06:04:35 <tagoh_> #startmeeting i18n 06:04:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 10 06:04:35 2013 UTC. The chair is tagoh_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:04:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:04:35 <tagoh_> #meetingname i18n 06:04:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:04:36 <tagoh_> #topic agenda and roll call 06:04:37 <tagoh_> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2013-10-10 06:04:43 <juhp> hi 06:04:45 <paragan> hi 06:04:51 <anish_> Hi 06:04:52 <tagoh_> hi guys 06:05:11 <fujiwarat> hi 06:05:19 <epico> hi 06:06:26 <skore> hi 06:07:04 <dueno> hi 06:07:23 <tagoh_> okay, let's get started 06:07:35 <tagoh_> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:07:35 <tagoh_> #info 2013-10-15 Beta Change Deadline 06:07:36 <tagoh_> #info 2013-10-15 Accepted Changes 100% Complete 06:07:36 <tagoh_> #info 2013-10-29 Beta Release 06:07:54 <tagoh_> beta change deadline is coming next Tuesday 06:09:10 <pravins> hi 06:09:14 <tagoh_> #topic Outstanding topics 06:09:15 <tagoh_> #info #24: Fedora 20 i18n docbeats (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) 06:09:15 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/24 06:09:21 <tagoh_> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_I18n_Beat 06:09:46 <tagoh_> thanks for updates 06:11:37 <pravins> welcome :) 06:11:53 <juhp> nice to see all the notes 06:12:06 <mfabian> Hi! 06:12:27 <tagoh_> speaking of noto, adding package names might be covered by technical notes so it could be more compact I guess 06:13:01 <pravins> tagoh_: aha, yeah even i was thinking it is too much 06:13:06 <tagoh_> anyawy, wiki is frozen now so need to file a bug if we want to change something 06:13:12 <pravins> might be i can add just script name rather than whole package name 06:13:35 <tagoh_> pravins: that sounds better to me 06:13:43 <pravins> tagoh_: sure, i will update it 06:14:35 <tagoh_> pravins: I think you've tried to update after the freeze in the past release, so assuming you know what you need to do after that :) please open a bug for that then. 06:15:45 <pravins> tagoh_: yes, will do :) 06:15:57 <tagoh_> thanks 06:16:04 <mfabian> Just fixed a typo, that is OK without a bug, I assume. 06:16:54 <pravins> mfabian: without bug it will not go into main notes ;), so i will add that in my patch 06:16:59 <tagoh_> mfabian: shrugs. could be done with pravins' I hope. 06:17:16 <pravins> mfabian: please point me to type 06:17:35 <mfabian> This line: 06:17:38 <mfabian> * '''ibus-typing-booster''', '''latn-post''', '''latn-pre''' input methods are not blacklisted anymore. 06:17:57 <mfabian> Had only '' after latn-post instead ''', making the boldface not work. 06:18:23 <pravins> mfabian: got it, thanks will do 06:19:33 <tagoh_> anyway, thanks all who got involved with writing/updating docbeats! 06:19:39 <tagoh_> we can close this now 06:19:43 <tagoh_> move on then 06:19:59 <tagoh_> #info #25: Bugs Corner (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) 06:19:59 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/25 06:20:18 <tagoh_> so any bugs we may want to discuss here today? 06:21:31 <juhp> relnotes are frozen for final already? 06:22:58 <tagoh_> no freeze for GA is mentioned at schedule 06:23:39 <tagoh_> so usually need to file a bug to update. 06:24:30 <tagoh_> we may still have an opportunity to update until Nov 19th, due date of string freeze all guides 06:25:12 <tagoh_> but it won't be done automatically by just updating wiki. 06:25:15 <tagoh_> anyway 06:26:02 <tagoh_> ah, false alarm. until Nov 4th for relnotes 06:27:09 <tagoh_> anyway, no bugs to discuss? 06:28:13 <tagoh_> #info #26: proposal: move to using IMEs for ASCII/Latin input (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) 06:28:14 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/26 06:29:06 <juhp> fujiwarat told me there is some ibus upstream request for this too 06:29:27 <tagoh_> aha 06:29:31 <juhp> or related request at least - didn't have time to look at it yet 06:30:51 <tagoh_> any chance to talk about this with gnome upstream say? 06:31:16 <mfabian> But why remove the entry for the xkb keboard in the panel? It doesn’t hurt. 06:32:11 <fujiwarat> http://code.google.com/p/ibus/issues/detail?id=1662 06:32:38 <epico> mfabian, some ime already supports Latin mode. 06:32:47 <epico> internal switch is quicker. 06:33:01 <mfabian> One can just stop using Super+Space to switch to that keyboard and use the switch in the IME to switch to Latin. But if the xkb keyboard is still offered in the panel, the other method to switch to that keyboard is available as well to users who do not know the keybinding for the internal switch. 