ACTION: FranciscoD
update tickets 105, 106, 98 and 107 as approved noting that 107 is
for accomodation and the other tickets are therefore only for flight
ACTION: FranciscoD
file ticket with infra requesting them to increase the upload limit
on apac trac.(FranciscoD,
ACTION: tuanta
request apac trac admin to modify the trac front page to request
people to upload receipts to their fedora people space if trac
errors out.(FranciscoD,
FranciscoD to update ticket #104 with approval information
FranciscoD update tickets 105, 106, 98 and 107 as approved noting that 107 is for accomodation and the other tickets are therefore only for flight tickets.
FranciscoD file ticket with infra requesting them to increase the upload limit on apac trac.
tuanta request apac trac admin to modify the trac front page to request people to upload receipts to their fedora people space if trac errors out.
tuanta update ticket #97 with tentative approval.
alick send out meting logs to lists
Action items, by person
alick send out meting logs to lists
FranciscoD to update ticket #104 with approval information
FranciscoD update tickets 105, 106, 98 and 107 as approved noting that 107 is for accomodation and the other tickets are therefore only for flight tickets.
FranciscoD file ticket with infra requesting them to increase the upload limit on apac trac.
tuanta request apac trac admin to modify the trac front page to request people to upload receipts to their fedora people space if trac errors out.