06:04:33 <tagoh_> #startmeeting i18n 06:04:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 27 06:04:33 2014 UTC. The chair is tagoh_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:04:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:04:33 <tagoh_> #meetingname i18n 06:04:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:04:33 <tagoh_> #topic agenda and roll call 06:04:34 <tagoh_> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2014-08-27 06:05:00 <juhp> hi 06:05:13 <epico> hi 06:05:24 <tagoh_> hi guys 06:05:32 <paragan> hi 06:06:19 <mfabian> Hi 06:06:25 <fujiwarat> hi 06:07:21 <anish__> Hi! 06:07:47 <pravins> hi 06:08:06 <tagoh_> okay, let's get started. 06:08:28 <shilpa> hi 06:08:39 <tagoh_> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:08:39 <tagoh_> #info 2014-09-02 Alpha Release 06:08:40 <tagoh_> #info 2014-09-23 Software Translation Deadline 06:08:40 <tagoh_> #info 2014-09-23 Beta Change Deadline 06:08:41 <tagoh_> #info 2014-09-23 Accepted Changes 100% Complete 06:11:06 <tagoh_> fwiw TC4 image is available though, anyone tried it yet? 06:11:10 <paragan> Today US morning time we will see F21 going for Alpha Freeze 06:11:31 <juhp> not yet I tried TC3 06:11:43 <paragan> I am waiting for TC5 but looks like Gnome test day will happen on TC4 image 06:12:43 <juhp> aha 06:12:59 <juhp> anyone seen any net install images? 06:13:11 <mfabian> Why does the "Installation Overview" screen not have a sofware selection anymore? 06:13:22 <mfabian> Where does one choose which desktop one wants to use? 06:13:41 <paragan> yeah I too see that its not there 06:13:44 <pravins> i downloaded TC3 yesterday, will install it today 06:13:45 <juhp> mfabian, where did you install from? dvd? 06:14:40 <paragan> I used Fedora-Live-Workstation-x86_64-21-20140819.iso 06:14:43 <mfabian> Fedora-Live-Workstation-x86_64-21-Alpha-TC3.iso 06:14:47 <juhp> but anyway it is current design decision of Workstation to additional stuff post-installation - I don't particularly like it though 06:14:56 <juhp> to install * 06:15:00 <pravins> I have downloaded TC4 :) from http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/21-Alpha-TC4/ 06:15:19 <tagoh_> juhp: does http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/21-Alpha-TC4/Workstation/x86_64/iso/Workstation-netinst-x86_64-21-Alpha-TC4.iso not work? 06:15:33 <juhp> mfabian, Live has never provided any software selection :) 06:15:49 <juhp> tagoh_, thanks I will try that 06:15:56 <mfabian> It offers "Try Fedora" and "Install Fedora" on the first screen. 06:16:19 <mfabian> I didn’t try the live "Try Fedora" but clicked on "Install Fedora". 06:16:23 <juhp> I didn't see any boot images for TC3, but maybe i was too quick? 06:16:24 <paragan> ah right we downloaded Workstation product so it should not show desktop selection 06:16:47 <mfabian> paragan: Which product should show desktop selection then? 06:16:49 <juhp> paragan, well see my comment above about Live :) 06:17:36 <juhp> mfabian, well might be worth trying netinst.iso 06:17:36 <paragan> mfabian, I am not sure if we will get that option provided we have no Fedora installation iso available 06:17:51 <mfabian> For TC3 there was no netinst iso. 06:17:54 <mfabian> Trying TC4 now. 06:17:56 <juhp> okay 06:18:49 <juhp> I will too later 06:19:05 <juhp> I wouldn't be surprised if it was still there 06:20:10 <juhp> paragan, I think it would be nice to still have optjonal groups shown in anaconda for WS 06:20:10 <tagoh_> okay, shall we move on 06:20:46 <paragan> juhp, yeah if one needed optional packages they can be selected 06:21:10 <juhp> maybe they still will be - and even KDE could be included there IMHO 