06:33:11 <mfabian> epico: of course the internal switch is quicker. 06:33:46 <mfabian> epico: But why remove the other option? I am afraid that will just create confusion among users who do not yet know the keybinding for the internal switch. 06:34:30 <epico> mfabian, how about to add one entry to g-c-c keybinding settings? 06:34:52 <epico> and some Chinese users will need to add wubi manually... 06:35:07 <mfabian> Currently, this keybinding is set in the setup tool of the respective input method. 06:35:07 <tagoh_> mfabian: that sounds like implementation matter. if this feature needs to be done as IME specific, I don't think xkb stuff needs to be removed. otherwise that sounds like duplicate in some cases. but I don't think all xkb stuff has to be removed anyway though 06:35:58 * epico dunno whether good to add wubi to the default ime list for Chinese? 06:36:21 <juhp> tagoh_, not yet 06:36:44 <tagoh_> mfabian: speaking of the case of ja, we have ja, and kkc as the input source though, ja may be duplicate if it is coming. 06:37:06 <epico> same for libpinyin. 06:37:11 <mfabian> Yes, but I thought having that "ja" there does not do any harm at all. 06:37:16 <juhp> I think "ja" is mostly confusing 06:37:29 <juhp> mfabian, does it do any good? :) 06:37:31 <mfabian> If one never hits Super+Space, it is never used, it doesn’t matter. 06:37:44 <juhp> you might hit it by accident 06:38:10 <mfabian> Yes, I think 1) it helps users who do know yet know the keybinding for the internal switching 2) it makes it clear what keyboard layout is used in kkc. 06:38:25 <mfabian> I can use kkc with any layout, German layout if I want. 06:38:47 <mfabian> What layout should I expect in kkc if there is only kkc shown in the panel, nothing else? 06:38:57 <tagoh_> mfabian: it does. if mispressed super+space without any notice, they would still expect to turn on hiragana with a hotkey but it wouldn't work then. I think it should be gone to avoid any trouble 06:39:06 <juhp> I think we need to improve the ibus treatment of kbd layouts though that is a separate somewhat orthogonal issue 06:40:02 <juhp> though some IME are now able to override/set their required layout I think 06:40:10 <mfabian> If I have "de", "ja", "あ" in the panel, I can switch to "de" -> "あ" and then use kkc with German layout, if I do "ja" -> "あ" I can use it with the Japanese keyboard layout. 06:40:29 <juhp> mfabian, indeed 06:40:37 <mfabian> If only "あ" is there, how should I know which layout is going to be used? 06:40:42 <juhp> which might make sense if you have two keyboards... 06:40:46 <mfabian> It will probably be "ja", but that is not obvious. 06:41:19 <tagoh_> mfabian: thought we are talking about the default behavior... you can still add any input source as needed no? 06:41:25 <juhp> mfabian, it should not depend on the layout one is coming from - so that is a bug/misfeature really imho 06:41:55 <mfabian> I thought "ja" + "あ" as a default is nice. But maybe I am the only one here who thinks that is nice? 06:42:21 <mfabian> Currently it depends on the layout it is coming from. 06:42:27 <juhp> mfabian, I don't think you are alone :) 06:42:53 <mfabian> The user should certainly be able to choose the layout. 06:43:01 <juhp> the main issue I see is duplication of functionality 06:43:08 <juhp> absolutely 06:43:13 <tagoh_> right 06:43:24 <juhp> but I don't think the current way is ideal 06:43:37 <mfabian> I don’t like the current way that it depends on the order "de" -> "あ" or "ja" -> "あ" that much either, but at least it does the job. 06:43:52 <juhp> for many users there is no new to switch kbd layout ever 06:43:54 <mfabian> juhp: Yes, I also think this current way is not ideal. 06:44:26 <juhp> so exposing the layout as a separate source makes less sense IMHO 06:44:42 <juhp> but certainly it has use cases - I am not denying that :) 06:45:04 <mfabian> I would prefer 2 completely different entries in the panel, one for the keyboard layouts, one for the IMEs. For me keyboard layouts and IMEs are two completely different things which should not be mixed. 06:45:25 <juhp> in terms of generality it is probably currently easiest to keep the status quo though :-| 06:45:46 <juhp> mfabian, right I tend to agree as such 06:46:12 <juhp> I think we need to distinguish between sets of layouts are make sense to switch between and those that do not 06:46:24 <juhp> at least for single keybaord 06:46:54 <juhp> the other use case of layout switching is of course use of different physical keyboards 06:47:15 <juhp> eg one might have jp kbd at work and us at home or perhaps as likely vice versa 06:47:54 <juhp> though external separate kbds getting rarer I reckon 06:48:18 <juhp> with a laptop likely only ever to use that layout 06:48:22 <mfabian> external kbds on laptops are getting rarer? 