13:05:26 <hhorak> #startmeeting Env and Stacks (2014-08-19) 13:05:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 19 13:05:26 2014 UTC. The chair is hhorak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:05:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:05:35 <hhorak> #meetingname env-and-stacks 13:05:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'env-and-stacks' 13:05:41 <hhorak> #chair pkovar tjanez samkottler bkabrda hhorak juhp mmaslano vpavlin sic 13:05:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: bkabrda hhorak juhp mmaslano pkovar samkottler sic tjanez vpavlin 13:05:51 <bkabrda> hi 13:06:09 <sicampbell> Is there a way to get my nick listed in the chairs rather than my fas username ? 13:06:48 <hhorak> sicampbell: sure, I just used what is listed on the wiki: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Env_and_Stacks so I'll fix it there 13:06:49 <sicampbell> Or am I misunderstanding and it should be my FAS ? 13:07:41 <Southern_Gentlem> sicampbell, not really the person starting the meeting just needs to add your nick 13:07:50 <Southern_Gentlem> instead of your fas 13:08:12 <Southern_Gentlem> which meetingbot has no connection anyways 13:08:40 <hhorak> sicampbell: I don't think so.. trying again: 13:09:00 <hhorak> #chair pkovar tjanez samkottler bkabrda hhorak juhp mmaslano vpavlin sicampbell 13:09:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: bkabrda hhorak juhp mmaslano pkovar samkottler sic sicampbell tjanez vpavlin 13:09:31 <Southern_Gentlem> hhorak, and if you need to add anyone else just do #chair nick 13:09:53 <hhorak> Southern_Gentlem: ok, probably the first time chairing... :) 13:10:11 <hhorak> #topic Flock -- what we learnt 13:10:25 <Southern_Gentlem> no problem just giving a suggestion 13:11:26 <hhorak> So the first important feedback on all working groups was lack of communication. 13:11:47 <hhorak> I've heard that several times on the Flock 13:12:28 <sicampbell> Was that just from this working group or fedora in general ? 13:13:30 <pkovar> (i think that flock helped quite a bit with that. people could meet face to face and some of the conversations we had were pretty productive) 13:13:58 <hhorak> sicampbell: I understood it like communication between our working group and other working groups should be better. 13:14:36 <hhorak> pkovar: yes, I think that was great 13:15:30 <pkovar> some ideas for improvements: more blog posts? CCing general MLs when sending reports? 13:15:44 <pkovar> or minutes 13:17:42 <sicampbell> All good ideas 13:18:03 <hhorak> pkovar: reports are already being sent to fedora-devel afaict, but blogs seems to be great idea; marcela wrote something, but we can definitely do better 13:18:32 <hhorak> pkovar: I meen meeting minutes, or did you mean something else, some other reports? 13:18:55 <pkovar> oh yeah, i meant meeting minutes 13:20:04 <sicampbell> was there an issue with people just not knowing what this working group's area of responsibilities are in relation to other WGs 13:25:06 <hhorak> sicampbell: I understood that that was one issue, the other issue could be the opposite direction (or result), that we do not have much info from other WGs, what their needs are etc. 13:26:08 <hhorak> One idea to stay more informed was to provide quick summary of what other WGs did; sent to our ML weekly or every two weeks, so all members are up to date (I can try for the next time) 13:26:35 <sicampbell> hhorak: sounds good 13:27:43 <hhorak> #action hhorak will send a summary about what other WGs did before the next meeting 13:30:37 <sicampbell> Do we need a way of telling people how to request things of this WG ? 13:31:17 <sicampbell> This could just be a sentence on the wiki page, or a ticketing/issue system, or somewhere in between 13:31:49 <pkovar> maybe a sentence on the wiki page asking people to email our ML? 13:32:08 <hhorak> sicampbell: I hope it is obvious from the wiki page, but we can encourage them more directly to talk to us 13:32:33 <hhorak> so yeah, why not.. anybody willing to adjust the wiki? 13:32:42 <sicampbell> I can do it 13:32:50 <hhorak> sicampbell: thanks 13:32:52 <pkovar> ty 13:33:43 <hhorak> #action sicampbell will adjust wiki page to tell people how to request things of this WG 13:34:08 <hhorak> any other ideas how to make the communication better? 