04:02:08 <tuanta> #startmeeting 04:02:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jan 18 04:02:08 2014 UTC. The chair is tuanta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:02:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:02:10 <udinnet> tuanta: yup 04:02:13 <tuanta> #meetingname apac 04:02:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac' 04:02:22 <tuanta> #topic Rollcall 04:02:27 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 04:02:28 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 04:02:30 <udinnet> .fas udinnet 04:02:31 <zodbot> udinnet: udinnet 'Uditha Bandara Wijerathna' <udithabnd@gmail.com> 04:02:35 <zsun> .fas zsun 04:02:36 <zodbot> zsun: zsun 'Zamir SUN' <sztsian@gmail.com> 04:02:50 <tuanta> #chair udinnet zsun MarioB 04:02:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: MarioB tuanta udinnet zsun 04:03:23 <tuanta> anyone around? 04:03:49 <udinnet> we'll carry on.. others will join on the way 04:04:06 <MarioB> ok 04:04:09 * bochecha is here, but not entirely focused on the meeting 04:04:23 <udinnet> we have representatives from FUDCon bid and fossasia 04:04:40 * udinnet looking around 04:04:58 <dramsey> .fas dramsey 04:04:58 <zodbot> dramsey: dramsey 'David Ramsey' <diamond_ramsey@hotmail.com> 04:05:26 <tuanta> hello dramsey :) 04:05:42 <tuanta> we should go to today main topics now 04:05:45 <dramsey> Hello Everyone. 04:05:51 <tuanta> #topic Tickets 04:06:01 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9 04:06:27 <udinnet> I have a ticket 04:06:35 <udinnet> for the fossasia 04:06:37 * FranciscoD is here 04:06:42 <FranciscoD> sorry I'm late 04:06:57 <FranciscoD> .hellomynameis ankursinha 04:06:59 <zodbot> FranciscoD: ankursinha 'Ankur Sinha' <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com> 04:07:06 <udinnet> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/111 04:07:06 <tuanta> lets start with travel subsidy requests from udinnet 04:07:17 <MavJS> .fas MavJS 04:07:18 <zodbot> MavJS: mavjs 'Ye Myat Kaung' <mavjs01@gmail.com> 04:07:44 <tuanta> It's also for FOSSASIA attending 04:07:57 <tuanta> any question? 04:07:59 <udinnet> I'm giving a talk about OpenShift origin 04:08:18 <udinnet> also I'm planning to do a 1 hour lab session 04:08:29 <tuanta> ah, it's one of my questions :) 04:08:39 <banas> .fas banas 04:08:40 <zodbot> banas: sarupbanskota 'Sarup Banskota' <sbanskota08@gmail.com> - mbanas 'Martin Banas' <mbanas@redhat.com> - arf '' <xbanas@gmail.com> - zellus 'Przemek Banasiak' <przemekb93@o2.pl> 04:08:49 <udinnet> Already submitted the sessions to fossasia.org 04:09:00 <udinnet> :) 04:09:03 <udinnet> EOF 04:09:34 <banas> .fas sarupbanskota 04:09:35 <zodbot> banas: sarupbanskota 'Sarup Banskota' <sbanskota08@gmail.com> - testoid 'testoid' <sarupbanskota@live.in> 04:09:53 <udinnet> ! 04:10:01 <tuanta> FranciscoD: will you attend FOSSASIA? 04:10:07 <tuanta> please udinnet 04:11:03 <FranciscoD> tuanta: I don't think so. I cant think of a talk/session to take up. People have most of it covered :) 04:11:05 <udinnet> I'm having problems when getting reimbursements because we cannot receive paypal inward money. 04:11:39 <udinnet> So as in my ticket, if jsimon can buy the air tickets on my behalf, it is very convenient for me. 04:11:45 <udinnet> EOF 04:12:26 <udinnet> FranciscoD, helped me once for a event reimbursements 04:12:28 <udinnet> :) 04:12:46 <udinnet> s/for a/for an 04:12:52 <tuanta> lets vote for udinnet's ticket 04:13:09 <tuanta> any questions? 