
#fedora-meeting: EMEA ambassadors 2013-07-31

Meeting started by sesivany at 19:29:38 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (sesivany, 19:29:46)
  2. Announcements (sesivany, 19:33:41)
    1. Affix: Fedora-UK is growing nicely and We have the other 2 admins here now (sesivany, 19:35:17)
    2. Flock, a new annual Fedora contributor conference, starts next week - flocktofedora.org (sesivany, 19:35:46)
    3. Deadline for submitting FLOCK slides is tomorrow. If you give a talk, please send your slides to flock-staff@fedoraproject.org (cwickert, 19:38:46)
    4. http://flocktofedora.org/about/ (MooDoo, 19:40:11)
    5. there are still some spare hotel rooms for FLOCK. ib54003 still has one spare bed and quaid has one complete room. Please contact rsuehle or one of them directly if you still need a room. (cwickert, 19:44:05)
    6. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock:Roommates (cwickert, 19:44:41)
    7. we are currently organizing transfer from and to Charleston airport. Please add your info to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock:Rideshare (cwickert, 19:46:00)

  3. Requests (sesivany, 19:47:42)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/271 - Miro's flight to Froscon (sesivany, 19:49:22)
    2. https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/272 - Froscon budget (sesivany, 19:51:19)
    3. AGREED: The budget for Froscon was approved as it is in the ticket #272 + extra money for Miro's ticket. (sesivany, 19:57:14)

  4. Ambassador's schedule (sesivany, 20:04:36)
    1. http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-20/f-20-ambassadors-tasks.html (sesivany, 20:06:26)

  5. Events (sesivany, 20:09:02)
  6. Openfloor (sesivany, 20:35:28)

Meeting ended at 20:48:51 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. sesivany (98)
  2. Affix (56)
  3. cwickert (41)
  4. jonar (26)
  5. zodbot (23)
  6. heffer (20)
  7. MooDoo (18)
  8. cmpahar (14)
  9. mhroncok (12)
  10. jamielinux (9)
  11. smittix (8)
  12. delhage (6)
  13. gnokii (4)
  14. NeatBasis (4)
  15. fabian_a (3)
  16. robyduck (3)
  17. giannisk (3)
  18. dglaros (2)
  19. Prometheas (2)
  20. mhroncok_mobile (1)
  21. mhroncok_mobile2 (1)
  22. mailga (1)

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