06:21:40 <juhp> but may not happen dunno 06:22:18 <tagoh_> #topic Outstanding topics 06:22:19 <tagoh_> #info #30: review Workstation Technical Specification for i18n (juhp) 06:22:19 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/30 06:22:46 <juhp> I don't really have much to update on it 06:22:49 <tagoh_> looking at the ticket to remember what we need to do next... 06:23:05 <juhp> I looked earlier and struggled a bit too :) 06:24:12 <juhp> one thing that has come up a couple of time - is about language support in Workstation - I forget if the Tech Spec touches on it 06:24:34 <juhp> but I am not sure if we want to make any changes for f21 anyway? 06:24:51 <juhp> seems late now anyway 06:24:55 <tagoh_> guess maybe too late? 06:25:13 <juhp> maybe better for f22 when we might also have locale subpackaging 06:25:21 <tagoh_> agreed 06:25:30 <juhp> ok 06:26:39 <juhp> maybe it makes sense to close the ticket though I don't mind keeping it open to track WS i18n 06:26:46 <juhp> for f21 06:27:11 <juhp> though a new ticket might be better then still 06:27:14 <tagoh_> do we have anything else as tasks on it? 06:27:57 <tagoh_> if not, good to close at this moment and open new one as needed, for f22 and so on. 06:28:06 <juhp> other than above and https://fedorahosted.org/workstation/ticket/7 probably not? 06:28:16 <juhp> yes 06:28:41 <juhp> I can't think of anything major/specific anyway 06:28:50 <tagoh_> aha 06:29:06 <juhp> okay then let's close it out then 06:29:19 <tagoh_> sure. looks good to me. 06:30:03 <tagoh_> juhp: thanks 06:30:09 <juhp> done 06:30:38 <tagoh_> #info #31: Fedora 21 i18n docbeats (tagoh) 06:30:39 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/31 06:30:47 <tagoh_> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_I18n_Beat 06:32:17 <pravins> yesterday i started looking for google-noto-fonts new release. It surprise to see the way Google maintain upstream for it. 06:32:37 <pravins> url's are no more active for earlier source tarballs 06:32:49 <tagoh_> aha 06:33:00 <juhp> welcome to ... 06:33:04 <juhp> pravins, aha 06:33:07 <pravins> New tarball has number of missing fonts http://www.google.com/get/noto/pkgs/Noto-hinted.zip 06:33:09 <pravins> no version :) 06:33:17 <juhp> hmm 06:33:56 <pravins> and no explanation anywhere. I have sent email on mailing list noto-font@googlegroups.com , hoping to get some links soon. 06:35:59 <tagoh_> okay 06:37:00 <pravins> basically mentioned here to say, i might need to add some line to Doc beat after update :) 06:37:29 <juhp> pravins, how does the diff look? 06:38:10 <pravins> lots of new fonts 06:38:11 <juhp> I am glad you mentioned it since I was about to ask about it :) 06:38:14 <pravins> and missing "NotoSansBengaliUI-Bold.ttf NotoSansBengaliUI-Regular.ttf NotoSansDevanagariUI-Bold.ttf NotoSansDevanagariUI-Regular.ttf NotoSansGujaratiUI-Bold.ttf NotoSansGujaratiUI-Regular.ttf NotoSansKannadaUI-Bold.ttf NotoSansKannadaUI-Regular.ttf NotoSansKhmerUI-Bold.ttf NotoSansKhmerUI-Regular.ttf NotoSansLaoUI-Bold.ttf NotoSansLaoUI-Regular.ttf NotoSansMalayalamUI-Bold.ttf NotoSansMalayalamUI.ttf NotoSansTamilUI-Bold.ttf NotoSa 06:38:14 <pravins> nsTamilUI-Regular.ttf NotoSansTeluguUI-Bold.ttf NotoSansTeluguUI-Regular.ttf NotoSansThaiUI-Bold.ttf NotoSansThaiUI-Regular.ttf NotoSansUgaritic-Regular.ttf NotoSansUI-BoldItalic.ttf NotoSansUI-Bold.ttf NotoSansUI-Italic.ttf NotoSansUI-Regular.t" 06:38:28 <juhp> pravins, but some missing too? 06:38:35 <juhp> ah 06:38:44 <pravins> i am worried for missing files, we should not drop sub-packages for these fonts 06:38:45 <tagoh_> hmm 06:39:06 <pravins> these fonts are available in git but not in release tarball anywhere, that is problem 06:39:13 <juhp> nothing that can replace them? 06:39:32 <pravins> No. 06:39:47 <juhp> pravins, whether problem may depend who you ask ;o) 06:40:25 <juhp> well suppose there is dumb solution to ship both old and new zip files... hmmm 06:40:50 <juhp> anyway maybe someone on ml can help... 06:41:06 <pravins> yeah, hoping for same 06:41:11 <juhp> would be good to know why all those fonts were dropped anyway 06:41:17 <tagoh_> they might think it may be not meet their criteria? 