04:13:41 * MavJS doesn't have any :) 04:14:00 <FranciscoD> +1 from me 04:14:02 <dramsey> +1 04:14:17 <FranciscoD> But we'll have to think about a way of reimbursements 04:14:25 <MarioB> +1 04:14:38 <FranciscoD> for udinnet, since paypal isnt an option.. 04:14:42 <tuanta> +1 from me too 04:14:47 <MavJS> +1 for udinnet (openshift origin awesome :) ) 04:15:20 <zsun> +1 for Chinese group since I've heard someone saying of the paypal issue 04:15:21 <hongphuc_> I know that I can't vote, but i can help with reimbursement if needed 04:15:41 <udinnet> FranciscoD: yes that is the big problem. Last time I had to bug you XD 04:15:51 <hongphuc_> we have a FOSSASIA paypal account. We can reimbursement udinnet at FOSSASIA 04:15:58 <tuanta> #agreed Approve udinnet's funding request to FOSSASIA (Trac ticket #111) 04:16:22 <udinnet> hongphuc_: that is a cool idea :) 04:16:23 <tuanta> #action tuanta to modify the ticket #111 04:16:41 <udinnet> thanks everyone 04:17:02 <tuanta> that's a good idea, hongphuc_ 04:17:12 <FranciscoD> tuanta: at the end we should announce the tiny changes in reimbursement workflow that we made recently 04:17:43 <FranciscoD> hongphuc_: tuanta we'll just have to talk to jsimon. It sounds ok, but he has the final word :) 04:17:52 <hongphuc_> ok 04:17:53 <tuanta> hongphuc_: let me check with jsimon if that is possible 04:18:03 <hongphuc_> no problem 04:18:32 <FranciscoD> another action item for tuanta :P 04:18:44 <tuanta> tuanta to check with jsimon if FOSSASIA event owner can reimburse some attendees 04:18:51 <tuanta> #action tuanta to check with jsimon if FOSSASIA event owner can reimburse some attendees 04:19:20 <tuanta> FranciscoD: your turn, please make that announcement 04:19:27 <FranciscoD> Ok. 04:19:39 <FranciscoD> Recently we've tried to streamline the reimbursement process a little 04:19:47 <FranciscoD> Also to make it less work for jsimon 04:20:02 <FranciscoD> If you see the report list https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report , there are a couple of new reports at the bottom 04:20:10 <FranciscoD> 11/12/13/14 04:20:45 <FranciscoD> The workflow's now become: meeting -> approved -> ready-for-reimbursement -> closed 04:21:02 <FranciscoD> For instance, tuanta will add the "approved" keyword to the ticket now for udinnet 's request 04:21:11 <tuanta> I have done that 04:21:41 <FranciscoD> When udinnet has attended the event, put up reports etc., put up the receipts, he'll set the "ready-for-reimbursement" keyword 04:21:56 <FranciscoD> once jsimon transfers the money, he'll close the ticket 04:22:20 <FranciscoD> It's not too much, but it'll make sure that jsimon doesn't get unnecessary notifications from the trac on every approved ticket 04:23:08 <FranciscoD> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/112 -> ticket that we filed for this 04:23:21 <FranciscoD> Oh, and we increased the upload limits to 2MB 04:23:33 <FranciscoD> and we'll try to use milestones in the future 04:23:33 <FranciscoD> EOF 04:23:43 <FranciscoD> (questions are always welcome, of course) 04:24:08 <udinnet> ? 04:24:20 <FranciscoD> udinnet: please 04:24:49 <udinnet> At what time the ticket ownership will change? I mean to jsimon? 04:24:51 <udinnet> EOF 04:25:35 <FranciscoD> udinnet: when you've uploaded the receipts, you set the "ready-for-reimbursement" keyword and assign it to jsimon 04:25:50 <udinnet> ok :) 04:26:01 <FranciscoD> report #13 only checks for the "ready-for-reimbursement" keyword, just in case people forget to assign the tickets to jsimon. 