15:00:31 <mmaslano> #startmeeting Env and Stacks (2014-04-08) 15:00:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 8 15:00:31 2014 UTC. The chair is mmaslano. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:37 <mmaslano> #meetingname env-and-stacks 15:00:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'env-and-stacks' 15:00:42 <mmaslano> #chair abadger1999 pkovar tjanez samkottler bkabrda drieden hhorak juhp mmaslano 15:00:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bkabrda drieden hhorak juhp mmaslano pkovar samkottler tjanez 15:00:47 <mmaslano> hi 15:00:52 <hhorak> Hi! 15:02:11 <tjanez> hi 15:02:31 <mmaslano> that's what I call attendance :) 15:02:47 <mmaslano> #topic init process 15:02:59 <tjanez> mmaslano, maybe we'll have a shorter meeting then :) 15:03:12 <mmaslano> so what do you think about Changes? 15:03:39 <tjanez> #topic Change proposal: Playground 15:04:14 <tjanez> I was looking through the Playgroud repo Change proposal today 15:04:51 <drieden> Hi 15:04:52 <tjanez> and I've just submitted the first part of my edits on the Wiki 15:05:09 <Kevin_Kofler> NOTICE: The KDE SIG meeting is in #fedora-meeting-1. Sorry for the interruption and back to scheduled programming. ;-) 15:05:09 <tjanez> Overall, I think it is OK. 15:05:53 <tjanez> mmaslano, is it enough that you and msuchy are listed as owners? 15:06:13 <tjanez> I guess me and other WG members can always help 15:06:20 <hhorak> mmaslano: I like it, good job. 15:06:49 <hhorak> mmaslano: maybe some POV of user installing packages from playground could be added into "User Experience" 15:07:23 <mmaslano> tjanez: wow, great job 15:07:33 <mmaslano> tjanez: I just skimmed your changes 15:07:43 <tjanez> mmaslano, thanks :) 15:08:11 <tjanez> I hope to get through the second part and also do some overall improvements 15:08:37 <drieden> tjanez The wiki looks great 15:08:48 <mmaslano> I already marked it as Ready for Wrangler 15:09:05 <mmaslano> it wouldn't be good if you touch it after jreznik sent it 15:09:20 <tjanez> mmaslano, ok, good to know 15:09:24 * masta looks in, lurks 15:09:50 <mmaslano> tjanez: and deadline is today, so I don't want to switch it back :) 15:10:02 <tjanez> so if I understand correctly, we can still make changes before jreznik sents out an email announcement 15:10:04 <hhorak> mmaslano: some really minor changes should be OK or is any touching illegal after midnight? 15:10:04 <jreznik> if you want any changes, do it 15:10:33 <jreznik> hhorak: after announcement, you should send a notice to list there were changes... 15:10:42 <mmaslano> ok 15:10:47 <jreznik> it's living document but it has to be communicated 15:10:50 <mmaslano> tjanez: so feel free to edit it 15:10:54 <tjanez> ok, cool 15:11:08 <mmaslano> hhorak: yes, how to use dnf would be good. I wrote article on my blog 15:11:22 <mmaslano> tjanez: also dnf is normally available in Fedora repo, it's just not default 15:11:27 <jreznik> btw. mmaslano for Playground one - Proposal owner in Scope section does not mean Env & Stacks WG but what you have to do to get that change done 15:12:44 <mmaslano> wasn't there my name before? 15:12:51 <mmaslano> maybe in different change 15:13:15 <tjanez> mmaslano, regarding DNF, you think that part is wrongly written in my edit? 15:13:42 <mmaslano> tjanez: um I don't think it's needed to point out what is dnf, but maybe it's not known to everyone yet 15:13:53 <tjanez> jreznik, could you explain again what is wrong with Proposal owners: Env and Stacks WG in the Scope section? 15:14:00 <mmaslano> hhorak: do you think I should link the dnf plugin to original Mirek's post about it? 15:15:06 <tjanez> mmaslano, aha, ok. Maybe some people still don't know it :) 15:15:20 <hhorak> mmaslano: I'm not sure what you're asking now ;) 15:15:21 <jreznik> tjanez: it is not who should do the work but what has to be done 15:15:31 <jreznik> in a Scope section 15:15:54 <mmaslano> hhorak: so nothing to do, fine 15:16:19 <mmaslano> jreznik: I get it 15:16:23 <mmaslano> tjanez: I'll update it 15:16:45 <tjanez> jreznik, ok, I understand now 15:16:50 <tjanez> thanks for clearing it up 15:17:29 <tflink> apologies for being late, but just to make sure I understand - all the coprs in playground should be installable at the same time? 15:17:51 <tjanez> tflink, no 15:17:54 <tflink> on a side note, wasn't the meeting supposed to be at 16:00 UTC? 15:18:16 <mmaslano> now everyone will read how dnf plugin is working :) 15:18:16 <tjanez> we decided to go with the multiple (conflicting) repositories on the last meeting 15:18:21 <mmaslano> #info http://mmaslano.livejournal.com/10322.html 15:18:41 <tjanez> tflink, 16.00 UTC was a mistake 15:19:03 <tjanez> we switched to 15.00 UTC when Europe switched to DST 15:19:14 <tjanez> sorry about that 15:19:20 <mmaslano> aha! you are right 15:19:26 <tflink> no worries, I'm just glad I noticed the meeting started 15:19:31 <mmaslano> and I have it wrong 15:20:18 <tflink> I've seen a desire for some automated checks of the playground repos, are the sub-repo conflicts declared somewhere? 