06:48:44 <mfabian> I always plug in an external keyboard into my laptop if possible. 06:48:49 <juhp> me too 06:49:02 <juhp> not sure if we are in the majority? :) 06:50:07 <tagoh_> I don't :) 06:50:25 <juhp> I guess most people don't 06:50:41 <juhp> though I like my thinkpad kbd :) 06:50:54 <juhp> kbds :) 06:51:14 <mfabian> Yes, the thinkpad keyboards are not bad ³ 06:51:44 <tagoh_> well, maybe before starting to discuss the implementation, I suppose it may be good to share the problem/purpose and think about how we can improve on it then. 06:51:53 <juhp> yes 06:52:10 <juhp> maybe we need to classify the different use-cases 06:52:14 <tagoh_> it sounds like too detailed at this moment. 06:52:18 <juhp> yeah 06:52:22 <mfabian> So the problem is that the extra "ja" entry confuses some people when hitting Super+Space accidentally? 06:52:41 <juhp> mfabian, I think _A is clearer than ja 06:52:54 <tagoh_> before that, there are an issue that switching is too slow 06:53:02 <juhp> right that too 06:53:09 <juhp> is that still the case with f20? 06:53:46 <tagoh_> and always blinking switcher is a bit annoying to me... 06:54:34 <juhp> tagoh_, the overlay or ? 06:55:46 <tagoh_> juhp: yes.. may need some delay to display 06:56:16 <tagoh_> or only display if the input source has more than 3 06:56:19 <juhp> (btw suggestion in the ibus upstream issue was to preserve IME input mode state like we do now for IME source) 06:56:29 <juhp> tagoh_, I see 06:56:47 <juhp> maybe needs a report? 06:56:53 <epico> tagoh_, +1 06:57:16 <juhp> since I only use kkc essentially haven't really noticed 06:57:16 <tagoh_> juhp: guess so 06:57:50 <tagoh_> because not pressing super+space to switch between ascii and kana right? 06:57:57 <juhp> right 06:58:28 <juhp> of course I use it sometimes on test instances 07:00:03 <tagoh_> so this feature sounds like just a workaround (for them at least) then. need to tackle it separately 07:03:03 <juhp> perhaps 07:03:23 <juhp> but more than just a workaround IMO 07:03:33 <juhp> also usability related 07:03:42 <tagoh_> sure 07:04:05 <juhp> but yes probably should treat the underlying issues first 07:04:18 <juhp> performance and layout handling 07:05:14 <mfabian> I would like to have an easier way to add my own custom layout. 07:05:51 <mfabian> Easier than editing /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml each time the Xorg packges get updated. 07:06:20 <mfabian> /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/mike stays in place, but /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml gets overwritten from time to time. 07:06:39 <tagoh_> guess may be good to have a wiki or so to explain pros and cons on this feature and on when implementing as IME specific or the input source perhaps? 07:08:29 <tagoh_> that may be easier to see what's better and/or what the solution we have for them if it can be improved 07:09:11 <tagoh_> any idea? 07:09:14 <mfabian> ibus-typing-booster probably also should have an "off" mode, to switch it off without having to switch with Super+Space to a plain keyboard layout. 07:13:05 <tagoh_> okay... time to move on. dunno what's the next step for this so far but if you have any suggestions or idea, please add a comment on the ticket. 07:13:20 <tagoh_> #topic Outstanding task 07:13:20 <tagoh_> #info #23: Fedora 20 i18n test day (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) 07:13:20 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/23 07:14:13 <tagoh_> so what's the review going on? 07:15:36 <tagoh_> anish_, dueno, fujiwarat, mfabian, paragan, pravins, epico: ^ 07:16:31 * epico read it. 07:16:44 <epico> no changes for F20, iirc. 07:17:52 <mfabian> The ibus-typing-booster test case pages still looks OK, although I probably should add some more detailed information. 07:18:01 <tagoh_> epico: sure. can you double-check it on f20 in fact? i.e. the steps mentioned there is actually applicable for testing 07:18:10 <epico> tagoh_: okay 07:18:46 <tagoh_> mfabian: okay 07:19:14 <tagoh_> mfabian: add a comment to the ticket once you've done please. 07:21:31 <tagoh_> please finish those reviews before next meeting... 07:21:57 <tagoh_> if you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to update. 07:22:46 <tagoh_> okay, move on then 07:22:53 <tagoh_> #topic Open Floor 07:23:13 <tagoh_> anything else before stop this meeting? 07:25:55 <tagoh_> okay, then let's finish here. 07:25:59 <tagoh_> thanks everyone for the meeting! 07:26:02 <tagoh_> #endmeeting