04:26:20 <FranciscoD> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/112#comment:2 -> detailed explanation 04:26:29 <FranciscoD> tuanta: I think you can move to more pressing matters now :) 04:26:45 <FranciscoD> I hope everyone is aware that tuanta is running for FAmSCo again this time? 04:26:49 <tuanta> yes, we have some other tickets 04:27:15 <FranciscoD> tuanta: ok, please proceed. 04:27:46 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/115 04:28:32 <udinnet> ping banas 04:28:42 <banas> ! 04:28:57 <tuanta> fasinfo banas 04:29:02 <tuanta> .fasinfo banas 04:29:03 <zodbot> tuanta: User "banas" doesn't exist 04:29:07 <banas> .fas sarupbanskota 04:29:07 <zodbot> banas: sarupbanskota 'Sarup Banskota' <sbanskota08@gmail.com> - testoid 'testoid' <sarupbanskota@live.in> 04:29:18 <tuanta> .fasinfo sarupbanskota 04:29:19 <zodbot> tuanta: User: sarupbanskota, Name: Sarup Banskota, email: sbanskota08@gmail.com, Creation: 2013-03-28, IRC Nick: banas, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 04:29:22 <zodbot> tuanta: Approved Groups: cla_done cla_fpca 04:29:54 <FranciscoD> banas: I wasn't aware of glitter gallery. I'm assuming the plans are that the fedora etc design teams will use this? 04:30:06 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 04:30:06 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 04:30:13 <banas> FranciscoD: yes, that's right :) 04:30:26 <FranciscoD> banas: looks cool! Is there an openshit instance already running for it? 04:30:57 <gnokii> FranciscoD: GG comes from Design Team ;) 04:31:06 <banas> Not right now :/ We had one running a few days back, but then there seems to be some issues getting it to run right now. Emily said she'll help me wit that in a week :) 04:31:17 <FranciscoD> banas: ah, great. :) 04:31:19 <FranciscoD> gnokii: I figured :P 04:31:20 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Reimbursement#Travel_Subsidies 04:31:59 <FranciscoD> tuanta: Is the "only ambassadors can request funds" point what you're looking at? 04:32:01 <tuanta> I am afraid that we (as regional ambassadors) can not approve this request 04:32:12 <tuanta> yes, that's what I see 04:32:48 <FranciscoD> tuanta: I think that's not to be taken literally. If it's a community member who's worked for something Fedora related, we should be able to support them? 04:33:05 <tuanta> it says: " Only active Fedora Ambassadors with in the region can request travel subsidies under this program." 04:33:07 <udinnet> FranciscoD: +1 04:33:08 <gnokii> ! 04:33:11 <tuanta> we need to change it first 04:33:19 <tuanta> please, gnokii 04:33:35 <FranciscoD> In this case, gnokii and banas are both design team people and it would be great if they could meet in person. 04:33:56 <banas> Yep, I haven't really had a chance to demonstrate GlitterGallery to a Fedora audience, so this would be a great opportunity :) 04:34:25 <gnokii> well, if u talk to cwcikert he always says we are not owner of the money, its just that we historically are manage it 04:34:47 <gnokii> eof 04:35:07 <FranciscoD> gnokii: ++ 04:35:11 <tuanta> the problem is: APAC budget (as you see at: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget) is just for ambassadors. In ideal context, we do not have enough money to fund others. 