15:20:22 <tflink> going to be, rather 15:20:41 <mmaslano> maybe later, we didn't define any check yet 15:20:43 <tflink> or are we assuming that folks will only use one playground sub-repo at a time? 15:21:06 <mmaslano> but I guess for next Fedora we could have another repo, that play nicely 15:21:16 <tjanez> tflink, the idea is that the users will be knowledgeable enough to select the subset of non-conflicts repos from the Playground 15:21:26 <mmaslano> tflink: I assume people who can install dnf plugin know what they are doing 15:21:28 <tflink> ok, so the current proposal is for f21 only? 15:21:34 <mmaslano> no 15:21:38 <mmaslano> I would leave it as is 15:21:50 <mmaslano> but maybe some beter shaped repositories for F22+ 15:21:52 <tjanez> or be able recover when they see unrecoverable dependency problems 15:21:54 <tflink> I'm mostly interested in how we'd handle dependency checks on playground 15:22:19 <mmaslano> tflink: do you have anything ready? 15:22:36 <mmaslano> tflink: like could we set it up and send info to maintainers bout broken dependencies? 15:22:37 <tflink> for today, no. for f21, maybe 15:22:42 <tjanez> tflink, currently we decided to implement the Playground repository so we don't have to enforce any dependency or other checks 15:23:07 <tflink> it depends on some of the details of how playground is implemented, to be honest 15:23:26 <mmaslano> tflink: it's not a real repository 15:23:44 <mmaslano> tflink: I'm not sure if you are able to run checks on many small repos on copr 15:24:14 <tflink> mmaslano: I don't see why it couldn't work if each copr repo is isolated 15:24:26 <mmaslano> tflink: fine, so it can be done 15:24:39 <tjanez> There is one important open question still: What about conflicts with packages in the main repository? And how to check for that? 15:25:01 <tjanez> tflink, do you have any pointers on how to automatically check for that? 15:25:25 <tflink> finding conflicts with the main repo would be a matter of adding the main repos to the dep checking tool 15:25:57 <tjanez> hmm, you mean adding the COPR repos? 15:26:28 <tflink> it'd be running the standard release, updates, updates-testing repos in addition to whichever copr repo is currently under test 15:27:03 <tjanez> tflink, ok, that sound reasonable 15:27:18 <tflink> that should be do-able for f21 15:27:34 <tflink> the complication would be checking between copr repos 15:27:38 <tjanez> but if I understand correctly, we would have to test each COPR in turn, since we don't want to check for inter-COPR dependency errors? 15:28:17 <tflink> yeah, that's how I'm understanding playground 15:28:54 <mmaslano> yes 15:28:56 <tjanez> tflink, ok, perfect 15:29:38 <tflink> assuming that there are fedmsgs we can listen for and filter properly, it should be possible to run the standard package and repo-level checks on the COPR repos that are part of playground 15:29:51 <tflink> assuming that all the checks are desired, anyways 15:30:07 * tflink isn't sure if upgradepath is desired in this case 15:30:26 <tjanez> tflink, that would be very cool :) 15:30:50 <tjanez> well, I guess we can have the conflicts with main repo check mandatory and others can be of informative nature 15:31:59 <tjanez> tflink, we talked about "non-blocking review service" that would inform the packagers and the users about which test the package(s) passed/failed 15:32:19 <tjanez> on the last IRC meeting 15:32:34 <hhorak> tjanez: I guess that's how dep checking tool works 15:33:28 <tjanez> hhorak, yes, I glad it will work nicely with our plan 15:33:32 <tflink> ah, I figured that reviews were similar to the current package review process for inclusion in the main repos 15:34:14 <tjanez> tflink, nope, we are aiming for basically no review, just some simple automatic gating 15:35:05 <tjanez> the "review" would be the automatic service which would check the packages and put the results on some we page 15:35:09 <tjanez> s/we/web 15:35:23 <tjanez> but it would be non-blocking 15:35:35 <tflink> for taskotron, the results are stored in a webservice that also has a more human-friendly frontend 15:35:53 <tflink> the current plan is to emit fedmsgs with results as well 15:36:33 <tflink> but we don't have any concrete plans for implementing build/update gating for the main repos based on taskotron results yet 15:37:26 <tjanez> tflink, maybe we could use the Playground as a guinea pig for such build/update gating? 