13:34:20 <bkabrda> maybe we should also mention the irc channel there? I think that's more "casual" and people who don't know exactly what they want might want to use it and formulate their ideas together with us 13:35:26 <hhorak> bkabrda: sounds fine to me 13:35:36 <sicampbell> bkabrda: I'll add it to the sentence on the wiki 13:38:56 <hhorak> Ok, let's move to some other topics from flock -- Stephen Smoogen talked about epel vs. epic (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDmkg9V_NzU) 13:39:52 <hhorak> I think this is something we should not only follow but should be part of -- or in other words we should participate in this movement 13:42:58 <hhorak> the idea is basically to have set of packages (stacks) that have different maintaining model (some maintained for the whole RHEL life, some only for a limited period) 13:44:28 <hhorak> I'm not sure if we need to talk about it more now, just mentioning to let others (who were not on Flock) to be aware.. 13:44:56 <hhorak> It might be a topic for some of the next meetings 13:46:30 <hhorak> #info we might talk during some of the next meetings about (and start to participate in) the epel/epic proposal from Stephen Smoogen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDmkg9V_NzU) 13:46:47 <bkabrda> hhorak: looks interesting in connection with python3 in EPEL 7, which is kind of a sticky situation. thanks for that, I'll watch the talk 13:48:41 <hhorak> bkabrda: yes, python3 is related and imho also the general concept of ring 2 in (above) Fedora -- this might be solved in the same manner (similar approach) 13:48:56 <sicampbell> hhorak: I think we can discuss it further once we have all watched the talk 13:49:17 <hhorak> sicampbell: right 13:49:21 <sicampbell> hhorak: looks interesting though 13:51:07 <hhorak> another topic I heard on flock -- software collections -- basically we should find a way to deliver this concept to Fedora users (somehow) 13:51:49 <hhorak> again probably a topic for some of the next meetings 13:53:14 <hhorak> And of course Docker (was there a talk where Docker was not mentioned at all?) 13:54:48 <hhorak> This is something we need to continue to talk about (and start to implement missing pieces) 13:57:02 <hhorak> also I should mention pkovar's documentation workshop, that I missed unfortunately -- petre, was there anything you would like to share? 13:57:42 <pkovar> a couple of ideas were brought up that are worth mentioning i think... 13:58:31 <pkovar> some work has been done on an devassistant "assistant" for documentation writers 13:58:49 <pkovar> which will first support docbook + publican toolchain 13:59:06 <pkovar> other formats will hopefully be implemented later 13:59:15 <pkovar> that leads us to the second topic 13:59:17 <pkovar> doc formats 13:59:29 <pkovar> turns out many developers 13:59:36 <pkovar> hate authoring xml documents 13:59:41 <pkovar> such as docbook 14:00:08 <pkovar> instead, they strongly prefer simple xml-less formats such as asciidoc or markdown 14:00:41 <pkovar> so we should start looking into creating a platform for fedora devs as well as writers 14:01:01 <pkovar> that would allow for easy and simple submission of docs 14:01:31 <pkovar> targeting all audiences, even though the primary focus should probably be developers 14:01:58 <pkovar> i expect some discussion on the fedora docs ML this week 14:02:11 <pkovar> will let you know / CC our ML if that happens 14:02:16 <pkovar> so you can chime in :) 14:02:57 <hhorak> pkovar: great, thanks for the update 14:02:59 <pkovar> that new platform for docs would also fix the issue with our fedora wiki 14:03:04 <pkovar> hopefully 14:03:27 <pkovar> as we could easily move some of the docs from wiki to formats like markdown 14:03:45 <pkovar> well, we will see 14:06:01 <hhorak> OK, so, was there anything important for our WG on the Flock I haven't mentioned yet? Anyone? 14:06:29 <pkovar> looks like we covered it all :) 14:07:14 <hhorak> Yeah, if anybody remembers something else, worth mentioning to others, feel free to send it to the ML. 14:07:38 <hhorak> #topic OpenFloor 14:07:50 <hhorak> Any other topic we should cover today? 14:11:39 <hhorak> It does not seems so.. That means we can end the meeting for today. Thanks everybody! Bye! 14:11:48 <hhorak> #endmeeting