06:41:26 <juhp> perhaps 06:41:37 <pravins> Dropped fonts are specifically for UI 06:41:56 <juhp> so there are non-UI fonts too? 06:42:03 <epico> or unhinted fonts? 06:42:05 <tagoh_> or going to stop supporting those fonts? 06:42:07 <pravins> no 06:42:38 <pravins> tagoh_: no, UI fonts are important for Desktop 06:42:45 <epico> from the name, Noto-hinted.zip maybe only hinted ones? 06:42:49 <pravins> i think in there tarball, they want to provide only single fonts for each script 06:43:05 <pravins> may be i should create git snapshot and package same. Does that looks good solution? 06:43:22 <pravins> it will solve our all issues. Will get new fonts with existing all fonts. 06:43:41 <juhp> yeah I was pondering same... 06:43:56 <juhp> everything is in git what is the problem? ;o) ;) :) 06:44:04 <pravins> :) 06:44:16 <juhp> well it is a problem but nevermind 06:45:12 <tagoh_> no difference fonts itself between git and the archive at this moment? 06:45:34 <pravins> git fonts are updated 06:45:40 <tagoh_> aha 06:46:04 <pravins> our archive is bit older NotoFonts-hinted-2013-08-07.tgz and NotoFonts-unhinted-2013-08-07.tgz 06:47:03 <pravins> but yes basically same fonts. 06:47:28 <pravins> I will create git snapshot and package same 06:47:39 <tagoh_> okay 06:47:59 <tagoh_> anything else for relnotes? 06:50:20 <tagoh_> if not let's move on. 06:50:57 <juhp> git is newer than zip file? 06:51:02 <pravins> येस् 06:51:06 <pravins> yes :) 06:51:09 <juhp> ok 06:52:03 <tagoh_> #topic New topic 06:52:03 <tagoh_> #info #33: Keep watching MozTrap related discussion (pnemade) 06:52:04 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/33 06:53:47 <paragan> I got a news from FLTG group about this that Fedora QA people want to check to move to MozTrap for fedora test days 06:56:08 <paragan> so we need to keep this topic checking.. 06:57:13 <tagoh_> can't say more at this moment though, if something is improved with it, worth trying IMHO. 06:57:50 <paragan> right 06:59:01 <tagoh_> though our test cases are mainly focusing/relevant to GUI part, interesting how it involves with it. 06:59:37 <juhp> any link for moztrap? 07:00:05 <paragan> for app -> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Tasks_and_roles 07:00:14 <paragan> ah wrong paste 07:00:17 <paragan> https://moztrap-demo.cloud.fedoraproject.org/moztrap 07:00:49 <juhp> aha 07:00:53 <juhp> thanks 07:01:26 <pravins> I will try to add one topic to magzine on i18n test 07:02:29 <juhp> great 07:03:47 <tagoh_> cool 07:05:11 <tagoh_> anything else? 07:06:16 <tagoh_> #topic Open Floor 07:06:25 <tagoh_> okay, any other topics we want to discuss today? 07:08:46 <tagoh_> if not, will stop the meeting shortly 07:10:03 <mfabian> Workstation-netinst-x86_64-21-Alpha-TC4. has a software selection. 07:11:18 <mfabian> I had to enter the https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/21-Alpha-TC4/Workstation/x86_64/os/ manually though, without entereing it I always got an error when it tried to find the installation source. 07:12:01 <tagoh_> aha 07:13:54 <tagoh_> okay, let's stop here then. 07:14:00 <tagoh_> thanks everyone for the meeting! 07:14:03 <tagoh_> #endmeeting