18:59:49 <suehle> #startmeeting
18:59:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 30 18:59:49 2013 UTC.  The chair is suehle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:59:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:59:58 <suehle> #meetingname Fedora marketing team
18:59:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing_team'
19:00:02 <suehle> #topic roll call
19:00:08 <Croberts> .fas chrisroberts
19:00:09 <zodbot> Croberts: chrisroberts 'Chris Roberts' <croberts@cintrixhosting.com>
19:00:16 * Mitzie is here
19:00:43 * jnalley is here
19:01:16 * suehle waves to all
19:01:23 * Croberts waves back
19:01:47 <suehle> we'll give people another minute to wander in
19:03:16 <suehle> #topic Topic flyers
19:03:38 <Mitzie> So I guess it is just us suehle
19:03:42 <suehle> #info jzb is finishing up content for a virt/cloud flyer, which I'll lay out before LinuxCon Europe
19:03:57 <suehle> Mitzie, croberts, jnalley also chimed in
19:04:21 <suehle> Do any of you happen to be working on other flyer content?
19:04:56 <Croberts> not at the moment, is there any flyers I could help with?
19:05:37 <suehle> We had a list going, but unless there's a specific topic you're burning to work on, I think we'll start churning them out in Nov/Dec to be ready for winter conferences in January
19:06:06 * handsome_pirate seems to be lurking
19:06:20 <suehle> #topic Fedora Magazine
19:06:36 <suehle> Small group today, but I know there's been some chatter, so I thought I'd open discussion for it if there's anything we need to talk about
19:07:09 <Croberts> I will wait till Nov/Dec then, I know I still need to make posts on the magazine about the different desktops we have.
19:07:29 <Mitzie> Suehle is there any way adding the fedora magazine on status.fp.org?
19:08:09 <suehle> Mitzie, not sure... I'm not sure what that pulls from. You might try asking Toshio? Or ping in #fedora-admin.
19:08:41 <Mitzie> sure, Thanks suehle!
19:08:44 <Croberts> Tatica finished the icon for the wiki, so we can add the magazine to the bottom of the wiki man page now. I know we have had a few people looking to start contributing to the magazine
19:08:55 <Croberts> wiki page*
19:09:04 <tatica> o/
19:10:10 <suehle> awesome, thanks tatica!
19:10:10 <Croberts> One thing that was brought up in the mailing list, was the best way to handle the style
19:10:20 <tatica> np
19:10:35 <Croberts> have we agreed on the AP style or is this still in discussion?
19:10:58 <suehle> I agree that modified AP style is the way to go. My hard drive melted down last week, but when I get stuff moved over, I'll put up a proposal style guide and see what people think.
19:10:59 <Mitzie> I think that everyone was on board with that
19:11:00 <suehle> Sound good?
19:11:14 <tatica> I have been away this week since husband is going on a work trip and need my help; but I will be available again after wednesday
19:12:11 <Mitzie> I will also have to contact Ryan (a new memberon the magazine) because he posted some minutes on the magazine and he definitely didn't read the guidelines first :(
19:12:11 <suehle> #topic open floor
19:12:27 <Croberts> sounds good to me :)
19:12:31 <tatica> !
19:12:44 <suehle> That happens. If it becomes a persistent problem, we just moderate people before they have full posting rights.
19:12:51 <suehle> tatica, we're not that formal here. You can just talk. :)
19:12:54 <tatica> I know I'm getting late; but I would like to know if there was any decision made about changing the magazine layout
19:12:56 <tatica> oh :D
19:13:07 <tatica> I'm in auto-mode :$
19:13:24 <Croberts> I will get the main wiki page updated today.
19:13:26 <suehle> I didn't know we were changing the layout. What's the scoop?
19:14:20 <tatica> oh, no idea. I read on the last meeting logs that there were some suggestions; so I would like to know what was talk specifically so I wan work on it
19:14:20 <Croberts> I didnt know of any either
19:15:06 <suehle> You might have to ask whomever that was!
19:15:16 <tatica> hahaha sure
19:15:29 <Croberts> oh that :) We were just seeing if the theme could be looked at to see if it can load faster. nirik said he had to have the flock wordpress theme tweaked so it would load faster
19:15:38 <tatica> I do want to re-work the css a bit; some things look not adjusted right to my sight; but that's minor
19:15:49 <tatica> yeah
19:16:05 <Croberts> i like the look of the magazine site :)
19:16:17 <tatica> so do I :D
19:16:17 <Croberts> it has come a long way since a few months ago
19:17:22 <tatica> just want to make sure that nothing needs to be tweak out; since i will be either way working with the css
19:17:42 <tatica> probably merging stuff and cleaning code + some nice plugins; can make the site load faster
19:18:22 <Croberts> I know we have a f20 countdown that is really nice
19:18:34 <Croberts> +1 to who added that
19:19:01 <Mitzie> thanks Chris! (but I removed it know since it was released)
19:19:15 <Croberts> about the site actually, suehle are we able to see the stats, how many hits/visits we have had?
