30:30 <juhp> how about using fonts-sig? 06:30:35 <pravins> remove 106 from it, only belongs to google-noto-fonts ;) 06:31:08 <pravins> sounds good. 06:31:15 <tagoh_> maybe how many srpm the sig group has doesn't matter. how many upstream is actively maintaining/updating may be more important. that could be the workload directly affected to the sig group. 06:31:59 <pravins> tagoh_: valid point !! 06:31:59 <juhp> I am also slightly worried about confusion of i18n-team vs i18n-sig 06:32:23 <juhp> or how to deal with that 06:32:53 <paragan> we need to decide on i18n virtual fas (group) name 06:33:03 <paragan> I think i18n-sig is good 06:33:48 <juhp> ah yeah so i18n-team is actually a FAS pseudouser 06:34:16 <pravins> SIG is good, its SIG trend :) 06:34:20 <epico> i18n-sig maybe broader? 06:34:49 <juhp> well formally there is no i18n SIG - we have i18n Project within Fedora 06:35:22 <juhp> but maybe that could change 06:36:14 <juhp> paragan, the group name has to end in "-sig", right? 06:36:20 <paragan> yes right 06:36:44 <pravins> paragan: do update ticket with latest improvement under this initiative 06:37:05 <juhp> other question I has last week is if we want to be beta testers? :) 06:37:08 <juhp> had 06:37:10 <paragan> pravins, sure 06:37:29 <juhp> anyway I think it is an interesting idea/plan, just being cautious 06:37:59 <paragan> juhp, sorry I don't get beta testers mean? 06:38:28 <juhp> guess need to consider which packages we plan to be co-owned by group 06:38:42 <juhp> paragan, I thought there was a call for Beta testers? 06:38:48 <juhp> is that over now? 06:39:06 <pravins> juhp: yes, will need plan. 06:39:14 <pravins> less time, lets move to next item :) 06:39:22 <pravins> #topic Outstanding tasks 06:39:27 <pravins> #info #32: Fedora 21 i18n test day (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) 06:39:31 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/32 06:39:38 <paragan> juhp, ah right. I thought something else about it 06:39:45 <pravins> tagoh_: Did you get chance to compile results? 06:40:56 <pravins> Will be nice to see, how many bugs reported and how many got fixed in Beta. 06:41:31 <pravins> #action paragan to update ticket on i18n-sig latest improvements 06:41:54 <tagoh_> pravins: ah, sorry, not yet! will post on the ticket shortly 06:44:13 <pravins> tagoh_: sure 06:44:33 <pravins> #action tagoh_ to post i18n test day results on ticket 06:44:47 <pravins> lets move to next topic 06:44:48 <pravins> #info #35: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N cleanup (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) 06:44:51 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/35 06:45:05 <pravins> juhp: this will need some dedicated time :) 06:45:17 <pravins> i was thinking to update this with our mission statement 06:45:32 <pravins> will be good time to publish all together 06:45:52 <juhp> hmm yeah, true 06:46:00 <juhp> I agree 06:46:13 <juhp> we could do a refresh together with that 06:46:19 <pravins> yes 06:46:33 <pravins> lets have a target date for this as well? 06:46:50 <juhp> I should spend a little time touching it up a bit anyway I suspect 06:47:11 <pravins> i just check it before meeting 06:47:32 <pravins> and even we need to update link i.e. i18n mailing list link 06:47:44 <pravins> its still point to old one 06:48:01 <juhp> should we (re)move the People section I wonder 06:48:07 <juhp> oh 06:48:59 <juhp> pravins, it looks ok to me? or someone fixed it already? :) 06:49:45 <pravins> :) 06:49:52 <juhp> maybe we could alternate it with the Mission/Vision statement week-wise? 06:50:05 <pravins> sure 06:50:16 <juhp> before next meeting - decide what content we want on the front page 06:50:24 <pravins> lets plan to fix it by 12 th Nov meeting 06:50:30 <juhp> and then within 3 weeks update the content 06:50:46 <pravins> looks good to me 06:50:57 <juhp> so I thinking by 19th 06:51:09 <pravins> #action juhp and pravins to update Fedora i18n wiki page by 19th Nov meeting 06:51:39 <juhp> yeah 1 week after draft mission/vision 06:52:05 <juhp> of course others welcome to assist/give input too 06:52:22 <pravins> thanks juhp i think we need to allocate dedicated time for it. :) i will ping you for it. 06:52:27 <juhp> okay 06:52:53 <pravins> thanks juhp 06:52:57 <pravins> lets move to next topic 06:53:02 <pravins> #topic New topic 06:53:05 <pravins> #info #38: Adding metainfo for font packages (pravins) 06:53:09 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/38 06:53:30 <pravins> this is the one where lots of build happened in koji last week and credit goes to paragan :) 06:53:56 <pravins> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o2sPWF7PEe6BKnBeZUI23m51nfFHUMx61IRsdNDozig/edit#gid=0 this is the doc 06:54:13 <juhp> pravins, +1 06:54:23 <epico> paragan, thanks :) 06:54:46 <pravins> if still there any pending font package, do step up and add metainfo 06:55:11 <juhp> aha 06:56:55 <paragan> I will try to help with other packages :) 06:57:01 <pravins> paragan: thanks :) 06:57:16 <pravins> we done with all topics 06:57:26 <pravins> #topic Open Floor 06:57:48 <tagoh_> what's the legend of color on that doc? 06:58:09 <paragan> green is done by rhughes 06:58:14 <paragan> red is done by me 06:58:36 <pravins> tagoh_: gooe one :) 06:58:44 <tagoh_> aha. and purple? 06:58:56 <paragan> where maintainer asked me to revert the change 06:59:06 <tagoh_> oh 07:00:00 <paragan> it was not that font that general user want to use 07:00:21 <pravins> Noto is still pending, for noto we need to add 106 metainfo file for each package, need to think how better can we do. Will ping rhughes for same. 07:01:16 <epico> some scripts for noto fonts may help? 07:01:40 <pravins> epico: yes. 07:02:51 <pravins> epico: will discuss about noto in next meeting, i will have some input by that time 07:03:07 <pravins> if nothing more, lets end meeting in next couple of minutes 07:03:13 <epico> pravins, cool :) 07:03:18 <pravins> epico: :) 07:05:08 <pravins> thanks everyone for wonderful meeting 07:05:09 <pravins> #endmeeting