
#fedora-meeting: Board and new FPL townhall

Meeting started by mattdm at 17:00:39 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Hello! (mattdm, 17:01:11)
  2. Open floor (mattdm, 17:02:57)
    1. Greetings to Matthew Miller, the new FPL (gholms, 17:04:10)
    2. HELP: wanted for for writing test plans (gholms, 17:21:52)
    3. IDEA: QA hackfest at Flock (gholms, 17:22:15)
    4. IDEA: Add test plans to packages... somehow (gholms, 17:22:33)
    5. (mattdm, 17:23:51)
    6. IDEA: Involve FESCo/QA/ambassadors/etc in board meetings to help communicate/unblock/etc (gholms, 17:52:11)
    7. Next meeting is in two weeks at the same time/place (gholms, 18:01:41)
    8. Don't be afraid to join #fedora-advisory-board and chat, too (gholms, 18:02:25)
    9. request submitted to create an open board trac (mattdm, 18:03:02)
    10. and to rename the mailing list and irc channel to not be confusing (mattdm, 18:03:20)

Meeting ended at 18:07:14 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. mattdm (107)
  2. jwb (43)
  3. gholms (36)
  4. jds2001 (22)
  5. adamw (19)
  6. cwickert (19)
  7. number80 (15)
  8. handsome_pirate (11)
  9. zodbot (5)
  10. tflink (4)
  11. quaid (3)
  12. yn1v (3)
  13. croberts (3)
  14. nirik (2)
  15. Sparks (1)
  16. randomuser (1)
  17. jonar (1)

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