04:35:22 <tuanta> good news: we have some left money 04:35:40 <FranciscoD> tuanta: i think we can fund banas here. 04:35:41 <tuanta> from some canceled/not-run events 04:35:48 <tuanta> that's the point 04:35:52 <tuanta> so +1 from me 04:36:11 <FranciscoD> And for the future, we can talk to famsco and get that rule modified to say "fedora community members" rather than "fedora ambassadors" 04:36:24 <FranciscoD> As far as I know, the ambassadors are the only team that have a budget at all. 04:36:38 <MarioB> tuanta: +1 04:36:42 <FranciscoD> If we don't share it with other teams, they'll have a rather difficult time attending events 04:36:47 <tuanta> ok, I will bring this to discuss in the next FAmSCo meeting 04:36:50 <udinnet> FranciscoD: very true 04:37:30 <gnokii> ! 04:37:34 <tuanta> #action tuanta to discuss about "Funding other Fedora contributors (not ambassadors)" from regional budget in FAmSCo 04:37:50 <tuanta> please gnokii 04:38:19 <gnokii> ok its ok, if you take it to the next level, I just wanted to make a statement about banas work 04:39:11 <gnokii> I spoke with mizmo as Emichan both say he did and still does great work, he is one of few students who continuing the GSoC after GSoC 04:39:25 <gnokii> I mean the work on the project 04:39:27 <gnokii> eof 04:39:28 <tuanta> cool 04:39:36 <tuanta> time to vote 04:39:41 <FranciscoD> +1 from me 04:39:42 <tuanta> I gave +1 already 04:39:50 <MarioB> +1 04:40:04 <MavJS> +1 04:40:06 <udinnet> +1 here 04:41:04 <tuanta> #agreed Approve banas's funding request to FOSSASIA (Trac ticket #115) 04:41:22 <tuanta> #action tuanta to modify the ticket #115 04:41:44 <tuanta> ok, then the next ticket is: 04:41:57 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/107 04:42:05 <tuanta> Accommodation for Fedora Ambassadors during FOSSASIA 04:42:25 <FranciscoD> that ticket is for more people now 04:42:26 <tuanta> I think it needs to be changed, MarioB 04:42:31 <FranciscoD> banas and udinnet too 04:42:50 <MarioB> yes, correct 04:43:13 <tuanta> I guess you will need to book one more twin room 04:43:43 <tuanta> however, any other questions before we go for vote it? 04:43:55 * FranciscoD thinks 04:44:18 <MarioB> Hong Phuc is taking care of hotel bookings 04:44:18 <tuanta> MarioB: I just suggest you should make this change before voting 04:44:19 <FranciscoD> I don't see any problems. We've approved their travels and well, they do need a place to sleep :P 04:44:32 <udinnet> XD 04:44:38 <MarioB> tuanta: ok, i add a comment 04:44:54 <tuanta> time for vote now 04:45:12 <tuanta> +1 from me 04:46:39 * udinnet thinks he cannot vote for this because, he is one of the victim for the vote. 04:46:40 <FranciscoD> +1 from me 04:46:48 <MarioB> +1 04:46:55 <FranciscoD> udinnet: lol, you can vote for a place to stay 04:47:05 <udinnet> XD 04:47:07 <udinnet> +1 04:47:08 <MavJS> lol 04:47:09 <MavJS> +1 04:47:58 <tuanta> #agreed Approve funding request to for accommodation in FOSSASIA (Trac ticket #107) 04:48:16 <tuanta> #action tuanta to modify the ticket #107 04:49:15 <tuanta> wee have not got any tickets left, right? 04:49:23 <tuanta> next topic? 04:49:57 <FranciscoD> FUDCon China? 04:50:01 <tuanta> #topic FUDCon APAC 2014 04:50:11 <tuanta> now, we have only one bid 04:50:15 * zsun Waiting for your questions 04:50:18 <tuanta> from China team 04:50:18 <dramsey> +1 04:50:20 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Beijing_2014 04:50:23 <FranciscoD> It's a pretty good bid IMHO 04:50:31 <FranciscoD> They've done all the background work really well. 04:50:32 <tuanta> no competitor :) 04:50:48 <zsun> FranciscoD: thanks :) 04:51:02 <udinnet> Yeah seems quite arranged WikiPage too :) 04:51:03 <tuanta> so, it's easy to win. just need to be well-organized itself. 04:51:09 <tuanta> any questions? 