
#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2014-08-27)

Meeting started by nirik at 17:00:10 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (nirik, 17:00:10)
  2. #1178 Fedora 21 scheduling strategy (nirik, 17:04:02)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1178 (nirik, 17:04:02)

  3. #1322 F21 Changes - Progress on Changes Freeze (nirik, 17:07:35)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1322 (nirik, 17:07:35)
    2. will update changes for next meeting and see if any are in danger. (nirik, 17:10:34)
    3. server database role probibly will be retargeted at f22 (nirik, 17:10:46)

  4. #1332 retire orphan packags after 4 weeks instead of once per release (nirik, 17:12:26)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1332 (nirik, 17:12:26)
    2. AGREED: allow retiring of non stable release packages after they are orphaned for 6 weeks. (+7,0,0) (nirik, 17:26:33)

  5. #1336 - 32 bit ppc support (nirik, 17:26:42)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1336 (nirik, 17:26:43)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures (nirik, 17:35:57)
    3. AGREED: any arch that wants to call itself fedora needs to build up and host their own infrastructure, along with building up enough packages to show that they can do a working remix of fedora. Then request that FESCo consider them as a secondary arch (+7,0,0) (nirik, 17:41:06)

  6. Next weeks chair (nirik, 17:41:15)
    1. sgallagh to chair next week (nirik, 17:44:48)

  7. Open Floor (nirik, 17:45:21)
    1. http://pootle.translatehouse.org was mentioned... but anyhow, I am ok with them doing what they think is best. The history with transifex makes me sad to be moving things... oh well. (nirik, 17:50:28)
    2. AGREED: FESCo is fine with https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N_Move_To_Zanata ; please schedule the upstream project migration to happen after F21 final release is approved. (+7,0,0) (nirik, 17:53:16)

Meeting ended at 18:01:30 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. nirik (96)
  2. dgilmore (50)
  3. jwb (44)
  4. mitr (31)
  5. sgallagh (25)
  6. thozza (23)
  7. t8m (20)
  8. jreznik_ (9)
  9. zodbot (8)
  10. kalev (8)
  11. mmaslano (0)
  12. mattdm (0)

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