15:37:39 <tflink> but the consequence of false positives or negatives are much less for playground than the main repos, so it shouldn't be as big of a deal 15:38:46 <tflink> tjanez: yeah, I'd at least be interested in getting some more concrete numbers on how often there are errors 15:39:01 <tflink> ie, builds pushed when they shouldn't be or builds blocked when they shouldn't have been 15:39:33 <tjanez> tflink, yes I understand. I think Playground Beta could be a good testing ground for that 15:41:52 <tflink> yeah, that sounds like it would work well. not quite the same since bodhi wouldn't be involved, but useful none the less 15:42:33 <tjanez> sounds like a plan :) 15:43:02 <tjanez> mmaslano, this could answer our next open question: Do we allow conflicts with packages in the main repo? 15:43:22 <hhorak> tflink: tjanez: sounds interesting and I like that approach 15:43:34 <mmaslano> tjanez: no, it would say how can you check it 15:43:34 <tjanez> tflink, one more question 15:44:04 <tjanez> will taskotron also be able to check if some COPR package replaces some package in the main repo? 15:44:51 <tflink> taskotron is just a system for running checks, so in a way, yes but I don't think that is the answer you were looking for 15:45:02 <tjanez> mmaslano, agreed. But at least we have a means on how to do it, if we decide to go with yes. 15:45:05 <tflink> I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "replaces some package" 15:45:48 <mmaslano> tflink: update them 15:46:09 <tflink> are you talking about packages that would conflict with main by definition? or just newer than what's currently in main as a test 15:46:23 <tflink> like a newer version of ruby, python etc.? 15:46:32 <hhorak> tjanez: from what I know about that, replacing can be done either by having "the same package name with higher version" available or explicity define "obsoletes" 15:46:51 <hhorak> tjanez: so it should be possible to write a script that would check that 15:47:17 <tjanez> tflink, I was thinking of a scenario that hhorak described 15:47:21 <tflink> we don't have any checks for what hhorak is talking about, no 15:47:33 <tflink> but that doesn't mean that they couldn't be run 15:48:07 <tjanez> ok, I see. But hhorak's reasoning would be easy to implement 15:48:42 <tflink> once we get the initial version of taskotron released, we'll have docs on how to write additional checks that can be run 15:49:00 <mmaslano> tflink: great, so we can test it 15:49:24 <tflink> there are some other technical hurdles that we need to deal with before accepting too many other checks but supporting that use case was one of the primary reasons for creating taskotron instead of just fixing autoqa 15:49:25 <tjanez> tflink, great! 15:50:12 <mmaslano> does anyone have comments to other Changes? 15:50:21 <mmaslano> I'm slowly moving on my next meeting 15:50:56 <tflink> just to make sure I'm not accidentally promising anything: the dep checking of coprs should be possible for f21, the support for an additional check for package replacement may happen for f21 but that may end up being later 15:51:24 <tjanez> mmaslano, I hadn't had the time to read them yet 15:51:27 <tflink> my guess is later on the additional checks 15:51:59 <tjanez> #info taskotron dep checking of coprs should be possible for f21, the support for an additional check for package replacement may happen for f21 but that may end up being later 15:52:14 <tjanez> tflink, understood 15:54:03 <tjanez> mmaslano, we can decide on the remaining Playground open questions later, right? 15:55:01 <hhorak> mmaslano: regarding the SCL change .. /opt/fedora is now used as an example or that is not set in stone yet? I mean if SCL is part of playground, that would make sense.. but coprs generally can have a different prefix.. 15:55:24 <mmaslano> tjanez: right 15:55:33 <mmaslano> hhorak: I need to ask spot how far is it 15:55:40 <hhorak> mmaslano: ok 15:55:48 <mmaslano> hhorak: I thought Fedora owns the directory, but it's not registered 15:56:04 <mmaslano> and I don't want to register another directory on me :) 15:56:35 <hhorak> mmaslano: understood 15:57:07 <mmaslano> #action mmaslano will find out how far is registration of /opt/fedora 15:59:37 <mmaslano> could I close it? 16:00:13 <tjanez> mmaslano, yea, I think we should wrap up 16:00:31 <mmaslano> #endmeeting