04:51:22 <zsun> ! 04:51:23 <FranciscoD> Has there been any contact with Robyn? 04:51:25 <FranciscoD> At all? 04:51:35 <FranciscoD> zsun: please 04:52:02 <zsun> for the event owner issue, we still need a talk within our event organisers since they are all so busy this week 04:52:06 <zsun> eof 04:52:20 <tuanta> let me do some first explanation. the process is: 04:52:32 <tuanta> 1. all teams propose their bids 04:52:56 <tuanta> 2. APAC chose one (or two) 04:53:11 <tuanta> 3. then discuss in FAmSCo (a little) 04:53:27 <tuanta> we should select the final one 04:53:39 <tuanta> and 4. propose to FPL 04:53:51 <tuanta> now, we are in the 2nd step 04:54:11 <tuanta> any questions about this bid? 04:54:38 <tuanta> if no question, I will give some 04:55:12 * FranciscoD has none 04:55:18 <zsun> pleased to hear questions 04:55:22 <tuanta> I have a big concerns about the travel cost 04:55:26 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Beijing_2014#Transportation_to_Event 04:56:09 <tuanta> this FUDCon is for APAC, with some special attendees from other region 04:56:26 <tuanta> but firstly, it's for APAC Fedora contributors 04:57:13 <tuanta> you do not have much information about travel costs from Asia countries 04:57:31 <zsun> so we've spend lots of energy on not important locations 04:57:58 <zsun> We'll update this point asap 04:58:18 <gnokii> mmh strange flight prices 04:58:31 <tuanta> also, could you please break down budget for travel and hotel separately 04:58:47 <zsun> okay 04:59:13 <zsun> #action zsun to break down budget for travel and hotel separately of FUDCon Beijing Bidding 04:59:17 <tuanta> I am afraid that with $7,500 (maybe $5,000 for travel), we can not fund many people to the FUDCon 04:59:50 <zsun> so you mean that this is so high? 05:00:26 <FranciscoD> No, not enough I'd think.. 05:00:34 <tuanta> yes, not enough 05:00:54 <tuanta> because of high travel costs 05:01:00 <FranciscoD> For FOSSASIA, for example, everyones tickets are about 6-700 each 05:01:02 <zsun> okay. Since I am not familiar with the international travel budget, I'll talk with alick and cicku for this 05:01:07 <tuanta> just my guess 05:01:21 <niteshnarayanlal> FranciscoD, +1 05:01:34 <tuanta> so, please add more details about travel costs 05:02:10 <tuanta> and estimate how many contributors (from APAC only) you can fund with that such small budget 05:02:14 <zsun> # action zsun talk with the team on the travel budget for FUDCon Beijing Bidding 05:02:25 <tuanta> #action zsun talk with the team on the travel budget for FUDCon Beijing Bidding 05:02:43 <zsun> tuanta: okay. 05:03:02 <tuanta> IIRC, last time in FUDCon KL, we funded over 20 people 05:03:13 <tuanta> is that right, MavJS? 05:03:29 <MavJS> tuanta: i think yeah, roughly 05:03:56 <tuanta> have you got more exact number somewhere, MavJS? 05:04:04 <tuanta> it could help China team much 05:04:22 <tuanta> that's my concern 05:04:27 <tuanta> any others? 05:04:29 <MavJS> tuanta: from what i see it's about 16+/- 05:04:46 <zsun> In my opinion, if we can co-locate with GNOME.asia, we'll probably save some 05:04:50 <MavJS> one or 2 didn't make it 05:04:52 <MavJS> ! 05:05:23 <tuanta> please, MavJS 05:05:57 <tuanta> that's a good point, zsun. You should arrange that wya 05:06:03 <tuanta> s/wya/way 05:06:11 <MavJS> well, since the bid is for Beijing, it'd be worth mentioning the precautions the participants should take since there has been news of smog in Beijing? 