ACTION: blurr ikhyar
Relay to the Indonesia community that events will not be reimbursed
if their tickets are not approved before hand in an APAC meeting.,
AGREED: Approve
ticket #90 - make an exception this time.(FranciscoD,
ACTION: FranciscoD
update ticket 90 with approval details(FranciscoD,
Sponsorship for FOSSASIA 2014 -,
blurr ikhyar Relay to the Indonesia community that events will not be reimbursed if their tickets are not approved before hand in an APAC meeting.
FranciscoD update ticket 90 with approval details
FranciscoD request event organizer for FOSSASIA to attend the meeting so we can make a decision on it.
FranciscoD request Mario to attend next meeting so we can discuss his event
FranciscoD update ticket with approval details.
FranciscoD update ticket 100 with approval
FranciscoD update ticket 101 with approval details
tuanta to send to Ambassadors list to remind people about event reports and pictures
Action items, by person
blurr ikhyar Relay to the Indonesia community that events will not be reimbursed if their tickets are not approved before hand in an APAC meeting.
FranciscoD update ticket with approval details
FranciscoD update ticket 90 with approval details
FranciscoD request event organizer for FOSSASIA to attend the meeting so we can make a decision on it.
FranciscoD request Mario to attend next meeting so we can discuss his event
FranciscoD update ticket with approval details.
FranciscoD update ticket 100 with approval
FranciscoD update ticket 101 with approval details
blurr ikhyar Relay to the Indonesia community that events will not be reimbursed if their tickets are not approved before hand in an APAC meeting.
tuanta to send to Ambassadors list to remind people about event reports and pictures