19:19:37 <Croberts> I was in the infranstructure meeting, and someone wanted to see how it was doing
19:19:43 <suehle> Unless somebody enabled some stats in there, I don't think so... mizmo might know whether some of that is built into openshift?
19:19:46 <Mitzie> i know for sure that if we hosted the magazine on wordpress.com we would be able to do so
19:20:17 <suehle> We can do it here too, I'm just not sure if we have yet.
19:20:32 <suehle> #action suehle to look into stats for FM
19:21:06 <Croberts> jzb just got here
19:21:12 <tatica> let me check it
19:21:25 <tatica> jetpack should have it
19:21:30 <tatica> but I'm not sure if is installed
19:21:37 * jzb slinks in late
19:21:48 * suehle waves at jzb :)
19:21:58 * Croberts waves hi to jzb
19:22:31 <suehle> last one here is supposed to bring the blue cupcakes ;)
19:23:16 <tatica> +1
19:23:48 <jzb> I'll keep that in mind
19:24:15 <suehle> jzb, anything you want to talk about today?
19:24:48 <jzb> I didn't have any ready topics, I'm finishing up my draft of the virtualization + cloud brochures flyers
19:24:50 <jzb> today
19:25:27 <jzb> we *might* want to look into a new flyer format for more admin/developer-oriented content
19:25:46 <tatica> hmm
19:25:51 <tatica> may i install jetpack?
19:25:55 <jzb> the existing one is awesome for stuff like desktop graphics, but it's perhaps a little out of place for something like LXC
19:25:56 <suehle> tatica, sure
19:26:01 <tatica> oka
19:26:02 <jzb> ?
19:26:25 <suehle> jzb, don't disagree... a little worried about time though. tatica sounds busy, but I can ping mo and ryan to see if either of them can.
19:26:55 <jzb> suehle: I'm talking "future" doesn't have to be this iteration
19:27:03 <tatica> I should be ok with time after wednesday and will be happy to give it a look
19:27:06 <suehle> in that case, OK :)
19:27:28 <suehle> tatica, I need to get it laid out pretty much as soon as he finishes the content (perhaps today) to get them printed for LinuxCon Europe. But next round!
19:28:09 <tatica> well; I could give it a look today after 6pm (if that helps)
19:28:11 <jzb> suehle: how long will printing take?
19:28:56 <suehle> jzb, I'm going to toss it over to Jiri, who has a vendor and cross my fingers that it's not too late. I know in the US, I can have it done in a few days, but I don't know how things run there.
19:29:11 * suehle shoots him an email
19:29:16 <jzb> OK
19:29:19 <jzb> that's all I gots
19:29:47 <suehle> anyone else got something?
19:30:08 <Mitzie> Also I will take care to post the icon on the wiki
19:30:11 <Mitzie> (of the magazine)
19:30:30 <Croberts> +1 Mitzie
19:30:40 <tatica> question hwew
19:30:41 <tatica> here
19:30:51 <tatica> jesus.... dyslexia mode on
19:31:17 <tatica> anyway; which wordpress account are we using with the site? I need it to connect the jetpack but I'm unsure to use mine
19:31:28 <tatica> wouldn't have problem; but I don't know if there is an official one
19:31:43 <suehle> There's not. I created the Akismet link with mine
19:32:17 <tatica> oka; then i will connect it with mine until we decide to change it
19:33:14 <jzb> oh, tatica did you see the comment about "posted on" vs. "posted" ?
19:33:23 <jzb> would you be the right person to fix that?
19:33:36 <tatica> not sure that I saw it; but I might be the one to change it
19:33:57 <tatica> which one do we want?
19:34:12 <jzb> tatica: on the front page, all the datelines say "posted on 6 days ago" or "posted on 1 week ago"
19:34:21 <jzb> should just be "posted 6 days ago" or "posted 1 week ago"
19:34:31 <tatica> done
19:34:33 <tatica> working on that
19:34:44 <jzb> tatica: you get a blue cupcake next time I see you
19:34:50 <jzb> or beer
19:34:53 <jzb> whichever is handier.
19:35:15 <Mitzie> would go for the beer tatica ;)
19:36:27 <tatica> DEAL!
19:36:32 <tatica> or both...
19:36:36 <Mitzie> :P
19:36:38 <tatica> nah, I'm a cupcake fan
19:36:58 <tatica> suehle, we should have stats in the next 30min
19:37:18 <tatica> and if jetpack is nice with us, will give us a stats backlog (but not sure)
19:37:57 <jzb> tatica: this is what you are referring to?
19:37:59 <jzb> http://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack/
19:38:04 <suehle> tatica, sweet, thanks!
19:38:12 * jzb keeps thinking of Mozilla Jetpack.
19:38:20 <tatica> lol
19:40:50 <jzb> have we run out of topics?
19:41:02 <jzb> who has the gavel? :-)
19:41:17 <suehle> #endmeeting