05:06:36 <zsun> ooops 05:07:30 <MavJS> eof 05:07:42 <tuanta> +1 MavJS. I have the same concern 05:07:43 <zsun> I'll talk with the guys in Beijing on this point since I am in Shandong instead of Beijing. 05:08:17 <MavJS> i live in beijing for like 6 years before, it wasn't this bad though. so yeah, a bit of a concern here. 05:08:21 <MavJS> :) 05:08:24 <tuanta> #acton zsun to talk with the guys in Beijing on smog in Beijing 05:08:55 <tuanta> any more concerns? 05:09:24 <tuanta> hi harish. we are discussing about FUDCon APAC bid from China team 05:09:32 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Beijing_2014 05:09:39 <tuanta> have you read it? 05:10:15 <zsun> In my opinion, it is not so bad last year. And it is even better in summer than in winter 05:11:10 <tuanta> time's up today. I think everyone should read all this wiki page and discuss on the mailing list 05:11:17 <MavJS> yup 05:11:41 <tuanta> we should have a special meeting (next week?) to discuss about FUDCon 05:11:46 <udinnet> meeting ran for ~ 1hr and 10 mins :) 05:11:54 <udinnet> tuanta: +1 05:12:10 <udinnet> it seems good because we have lot to plan 05:12:11 <tuanta> I will send out a WhenIsGood to arrange the time 05:12:16 * MavJS fine with a special meeting, he's done with uni, so he should make it more to the meetings ;) 05:12:29 <tuanta> is that ok? 05:12:38 <MavJS> indeed. 05:13:07 <tuanta> #action tuanta to send out a WhenIsGood to the mailing list arrange a special meeting for FUDCon APAC 2014 discussion 05:13:15 <dramsey> +1 05:13:17 <zsun> +1 05:13:23 <udinnet> sounds good 05:13:25 <tuanta> I hope event organizers could attend that meeting 05:13:47 <tuanta> #action everyone to ready the bidding wiki before that meeting 05:13:50 <zsun> I'll forward this to our maillist 05:13:54 <tuanta> #undo 05:13:54 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x30f92550> 05:13:58 <tuanta> #action everyone to read the bidding wiki before that meeting 05:14:12 <tuanta> #topic Open floor 05:14:21 <banas> ! 05:14:33 <tuanta> go, banas 05:15:07 <banas> I was telling gnokii, I had updated the reimbursement amount because the orginial tickets I planned to book were gone. I just wanted to discuss how much I could be reimbursed. 05:15:14 <banas> Also thanks a lot to everyone! 05:15:33 <banas> I wasn't around that time to thank you guys, was giving a talk (about glittergallery :P ) 05:16:18 <tuanta> you are welcome, banas :) 05:16:31 <tuanta> ok, any more comments today? 05:16:41 <tuanta> I will close the meeting in 2 minutes 05:16:47 <gnokii_> tuanta: his question is the in the ticket mentioned sum or the update he did 2 days ago 05:17:27 <banas> tuanta: yep. And the tickets prices have rised by ~ 100$ again, but i think i can cover that if there is a problem with the budget :) 05:18:14 <tuanta> the last amount was approved in this meeting 05:18:29 <banas> It'll take me about 763$ according to Google converter, and I had requested for 680. so I'll get 680? :) 05:19:39 <tuanta> on Oanda, it is about $684 05:19:43 <tuanta> http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/ 05:20:01 <tuanta> you may get reimbursement by your currency 05:20:16 <tuanta> INR 05:20:28 <banas> i see. so ill be reimbursed about 42K INR, right? :) 05:20:37 <banas> approximately. 05:21:01 <tuanta> please go to book your flight asap to save money 05:21:36 <banas> So when I finally book the ticket now, it'll cost me 763$. I'll do that right away :) thanks tuanta 05:22:39 <tuanta> you are welcome 05:22:48 <tuanta> lets end today meeting now 05:22:51 <dramsey> +1 05:22:55 <tuanta> #endmeeting